tv [untitled] March 10, 2013 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT
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appreciate everyone who is part of the negotiating operating room that resuscitated this critical project. and i also want to echo the thanks that have already been described. there are so many folks that we need to give credit to moving us to where we are today, starting first and foremost with the tremendous community coalition that has been working for many years across so many different policy and community areas. i, of course, also want to start by thanking our mediator lou jirardo who was tremendous and this project would not be where it is today without his leadership. clearly there was also tremendous leadership within the city. we need to single out ken rich for the millions of hours that he spent working on this as well as with many department heads and, of course, our mayor. and then i want to take a moment and just thank supervisors campos and farrell. i know that campos, farrell,
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chiu are three supervisorial names not discussed together in a sentence but each of our colleagues plate a critical and equal role in the success we saw here today and it was an absolute pleasure to spend all the time that we did getting this done. to continue to add to some of the details of the deal, in addition to the basic structure of a st. luke's that is 50% larger and the cathedral hill that is half the originally proposed size, there are significant community benefits. so, in addition in the area of health care to the health karin ovation fund that supervisor campos has spoken about, and other measures that have been discussed, we have a commitment from cpmc to continue a baseline level of taking care of charity care in san francisco. this is a need, we know we're going to have to continue regardless of what happens with obamacare. the new term sheet continues that commitment, as well as continues to ensure that
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additional medi-cal [speaker not understood] patient lives will be protected. about 30,000 charity care patients per year are commited in this new term sheet and an additional 5400 new medi-cal managed care patient lives of which 1500 will come through a primary care provider in the tenderloin are part of this deal. another topic that was very important to the community is around local hire and work force training. as in the original da, cpmc will hire at least 30% of all construction jobs from san francisco, but we have also improved the provisions for future permanent jobs. originally the deal called for 40 jobs a year for five years. we used our local hiring ordinance and i want to thank supervisor avalos for his leadership on that, such that in this deal 40% of new entry level permanent jobs over the next decade which target residents from our southeast neighborhoods, the western addition, the tenderloin, mission soma, the outer
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mission, excelsior, and chinatown will be the case. i know a number of you were very passionate about making sure that we had additional funding for work force training and i want to thank supervisor cohen for her efforts in this area. we have doubled the amount of money in this agreement to ensure that we are providing additional work force training now to the tune of $4 million. another policy area that we focused on in this development agreement, the term sheet to the development agreement has to do with transportation. there have been a lot of concerns about the possibility of 28,000 car trips which would create massive congestion around cathedral hill. in addition to the fact that the hospital at that site will be half the size, the parking garage is actually going to be 200 spots less and parking will not be available after 7:00 p.m. unless people are coming in for hospital business. $14 million will continue to go to the mta to deal with transit and other safety improvements
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and cpmc has agreed to a robust transportation demand management program to manage traffic congestion, including annual transportation surveys and policies to help incent clipper cards. the last thing i'll say, colleagues, we still have a number of steps as a city to move forward to finally move this project forward. next week the environmental impact report comes back to this board and we will also consider the term sheet resolution, which supervisors campos, farrell and i have just described today. i hope if you have not yet had a chance to receive a briefing from city staff, and if you feel that you would like that, please let ken rich know. but with that, colleagues, again, appreciate your indulgence and i want to thank all of you, not just supervisors campos and farrell, but each and every one of you have provided feedback. i know to the community and work that lou -- worked with
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lou jirardo to make sure we got to where we need to be with that. it's 2:42. i think i want go to special commendations and rerefer back to roll call. we have a number of special commendations today. i'd like to first start with supervisor mar. >> thank you, president chiu. i guess first of all i should say that supervisor avalos and i sit on the bay area air quality management district, which is the air pollution board, the board that cleans the air and works with communities to adopt strategies to reduce vehicle trips and to really clean the air to spare the air through days and activities. we work together with other cities and counties to make sure that the bay area's air quality is as clean as possible. i wanted to say that there is a great tool that we use, it's called the great race for clean air. and i wanted to ask if -- we
