tv [untitled] March 8, 2013 1:00am-1:30am PST
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of california, but, the planning department, about 5 years ago, slipped into the definition that says that if you ve a 47 you sell alcohol that you have to follow certain rules and they snuck in the 50, 50 rule and it is not in the state code and it definds a restaurant that has alcohol as a bonified eating place and took the license law that added the 50, 50 rule and now if you look at what is happening among the youth, they don't sit down at white table cloths dining establishments they like to go to places like bullet and places that are lively. is it bonifid, yes, is it a lively bar scene that goes to two in the morning? yes. >> and now we have certain
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people on polk street that go back 15 and 20 years, every imaginable. he ho she, ho in the world, criminals, trash, ugly, we are talking 15 years ago, ugly scene, some young people come in there and weaves out of the concrete and goes with this amazing scene and there are people down there screaming at city hall to clean it up and now they are screaming at get rid of what gets cleaned up this is schitzoid thinking. >> it could sell, 50, 50 food or alcohol. >> gary sells 70 percent alcohol. so they are illegal under the planning code as we speak. and the problem is that the planning department is starting to use that definition to attract restaurants that they don't like that they think are
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catering to people that are 21, 22, 23 that go out to eat and this is the kind of stuff that they want. and i say leave it alone. polk street is great. >> thank you. >> anybody else? >> good evening, michael kay, and thank you, i am in for a restaurant in the business for 20 years and i am also one of the owners of a mctege's bar on polk street in business for 20 years. it has been very warming to hear and watch the body language of the supervisors and joseph, and hyde and steven lee to see very encouraging that there are people who care about the night life. they say that the youth is wasted on the youth today. it is not, so many wonderful young people out there and there is one or two that will step out of line, but the majority on polk street,
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wonderful and energetic and beautiful, beautiful people that have a life to live. that have a reason to go out and enjoy themself and mingle and talk and have a good time. and have a couple of drinks together. by all means, it is nice to be important but it is important to be nice. but listening here this evening, i am very encouraged to see that there is somebody out there that has polk street at heart because we are passionate of reviving the all traditions and bringing the people together because sharing is caring and thank you, to the commissioners here and the supervisors should i say for giving us that little bit of body language to know that we are not, you know, doing anything against the win to get it back in our face. >> thank you, very, very much. >> thank you. >> all right. no clapping, no clapping. anybody else? seeing none, public comment on this is closed. >> thank you, again. commissioners, we are going to take another item out of order. we are going to go because of
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the crowded room we are going to hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits, and supervisor weiner is in the room i am going to take out of order, i am going to hear 6 b first that is mike leon doing business as sf eagle bar. >> would i like to recuse myself. >> thank you, commissioner hyde. >> commissioner hyde to leave the room. >> good evening commissioners. >> have you to wait. i will give you the high, watch me. goes first. >> go ahead, nick. >> it is a full service barlow indicated at 398, 12th street and plans to use it for live bands and sfp southern station
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has proposed in front of you. we have no applications expressing concern about granting this permit. >> now, it is your turn, go for it. >> good evening, commissioners, mike leon this is my business parter alex lontel, we are here to ask you to entertain our permit so we can help the community in all of the support and entertaining the community as well. >> yeah, i want to know that we have been working very hard and to this place to bring it back to life. we have tremendous amount of work and we have considerate neighbors and the whole community. we have enormous amount of sound proofing and we are likely to appreciate that for you guys to consider our permit. >> okay. hi, i got some questions for you. you put on a new roof, did you
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put sound proofing in it when you put it on? >> yes, we did commissioner, we put six inches of fire rated proofing material. >> great. and the permit that you going for, you do understand that it is for a fixed place venue, it is for a building, with walls and not for your patio. >> right. >> and you do understand that? >> all right. and your occupantcy is 240. have you seen the police conditions? >> yes, we have and we also spoke with the officer chin. >> and you are okay with all of the police conditions? >> yes, we are. >> okay. commissioners? anybody else? >> okay. why don't you have a seat. i am opening the floor to public comment to the eagle bar 398, 12th street, if you want to make comments, please come
