tv [untitled] March 5, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PST
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life issues in san francisco and our parks and their healthy maintenance and vitality is what is a true quality of life issue for san franciscans. we need a bigger part of the general fund budget. we need to make sure that even though we have scholarships and ways for poor children, that is not good enough. we need to roll back the fees and we need the kind of environment that children grew up in san francisco, that free access to public parks and that amazing system that we all came to know. there is no reason that we can't do that again, but it takes commitment and other funding options and may require reprioritizing our city's needs and parks are things that do help with public safety, mental illness and all kinds of other
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woes that end up in the city budget that we have to address. so i want to support that all our citizens have free access to our parks, and as many opportunities as we can possibly give them. i'm going to send these comments to the mayor and lobbying the board of supervisors to get a bigger piece of the city budget for our parks. thank you. >> thank you. >> >> don. >> good afternoon commissioners, don frank rec and park chapter services employees international union, and it's nice to hear good news for a change. i have been in the department since 1983. i have seen my share of pain. i'm second-generation and i remember my father, when prop 13 got passed, and what we went through back then. and now my generation has had to deal with the pain and it's nice to see that for a change,
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we have recreational positions coming. i have one of the curious things in our department is when we do actually hire, the rumor-mill starts and the rumor-mill is better than any twitter account you could possibly hear right now, but it's a good thing. because they are looking at people gaining positions, so that we can continue to do the rock climbing wall, and make caverns better and as along as we continue on this path, san francisco as always will be no. 1 when it comes to the recreation and park department. and i would like to share with you recently i was in mobile, alabama for the mardi gras celebration and one of the friends of my family happens to be the head of the mobile-area recreation and park and during the summer, i believe phil spoke in new york at a conference where she was there and she approached me and said that general manager of yours, he is working kind of hard and
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i said he is all right. [ laughter ] no, mind you, this is between a bowl of gumbo and vodka -- cran, but she went on to talk about how you are bringing it back. i said we're working hard and continuing to work hard and sieu will be there to continue the work that we have done, so that the citizens of san francisco will continue to reap the benefit of pretty much the best department that we have in the country. so thank you. >> thank you very much. >> linda? >> linda da viro from citizen' standpoint. every year i come here and we go through the same thing about the budget and i'm glad to hear again from katie it's only 3.3% and yet, it still strikes me when is she
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says we're covering these costs and restoring some things. we just passed our second major bond and what concerns me as other speakers said that we don't get the money in the general fund. we're anticipating huge growth, we're going to lose candlestick and all we're getting is a pittance, instead of them sharing a fee for abandoning us. i don't think the property owners who are the minoritis in this city need to be burdened with anticipated discussions with parcel taxes or park improvement districts or another bond. we all have is to share the wealth of the city and i think i want to support you in any way i can, which includes talking to my supervisor and the mayor to get more money in the general fund for parks. it's absolutely ridiculous that we are living with what is it? less than 2% of a multi-billion
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dollar budget. and i hope you too put that forward in your requests that we need more funding from the general fund. i am really concerned about '14-15 because i have a feeling it's going to be a heck of a lot more than 3.3%. thank you. >> thank you. >> katherine. >> good afternoon commissioners, kather howard sf ocean edge. and i have comments, unlike dennis, i don't think you will like them, but what the heck. we understand that funding is a continuing problem for the department and the department is now invashon island in two legal actions the appeal to the california coastal commission and the ceqa lawsuit in superior court over the beach chalet fields. if the department would
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consider the hybrid alternative for the fields it would save a great deal of money for the department. i don't know how much you paying the city attorney, but i think we can all agree this would be money better spent on trees, not on paper for legal briefs. that having been said, i do support increased general funding for the rec and park department and have i signed a letter to the mayor to that regard and i hope we can all work together for this. thank you. x thank you. >> anyone else wishing to make public comment? being none, public comment is closed of the commissioners. >> we need a mosto approve the budget to send it on to the mayor for katie and phil to negotiate a great deal. >> is moved. >> seconded. >> moved and second, all those in favor? >> aye. >> so moved >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we are now on item 12,
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which is general public comment continued. at this time members of the public may address the commission on items that are within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the recreation and park commission and that do not appear on the agenda. as a reminder if you spoke on item 4, this is a continuation. >> i'm back. i would like to bring to your attention the mclaren corridor project which you may or may not have heard. dawn mentioned at the last prosac meeting that members had a day during our philosopher's walk to enjoy corridor. i know commissioner low joined us one afternoon and experienced parts of the park as well.