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have a number of honorees that are with us today and i was wondering if we can ask them to start coming forward. i'm going to read off the names of the honorees in a moment. i know victor limb from my staff has a number of trophies -- the trophies are already with the honorees. i wanted to say supervisor avalos and i and our city ~ participate very competitively in this process along with other counties. and the great race is amazing two-month competition between bay area workplaces and employers among many workers throughout the region to see who can reduce the most carbon dioxide or co2 by promoting commuter alternative to driving alone. and during the months of september and october, well over 1200 employees from 93 bay area companies log in their daily air friendly commutes and
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approximately 674 tons of c.o.2 are saved by employees who choose not to drive or work alone. that's 674 tons of air pollution that we are preventing from going to the air by all these folks that are commuting and being very creative in how they get to and from work. the bay area wide winner is recognized for the highest co2 savings, two highest levels of employee participation, three, the highest percent of quote clean commute days or days when employees use alternative to driving alone such as transit, biking, or car pooling. and i'll have to say the winners are very creative in how they met these different criteria. first i want to acknowledge our first awardee, and she is a first-time participant and she won from san francisco. she also worked with many of us at different times in the department of public works. she is the commute champion for the city and county of san
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francisco, ananda hirsch, she's with the department of public works. and, again, this is the first great race that she's had participated in. and she had the greatest number of clean commute trips by biking, walking, car pooling and taking transit to get to work. and i wanted to just congratulate ananda. thank you. (applause) >> thank you, ananda. and next we have our other five winners representing the city and county of san francisco. the first is the highest level of employee participation in a midsize company. the first place winner is [speaker not understood] and accepting the trophy is brenda chu and alicia collins, the company had 45% participation. so, here's brian: -- brenda and alicia on behalf of nectar therapeutics. clap lap (applause) clap >> and the third place winner
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is jennifer taylor. the company had 13% participation. jennifer? is jennifer here? (applause) >> and for the highest level of employee participation in a small company where 100% of their employees participated, we have bars and tone creative agency and accepting the trophy is eric stekel. eric, thank you so much. congratulations. (applause) >> and we also have langley investment properties and accepting the proof i is blake peterson. is blake here? thank you, blake. (applause) >> and for the most clean commute days participant, blixtar. katrina james accepting the trophy. thank you so much. (applause) >> and for the highest overall co2 savings, nektar saved 300 pounds of co2 by not driving
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alone. accepting the trophy are brenda chu and alicia collins. (applause) >> thank you so much, guys. and on behalf of the board of supervisors, i want to congratulate every individual and organization that participated in improving the environment and your participation competing with the other counties also kind of makes us proud as san franciscans. it is a shining example of how companies in the bay area can thrive as successful businesses and cooperate to reduce administrations, emissions and keep our air clean one commute at a time. so, i'd like to ask if supervisor avalos could come up as well as we take a quick photo and then move on as the board. ~
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(applause) >> , supervisor mar. it's my honor to make the next presentation who is to someone who -- colleagues, we all have a lot of community leaders and activists that care about public safety. ~ but if i had to single out one person who city-wide who has simply identified to knows what it means to fight for a safer community, it would be this next individual. david chan is someone who many of you have worked with who joined sf safe as a public safety coordinator in june of 1998. after he had already spent two
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decades working in the royal hong kong police force in addition to 10 years of business management and international project financing consultation. and i'd like to ask him to come up to the podium. and if you don't mind, i know we have a couple of members who help run our police department. it's good to have our chief of police, chief sur here, his deputy chief, mike beale here, the two of you might want to come to the podium. i might ask you to say a few words for our honoree. for those of you who do not know david, over the past 15 years as the public safety coordinator for safe, david has organized countless multi-lingual neighborhood watches city-wide making safety presentations personal safety, senior safety, home safety, vehicle safety, child safety, fraud and identity prevention and disaster preparedness events. he's facilitated countless community town hall meetings. he's organized and conducted multiple city-wide drills and
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public safety awareness events. he has also been absolutely instrumental within the chinese community helping to educate the security needs and concerns of current and continuing crime trends with follow-up case management that he himself has brought to the table for mono lingual chinese immigrants, referring them to federal, state, and city law enforcement, governmental and nongovernmental bodies. he has been awarded numerous commendations from chief fred lau, from chief heather fong for outstanding leadership, performance and organizing abilities, has probably enough letters and commendations and awards from the police commission, police captains, asian peace officer association, community organizations to wallpaper his entire house, and we wanted to add to that on the occasion of your retirement. and, so, david, i really want to thank you for everything you have done.