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on up. pick a side, any side to line up, come on up. >> i'm tom tailor and we have icis street a little alley right up from there and we have a group of the residents and the businesses there and he has shown us what work he has done and shown us the amount of sound proofing that he has done and of course we are happy to see it reopened and the area cleaned up. since we have the vacant property across the street and now as you know the rv and people living in it and we have had kind of a problem, when it was closed. so we are happy to see that we have an own their we can talk to and it is, you know, showing us what he is doing and going to take care of the property. and clean it up because we are sick and tired of having the homeless around the corner from us. and so we are happy that he is back from business and much better than the other owners, we have someone to talk to and we have someone there and he has been very responsible about doing things. >> okay. we hope that because you have
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limited to the inside only, we don't see that it is going to be any problem to us. and we have looked at the sound proofing and very good about showing us that and so the neighbors on the next alley up were happy to see him back and clean the areas up. >> thank you. >> supervisor weiner are you here to speak on this issue? >> come on up. >> good evening, commissioners. thank you for giving me the opportunity. and although i have represented this district 8 and this is in district 6, this is an establishment that is near and dear to my heart and although i would never purport to speak for supervisor kim she has been vocally supportive of the eagle as well. we really, it is in some ways the best of times for night life in san francisco. but night life is under enormous pressure in san francisco and we have seen it and the matter that you just heard, we see that it is in the
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mission with the mission and youth special alcohol district and we see it including in western soma where we had to do the work to protect the night life and having the eagle which was at risk of just disappearing come back is nothing short of a miracle. and the community support has been tremendous, i actually thought about going to the beer bust on sunday and somebody told me that the line was two blocks down the street to get in. and i think that shows you the level of community support, it was almost two years ago that i was with commissioner hyde and quite a few other people at the sky lark, i remember when we did a sit in there and even before the old eagle closed. and here we are almost two years later, and it has been quite a roller coaster and we are i think, pretty much at the end of the process in terms of the place of entertainment permit. so i encourage you to issue the permit and look forward to seeing you all at the eagle.
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thank you. >> thank you, very much supervisor. >> is there any other public comment? >> come on up. >> my name is karen nolan and i am a south of market neighbor and i was at the soft opening on saturday night it was a wonderful event and a wonderful crowd. these owners are not just responsible, they are responsive to the neighbors in the community, and i support this 100 percent. >> thank you. >> anybody else? >> terance allen i traveled down here so i could not resist. i also spent a lot of time in fact, sitting and standing next to karen, on saturday night and seeing the people at the eagle, pardon me, who i have not seen in 15 or 20 years, what was the most amazing part was when i heard from the guys after the weekend experience. that not only was their
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business busy, with a line down the block, but the businesses that serve the lgbt community were also completely full. what that means to the night life advocate like myself is that when you do reach that tipping point, and you put that special business back into a community, or into a community for the first time, it has the potential of raising everyone's vote. and when you have responsible operators like we have here and we have had a long process as everybody knows and they are open and people are glad about it, it is time that we all pat ourselves on the back and celebrate and go down for a beer or a soda. thank you. >> thank you. >> my name is christopher micca. i am a musician and artist in san francisco. and i just wanted to speak to
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the loss of the eagle as a venue for musicians and artists. or musicians. the eagle, the eagle is a home for touring bands, and all kinds of local bands, queer bands, from all around the bay area and the united states. and sometimes (inaudible), gendrefication has been hard for musicians in san francisco. i think that a lot of you understand that. part of that is a loss of space, a loss of space to practice and play, and people having to move. people that you play with having to move. i wanted to say that the eagle was a very important space and
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it is as important as other kind of art spaces in the bay area. it is as important as ybca or any kind of place that services local artists like soma arts and things like that. it is a very unique space that i think that a lot of different contingencies felt comfortable, queer, transgender. >> thank you. very much. >> >> madam chair and commissioners, mark win again and i would like to welcome them to the neighborhood and this is great that this place is reopening. i have lived south of market for 30-some years and it is in my neighborhood and this is really a unique wonderful space
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and weather great weather and great outdoors and the nights were pretty incredible and i think that it would be a really great story if everybody could keep the eagle in their minds and get out of their support it because this is a tough one and it has gone for ten or 15 years and south of market because the eagle was down, south of market and a few places went away and it is great to lifen up the scene down there and everybody has to get out and support this place and help to get it and support the local bands and bring it back to life, thank you. >> thank you very much. is there anyone else? >> you were the next person that i was going to call. but you are here. >> no. >> i could wait. >> no. >> southern station, please. >> thank you. >> good evening commissioners, chan, representing the captain and the southern police station. we have previously gone over
