tv [untitled] March 9, 2013 1:00am-1:30am PST
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there is a great affordable housing need in our city and we are in support of more affordable housing. please don't take away any affordable housing fees from the west soma plan. we are concerned about transportation, too, but having a roof over our head is more important. we shouldn't have to pick one over another. thank you. >> thank you, mrs. wong. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jocelyn [speaker not understood], and i'm with the [speaker not understood] housing program and the veterans equity center. i'm here to represent many low-income families and seniors and individuals that cannot be present because they're working or unable to be here. one of the main concerns we see daily in our office is definitely affordable housing. even as i speak, there are many of these families that are also applying for a wait list. there is already a shortage of
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affordable housing and the need in the neighborhood is great. prices in the south of market neighborhood is escalating rapidly. if you look onto craig's list at market rate s-r-o [speaker not understood] at 1700, a large studio is at 22, a two-bedroom at 3200. many of these residents have been living in the south of market neighborhood for over decades and what we do need is affordable housing. so, right now we're asking you to ensure higher affordable housing impact fees for affordable housing. that is the need. and even before soma became the place to be, you know, i grew up in the neighborhood since i was 9 years old. so, there's families there that have remained decades. what the constant need is to remain in the neighborhood and affordable housing.
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thank you. >> thank you, ms. manelo. hi there. my name is marty de lollis and i'm a youth coordinator and also an existing resident and have been since i came here from the philippines. and, so, my plea to you, supervisors and developers, is to not -- to not lower the, you know, what it's called? the impact fees for the affordable housing because as you can hear from everyone else, there are a lot of us are, you know, that don't have jobs, that are homeless, that are trying to survive in this city. so, why would you take that away? because, you know, transportation is good and all, but we have that and why are you putting us against each other? instead of going together, instead of like, you know, building the city together. so, it seems like even the developers don't even have much time to actually come out with an actual accurate estimate. all you hear is estimate, estimate, estimate.
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so, why can't we have like -- step back for a moment and figure out, you know, how can we actually grow as a city and how we can actually become, you know, unified together? we don't have to like put each other against each other. and you're hearing so many of these community members. they came here last minute to show you guys why we're here and why we're here is because we don't -- we need affordable housing. we need jobs to actually afford housing. and transportation fees, you know, we could work with them. we could walk, we could drive -- like we could take the bike our bikes or something. but please listen to what we have to say. we need affordable housing. we need jobs to afford them. thank you. >> thank you, ms. lollis. (applause) >> we have one more speaker left on this pile and i want to call 10 more names.
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miriam madelein, [speaker not understood], alisa cruz, [speaker not understood], michael nolte, [speaker not understood]. hello, supervisors. it really is wonderful to see our elders here, our elders supporting affordable housing. i worked for senior and disability action. we advocate for elders, for seniors and for people with disabilities. i needn't tell you that it's a hard struggle living in san francisco if you are an elder or somebody with a disability. particularly if you are homeless, you know, it's not a good thing. and anything that's going to take from the affordable housing stock or affordable housing development in soma is
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something that i'm definitely against. i've seen elders, i've seen people with disabilities come in our office to be told that there's no available housing, no affordable housing to go to. it's very demoralizing, it's very demeaning, you know. the developer really have run this city. i mean, let's face it. they have run this city. who is the city for, is it for us? is it for people, is it for ordinary people, people that are born here like me who barely can make it here? and i want to stay here and i want my family to stay here and i want elders to stay here. a city, this city without our elders, with our families is not a city. so, i implore upon you not to take any money from transportation against housing, and to keep the higher impact fees on developers. thank you. >> thank you, mr. robles.
