tv [untitled] March 9, 2013 11:30am-12:00pm PST
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please remember city peace is how we made it use a little love and we can make it all the better >> next speaker, please. before i start, it's okay to focus on the lady behind me. you don't have to show me. [speaker not understood] douglas yip. i would like to say for the record that the dead man's curse has entered into district 7. it's pretty unfortunate what happened last week. but if the supervisors continue to ignore the dedman, i guess he has his own way of sending his own message. secondly, for the record, i'd like to say that i see a pattern in district 4 and 7. ex-mayor newsome failed
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miserably with his triple play. most of us had to endure supervisor elsbernd and now in district 4 it's happened twice. so, we barely survived the first one. we'll see how the second one goes. >> mr. yip, if i could ask you to direct your comments to all the supervisors instead of single out supervisors, that would be appreciated. all right, that's fine. >> thank you. anyway, i would like to say i would like to see this pattern stop. in my opinion, it seems like it's nothing but political cronyism, and i think that the west side in general has lost a lot of influence, especially to the progressive supervisors. so, i think that in order for everyone to be fair about it, we should elect our supervisors rather than go through this pattern which seems to be repeating itself over and over.
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now, with regards to other matters in this city, i would also like to say that, in my opinion, the city has obviously gone downhill and that we have to do thing differently. so, maybe the best thing to do is try acting as honest as possible and then maybe, maybe the city will get better. thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is john [speaker not understood] and i attend sunday mass at a number of churches here in san francisco or i have attended sunday mass at a number of churches here in san francisco including providence church and st. john's church in the mission district. i believe i will be confronting to the church and a confirmation hearing. [speaker not understood] a meeting with the archbishop of
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the local diocese here on or before may 18, after which i will leave home. these are my final words here. plant a tree of life in san francisco. the tree of life, chapter 22 revelation. and he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of god and of the lamb in the mid of the street of it and on either side of the river there was a tree of life which bear 12 manner of fruit and yielded a fruit every month. and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse, but the throne of god and the lamb of god shall be in it and [speaker not understood] shall serve him. they shall see his face and their name shall be in their forehead. there should be no night there and they need no candle,
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neither the sun, for the lord gives them light and they shall reign forever and ever. and he said unto me, these things are faithful and true. and the lord god of the holy prophet sent his angel to show unto his servant the things which must shortly be done. behold, i come quickly. blessed is he that keep the things of the prophecy of this book. and i, john, saw these things and heard them. and when i had heard them and seen them, i fell down to worship before the feet of [inaudible] which showed me these things. >> thank you very much. that mic should be working. good. mr. president, supervisors, supervisor tang, my name is
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otto duffy, [speaker not understood], i walk past the [speaker not understood] statue pretty much every day. i'm inspired by the [speaker not understood] that hugo chavez talked about. i was at a committee meeting yesterday actually when a central city activist reminded the committee about some land use planning that a former supervisor -- some improvements that a former supervisor made. happened to be mark solomon talking about chris daily. i rec quite well there were heated differences between mark and chris daly. that's the way politics are. you never know where a good idea is going to come from, or where a bad idea is going to come from. if you're going to try to create a wedge issue pitting west side transit people versus people looking for affordable housing like archly newsome used to do, you're supposed to succeed at it. or better yet don't do it in the first plate. ~ gavin newsome chris daly challenged the board to get real.
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there are certain kinds of ways even chris daly was not able to get real. i challenge you beyond what chris daly was going to do. if we have the technology of 199 but what we don't want to get stuck in is the mind-set of 1999 or 1899 or 14 99 when the zero was discovered. i [speaker not understood] when services are being cut. and [speaker not understood] resources are getting smaller. >> next speaker, please. hello, my name is colette brown and i'm here because i'm trying to bring awareness to -- i'd like to use the overhead -- to our children dying [speaker not understood] on the street. the homicides, this is my son. he was murdered august 14th,
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2006, still no closure, still no justice. the criminals are still walking the street to kill again. i'm not only doing this for my son, but other mothers and fathers out there that are suffering. we stand together and still no justice. i am also with the healing circle, the senior advocate of the healing circle for the soul support group. we are mothers and father's that are coming together to try and support each other and try to bring some closure to our pain. and i'd like to invite you guys to the healing circle so that you can hear us and not just for me coming up here all the time and showing these pictures. i wish you would come and listen to us. i also want to bring -- we're talking about gun violence. our children are being murdered from guns like this.
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how do we place these -- how do we trace these gun? these guns are killing our children. people are gettinging hold to these guns. my son was murdered with a semiautomatic gun, 30 rounds of bullets left that gun into my son. all because he was saying help me, or run. how do you shoot a 17-year-old boy with a semiautomatic gun is this where are they getting these guns from? here's another gun. these guns here. i am glad that they're having a gun buy back, but these -- they're still having these guns out here killing our children. i have to live with this every day. and this is why i show these pictures. this is why i come out and stand on the street because our children are dying senselessly to murder [inaudible].