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two things, we're in the competition for the one bay area grant, which is needed to fund what looks to be about $6.6 million to fix mansell, a 45 miles per hour zone through the park and it connects to the excelsior district to san bruno. we're very pleased and i also mentioned this to dawn that her staff has been terrific. we have been working with karen and tony moran and they have bent over backwards to get information from us, what we want and they have been listening with all ears of of course we're working with a couple of other departments. but it's refreshing to work with groups who want to know
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how to transform these areas into the wonderful areas of san francisco. we really appreciate being listened to. and we hope to invite you at a -- hopefully a grand opening, not too soon -- i mean not too far in the future -- not too soon, that is probably the truth. but anyway not too far in the future, so you can see transform mclaren park. thank you for your support. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else who wishes to make general public comment? being none, this item is closed, item 13, commissioners' matters. commissioners, do you have anything? >> commissioner low? >> perhaps i'm getting sentimental, because my junior high school track coach testified. [ laughter ] it shows my age, i
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still call it junior high school. and if calvin welch is watching this, i would like to see the march meeting for what he can doo for kezar. is there funds for the track replacement? what can we do as an informational hearing for kezar stadium? it's a great facility. even old guys like me still run and do time-trials on that track, so i would like to see an informational hearing on that matter. the second item would be sometime in april or mayor, perhaps having an informational hearing on what we could do for high-needs districts. what was pretty telling on the controller's report was the southeast portion needs some love. so i think we should have an informational hearing. i know karen has done quite a
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bit of work on d-6, but we should broaden that discussion for what we do on high-needs issue. >> thank you, commissioner. i would sec that on the kezar issue and i think that it's going to cost more to wait longer and we ought to think about driving that home pretty soon. with that -- yes. >> is there any public comment on this item? you can comment. >> hi dennis moskovin, district 5 representative and native san francisco and i was one of those people who helped not only build the commons across from kezar, but helped to take down the old walls and build the new stadium and insist that the department keep them open not for corporate events, but for the public.
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i live near there. i know this has been an issue and i heard it for a number of years and i'm glad what you said, commissioner low and i'm glad to hear from the coaches and folks from the kezar advisory committee, but i know i have heard it for 7, 8 years, and it's very important and it's a world-class field and you are able to run championships on that turf. i knew and people talked about it in the community, if they let it go, it will no longer be able to be used for that purpose and then it will cost us a fortune and now here it's seven, eight years past the point and i'm very appreciative hearing what the two of you just said. i want to say one more thing. i know we just kicked out -- the department just kicked out hank and spent a quarter million dollars so far or going to in taking down the recycling center. >> just as a reminder it has to be on items that they have
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discussed. >> oh, okay, thank you. >> so i would encourage you to do something about this and i know that district 5 people will support you in that effort. because we're the ones who live most closely to that site. thank you. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else who wants to comment under "commissioners' matters?" being none, that item is closed. and we are now on item 14, "new business agenda setting." commissioners, is there anything? any public comment? being none, public comment is closed. 15 was "communications." public comment? being none, that item is closed and we are on item 16, adjournment. >> so moved. >> second. >>
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>> and president newlin called to let us know that he would be absent. >> item number one is public comment. this is the time that the public can address us under the jurisdiction on items that are not on the agenda. is there a public comment? >> commissioners, mark, randy. i want to point out and remind everybody that on march, fourth, that the awards of san francisco, the nighttime entertainment awards will be held at the castro theater and the reason that i think that this is important, that if you start rewarding people for doing a good job with creative nighttime entertainment, i think that it is going to make the industry better and i hope that everybody goes. the tickets are fairly inexpensive and i think that they are $15. and it is going to be a great show and i hope that everybody will make it at 7:00, it starts. at the castro theater on the fourth. thanks. >> thank you. >> is there any other public
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comment? >> seeing, none, i will take our new bedazzled and public comment is closed. >> all right. item number two. review and approval of the minutes. is there public comment on the commission's minuteses of february fifth? >> seeing, none, public comment is closed. commissioners do i have a motion? >> i would like to move that we approve the minutes. >> i have a motion, do i have a second? >> second. >> we have a motion and ail second. okay, discussion? call the roll. >> commissioner lee? >> aye. >> commissioner tan? >> aye. >> commissioner hyde in >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner joseph. aye. >> item number three. report from the executive director. >> i am going to be brief because i have two roles to
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play, i wanted to let you know that the polk street legislation coming out of supervisor chui's office will be presented to you on whatever form on march fifth and i got confirmation from amy from the office that she will come to the march fifth meeting and present whatever the form of the legislation will be at that time to you for your comments. i wanted to bring you up to date on a couple of positions. one, and as you know we were awarded an additional enforcement physician in last year's budget and we are starting this year's budget, work now, and i still don't have the position filled, much to my dismay and especially to vaja's dismay. we have had struggled with the human resources and we have been working through the city
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administrator's office. >> i guess that i am over. and i'm trying really, really hard to fill it, if i can before the end of march is the best that i can without giving anything specific. any way, if you guys have questions, let me know, certainly if you have anyone interested in the position, now would be a really good time to send them my way. so, we can be sure to make sure that they get the announcement in time, once we do finally get an announcement on board, and available to post, it is likely it will not be posted very long, because if we want to keep this thing moving, we are going to keep it moving so get me names and interested parties and we will put them in a file so that when the announcement goes up, they will know. and in addition, there was the creation in the budget of the night life sector position in the office of economic and workforce development and that position was posted and we will
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be having, we being the panel that will be interviewing candidates and choosing that individual meeting on friday to look at the applications that did come in in the announcement period for that position. and there was quite a few to much to my surprise. so we will be going through those and making sure that people meet the minimum qualifications and on this friday, and so hopefully, that is a little further along than mine, unfortunately and there will be someone work ng that position down at that office at the end of the hall. you know in a month or two if all goes well. i wanted to update the commission on directive actions, and it has been a while since i had anything to report. but last week we issued a seven-day suspension to sloan at 1525 mission street and that suspension is to begin on the
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21st of february and go through the 25th of february. i'm not inclined to go into detail on that. we are expecting a potential appeal. and we still might it might araise and he is shaking his head. in any case, i wanted to let the commission know that if it does come before you, and some capacity, whether it is in an appeal for this or an additional suspension that we feel may be set by the police department in front of you, and i don't want to prejudice those conversations and so that is also why we didn't bring sloan in front of you this evening as well. i think that is the end of my report, and i am going to hand it over to vaj to update you on the last two weeks.