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hi, i'm [speaker not understood] warner with ccf architecture and i'm here speaking on behalf of design professionals in the area, also for cal cutter [speaker not understood] i think stated this case earlier last week. he couldn't be here today, but we are over 40 to 50 design professionals in the western soma valley district area and with the new proposed draft language, this would no longer allow design professionals to expand on the premises and that would mean that people, architects interior designers, landscape architects, engineers. and while we support arts activities and pdr use, we also think we can and already do coexist very simbiotically. we would request a western soma plan that would allow design
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professionals as a permitted use as long as they don't exceed 5,000 square feet in any single building, don't have more than 20 employees, and don't occupy ground floors. we've reached out to many of the design professionals in the area and i have several letters of support signed and i'd like to give those to you. thank you. >> thank you, ms. warner. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is dara joposner. i'm a very soon to be licensed architect. we are located in south of market and would like to support these pro he posed amendments by ccs because we really feel like and i feel like these small businesses,
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the whole community, these type of design professional, especially those run by successful owners once they reach a certain point are going to be required to move to other location and it's going to start to disintegrate what is a strong community. and also force people who are small right now and do want to grow to leave as well. you know, and i've noticed -- now i can walk and bike to all our industry resources primarily which are all in south of market. and, so, [speaker not understood] the access to get back to our everyday resources going to be challenged. we rely on the design center. we rely on [speaker not understood] for businesses, the metal shop, hundley hardware, all of the design center. ccs was started in soma 25 years ago. we contribute projects to the community and to the entire
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city. lulu restaurant was our first project and we're still here today. we've grown strong and we don't want to be limited. we want to stay small, but feel the limits are too low. and in an industry where a few are already nickel and diming, we can't afford rent in the financial district. so, please consider these amendments and allow our community to thrive, especially after we've endured the years of crime and public defecation and used needles. now that the community is going to improve we don't have to leave [speaker not understood]. thank you. >> thank you, ms. [speaker not understood]. supervisors, i'm john goldman of goldman architects, and i am here to speak about 340 11th street which is the only project in western soma
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which is grandfathered in by the planning commission that needed to be grandfathered in as a pipeline project. it was proposed to be housing above commercial for the block of 11th between folsom and harrison. we had a very illuminating meeting at supervisor kim's office with members of the nighttime entertainment industry. we learned much more about their concerns. i have been meeting with my client for the past couple weeks since the meeting and with encouragement on my part convincing them there is a need for office on that block of 11th. they have now decided to change the housing use to office. and, so, i just wanted to let you know this. you know that we are behind your proposed amendment which actually eliminates the ground traffic clause. the wmuo zoning for that block of 11th being the only wmuo
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zoning near that western part of the western soma plan. actually, i think works to my client's advantage and they're going to be looking forward to changing the project and working with the wmuo zoning. so, that's mainly what i wanted to you know today. we're behind you. your proposed revision. secondly, since i'm here, i might as well say i'm totally in favor of architects being allowed in sally per the ccs description. when an architecture is done right it's an art. it's an art activity. and back in '89 architecture sort of banned from soma except on third floors and above, it would be a shame to treat architects like we're not artists. because we are. so, think about it that way. >> thank you, mr. goldman. and i do particularly want to thank you and the building owner mr. low for really spending the time with our 11th street corridor owners. it's great that we can move forward on a united position in term of the zoning here. so, we really, really appreciate all of that work. so, thank you.
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i will call 10 more speakers, then. you can still come up before the last speaker comes up. ryan styer, lorenzo [speaker not understood], mark [speaker not understood], peter cohan, bernadette [speaker not understood], and hattie wi. if i called you among other speakers, please come up. thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. i'm grace de mano and i am a member of [speaker not understood]. and it's really a great need for families to have affordable housing and jobs as well because in order to support families, thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. de mano. thank you for being here.
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i'd like to hand these in to the supervisors and one for the clerk. hi, my name is michael knolte and i'm with [speaker not understood] alliance for district 6. we personally want to support the implementation of the western soma plan. over the years, many of our current and former members of the alliance have been involved in and participated in the implementation of the citizen planning effort. now we'd like to speak to the issue of what's obviously being talked about, land use issues, which is housing and transportation. this is a community and a community has to function. not all members of the community are allowed to live there and operate there and obviously transportation is important, but what's more important is a sense of community. and if we're eliminating people
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that have lived there a long time and asking them to leave through gentrification practices, this is not right. so, not only that, we also want to maintain that businesses stay in the area because, again, our organization [speaker not understood] district 6 is made up of small businesses. we want the small businesses to be there. we want the residents to retain their ability to live there. and we want to see the multi-cultural community to stay there. and we don't want to see them removed for special interests, you know. and i also want to point out i'm a native san franciscan and i enjoy the fact that this is an international city and a need to stay that way. thank you. >> thank you, mr. knolte. hello, my name is [speaker
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not understood] i'm here to speak on behalf of s-r-o families united. i'm in favor of the western soma plan but i'm also in favor of the support for affordable housing and businesses and jobs. -- in the community. ~ we need to focus on moving our community out of s-r-os and shelters before we can think of anything else. let's not pretend like transportation isn't -- or housing and transportation aren't equally as important to people. and please support amending legislation of higher impact fees. higher impact fees will benefit transportation and housing on the same level. thank you. >> thank you, ms. gaska. good afternoon. my name is ryan thera, i'm a community organizer with tndc also a sixth generation san franciscan and hold a degree
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from sf state. the key is participatory approach. as the land use committee you should be aware of that. and with the amendments that are being introduced counters what the process has already been put in place, which is a very extensive community plan, which is the proper way to go about planning to introduce these ordinances discredits that whole process that has happened. we need to stand here and not try to pit transportation advocates versus affordable housing advocates. we need to support both, but the general plan of san francisco prioritizes the development of affordable housing above everything else. so, you cannot take away from that. that needs to be put as a priority and be pushed through. thank you. >> thank you, mr. satira. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is lorenzo listana, i'm a community organizer with tndc, fill pin owes in the tenderloin.