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and before i would ask our chief to say a few words, i know we have a couple colleagues who also want to add a few words as well. supervisor mar. >> thank you. and thank you, chief suhr and commander beale for being here as well with david chan. victor lim from my office and i have worked very closely with david chan. he's such a great wiseman and mentor. i've learned so much from you. ~ and i know that you're going to continue to work with many of our communities to make them safer and to come up with strategies, how residents work with law enforcement cooperatively to keep our neighborhoods safe. i wanted to also say for the richmond district, it's been an honor to work with you as well. you helped us reach so many of the chinese community through our lunar new year richmond district walks. targeting chinese seniors by unscrupulous criminals, but also just in many ways coming up with great creative ideas. i know your work for 15 years with sf safe is really
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important, but your work with the fierce royal hong kong police force and many other years of work in other communities make you a tremendous and valuable servant to the people of san francisco. so, on 'retirement from sf safe, i just wanted to thank you on behalf of the richmond district. thank you so much, mr. chan. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor avalos. >> i can't help but chime in and say thank you for your great service to the city and county of san francisco. it was absolute pleasure to work with you. you understand community organizing really well, especially in the framework of public safety and really saw that relationship building was essential to making sure that we can actually get neighborhoods working together. and i just want to say thank you and wish you all the best in your future years and look forward to seeing you in your next. >> from district 4, supervisor tang. >> hello, david. really hate to see you go. we worked with you for so many years, not just in public safety, but also i want to
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mention that david at the drop of a hat, whenever we needed help in reaching out to the mono lingual community, has come through for us as well. so, thank you, david. but you have just been tremendous to work with. you are on the ground with us. and we hope that in your search for your replacement that you find someone just like you. >> and supervisor cohen. >> thank you. it's actually a privilege to stand before this body and recognize david chan who actually became not only a confidant of mine, but also a good friend. so, not only do i feel safe walking next to you, but i also consider you very trustworthy and in working with you, i have found that you have the highest level of integrity and honor. and sometimes that's rare to find in people. and although you're going to be leaving and transitioning and going into a different capacity, i'm grateful that i have your cell phone number to
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continue to call on you and ask your services. so, it is -- it's a loss for our small community, but the world's gain. so, thank you and congratulations to you. >> and i'd also like to ask our police chief and/or our deputy chief if you have a few words you'd like to say. >> thank you, mr. president. i want to echo the comments of the other city leaders in thanking david. i've known him the entire time he's been here. first the mission station and then at field operations. his contributions are immeasurable. he gets out in front of things. he's thoughtful. without saying much, he can actually be very forceful. i know that supervisor cohen and i benefited greatly in the bayview during a really particular tough time. and it was very anxious between the asian neighborhoods and some of the african-american communities and david brokered that like a master.
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and a lot of folk, when you get to the end, you kind of go out the door and yet even this year for chinese new year's david was the one that spearheaded the idea to get blue bags from china advocate tog elders to try and avoid the asian bag scam that i think is actually going to all but eliminate that crime that's been plaguing our city for the last 18 months. and like supervisor cohen, i have your phone number and i will not lose it and i won't let you change t. so, we will miss you. (applause) ~ >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'd like to just chime in for a couple minutes about david and what i've learned from him. just an honor and a pleasure to work with this man over the last two years we worked together very closely in the api forum. and all that was volunteer work and david had that can-do attitude. anything i asked of him, it was always, no problem, i can get that done. he put together seminars for
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the elderly to keep them safe on the street. he helped me with a toy drive for young kids during christmas. he had the energy to put together like the chief said, those blue bags that came all the way from hong kong. he brokered the whole thing. so, david, i'm going to miss working with you. it's been an honor and a pleasure and i know that we all as a city have been -- have enjoyed his service and will continue to enjoy his presence just being a part of our city and our community. thank you. >> thank you. (applause) >> and with that, the honoree of the moment, david chan. >> thank you. well, i don't know i'm this good. i'm just doing a little bit emotional. thank you. i'm really proud and honored to be recognized by the board.
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actually, i know most of the supervisors here except for supervisor breed. in certain context, i've been working with you and i'll still be working with you because retirement is only a comma, it's not a period. i'll be still around. and, actually, i have more time now coming up to this city hall, knocking at your door and bugging you for this and that. [laughter] >> i certainly will give you my personal e-mail and phone number. so, we will still be in contact. thank you very much. i really enjoy it. (applause)
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>> congratulations, david, and we look forward to seeing you here at city hall and in the community. and with that, our next commendation will be provided by supervisor kim. >> i want to bring up our next honoree, mario yudidio. (applause) >> so, mario, i'm just the beginning. i just got the honor to begin the honoring of your service here at city hall.