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>> thank you. next speaker. i wrote a letter last week. i should say last week i wrote a letter to harold camping and i asked him to read 50 years in the church of rome, the radio reading circle by charles chinakeee who was the best friend abraham lincoln ever had. i don't know how many of you heard the kfx 1100 broadcast yesterday. can i see a show of hands? no hands, okay. you can podcast it [speaker not understood] sits in for craig roberts. and he devoted about an hour and a half to this. we know the pope stepped down. let me read this prayer before we get into it. [speaker not understood] against your holy child jesus who you a jointed both her odd
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and pontious pilate [speaker not understood] the hand and the council determined before to be done. and now, lord, behold their threatenings and grant unto your servants with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching forth your hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done [speaker not understood]. the holy child jesus. and when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the holy ghost and they spoke the word of god with boldness. and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul [speaker not understood] any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had all things common. and with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the lord jesus and great grace was upon them all. peter said silver and gold have
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i none, but the pope is gloriously appareled and sits on i don't even know how many assets. >> are there any other members of the public who wish to speak in public comment? please step up. that mic is fine on the right-hand side, perfect. hi, how is it going? congratulations to the new guy. i'm having a problem with the local homeless coordinating board. it seems like the chair is blocking several of the people's public comment and it's really not being fair or impartial. it is, you know, sometimes a public -- a member of the
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public who is a city official or service provider will be allowed to speak almost at will whenever in the city meeting. but when a homeless person or someone who has been previously homeless that really identifies as a homeless person tries to speak, they are being obstructed and blocked. and on 1-7-2003, the chair of the local homeless coordinating board said that public comment was irrelevant when a person who speak out continuously for homeless advocacy. they speak out -- a homeless person speaks out for -- they try to speak out -- the chair cuts public comment and said that it's irrelevant. that's part of the problem. the other thing, too, is the
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attendance of the members of the local homeless coordinating board. it seems like some of these members show up every -- once every three months. it's a problem. and then the other thing, too, is i believe they're violating the sunshine ordinance on several things like not recording their meetings. i'm going to pass out the flyer. it has some of the problems. they're violating the section 2312 of the san francisco ordinance. they're not getting reports from the shelters. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public comment is closed. madam clerk, could you read the adoption calendar? >> items 24 through 26 are being considered for immediate adoption without committee
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reference. a single roll call vote will enact these item. if a member objects the matter can be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues, would anyone like to sever any of these items? roll call vote. >> on items 24 through 26, supervisor farrell? >> supervisor farrell? >> on items 24 through 26. farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? >> actually, i'm sorry about this. i forgot to sever item number 26. >> mr. president -- >> why don't we go through the vote, rescind and come back again. madam clerk? >> supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. there are 11 ayes. >> these resolutionses are adopted. supervisor mar, if you'd like
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to make a couple comments about item 26 or rescind. >> no, i think it's fine. if i speak after we've already adopted them. i wanted to thank supervisors yee and indicate yee tang, supervisor katy tang as well for co-sponsoring item number 26 ~ which urges the california state legislature to pass a bill, senate bill 2 19. i wanted to also acknowledge that the tragic death of the young lowell student also raises additional importance of passage of laws like this. i urge support, thank you for your support for helping to make not just the boulevard of supervisor yee's measure did, but also 19th avenue and presidio, park presidio as well safer. i wanted to also say that san francisco needs more places that are safe for everyone to walk, bicycle and drive. and this bill will help to
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reduce serious complex and pedestrian accidents by 25% in 2016 and 50% in 2021. but we still have a long way to go on dangerous areas, whether it's slope or 19th avenue. i wanted to thank supervisor leland yee's office for their efforts and we need to work with him and others to make our thoroughfares that drivers treat like expressways and still pose a major threat to pedestrians much safer every day. some of the most dangerous streets are those which also serve as state highways. and i will repeat that the richmond district's park presidio boulevard area has been a key place, but also 19th avenue that runs through the sunset and district 7 as well. and up highway 1 where 11 pedestrian deaths occurred from a short four-year period 2003 to 2007. i also just wanted to say that senate bill 2 19 extends the double fine zones ~ that the senator helped establish in 2008, but it makes it permanent and i think it will be a help
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to reduce the debts along that corridor and to reduce accidents. and since the establishment of the double fine zones, deadly accidents have dropped by about 75% along those busy routes. but i know we need to do more at the board of supervisors and at the state level. so, thank you so much for your support, kiloton. colleagues. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor mar. madam clerk, we did to the imperative agenda. >> yes, mr. president. on behalf of smashtion, a resolution declaring march 9th 2013 as rosa parks japanese bilingual buy cultural program day and recognizing the 40th anniversary of its founding. ~ >> thank you. supervisor mar has made a motion on this resolution on the imperative agenda. is there a second to that motion? seconded by supervisor campos. supervisor mar, any additional comments you'd like to make on it? >> again i wanted to acknowledge that supervisor breed is an alumnus of rosa parks formerly called raphael we'll, and establishment of the
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japanese bilingual buy cultural program several years ago there has helped to create an incredible school ~, the whole school, not just the jbpp program, but rosa parks elementary school. i wanted to say to the founders 40 years ago the japanese buy electrickvual bicultural program, jbbp as we call it, this will honor them and it establishes march 9, 2013 as rosa parks jbbp day and acknowledges the hard grassroots organizing and educational equity work ~ that has been done in our japanese and all of our communities throughout san francisco. so, i urge your support, colleagues. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor mar. i'd also like to be added as a co-sponsor. i think the rosa parks school has been a great model of how to do this type of education. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. and on the imperative agenda item if we could take a roll call vote. madam clerk. >> supervisor farrell? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar?
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mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor yee? yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. president chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution passes. madam clerk, could you read the in memoriams? >> yes, mr. president. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following individuals on behalf of supervisor tang, for the late ms. chan ran chang. >> and madam clerk, is there any more business in front of the body? >> >> that concludes our business for the day. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [adjourned]
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