tv [untitled] March 6, 2013 10:30pm-11:00pm PST
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are attorneys and have chosen to be policy makers and political leaders instead, but, we are part of a necessary network of services and when you address the criminal justice system and you go down with the district attorney, it is also important to remember that the aftermath of the criminal justice system whether it be prosecution or defense are the families, the women and children that we serve. and we are the ones that are out there on the ground, in the community, serving those needs that probably are more hidden from the public than most. and it is a tough time for all of us. budget wise, but for, those of us who represent survivors in court, if you have noticed that the courts are substantially reduced in the capacities it is particularly difficult for those women or survivors who are not english speaking and are low income, there are no court reporters, so that we are
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constantly waiting to get into court and there are no translators so that the resources, our resources are called on by the court and so in closing, let me just tell you our appreciation for renewing the commitment of san francisco to eliminating domestic violence, this is a progressive and enlightened city and there is no room in this city for violence against women, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please? >> good afternoon, supervisors beverly upton san francisco domestic violence, and i would like to thank supervisor cohen for her leadership and supervisor chiu and everybody on the committee for ending all violence against women. i want to thank the department and the status of women and the commission on the status of women, i think that under the leadership of dr. murase we
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have seen unprecedented healing and moving forward on domestic violence and sexual assault policies, this is all part of this package to move san francisco in the direction that it needs to go. we all know that we are headed in the right directions, and i really just want to thank my colleagues for their fine work? you know, it is very rare that we can get, a representative from every legal agency that does this work at the table. but they made time today because how important it is. and (inaudible) voluntary legal services, proc, and (inaudible) bay legal aid form the safety net to all of the constituents that you have in your districts to every survivor in every zip code. so we are here to thank you. and we know san francisco cares. thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> any other members of the public that wish to speak on item number 9? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor cohen do you have any other comments? >> yes, thank you, i wanted to
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say thank you to the advocates that have come out and also community members that have speak to such an important item. as a mentioned in the program of the full board a couple of weeks ago when this item was discussed. i think that these funds are needed to insure that we have a robust community network of providers that can work with victims of domestic violence and their families to get the appropriate legal representation they need and as well as have culturally competent resources afforded to them. so colleagues, please, consider this. >> thank you. >> comments? >> questions? >> i will just say that i'm going to be supportive here, absolutely. you know, i do think that especially that we have in the budget season in earnest and a lot of supplementals are also coming forward. it is something that we need to be cautious about and i think
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that for the domestic community we need to do a lot of things in the healing and i need to be supportive here. the motion to move approval? >> item number 9? >> i will second it and i want to thank the mayor's budget staff for expressing what the mayor's interest is and analyzing these services for the next year. >> okay. thank you very much and we can do that without opposition. >> mr. clerk, could you call item number 8? >> item 8. ordinance amending the san francisco administrative code to reskend the sunset clause in the san francisco bonding and financing assistance program, making technical amendment and environmental findings. >> thank you we have mr. hansen here from the administrator's office. >> thank you, before i begin with a short presentation, i would like to request a technical acommendment to the description of the item. it appears that a few extra words made it on the end.