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i am also a part of an organizer ct organizer in south of market. actually we organize the residents in [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] as an organizer, i see that a lot of families like leave in one small -- one small bedroom apartment [speaker not understood]. ~ live most of them like sleep in the kitchen on the floor. so, if you will take away affordable housing funds from the soma, you know, western soma plan, i think that would be injustice to them, you know. you are depriving them of a chance to get an affordable housing. so, hopefully, you know, you would make sure that affordable housing fund would still remain in this plan and like, you know, that would ensure that these people would get a chance to have an affordable housing. thanks so much. >> thank you, mr. listana.
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good afternoon, supervisors. peter cohan, council of community housing organizations. you heard from my colleague [speaker not understood] earlier. we do support the western soma plan coming out of a long process. it is important to remember fundamentally one of the objective of the plan or primary objective was stabilization in the community and affordability over the long term while planning for increased development. it is in a very susceptible part of the city, as you know, supervisor kim. this is an area which has gone through the most dramatic transformation as the most vulnerable to gentrification. so, affordability is key. just a couple numbers to repeat. the loss of affordable housing that would be incurred under the amendment that is being proposed is 28 middle income vmr units. that is not insignificant by any means and i know the supervisors have emphasized mixed income housing as a priority goal. that's when we would lose, 28 units of bmr housing equivalent to $79 million as you heard. what seems to be the desire to make up for, if you will, a $6
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million of an infrastructure impact fee that would not be gained because of a tier 1 tier 2 difference. i did some quick math. if you took that $6 and divided it through by the 1700 some odd units that would be produced under the plan, that's about $3500 per unit. so, if you were in fact -- and i think what you've heard is to just simply allow that impact fee to go up from tier 1 to tier 2, recouping that $6 million, it's about $3500 per additional market rate unit that would be incurred. ~ 3500 bucks whether that's substantial we can discuss. i want to mention market octavia had a similar situation but inverted. 9 market octavia plan had see zero mechanisms and fees when it was introduced. [speaker not understood]. in fact, we added an affordable housing fee. so, in a similar way, supervisors, we're doing the opposite, but rather than pulling from one for the other, we simply added. i would suggest you do that here. thank you. >> thank you, mr. cohen.
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good afternoon, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood]. i work also as a community organizer with tenderloin neighborhood development corporation. and we have couple of family housing and studios and folks who are mostly families and people living in western soma. and i wanted to say i believe western soma community plan is such a beautiful example of how seven years of community planning, sometimes these things are really technical and it's a lot of times done very top, top to bottom approach. but this was really a grassroots effort and i really want to commend the people who stuck through it for so long and i want to say that as supervisors you guys want to respect the community process. and second is as an organization who is a member of the community, town council has [speaker not understood]. we support the idea that tier 1
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mentioned, housing and transportation should not be pitted against each other and there is a way that we can work together to bring comprehensive transit funding. the way prop c was, in the political world, folk to support affordable housing, i believe there is support, public transit which is used by folk who are living in affordable housing. if they're not going to be able to live here, who is going to ride the buses, right? so, i feel like there is a way we can work together to advance both goals and not have to pit against each other. thank you. >> thank you, ms. lee. thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. mark solomon. no one last week remembered to thank chris daly and it was supervisor daly whos was told 8 years ago it was not practicable to take western soma out of eastern neighborhoods. he was told [speaker not understood]. chris daly leveraged his power
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to tell the boards what was practicable and that plan is here. now the planning department comes before us and says it is not practicable [speaker not understood]. the train pour thaition plan, pte capital plan, pts, [speaker not understood] and air why impact fees are not sufficient to support wear ask tear on our existing system. they can't talk about accounting for up zone growth. what we're seeing here is that we're being asked to cover the costs of development. i think the need for affordable housing has been explained great by folks before me. we're told it is never practicable to make housing whole. i think it is not practicable for your constituents to endure homelessness, endangerment, [speaker not understood] or unreliable slow and dirty transi. chris daly did something about that. he put himself on the line and said i'm not going to put my future first. i'm for my constituents here. what are you all going to do to put us first?
