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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2013 6:00am-6:30am PDT

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that is the issue that we struggle with is that you have now got to struggle with because you are policy body. so i need that kind of direction from you. not you don't worry about how they come in or don't come in or how i communicate. >> okay. >> so to issue the one-day permit, the second one day permit, provided that they met all of the criteria of the sound for the first one-day permit. >> excellent. >> is that right. >> somebody else do this. >> i have a better way of doing it? >> i think that, i guess that this is an instruction to staff, this is not a motion. so the instruction to staff, is to issue the one-day permit for the palty lapone show standardly like you would issue any other one-day permit and that you investigate the
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following day, as to the out come of the atenation for that show before you issue the next permit. >> what day of the week is the first show. >> that is a great question. >> it is a tuesday. >> okay. >> that is 6 days, right? >> so if that is... so we agree that that is the instruction to staff? >> okay. >> sure. >> agreed. >> okay. so we agreed, that that is for the next item is just, a motion to conditionally grant on the standard sign-offs and conditions. >> northern is not here. >> they are northern. >> they were here. >> they were and they spoke on this item. >> that is right. >> i got a question real quick. >> so the first day they get the grant. and then for some reason there is some issues. >> they don't get the next day. >> so what happens then.
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>> that is their problem. >> they have to meet the standard. >> yes. >> as does anyone who has one of our permits has to meet a standard and so they have to meet the standard and that is it. and i feel that they probably will meet the standard. >> if they don't the consequences are too high. >> as long as they know that. >> i think that they know that. >> that they will not the second one. >> will it be conducted under... are we instructing vaj to go? >> that would be a staff thing that is something that the staff would handle. the staff, or the executive director would make a decision how she was going to direct her investigator. >> there is, you are done. there is no more talking for you. i am sorry >> commissioner hyde? >> yeah.
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i would like to instruct staff to have vaj go over and i am sorry to put more on vaj but i feel like the neighbors would feel more secure with a representative and i think that they have a reason to if there is problems, if they start conducting it on their own, where we are just asking for more problems? if they are doing it together? i think that we need a representative and i think that the neighbors are giving me a clear signal that that is what they are hoping for. >> clarification. you are suggesting that i use mr. grineli for the first day. >> yes. >> the first day only. >> only. >> but the step before that, not the day of. >> the day of. >> the day before. >> before the concert. >> then you need to... >> and you are talking about the sound test. >> it is a sound test, it is sound check it has to check the actual performer and so it is that day. >> it will be day of.
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>> yeah. >> the sound check is the day off. >> and if the neighbors i would like to suggest that if the neighbors can't be there for that sound check, that they have somebody that they care about and has their interest in their apartment, for it, because we can't just keep sending people out there and i think that if we are very serious about this and there really is a problem that they should be responsible also at having someone in their apartment if they want the sound checked. they would only be the one. >> sound test happens and the sound checks happens day of the show and earlier in the day, usually. it does not actually happen the day before. >> it will probably happen during the day, i am assuming that most people work. we would have to, get the inspector to do whatever he needs to do whether he has to go up into the hallways of the 6th floor, the 5th floor to do
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his sound check, i don't know if he can do it in the apartment. i think that is unreasonable. i am not sure, i want to leave it to the staff and do it well so that the executive director will direct her staff to execute our instructions for a sound test during the sound check on that tuesday, the first day of patty lapone. >> is that clear? >> yes. >> could i just ask a clarifying question? >> are we actually conditioning anything out of the ordinary here? >> no. >> the instruction to the staff is not a condition. >> that is right. that is just a instruction. it is just an instruction so that we are being directed by you the commission very clearly. >> sure. >> that the conditions however
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you must consider. that you get back to the item, that we are supposed to be talking about. >> which is the place of a permit. >> are we finished with the one day permit? >> so for the place of entertainment permit? >> i don't, other than conditions, set by the police correct me if i am wrong, because it was so long ago that we heard from the police, that this meeting that the police said that they were not in favor of this permit until the sound atenation situation was resolved. >> having that condition on this permit would be our condition any way. they can't get a final permit unless they pass our sound test. >> so i want to make sure that the applicant knows that after the six months,... after the six temporary ones are done, they either have to shut down