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it should end with make technical amendments and there are two statements make environmentals and findings of consistentcy with general plan that should be removed. >> i appreciate that amendment to the description. >> okay. >> so thank you. we are here today to talk about the city wide surty bond and financial guarantee assistance program and i will start with a brief history of the program. it was formally established in 1997 to provide small contractors vying for city construction contracts assistance in abstaining the guarantees required to compete for those contracts. the eligibility is based upon several factors and has caught a 5 in the 14 d ordinance and it is for local business enterprises that are city-based
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contractors. this program was adopted and amended in 2008 to create a self-insurance fund for the city's portion of the guarantees, that we back on behalf of these contracting partners for the surty companies that they do business with. and that has provided some administrative stream lining to the program. and the structure is such that there is a program administrator who does work with the contractors and their brokers directly. there is a support component and a monitoring component to it as well. and you can see these various bullet points here. there are financial assistance with getting certified financial statements and there is assess ans with the cloteral for the bond guarantees and funds and program wide assistance through the term of the contracted bond amount. and so that is the operational
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component of it. the pending legislation before you provides a technical clean up to 14 b, basically acknowledging the transfer of function for the city administrator office from the human rights commission of the program and also removes the sunset data of the program. the operational effect to remove the sunset date would help us in the administrative and operational process by taking additional costs out of the process. and processes. by performing duplicative letters of credit transactions where we cannot extend a contract or a bond for an overlapping term of either the letter of credit, sunset or the program sunset. so it creates an operational hurtle by having those dates in there and additional costs. >> what we will continue to do, post transfer of function is to take a look at the program
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further, take a look at what other stream lining options we have in the process. we will be working with controllers office in the city attorney's office to take a look at what we can do under the current code and perhaps come back with future recommendations. but this one was some what of a no brainer in the beginning. we just wanted to make sure that this was done since the sunset is coming up in june and that right now, is hindering transactions with that date in the ordinance. >> so with that i will take questions. >> colleagues any questions on item number 8? >> great. >> seeing none, we will go to the budget and analyst report. >> mr. chair, i do have one question. >> supervisor mar? >> i just wanted to ask what is the effectiveness of this program in supporting local business enterprises and this small guy contractors? >> yeah, thank you for that. it has been significantly effective and i believe that
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the budget analyst report actually has cotified that in real dollars and while there is a net cost to the city there is documented contracting and savings by having the ldes participate in the contracting process. >> are there like members of the local firms that have been supported and that this program can point to of success besides being financially successful for the city and how has it impacted the small contractors? >> yes, thank you for that as well. the success of the program is not only in the dollars, it really is not a money maker if you will. it is not something that we have set out to gain savings but that is a nice operational effect. of having this program. what it does, is it really educates the small contracting community. whether or not they actually wind up getting bonded through the program t provides the assistance to the contractor,
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to get certified financially and to make sure that they understand the process of bonding that they understand the process of contracting with governmental agencies and really gives them the program wherewithal to participate in the process. >> thank you very much. >> we will go to the analyst report. >> i am in page 38 of our report, we report that the in table five shows that the city administrator projected fiscal year, 13-14 year budget which approximates the cost of the city in this program is 740,000 dollars, and that would be the cost or the estimated cost of it making this program permanent. and with respect to the committee's questions regarding
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the savings, we point out on page 39, of our report, that this is in table six. that based on information provided by meryweather and williams, the surety bond generated 1.3 million in city awarded contracts savings between 08-09 and 11-12, that is based on the difference between the low bid submitted by participating lbes and the second lowest bid. so that would partially offset, the estimated 2.6 million dollar cost to the city of operating this program over the period from fiscal year 08-09 to 11-12. we will consider the approval of this ordinance to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. >> thank you. >> colleagues any questions? >> okay. at this point i like to open up to public comment. is there any member of the public to comment on item 8? >> seeing none, public comment
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is closed. >> city attorney, i am sorry, we are going to reopen public comment. you know what? i did have that. is this miss tan? >> thank you very much. you did spell it, you filled out a card. >> great opportunity to speak her, i have (inaudible) my name is nina tan, a san francisco resident and a (inaudible) of management, a small, woman owned construction business. (inaudible) is my to present my district and thank you all for your great work. and five years ago when the economy start to slow down, all funding comes, job, or small contractors like me, and we are too high of a risk. as you all know in all of the contractors to be a government construction project you need to have a (inaudible). and when the bonding companies deny us a bonding, we had
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nowhere to go only one action, close the door for our business. and i have known (inaudible) and williams for four years. and they have worked with me and other small (inaudible) like us to (inaudible) coaching and sustainability that (inaudible) bonding guarantees for the bonding companies and end the wider and issue bonds to us. also (inaudible) banker, cpa to conduct (inaudible) for us so that we can become more business savvy. they also (inaudible) representative from the city organizations such as office of labor stand of enforcement and human rights commission to talk to us about the city regularization and requirements, we meet (inaudible) and williams to
