tv [untitled] March 12, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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i do want to say that i learned a lot about traffic during this time. spoke to a lot of traffic engineers. my favorite meeting this time last year when we were talking about the 28,000 additional day trips, trips to go to cathedral hill hospital as planned and the traffic engineer explained to all of us, remember [speaker not understood] in detail, as to how this would not cause any additional gridlock in any intersections around cathedral hill or the tenderloin because everything would be permanently gridlocked. so, that would be no additional gridlock. so, clearly -- this actually happened. so, clearly this is a huge improvement for cathedral hill in terms of environmental impact and transit and a huge improvement in terms of st. luke's being sustainable. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. president chiu, supervisors, i'm marc aronson. i'm a professor at hastings law school. i work in our civil justice
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clinic and a part of that is our community of economic development clinic which has been providing legal assistance to the san franciscans for health care housing, jobs, and justice. following up what comments have been made during the board discussion and also by my colleagues from the coalition, i want to emphasize that there is a great need for continuing input from in the monitoring and implementation of this agreement from community groups and that wisely our development agreement ordinance foresees this, envisions this. it specifically has provisions that provide for what are called collateral agreements and it anticipates that people who assigned those agreements will come from community coalitions. those agreements can be signed
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with the city itself, a particular city office. they can be signed with cpmc. they can be signed with them jointly. i urge you in the fashioning of the development agreement to envision a very specific role on select issues for the coalition in terms of the implementation and monitoring of some of the provisions. for example, around the work force requirement. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. thank you. good afternoon. president chiu, fellow supervisors, madam clerk, legal, office of economic work force development. i want to thank the entire team and boy, what a team that was. i didn't think that was possible, but you did it all and kudos to all of you. you know, you set the stage for the pathway to seismically safe hospitals for the people of san francisco and i thank all of you and i salute you.
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thank you all. thank you. >> thank you. before the next speaker let me call some other speaker cards. stephen tin lin son, [speaker not understood] ventura, haty lee, lorenzo listana, [speaker not understood], [speaker not understood], [speaker not understood]. next speaker. good afternoon. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is benjamin [speaker not understood] and i'm ceo of a local nonprofit called operation access. and i know the issue of charity care community benefits has been raised and evaluated. my organization receives patient referralses from the community clinics. i know john [speaker not understood] will be speaking in a little bit. i think. and then we match up these low-income monitored people that need specialty care or
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surgeries with volunteer surgeons. and for the last 12 years we've been working in partnership with cpmc during that time nearly $6,000 in charity care has been provided. we have 25 cpmc surgeons that volunteer to provide free surgery to what now is over 700 patients. ~ so, this sounds like a grand bargain to me. thank you all for your good work. i encourage you to move the project forward. thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. dan prince, ironworkers local 377. president chiu, supervisors, i just want to tell you what a relief it is to be able to come up here after testifying in front of the board many times on different projects where there's been successful negotiations and it looks like there's general agreement and less division even in the house of labor about something that's going to supply a lot of
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employment for people of this city and elsewhere and also provide needed services. so, i have to confess i was starting to get cynical about the political thoughts -- >> can that phone be turned off, please? as i was saying, i have to confess i was starting to get cynical about the political process over the last few years, but my faith has been restored. thank you for all your hard work. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is haty lee, i work as a community organizer tenderloin neighborhood development corporation we're an affordable housing agency in the tenderloin. we, as part of san franciscans for health care, housing, jobs and justice, as a member organization we are very thankful for and very heart ened by the vast improvements on this development agreement that we see from what it was
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last year. and, so, we want to thank you, supervisors, and the city staff for working really hard and the cpmc, too, in making this happen. and there are a couple of things that are still questions to be answered. and thank you, supervisors, for asking and raising those issues. one is that 1500 medi-cal [speaker not understood] that will come from the tenderloin. and everyone, a lot of the seniors that we talk to that i work with are either they don't have health insurance or they are going to be receiving benefits through medi-cal and we want to know and they ask me, how am i going to be able to access this? hospital? how am i going to be able to access the services? one of my tenants was here, he wanted to speak, but had to leave. he is at st. luke's. he lives in the tenderloin and want to see can he go to that hospital. in work force development, there are a lot of folks who i work with who have been out of jobs for a long time and they
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would like to start working, but getting that -- getting to that pipeline to be able to access a resource to be trained and getting actually placed in the job is another matter. that's a difficult matter. we ask that the supervisors will continue to ask the hard questions and monitoring what would that enforcement community oversight look like many. and lastly i want to say we support the nurses. we want to make sure the jobs we have are jobs that have future and hope. so, thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is lorenzo [speaker not understood]. i am a community organizer in the tenderloin and i am also aes -- resident of the tenderloin. after years of negotiation with cpmc now we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel. and thank you for the perseverance, persistence of the residents and coalition
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members and of course, you know, the support of our supervisors in, you know, making this happen. of course, the supervisor jane kim. the tenderloin filipino organization is a grassroots organization in the tenderloin. we have over 100 membership base. from the very start we were with the coalition in different avenues, hearings and [speaker not understood] actionses to make sure cpmc pay its fair share to the community. so, the actual document that really reflects our demands may not be there yet, but we are hopeful that what will be achieved by our board of supervisors will reflect the true sentiment of the people. which will include commitment to local hiring for permanent entry level jobs with priority given to residents in the targeted neighborhood.