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>> commissioners. again, as director king said we cannot go into the detail on sloan currently because it is an open case being handled by sfpd and we are doing a little bit of investigation work our ownselfs. what we can say is that there was a major incident involving sloan that resulted in a loss of life. and that we are moving, or that is being investigated and that it is still an open case. currently, we have a few incidents over the last few weeks and we had an incidents on yoshi's on fillmore and everyone makes the same face when i say that. what basically happened is they brought in a third party promoter and resulted in a large scale, i don't want to use the rword. but fight. inside and outside of the venue, a blockage of the street and additional units had to be
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called in to clear the area. northern station and the staff met with yoshi last week and there is new conditions put on the permit and they fully understand the mistakes that they had made at that point and moving forward with us in the much better, i think, communication and better operational policies on their end. as you probably have been hearing in the news, there is also an incident this week on broad way which is a large-scale fight that really centered around the large parking lot that is on broad way that is used by the people in the area also spilled into the street and officer methias is here from central and he will give you guys a little bit more detail on that. but that is also very recent in this last weekend and we are still doing the investigation on our end and central station as well. we are out there gathering the facts and moving forward to really see what happened
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exactly. moving forward, there is not been a whole lot going on. and outside of those three major events, i guess. but you could see the sheet provided in your binders of what we have. this time of year as the commission knows, february is generally january, and january is generally pretty slow and february we see more of an up-tick in business and venues and that is not really happening. what we are seeing is that january was not that slow, and it was actually pretty yus and february is also pretty busy but not as busy as normally this time of year. i am going to cut it short. so if anyone has any questions at this time on information handed to them please go ahead. >> vaj, do you know if the promoter was on our list of promoters? >> they were not. >> do you know what the ramifications are to the permit holders promoters are not on the list?
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>> they have a possibility of a citation. >> thank you. >> commissioner hyde? >> i was just wondering, what kind of qualifications you are looking for that other position? do they need like police training? >> for the other inspect or position? >> no, we are not looking for police training we are asking for some kind of experience in the industry. you know, it would be preferable and we are looking for someone that we are defining as some kind of law experience. meaning, you know, whether it be law school or working even as a legal aid or something like that. this job as the commissioners know entails a fair amount of code and law working with the city attorney and other agencies, so, having someone come in who has some basic understanding of that it would be helpful. >> and then, everyone who has some kind of security, or code enforcement or law enforcement
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background is going to get pushed to the front of the line just because of the nature of the work. >> okay. >> any other questions commissioners? >> is there public comment on the executive director's report? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> item number four, police department comments and questions? officer, methias. >> a quite et reporting session and we will go over a few incidents that happened on broad way and columbus, there was an aggravated assault and the victim was stabbed six times at a parking lot across from the seller. looking into it, as far as what we know so far, there is a verbal altercation in the club
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and it did not amount, as far as we know into a yelling match or anything like that. much, less of a fight. but the victim, left the club, went across the street and was attacked by about 8 people. he was kicked, punched and went down to the ground and then he was stabbed three times in the chest and two times in the stomach. so when things like this happen, you are trying to think, is there anything that the club could have done differently. at this point, i don't know. if there was a small, if there is an argument, you know, who knows whether or how verbal that was or whether it ruled out i don't know yet. so i am going to reserve judgment. but i do want you to know that that did happen. we are also dealing with the parking garage and maybe improving lighting or they did not have an attendant there. >> these are the things that effect the entertainment industry on a pretty
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