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help us go without them, my company and many other small contractors will have to be closed by many other business throughout the united states. and closed in the (inaudible). because of (inaudible) we not only close our business we expanded and go from no employee to 5 employee now. who are all local high, san francisco residents, we also (inaudible) program for new hire. mary weather and williams helped us and many others like us, by providing the services that they only unique to this great city. we need mary weather and williams to stay on board so other new small construction company can benefit from that expanse and knowledge. i report fully across the board to extend the current contract
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with mary weather and williams for another three years. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> any other speakers in >> okay. seeing none, public comment is now closed. colleagues i have a technical amendment requested by the city attorney, mr. gibner? >> deputy city attorney john gibner. just a clarification that the amepdment to the title should remove the words and finding with consistency of general plans but you could leave in the difference to the environmental planning which are in section one of the ordinance. >> okay. >> colleagues this is technical amendment could you do that without opposition? >> yes. >> that is so moved. >> and could we have a motion to approve number eight as amended? >> so moved. and we can do that without opposition. >> thank you very much. could you call item number ten. >> resolution to authorize the mayor's office of housing to
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submit an application to the california department of housing and community development for funding under cal home program, the execution of a standard agreement as selected for such fund and any amendments there to. >> thank you, welcome. >> good afternoon, supervisors my name is ryan chiu for the director of development and housing. over the last few years the state has authorized funding for the cal home program which allowed them to apply for money for single family home we have and for the assistance targeted to families earning at 80 percent ami or lower, the city has been successful in the last four or five. the last offering of the state was in 2011, and they are offering this program in 2013 as a condition of our application. we are required to submit a resolution from the board
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authorizing us to apply. the limit is $1.5 million and that is what we are applying for and we are successful in receiving the full amount over the past four years, we split the amount so that $750,000 goes to down payment assistance for the owners who are purchasing the below market rate units and $750,000 goes toward single family home owners primarily senior and family whose need those dollars for their single family we have and it has been an excellent source of additional support for these programs. and each year, the state says that it may be the last year, and we thought last time around might be the last one but we have one more round and so we would like your permission and approval to submit the attached resolution, and i understand that speaking with the legislative clerk's office and the language in this resolution not only includes apply for, but also includes language authorizing the ex-excusing of the agreements and i know that that is a little bit or goes a little bit further than what it
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will apply for the resolution contains it is because we are mirroring the language that is in the model state template and we will be coming back to you if we are successful in our application to request and accept and expend the resolution, even though it includes this resolution cause we will not be able to to do it until we could accept and expend the resolution, despite this change in format, i respectfully request that we can go forward with this because we are miles mirroring the language. it is the same language that we have gotten through the board the last few years. and >> supervisor mar? >> thanks, i just wanted to ask mr. chiu, with the 1.5 million, how many rehabs and how many
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families are helped with loan down payment assistance? are there numbers up? >> yes. so we typically are able to support 19 families with down payments assistance. with a maximum low amount of 36,000 and we support approximately 13 families with single family rehabs with a maximum loan of $60,000. so a total of 32, different house holds. >> thank you. >> colleagues any further questions? >> thank you very much. mr. chiu. >> we don't have a budget analyst report on this item so i would like to open it up for public comment, any members of the public come forward, seeing none public comment is closed. >> colleagues, could we have a... >> yes. >> i wanted to clarify, are we amending this legislation to remove the language concerning execution? >> i believe that was the discussion that we had. >> back to mr. chiu.
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>> well, my request would be to approve the resolution as you have in your packet that does include the execution language because that does model the language that the state prefers. and so it would be as have you in your packets. >> okay. >> to the city attorney, any issues with it from our end. it is something that i would be supportive of. >> the city attorney, john gibner again and you can adopt the language as proposed. as mr. chiu explained, either the agreements and the future of the accept and expend would require the board approval and the department will come back to the board for approval or would not require board approval in which case you would not need this language in the first place. i think that the purpose of the language is really to meet the states's requirement of what has to be in this resolution. >> okay. >> thank you very much. >> so the colleagues, i would as is, permission to approve
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without opposition? >> thank you very much, mr. chiu. >> could you please call item number 1 1 in >> resolution authorizing the execution issuance of sale and delivery of a multifamily more taj revenue note and subordinate multifamily housing revenue bond in the aggregate principal amount of not-to-exceed $30,000 with the purpose of providing financal axis of the instruction 88 unit multifamily residential rental housing development unit known as 2175 market street. >> sam (inaudible) from the mayor's office of house, thank you for the chance to present this. this resolution is a follow up from the september 2012, resolution, authorizing the mayor's office of housing to apply, to the california debt limit allocation committee up to $30 million that was approved in december of 2012.
