tv [untitled] March 11, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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the process was unfair to us and also to our partners who have joined us to present the proposal for this rfp, (inaudible) lorin davis and rovelle's business partners and they were all very much involved and creating a strong component to this proposal. what made this process, unfair really, is the one thing that this lack of clarity in this scoring rules. then, also, mentioned of they scored that were given and you know her as all track records speaks for itself and is very surprising and finally, with the mention that some of the information that has been given in support of the process, is at times not totally accurate and i would mention the latest memo from mr. ferman mentioning four airports that would supposedly have mag only and this is not true.
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they all have all sorts of percentage. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> before you start, let me call a few other speaker cards. richard vancura. lance burton oscar grand and survante and denisc titan and king, and dr. seler titwell. >> good morning, members of the committee, my name is darrel davis and i am the president and ceo of davis and associates communications. and i am also contractor on the jc proposal. i was really surprised to hear from the airport speaker that lbs were not considered a consideration in the proposal. this is very surprising to me and i would like to know why that is. that that was not a consideration of evaluation of
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the proproesal. jc (inaudible) went above and beyond and they included our firm in the proposal to provide advertising. that is an authentic partnership that we have with jc dco that we rarely experience with large companies and we are glad to be on this proposal and i hope that you take that into consideration. because it gives us an opportunity that we would not typically have on a project like this to be part of a advertising program that is typically held by very large firms that don't include local businesses such as mine. they have provided us with an opportunity to educate us on some new advertising techniques. and to be able to advertise within the airport itself in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you, miss davis. >> next speaker? >> good morning supervisors. i will keep this short,vy been in the city since 1994 as a business owner, 19 years.
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i have tried to get a number of city contracts over those 19 years and, frankly i have never won one. >> and your name? >> bill emata i am the founder, chairman and chief collar ration of iw group and we have been here for 19 years and we have been trying multiple times to get different contracts with the city and county of san francisco each time we have failed. yet, we were one of the top five asian american advertising firms in the country and we have countries that we represent such as pacific gas and electric and coke and i was surprised saying that mr. erm ata we want to have a partnership with the agency not only do you represent a lot of brands you are recommended as a company that donates back to the communities that they operate in but also have a lot of companies that they can bring to the airport. i was very excited about that.
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because this is the first time a major corporation reached out to us and said that we want a partnership and what was more remarkable about that is jcco said to us if you don't have the ability to help us with the san francisco airport, we are going to send a group of people to train your staff. >> that is extremely unusual. i have to tell you supervisor. no major corporation that has a contract with governmental agencies have ever offered to come in to our office and train our people on how to be better servants of the people of san francisco. i also wanted to mention that they are involved in the community. one of the things that i asked the president and this is very unusual because i work with a lot of companies including the contractor that is being recommended. and i have never met the president of some of these companies, the president of this company not only met with me he spent some time with me over dinner to explain the things that they want to do and i really believe that is an important part sner ship.
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>> thank you. >> don franklin. and i am not a ceo i am not a lawyer, i am just a small time fishing captain at fisherman's warf. for a person who has a one boat operation i can reach the masses on a daily basis i take people fishing and i get to take them out into the bay off the coast and share with them a lot of wonderful resources and i have to tell you that people don't look at san francisco as a world class fishing destination but i fished in three different continents and three countries but this is home. this is home base and there is nothing like seeing somebody catch a 20 to 30-pound king salmon and it is just amazing what we have just a half of a mile away and this proposal would allow not only this resource and treasure to be shared, but the rest of the
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world on an even better basis but for myself as a small businessman, this is big for me to have the opportunity at the airport to be able to actually advertise to the people and this proposal, for smaller guys like myself, it really helps us out. because, contrary to popular belief, it is the small businesses that keeps the city running and i am the one person guy, but my boat supports a fuel dock, a bait dock and two deck hands and a secondary skipper and a few other people and in the only that, the people get off of my boat with their fish, they get to actually say where did you get that? where did you see it? >> right here, you want to go with that guy and there are other sites and but, they are having a very good time and hopefully if this shows, i want to show something on my iphone that we had recently.