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the recommended conditions. and at this time, southern station has no objections to the permit. >> great, could i just ask you one question. >> yes. >> in your permits number 8 to security show by using identification and readers for all patrons, i was curious why you stuck that in there. >> the reason why is because we have seen a large increase in crimes against patrons, for people are getting assaulted. and in many cases, a lot of these incidents going unsolved because we are unable to identify the assalience. >> the surveillance video is fine, but the security reader for the proof of idea? is that what number 8 is? >> security... >> yes, ma'am. >> it is relatively new technology. >> so... excuse me, so is it that you are trying to match up
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the video with the person at the same time? >> so basically. >> time coded? >> basically it is an id reader, whoever enters the venue, displays their id. >> okay. >> i just was curious to know. so you know if it was me, what i would do is i would say that their identification code reader would be time coded. so that it matches with the video. otherwise, you would not know. it would be more difficult to match it up. >> because that is your point is to match up the person with the video, right? >> yes. >> okay. so, thank you very much. i was curious about that, anybody have any questions? >> well, i have a question about the security reader. because i actually skimmed over that one. and i have another question about number 12. >> okay. >> so, just following up on the security, or the id reader, how
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much does one of those typically run? >> i have been told that they are the cheaper ones are under $200. >> okay. and so, the establishment would be required to turnover a list of all patrons attending the bar? >> if there were a crime committed and we have reason to believe. >> so this is a new technology so how many clubs are you guys asking for this? >> all of the new applications. >> this is the first time that i have seen this, i want to be clear that there is no bias against an lgbt bar. >> no. >> okay. >> and the request to have the permit holders sent a venue calendar of all events every week, that is also the first time that i have seen something like that. it seems a little... >> i already discussed this with the applicant and as far as it is something out of the norm. it is a weekly event that they
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hold, then obviously, it is a non-issue. >> okay. >> okay. anybody else? >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> seeing no other public comment, public comment is closed. >> commissioners, discussion? >> if not i would like to entertain a motion? >> someone move? >> i want to motion and make a quick comment, though. you know, bringing back an old bar that is really was really in bad shape and i am reading this diagram on the insulation and the sound proofing, and i'm amazed on how much detail that this applicant has put into this building. and it really shows responsibility in my opinion that you know, it is not easy to take up an old building that
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has been there for 20-some-odd years and the bathrooms are not ada and everything and these guys are really putting in a lot of effort here not only for bringing something back that has been gone and actually started out that whole neighborhood. it is, you know, there should be applauded. you know, i obviously are more of the moderization of clubs and charging you know more than maybe some other places. but, for them, they have a community place, back up and running. spending this kind of money, to make sure that this building is sound proofed for the neighbors and also the out reach, i think that it is just, i like to applaud them as new owners. and i would like to motion that we approve this permit. >> we motion and do we have a second? >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. call the roll? >> lee? e >> aye. >> tan.
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>> aye. >> perez. >> aye. >> akers. >> aye. >> joseph? >> aye. >> congratulations to you. >> could you ask commissioner hyde to come back in? >> thank you so very much. >> all right. we are going to wait for commissioner hyde, before we go on. >> so, while we are waiting for commissioner hide, commissioner akers, one of the things that is happening with the police in general, they are asking for calendars. they are asking it for everybody, i did not object to that because i thought that everybody was getting it. and people are using the id readers just for convenience. many of them don't capture any other information, but name and age. which is kind of okay. i just didn't know how they are going to sync it up time code wide with the video if that was their purpose and that is kind of why i asked.
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the next item up, item 6 a. >> forgive me if a destroy your name. tsaan lum doing business as sunset billiards 26789267. tarsavl. >> to seek a permit to operate, five tables at 2267 taraval between 32 and 33rd avenue and we have not received any objections granting this permit. >> hi, my name is tsaan lum and my wife and business partner katie and we are here to ask for your approval for the billiard permit. >> okay. all right, commissioners any questions? >> if not, is the permit officer here? >> come on up.