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and get their stuff done and get the sound check done before they could reopen. and so that means, what they said in testimony, that they would cancel their shows. and so i just want to make sure that that is still part of the agreement, with the neighbors. >> right. >> if it is not, they would be operating without a permit. >> exactly. >> and that would have consequences. >> okay. >> if they come to me with additional one days, will you instruct me as to your wishes? >> i say, no. >> i say no. >> i say no. >> on the record, thank you. >> on the record. do you want to vote on that. >> do you want to get the rest of the commissioners on it. >> no. >> commissioner perez what would you say? >> no. >> no. >> akers. >> no. >> i got it. >> okay. >> no. >> no. >> there you go. >> all right. >> so now, on conditionally
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granting the entertainment permit for live at the razz 1000 van ness is there a motion? >> i would like to move to approve it with conditions that are set down by the police and yeah. >> okay. is there a second? >> second. >> we have a motion and a second. is there further discussion? >> yes. >> nicholas. >> commissioner akers in >> aye. >> perez >> aye. >> tan. >> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> lee. >> aye. >> joseph. >> aye. >> good luck to you, i hope that your sound proofing goes well and you have your patty lapone and so good luck to you all. >> item 2,
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>> oh, dear. >> thank you. >> review and approve the minutes of february 19, commissioners is there a motion? >> a motion to approve the minutes. >> we have a motion. do we have a second? >> a second. >> a motion and a second. >> any public comments on our minutes of february 19th >> seeing none, akers. >> aye. >> perez. >> aye. >> hyde. >> aye. >> joseph >> aye. >> lee. >> aye. >> next item on the agenda, is the report from the executive director. miss king, this is going to be taxing to see how quickly you can get through this. >> go quickly. >> hello. >> it is a short one, any way. so, i attached behind a memo, the legislation amending the 1060, and 1070.
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and takes some time review it and it is in the 30 day wait. there is a letter attached obviously indicating and also, the alleged digest and so i don't want to talk about it tonight, but please take along, hard look at it and use your code, your current code, to compare it against it, because this is it seems like a lot of paper but it is actually changing a lot of code. and so i need you to understand it. >> it was introduced on february 26th. it sits for 30 days, likely date for the first hearing at the land use committee. is april 15. so, if we are able on april second, which is your next meeting, because we as you know canceled march 19th, based on lack of quorum to discuss it on april second, we can certainly do that and then have a formal way to communicate to the board
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of supervisors. i have also attached a notice that looks a lot like the agenda and what it is is actually the separate notice for the america's cup amp i theater i want to alert you that on april second that will be on our agenda, this is part of the america's cup summer entertainment and it is a four-month, stretch of shows, we will be charged with by the port commission and the city, to put conditions on this basically, weird poe, that will last for four months of something that does not have a roof. and so, that will be important, as something for you guys to think about. i will skip the staff update
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because it does not matter. (inaudible) was given a suspension and the likelihood of appeal was high and in fact they did appeal the suspension. the permit holder, or the staff member, we have not had one of these short terms suspensions appealed yet and so we have not done this before, so we are trying to figure out how to agendaize in front of you. i want you to know that we may need to call a special hearing because we don't have another regular hearing between now and april second and you can see that it is going to be very busy. be aware that if i can come to some figure on how to bring this to you i might be requesting a special hearing. >> how many warning do you have to give? >> these are questions that i am waiting on for the city attorney and this is a due process issue but i will let you know as soon as possible.
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you do want us to take the stuff out of the legislation and take them home and out of the books >> absolutely. take them home. >> i need a copy of that. >> it is not in your book. >> you know why? >> because he took his book early. okay. we will find it. >> vaj don't go. >> look at my sheet. brick and mortar is still a problem. vaj what did you do to the top of your mic? >> okay. questions? by the commissioners for the executive director's report? >> public comment on the executive director's report? >> okay. seeing none. >> i just want to say that i am going to be out of the country, so i can't attend any special meetings. >> thank you. >> what are the dates?