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>> that is one of those world class stirgon and so we will be able to share more of this with the rest of the world if this proposal goes through. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker? >> good morning, richard ventura, former member of the small business commission and currently the ceo of the economic empowerment fund where we provide education and advocacy for the market. >> it is a strong focus on the local businesses here in san francisco. they shape our communities and we need to remember that a lot of times they are stuck to their businesses and unable to come out and have a voice for themselves. i want to show the dem graphic data, there is 85,000 businesss in san francisco. of which, 58,000 are sole propry at therses leaving 25,000 to employ two to ten employees and there is a great opportunity to promote a lot of our local business and bring
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people back to the local corridors which a lot of you have witnessed in the past small business week activities. and i wanted to actually let you know that deco has demonstrated a strong, focus on local engagement, with their process. and i think that this is unique, instead of going to promoting various tourist destinations it is really looking at promoting our grassroots, local businesses which will take the people back to the local corridors which will be a benefit to the entire city as a whole. i am asking that you send this back for proper scoring and consideration. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker please? >> good morning, committee superviser, lance burton, planet fillmore communications. i am a local business enterprise that worked largely with some of the small business venues and event makers here in the western addition as well as the south east communities. we struggle with the ability to
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promote ourselves expose ourselves through the marketing and advertising that is needed to get a grand scale audiences and to our opportunities. and as we looked at the season of african american acknowledgment, this recent few months, we noticed that it was very, very tough to get our messages out above and beyond the very, very localized participants who showed up because of our fliers or the links that we do with the internet. but when i size up the profiles of these two companies, and i look at what the innovation that jcdco has had a history of having over the course since they were founded in 1964, verses the clear channel and 1973, i see two different companies that are very
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devergant in the philosophy in the way that they approach the communities. i must say that i am sure 12 years ago, that when this contract was awarded, to a sleeping little advertising company known as transportation media, it did not expect that it would grow into the type of size that a company clear channel communications opened by bain capitol. and promoting a one voice operation which covers 1200 radio stations nearly a million visual display boards and the ability to put its footprint squarely in the middle of... thank you, when we look toward the skies. >> sir... >> i am sure that the sun... >> thank you very much. >> i just... >> two seconds. >> two minutes has expired. >> thank you, next speaker. >> thank you, everybody gets two minutes.
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>> next speaker please? >> good morning, supervisors my name is denis e bradley and i am the president of consulting and i am an lb and a wbe and i think that i am an mbe and clear channel airport partnered with me despite the fact that they did not have that as a requirement in the rfp. we have already developed a strategy in beginning the out reach to work with the organizations within various communities and districts from the fillmore to the western district. we have begun out reach for the african american chamber of commerce and we hope to do it with the other chambers but obviously the process has been held up given the contract has not yet been awarded. but i can say that clear channel has been in my serving because i personally do not
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want to be affiliated with a company that has not a good corporate citizen and did not support the minorities and the woman-owned businesses. and in doing the research they indeed have been, they have supported it without the contract even being up. they supported sf may they supported elanzo ballet which is headed by an african american that has been in san francisco for the last 30 years. but they have put up probono. so i think that contrary to some of the things that have been said. i think that the contract process was fair. clear channel has demonstrated commitment to work with the small businesses in the minority community and like jcdco we are also offering the training for the small businesss in terms of educating them and advertising, education program in terms of insurancing that we get maximum exposure for the businesses that we
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represent. thank you. >> thank you, very much. >> next speaker, please? >> angelo king. >> very quickly. i can only speak from personal experience, there are a lot of times that we are put in as a contractor or a community guy and i am putting together a projects and having an out reach component and i have always had a great reception with clear channel in trying to get things publicized and maybe my connection may my connection is better than others. but i have always been successful in terms of promoting events are getting free air space or even when we are going redevelopment stuff and we want to do neighborhood promoting things and we always got a great reception from them. and every time that i am listening to this discussion, i am not hearing that clear channel did a bad job or did not provide san francisco with cash. or none of that. you know? and actuality, they managed to contract well enough that they
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provided the city with more cash and we are trying to make sure that we get a fair deal with them. but beyond that, it is a huge contract and i understand the big boys and so we always have to be circumspec. they do support lbes whose focus is to make sure that there is publicizing for the business and promoting for the local events and i know for sure that the projects that i have been involved in had been benefited from that. and so, you know, after you go through everything, and i'm hoping to still roll with the entity thanks. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please? >> let me say, that if there are any members of the public that also wish to comment on item number 7 that you could please step forward and line up on the line there. >> malard larkin president and ceo of (inaudible) consultants. over 20 years as a local firm here in san francisco.