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and during the current resolution before you is to approve the issuance of the said $30 million. this will be for the construction and development as mentioned in 2175 market street. by now you will receive the various accompanying legal documents, it is important to note that these transactions are conduiat, the only recourse for payments are the revenues themself. to take the nuance to this deal, is that it kind of like the subordinate bond sale, most have to spend considerable time conforming due diligence on this. they will support accredited invest or letter at the losing. >> the developer for the city and the non-profit general partner, san francisco housing corporation are sponsoring 2175 market street which is an 88 unit mixed use, multifamily
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housing at 15th and market at the side of the former gas station and situated in the boundaries of the market octavian plan. >> 35-1 parking and ground floor parking of 6200 feet. the developers fulfilling the conclusion by providing 20 percent or 18 of the units as on site to individuals and families at 50 percent of median income. one and two bedroom units and with the affordable portion have a split of 11, 1s and 7, 2s. the mayor's office of housing is pleased to receive the increase in the affordable production and the product injoys the community support. we anticipate closing the bond transaction to take place on march 28th. 2013, the project is slated to begin construction shortly there after in early april of 2013. and developers thinks that it should involve the approvals. we respectfully asked for the
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approval of this and look forward to any questions that you may have, please note that we have representatives from the city's bond council team and the financial adviser and the developer's team as well to answer any inquiry that you may have. thank you. >> colleagues any questions? >> okay, seeing none, we have no budget analyst report, and we will open it to to the public, any members wanting to comment, step forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues. >> so moved approval. >> okay. >> and we can move, oh, real quick. we do have actually a technical amendment? >> on-line 17, if we did it stead of resolution 334-12, it is 344-12, if we could make an amendment to that ordinance? >> i move the amendment >> okay. we can move the amendment and amended could we motion to approve item 11 >> so moved. >> we have that opposition. >> mr. clerk, are there any other items before us.
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>> that completes the subcommittee agenda. >> thank you very much. >> meeting adjourned. >> this lodge is home to some of the best fly casting pools in the world. these shallow concrete pools don't have fish. this is just a place where people come to practice their fly casting technique. ith was built in the 1930's and ever since, people have been coming here to get back to nature. every year, the world
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championship of fly casting is held in san francisco and visitors from all over the globe travel to be here. >> we are here with phil, general manage of san francisco rec and parks department at the anglers lodge. what do you think about this? >> it is spectacular, travis from oregon, taught me a snake roll and a space cast. >> there are people from all over the world come to san francisco and say this is the place to be. >> yeah. it's amazing, we have teams from all over the world here today and they are thrilled. >> i flew from ireland to be here. and been practicing since for the competition. all the best casters in the world come here. my fellow countryman came in first place and james is on the current team and he is the head
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man. >> it's unique. will not see anything like it where you go to compete in the world. competitions in ireland, scotland, norway, japan, russia each year, the facilities here in the park are second to none. there is no complex in the world that can touch it. >> i'm here with bob, and he has kindly agreed to tell me everything i need to know about casting. i'm going to suit up and next, we're in the water. >> what any gentleman should do. golden gate angling has free lessons the second saturday of every month. we have equipment show up on the 9:30 on the second saturday of every month and we'll teach them to fly cast. >> ok.
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we are in the water. >> let me acquaint you with the fly rod. >> nice to meet you. >> this is the lower grip and the upper grip. this is a reel and a fly line. we are going to use the flex of this rod to fling away. exactly as you moved your hands. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> i'm a natural. >> push both arms forward and snap the lower hand into your tummy. push forward. >> i did gave it a try and had great time but i might need some more practice. i met someone else with real fly casting skills. her name is donna and she is an international fly casting champion. >> i have competed in the casting ponds in golden gate park in san francisco. i have been to japan and norway for fly casting competition.
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i spend my weekends here at the club and at the casting pond. it's a great place to learn and have fun. on a season day like this, it was the perfect spot to be. i find fly casting very relaxing and also at the same time very challenging sport. takes me out into the nature. almost like drawing art in the air. and then i can make these beautiful loops out there. >> even though people from across the globe come here to compete, it's still a place where locals in the know relax and enjoy some rely unique scenery. until next time, get out and play!
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