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>> i am out until april 1. >> march 14, through april 1. >> okay. >> so you guys take care of it. >> okay. all right. next item on the agenda is police. department comments and questions. >> wait, excuse me. >> i have a question. on the notes it says that please see attached on the america's cup amp itheater. >> i don't have it either. >> it is in the back and it is there and i promise you, it is also on the website if you can't find it, it is right on the front page of the website. >> oh, you are right i have it. it is easy to find. >> okay. >> hello, commissioners, steve methiason centralization and the different things that we
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are dealing with on broadway and central one of the things was several of the adult entertainment and night clubs are pushing the customers out of the clubs at 2:00 a.m. and closing their doors and not taking control of their patrons once they have got them out there. so sergeant gains is going around the different clubs and kind of advising them that they are still responsible for their patrons just because it is 2:00 and they are out of the door it does not mean that they get to go home, everybody has to be safe and along their way as well as not being loud and fighting. several small restaurants are operating after 2:00 without extended how widers permits and they are advised as well and more of an issue on broad way. >> i spoke with john regarding the loit tering at the adult entertainment venues and he sent out the letters and it seems to be helpful as far as not having the loitering out in
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front. and we met with a long shore man halls regarding the safety plan, that went actually very well. and at the kind of hashed out a final draft and that that went to the entertainment commission and we were happy with that and it was mutually acceptable. >> different incidents that were in the central. out of all of the reports there were four basically either assaults or aggravated assaults, all of them were own employees, on march fourth, at 3:17 in the morning, in the parking lot at 425 broad way, let's see one of the dancers from the adult entertainment venues was being escorted to her car. and she went to her car, she was not being escorted but she was physically assault and dragged into a car and throw out on market street. the victim did not elaborate on who the person was. this happened at 3:17 in the morning and just prior to that
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sergeant gains was in the parking lot and it was not like the parking lot was going crazy. it was pretty dead. and as soon as he left this assault happened. >> another one was february 22nd. the victim escorted the dancer to the car and was assaulted by three suspects and was struck in the face and kicked in the head. no arrests were made on this. little darlings had a notice of violations for operating after 2:00 a.m.. and they have and they do not have an extended hours permit and at 2:10, they there was a dj playing and they had 20 patrons inside. >> and another incident, at little darlings, 312 columbus on march third this one was at 1:30 in the morning, a person was walking down the street and started a fight, and they, the bouncer at little darlings
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tried to stop the fight and the suspect ended up head butting the bouncer, and he had a gash to his head. there was a battery at the jack in the box at 400 geary street on march third at 3:00 a.m., this is a restaurant that has an extended hour permit and the security guard was sucker punched by a customer who had previously been told to leave in previous weeks and the last two are just thefts one was from the ruby sky for an iphone and the other one was from pier 23, purse with the contents valued at $1500. >> thank you, any questions? >> commissioner hyde? >> yeah. several months ago, i had asked to go out and check on and make sure that all of the venues have signs up that talk about loitering and respecting neighbors and stuff like that. has that been taken care of in north beach. >> i know that going by there i have seen the signs as far as
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leaving in the quiet manner for the neighbors and i have seen some of the loit at loitering, i have not seen a universal sign specific sign that is made. >> i was told that they don't exist. like a specific sign. like that. >> they don't. but we actually went out and sighted everybody who did not have a sign. they were a really nice metal sign to a piece of paper stuck in the window. >> they were up. >> great. >> does the sign have the ordinance, you know? i mean, what, not only just no loit tering does it say section... >> respect your neighbors. >> yeah. >> because you know the supervisor said no loitering and if you have a specific sign i would think that you could do something once they give them ample warning to leave and if they don't leave, then at least they are notified. it makes it easier even for the
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venues ones that it is posted and you can look and say that it is right here and we are not making this stuff up. it makes it easier on everybody. i think that we should suggest that to the proud way clubs. >> any other questions? >> i have a question, did you say that two dancers were assaulted? >> it was two different incidents, one was a dancer was off, you know she had finished her shift and was over going to her car and dragged into the car. she did not really give any suspect information. and so, we don't know really know exactly what happened with that. and then she was pushed out of the car on market street and then the other one was that was a security guard that was escorting a dancer to the car. >> the security guard was attacked. >> was the first also escorted to her car. >> i don't think so. not that i read in the report. >> were these in parking lots