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>> i'm officer tan from district station and i have been working closely with the applicants here. and... >> you need to speak up. >> i am the officer chan from the taraval police station and i have been working with the applicants they are building the place and i have not gone down to inspect it i invited them to come to the meetings in the district and to work closely on this project. >> so you are not opened yet. >> not yet, commissioner. >> and you understand,... is this a conditional permit? >> yes. >> so you have to get all of your sign-offs because you are going to operate. >> correct. >> great. thank you, >> why don't you have a seat. >> i am opening the floor to public comment, sunset billiards. 2267. taraval is there any public comment on this permit? >> seeing none, public comment
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is closed. >> commissioners? >> are they... i see some information on alcohol here. are they having or serving alcohol on the premise? >> on top of this which i came back today to inspect the abc licensing they also put in the application for that as well, too. >> okay. well, 5 tables, alcohol, >> are you worried about gambling. >> you know, basically, you know, they are going to have an id guy or i mean, it is not really a restaurant? it is, it is kind of vague information. >> not required by the code? >> is it just a pool hall or what type a business. >> our intention is to have five pool tables and also serve craft boozer. >> do you plan to have any
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security at all? >> being a current business owner, i do operate a full liquor bar about two or three blocks currently away from here on market street. i have been doing this for the last seven years without any incident so i am confident that this business will also, be the same. >> actually i just want to go ahead and add to that as far as security precautions, with our existing business here on the south of market side. we do have 24-hour surveillance camera. the mobile access, our cell phone is always successful and always responsive and we have attended the meeting as well as out reach to the neighbors as well as the immediate merchant in the area and we also will be attending an abc training class. again we are experienced night
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life business owners. we are also accessible and we also abide by the san francisco entertainment commission, good neighbor policy. we are fully aware of that as well. >> thank you. and correct me if i am wrong, but, they are not required to have security with the billiard permit? ; is that correct?. >> that is correct, the security is not required with that permit. >> commissioner hyde. >> could you go over the community out reach again because it is not in our packet >> there are 13 items on the good policy neighborhoods. one of them is being to have well lit premises. >> i know what that is. i know what the good neighbor policy is, you said that you did out reach to the neighbors association, since i don't have it in my packet i was wondering if you could revisit that quickly for me and kind of zbrao*eb describe. >> we made ourselves available and knocked on our doors and
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introduced ourselves as a new neighbor and business owner and offered ourselves the phone companies to make it accessible. we pick up the phone if they ask when is the hearing, which we did ten minutes before this as well. and other things that we did sent letters within 500 feet of the premises introducing the business. we have done this a month and a half if not two in advance of this hearing. we have done it right before we submitted our applications about 25 days or so. >> did you go to the taraval association? >> yes. and the center, and the meeting, i think that it was like two weeks ago. >> great, thank you very much. >> correct me if i am wrong, when you apply for a liquor license you have to do a notification within a certain amount of feet of everybody. so notified. all right, thank you. >> motion? >> i move to approve. >> we have a motion. >> a second? >> is there any conditions on
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this? >> i just need to approve this permit? >> no. >> and the motion and a second. >> commissioner akers? >> aye. >> perez? >> aye. >> hyde >> aye. >> tan. >> aye. >> lee >> aye. >> jaef. >> aye. >> item 6 c robbery paull, doing business live at the razz 1000 van ness, nick you are up. >> this item was continued from the february 19th, 2013 entertainment commission, to permit the applicant to continue to take steps to try to improve the sound proving in its space, live at the razz also known as the razz room is a live entertainment venue that has a full bar and serves food until in 2012 it was located at 222 mason street and now
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located at 1000 van ness with the same management team. before you is to the item is to make sure that the new space comports with the existing health and safety laws, it will allow the permit holder and entertainment and this venue physically focuses on adult contemporary music, it is a use building in addition to live at the razz it houses a fitness center, movie theater and residential apartments and the razz room and i direct your attention to letters from the neighborhood association as well as the home owner's association. the communications to sum them up express concerns about the residents who are disturbed by the volume of the live entertainment. since the move to 1000 van ness. other residents have also communitied directly to our office.
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they are concerned about the leakage and having informed us to compel the applicant to address these issues before granting the permit. the sound inspector has visited the venue and the residents above and is available for questions, sfpd notifications and conditions be attached to the permit and the officer from the northern is also available if you like to speak to him. >> okay. it would be nice, to see you >> thank you. >> my name is marsha garland sts my honor to introduce, rory paull and robert cotonoly. the owners of live at the razz formerly known as the razz room, long been an icon in the entertainment industry? san francisco. in fact it was there
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