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i just first want to really thank you for your service to our young people here in the city and county of san francisco. i got to know you when i was at the board [speaker not understood] and got to continue working with you on the board of supervisors. ~ board of education i want to say someone who was a youth organizer for many years, it's often hard to get young people at the table around policy discussions for numerous reasons. a, we a policy makers are not aware of the needs of our young people. and b, it's really hard to get young people into city hall and understand often our very complicated processes, legislation, and understand the best way to give input. but the balance of figuring out just how to empower young people but also guide and mentor and train young people is a delicate balance to have. but it's great it see how beautifully you do that over the last three years. and both how young people respect and love you, also how you are able to raise young leaders here in the city of san francisco. and your work will continue on.
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that's one of the best parts of working with young people is that you get to watch them continue to grow after you. and they will continue to do great things for the city. and you'll know that you played a small part in either opening a door or showcasing a side of the city that they haven't seen before or just showcasing an opportunity to make a difference or change for their neighborhood or community. and, so, i'm really sad today that you are leaving our youth commission, but i'm also really excited to work with you in your new capacity at san francisco rising. so, i am going to read this proclamation. i know a number of our colleagues will want to say some words for you. so, for our proclamation to mario, whereas mario rubiano yudidio have served the young people in san francisco 3-1/2 years and last two years the san francisco youth commission, and whereas in his commitment to aiding the youth commission and fulfilling the duties as
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per charter section 4.124, by identifying and proposing solutions to meet the unmet needs of all the youth of san francisco has been exemplary. and whereas he has prioritized the charge and efficacy of the commission resulting in the increased presence, prestige, and visibility of the commission's work in both city hall and within the wider community. and whereas during mario's tenure beginning in july 2009, the full youth commission has met a total of 78 times. in addition to the consistent biweekly meetings, and one executive committee [speaker not understood]. and whereas a leadership as director of the youth commission has resulted in a historic inaugural joint meeting of the youth and police commission in march 2012, positive movement on juvenile justice issues, vis-a-vis advocating for full youth access to the juvenile hall recreation yard, incredible success on the free muni for youth campaign. and whereas on account of his
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infectious positivity up beat character and respected mentor ship and leadership on the youth commission, beyond providing police, budgetary and parliamenteryian assistance, and whereas the youth of san francisco and the staff of the city and county of san francisco will miss your strong work ethic, infocusive charisma, relentless advocacy and deep commitment to social justice and impact for policy. now therefore be it resolved that the san francisco board of supervisors does here by commend and honor our friend and colleague, mario for his exceptional contribution to the youth commission and to the city and county of san francisco. ~ and this has been signed by our entire board. and like i said, i have been incredibly impressed by the way and talent and scope you have but also your incredible dedication and passion for young people but also on behalf of our communities, to. so, thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. i know there are actually many
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of us that want to say a few words, mario. and i will continue the conversation. for me, and i think for all of us, this is a bitter/sweet day. while we know you're going to provide tremendous leadership at sf rising, i for one would prefer that you continued working with us here in the city and county in the role you've done a tremendous job in. i think oftentimes we take teachers and mentors, those role models for young people without necessarily seeing the long-term impact they have. my guess is in a few short years the generations of young people that you have trained, that you have mentored, that you have taught how to lead, are going to be having an incredible impact on our city. they already are on the issues that supervisor kim has already discussed. and this really is a testament to your work, to your inspiration, to the times that you spent round the clock making sure that our future is
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ready to lead. and i cannot thank you enough. i know many of our colleagues, we're really going to miss you, but we will continue to work with you as you leave this building, but i have a feeling you'll be visiting us early and often. so, thank you. supervisor avalos. >> thank you, president chiu. i'm actually kind of excited that you're going to san francisco rising because i've been very, very impressed with the work you've done at the youth commission and you've really brought an empowerment model to the youth commission that we haven't hads as strong before until you came here. and i think it's really -- and i've seen youth commissions since 1996 and yours, the body the past few years here has been remarkable. you actually brought a lot of people together to really analyze issues, to explore, you know, how they can make a difference and look at how we can prevent things we can do in
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terms of solutions at the board of supervisors and other city departments. and i think that's a really remarkable that you have actually been able to get the young people to do that as well. it's their voices that you put forward. you have also yourself have been pretty relentless advocate as well. i'd be walking down the hallway and suddenly you'd be at my side telling me things i should know about and then that would last about 30 seconds. [speaker not understood] afterwards, all these things i need to work on and be aware of and i just want to thank you for keeping me aware and making sure young people's voices are prioritized here in san francisco. i also think it's important that you have to recognize that you have a lot of work outside the youth commission you work on. you've been instrumental in helping to set up mission prep school in the excelsior district and have brought me into the work of the school as well. so, i want to thank you for that. prior to any of this and people don't know about is that you were actuallyhi
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