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in both of these p >> i know that one was. >> one was definitely in the parking lot and i think that the other one was going toward the parking lot. >> is that the same parking lot from two weeks ago? >> these are two different parking lots. >> how is the parking lot situation? >> you know, they are improving in some of the lighting, and for us, that is huge. if you could light it up, then you can't have the illegal activities. but we are working with the permits sfpd permits to see if they have proper security and attendance here. i was up here two weeks ago and we were talking about the part of the fighting in the street and in the sidewalk and also in the parking lot and it seems like that drifted from the street and into the parking lot. >> do you know the clubs and workers were coming from
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>> i am not sure. >> thank you. >> comments, item number eight? >> anybody? >> yeah i just want to mention that we did have the first adhov committee today at 4:00 and i want to say that we have done that and we are working quite well and there is a lot of good impute and so i am pleased. when is your next meeting? >> well, because we are looking at possibly changing the code, i have talked to supervisor camp os's office and there is a meeting to start looking at the attorneys that is the word.
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friday, and he is blocked off 4:00 to 6:00 and i am wondering if there was a time that we could narrow it down to a smaller time. he just wanted to make sure that we had set. >> so if this is to be an additional adhoc committee meeting, he needs to agendaize it and you need to be careful of running and getting quar quar um or not. eif it is just with you? >> and they were questioned that you be there specifically. because they would like to ask you questions. >> okay. >> so they want me, staff there, not a commission er. >> as well as a commissioner. >> but again, i want you to figure this out and it does not have to be now. >> if it is not an adhoc committee meeting that does not have to be noticed assigned, but you can't have a quorum. >> right. and i don't think that commissioner lee, i don't think that he was going to be able to make it. >> so. what i think that was asking is
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there an additional meeting set yet, if there isn't, then the next adhoc. >> that would be our next step >> and that you remember that this committee can go away when your work is done, whether or not the legislation is moving forward with the supervisor camp oss so that you should just, and the reason that i am bringing this up is because we have been sloppy in the past and not sort of finishing these ad hoc committee properly and even if it ends with one meeting and the results are legislation with supervisor camp os that is fine too, but think about how you want to resolve n >> we will be meeting before commissioners lee goes out of town. we are going to meet again. >> again. >> let me know. >> because we have to >> you very far to notice the meeting. >> i understand. >> all right. >> i think that we have to start moving on this and getting it through. is what i am saying. we have to move fast because of
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various schedules and stuff like that. so if we could have another one shortly after, the camp os meetings and notice it in seven days? >> that is 72 hours. >> okay. >> then we better because i think that for me, it has to be it can only be the available day that i am available is wednesday. so if we are going to do it, i have to ask to make it available and that there is still some discussion that we are having about it. >> yeah. >> other than that, i am done. >> on the 14th. >> yeah. >> so, you might have to wait after. >> if it works out, it works out if not. >> just remember to do it and have the staff send out the notice for 72 hours notice. >> okay. >> may i ask a question. of the staff. >> if something were to happen with members on the committee, could we put a different commissioner in one of those
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seats to complete the ad hoc committee? >> yeah. you would have to... it would have to happen. >> okay. >> you can just make it too easy. >> it does not have to be three. >> any other? >> i have one other commissioner? >> okay. >> cool. >> i just wanted to say that having sharlene moore here tonight and i don't know if you know who she is is amazing. i have worked with her over the years in all kinds of things we did a huge fund-raiser at the center for the arts for war, orphans and she has an incredible voice and piano player and she has worked with martha wash and seeing her in the room because, she don't come out so much other than they are work and that was
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pretty just pretty amazing and the same thing with i am losing my head i am tired. never mind. >> so, that was great. any new business for the next agenda? >> seeing none, the meeting is adjourned.
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