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there are many things that i could say, but i have heard everything that i wanted to say when i wanted to get up here. but i want to thank the supervisors first of all for your comments with respect to continuing to support local businesses. i would encourage you to pass this simply because my personal experience with the clear channel having served in various different capacities around san francisco, other than business owner. but mostly, by the fact that clear channel hired the individual to local small businesses. i know that you have heard a lot of xhepts and so i will not take up much of your time thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker please? >> dr. susan churchwell and a community person and i understand that clear channel has strong presence in the lbes
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program. and they are promoting the small businesses. throughout this, this at the airport. they also have hired a publicity person solely to promote and to publicize the contracts for the small businesses to get abreast of it. and also, also going to promote local events, so therefore, i am asking the committee to consider to award in the contract to clear channel. >> thank you, very much. >> are there any members of the public that also wish to speak on item number seven? >> seeing none, the public comment is closed. >> colleagues any comments? >> if not, i would like to entertain a motion to continue item number 7 to the call of the chair and with comments to the airport that we once mr. martin returns, we will work with the budget analyst to get some more information there.
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>> so moved. >> we have a second and we can do that without opposition. >> mr. clerk, actually we are going to do one item out of order. could you please call item number 9? >> item number 9. ordinance appropriate ating $118,107 to the san francisco department on the status of women for fiscal year 12-13. >> thank you, very much. and i know that we have miss masa here to speak. we are joined mostly by supervisor cohen, would you like to provide a few comments. >> thank you colleagues for allowing me to present this item to budget. as you remember, a few weeks ago, the board of supervisors passed a supplemental appropriation of $631,893 to support new staff as the district attorney's office and the department on the status of
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women. while there was not agreement on this spending, on the remaining, amounts of the supplemental and staffing, i do think that it was general agreement among the board members that we could actually see this additional funding of $118,107 reallocated to a different line item to support the work that many of the work that the partners are doing in sort of legal services and language access for services of domestic violence and their families. >> we sent this back to the committee to continue the conversation about these services. and i would like to bring up now, dr. emily murase from the department of the status of women to give us a brief overview of the services that these additional funds could potentially be used for. >> thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. >> supervisor cohen and chair farrell. >> i want to thank the board
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for supporting the supplemental of last week. as you know the 2011 comprehensive report on family violence, documented increases in reported domestic violence cases received and assessed by the da's office and increased by ten percent and the adult probation department caseload sin creased by 17 percent, shelter beds have increased by 29 percent and crisis hot lines have increased by 47 percent, so the good news is that people are coming forward with rments on domestic violence. the proposal before you today is to real locate the $118,000 to five community-based providers and this comes from the community. those service providers are cooperative retraining order, clinic and volunteer legal services program and asian pacific islander, or legal research and legal aid and (inaudible). and in addition to those five,
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community-based organizations, we are requesting $18,000 in additional training dollars that the department would partner with direct service providers to give to city agencies including 911 and 311. why now? and why these agencies? >> before you is a copy of a study on secure communities in san francisco. and so just briefly in 2008, the department of homeland security, wanted to identify deportable immigrants at the point of arrest. and since then, they have been very aggressive in collecting finger prints. and they have collected between 2008 and 2010, 4 million fingerprints of these 8 percent matched immigration customs and enforcement data base. of these, about 20 percent or 65,000 people have been deported as a result of secure communities. the goal of secure communities
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is to deport dangerous criminals. and the reality is quite different and you will see in the report of the 324 deportations in san francisco between 2008 and 2011, one in three, the large proportion had no previous criminal record. the impact of this program, on domestic violence has been very severe. domestic violence perpetrators can counter charge the victim with some form of violence or assault. and the victim is then fingerprinted and then subject to ice procedures and deportations and so this program has created a chilling fact on reporting of crime in general and domestic violence by immigrant victims and so we really need expert legal advice from the community and by the community to counteract this chilling effect. and we really focusing on legal
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services. helping these communities overcome some of the challenges that secure communities have now created in the community. happy to answer your questions. >> supervisor mar? >> thank you, and supervisor cohen for bringing this to us and thank you dr. murase as well. i know that the asian pacific islander and others are part of this and the bar association 2 programs, as well, to provide legal services for domestic violence victims. and there is $18,107 allocation for the department. it seems for principle administrative analyst or partial funding so that person or your department can create a comprehensive needs assessment to evaluate the needs of domestic violence programs and
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is that what the $18,000 is used for. >> it is for when we go out and do a training, it has been almost five years ago when we put together a domestic violence response cross training institute. we partner with subject matter experts from our shelters and from our hot lines and our case management folks and we pay them to help to deliver the training content. so these dollars are actually going to go to our community-based partners. so, explain again, how the $18,000 to the department is going to be allocated? >> so, what we do is we pay a community-based trainer. so that we engage in shelter, case manager, to come with us to 311, or 911. and so, these dollars will go to that shelter employee, in support of our training. so we don't actually keep the money in. >> so it is stipends for attendees of the training.