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we need solidarity here both from you all and from folks behind me to say that you can't pit transportation and housing against one another. we as constituents, as residents here, we need both of them. we need a lot of them. and we need to just be sure that this city finds a way to balance new and title discretionary development with its responsibility to fully finance the needs that a city requires, or else all we're doing is giving money to developers and that's it. thank you. >> thank you, mr. solomon. (applause) >> seeing our last speaker, is there any other speaker that would like to speak? i did call a number of names that i haven't seen yet, but even if you have not submitted a speaker card, please do line up. mr. allen. good afternoon, [speaker not understood]. speaking on behalf of the [speaker not understood] representing the other 9:00 to 5:00 economy. in listening to this conversation, there are many things i want to say and i will be very quick. first, a thank you to supervisor kim for bringing together the stakeholders that represent the 11th street
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economy and helping forge a compromise that works for all. i want to address the issue of this, what has been described as pitting one faction against another. if anything, night life has been seen as being pitted against neighborhoods and neighborhoods have been pitted against night life. however, when the two sit down together, typically what happens is a compromise that works for both. we had not displaced our night life. we've molded our night life. and we've amended and changed the process to control our night life and to manage our night life so that it is respectful of the environment that's growing in the residential community. i would think that that same logical approach could be applied to this impact fee discussion. i find it very hard to believe with the costs of housing on the market today that we can't find a way to increase an
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impact fee to replace and makeup for a transportation fee so that we can have both. if you think about a worker in a night life establishment, they both have to have affordable housing and they have to have transportation or they won't be able to work. and we're talking now about 50,000 people in our work force in san francisco. so, it's a major impact to balance these and to bring them forward together. so, supervisors, thank you, and again, special thanks to supervisor kim for your extraordinary outreach and once again bringing people together. thank you. >> thank you, mr. allen. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is bernadette [speaker not understood], executive director of the philippine american foundation and [speaker not understood] which is located in the heart of soma [speaker not understood]. the mission of our organization is to provide advocacy and support to the filipino community in the bay in and around the south of market neighborhood.
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our organization works on providing after school programs, betsy car michael school supporting the amenities in the neighborhood. we are happy that the western soma plan actually included the filipino -- the existence of the filipino social heritage district, which is part of the plan. ~ it's not going up for a vote, but i wanted to make a comment that our families that are part of the social heritage district are impacted by affordable housing. we as an organization look at different strategies for providing affordable housing to the residents of the neighborhood. i'm also part of the south of market stabilization plan cac and we'll be there to really make sure that more -- more investments are made towards affordable housing and [speaker not understood] obviously i'm here to support more affordable housing dollars to go towards
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supporting our commutes in san francisco, not just the fill -- filipinos, but the others that captain afford it in the neighborhood. thank you. >> thank you, ms. [speaker not understood]. madam chair, mr. president, scott. my name is [speaker not understood], north of market activist central city activist. what do you do in politics? you run something up the flag and see who salutes, right? i don't see any transportation activists here. i don't see a single one. the western soma plan [speaker not understood] blood sweat and tears to put together a great process. it's a huge list of considerations and compromises, very complicated. if you're going to change it, it's only fair and it only makes sense that you take the same amount of process to put into that. don't torpedo it. i was at the -- i was at the prop c victory party on
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election evening and it was a weird mind culture on one hand, you have activists like fernando marty, james tracy and calvin welch on the other. [speaker not understood]. prop c lowers inclusionary housing, take resources away from the lowest income people and puts them towards the better off group of people. transfers resources particularly to the police department and the fire department which are already abundantly endowed. if the purpose is to extend a general subsidy to the middle class, then it's woefully underfunded. the only way it can be administered is with favoritism or, you know, the other word for favoritism is. it preserves a pattern of contra culture [speaker not understood] relationship between landlords and tenants, between banks and homeowners. there is nothing to do impact long term impact cost containment of housing so we're going to drill another nail into that. [speaker not understood] the
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last mayor's election [speaker not understood] brought more than a third of the vote and it's true we don't control the agenda, but ask governor gavin newsom we can sure as hell block. >> thank you. are there any other members that would like to speak at public comment? mr. pitts? hi. for me i think part of the issue is we definitely need both. we need good transportation and we need, we need housing. my thing is if you leave the bay area, getting from one spot to another spot, it's -- without a car, it becomes excessively hard. it's like you have to walk or bicycle or drive everywhere. so, those things are important. but then the other thing, too, is i would like for you to think about san francisco and consider san francisco and its
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