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>> stipends for the trainers, actually. >> thank you. >> okay, any other questions? seeing none, thank you very much. miss murase and to the budget analyst? >> chairman and members of the committee, supervisor cohen has shown on page 44 of our report, as in table four, and that is on page 43. the proposed supplemental appropriation will result in total expenditures of 719, 539 for the five non-profit organizations in the department's training or 63 percent more than the current, 443, 334, in 1213. funding for those organizations. comparing the 11-12 level of the general fund cost to the
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proposed cost of 719, 537, reflects an increase of $323,067. that is 21 percent increase and projecting forward to 13-14, and tentative estimates will be $998,000. and we consider approval of this to be for the board of supervisor and happy to respond to any questions. >> any questions? >> i do. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you for your presentation and your work on this and for the department status and the staff as well. and supervisor cohen, just a question about this, you probably mentioned in that that was not clear. i think that $18,000 if you annualized that, how much would that be? >> supervisor, what we did was if you take a look on page 43 of our report, the bottom of the table in four, in fiscal
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year the 12-13, the department was budgeted for these specific organizations and including training. 443,334 and as you know the board about two weeks ago authorized an additional 158,096. if you add that 158, 096 to the 443, 444 that was previously budgeted plus your subject request today of 118,107, the total 12-13 cost will be $719537 and so that compared to the 443, 444 which you previously budget $and compared to the 396 for 11-12. >> mostly what we are looking for in what we are paying for the increasing and how that
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will be annualized later. my question is really based on the question that i asked when the item was before us about a month ago. i asked if the mayor's office was going to analyze the positions in the da's office and the positions that are being organized as well as the positions in the status of women department. the status was affirmative that the mayor was going to continue these services and programs. and now we have an additional $118,000. and my question is well, that is going to be the commitment for the mayor's office to want to fund that if we were to approve it today. otherwise we will just be funding ongoing services for, you know the increased number in services just for the remainder of this fiscal year, i am not sure how much sense that make. >> through the chair's supervisor, avalos, my understanding and that is what is reflected in our report if you look on table four. for the most part, each of these non-profit organizations
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would be receiving the additional $20,000. and the last supplemental that they all received was an additional $30,000 or a total of $50,000 additional in the current year, the department has indicated as reflected in our report, that those costs, they will be requesting that $50,000 additional that is being added to the annualized to $100,000 or doubling the amount for next fiscal year. >> and anyone with the question for the mayor's budget staff. >> what the intent is in the mayor's office because that will determine whether or just going to be funding something that is going to, you know, increase and it will just end, this fiscal year or just continue into the future years? >> hi, we are with the mayor's budget office. my understanding is that the increased expenditures for these grants would continue into the budget year. i believe that our assumption
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for the 6 month report incorporated that expectation that the funding for those grants would continue into the budget. >> okay. very good. and another question that i have is just get a needs assessment that the new staff person will be doing the department status of women and based on that, there could be a determination that there are services that these increased funds might be necessary to provide. and i like to think that if we were able to say that we are going to respond to the need and be flexion believe for what might happen in the other years. that is to help with the increases of services that the department of status of women with meet the needs that are existing and heretofore covered by the city. thank you, and commissioner murase, this needs assessment that is being conducted what is your estimated time on completion there? >> it is not being conducted
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