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health care for tenderloin residents with clear tracking and enforcement, and addressing the trafficking [speaker not understood] the hospital will surely bring to the tenderloin. so, we want it make sure we the residents are part of the oversight body to make sure cpmc will religiously abide by the terms of the agreement. so, and lastly, we also stand behind, you know, our [speaker not understood]. thanks. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood]. i'm a community organizer with cpmc and also a resident of district 5. first i would like to thank you all for your support, especially on the negotiation team. you guys really put in a lot of effort and energy to reflect the community needs. so, i really appreciate that. i also want to make sure that there are accountability held. so, what happens if they hire locally, but how are we going
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to make sure that that happens or that they're going to accept local people with medi-cal and make sure that, you know, the community is still involved in the process for oversight to make sure that thing can be held accountable. thank you. >> thank you. before the next speaker, let me call up another batch of cards. mike tario, jim lazarus, patrick [speaker not understood], [speaker not understood], dwayne seans, [speaker not understood], ken barnes, danny campbell, berg knee [speaker not understood], dr. ed kirsch, benjamin arnie and [speaker not understood]. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. john grass man with [speaker not understood] the san francisco [speaker not understood] consortium. on behalf of our 11 community nonprofit health centers, seeing 97,000 patients in san francisco, we want to thank you
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and congratulate you on this agreement. i have been asked by our board of directors who are executive directors of the clinics to tell you that we unequivocally stand by our commitment to see the 1500 patients from the tenderloin and the 5,900 patients that cpmc will take from the medi-cal population. we pledge our commitment and support to continue to expand health care with the department of public health and affordable care act. we look forward, we thank you for your work and we'll be working with you in the future. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. bernie? age before beauty. anyway, i'm with san francisco tomorrow and i'm here standing nimby. i wish to commend the consensus that have got in effect deserve merited enhancement for st. luke's. well done. thank you, supervisors.
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however, the much needs to be done mostly on the city start, and i wish you would give me the time to present our concerns in particular regarding the california environmental quality act that has yet to be implemented, scrutinized by the city, in effect lacking in expertise to do so. particularly concerning cumulative impact required by state law, looking at the singular footprint for cpmc is not sufficient under state law. all development impacting on the cost of housing, bynesses and city services must be considered, and that must be done by experts. and it hasn't been done, and that is your job, finding the mitigationses to do so. particularly galling is the lack of an effective and enforceable housing element required by state law that would set forth the programs,
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means and resources specifically that would in effect stabilize affordability of housing for the 80 to 90% of our residents who cannot buy or rent in this state. particularly affected were supervisor breed and for supervisor kim, speaking of speculation on affordability. and that mean is not there. we have suggested, and i will put this over there so that you can see it, are various means which have not been considered and have been at your hand for over a year. such as guaranteeing in effect performance of cpmc regarding the wider participation of sutter health, the providing of performance [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. thank you very much.
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bernie, that's your time. thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. danny campbell with the sheet metal workers local union 104. i really want to applaud president chiu, supervisor campos, supervisor farrell, mr. rich over here, oewd, planning, thank you for resuscitating this project, to coin a medical term. but i mean really two world class hospitals for the residents of the city and county. and work force opportunities for young men and women through our construction apprenticeship programs for young men and women in all of the entire city. so, thanks once again, and we look forward to you approving the term sheet today. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker.
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michael lion, gray pan theyx and also a member of the coalition. we have come a long way. st. luke's looks more viable. cathedral hill looks more manageable but there are serious questions that remain, not only about the cpmc itself, but also how that deals affects the rest of the health system in san francisco. how is the rest of the city going to care for some 5,000 more medical patients -- medi-cal patients that we anticipated? how are we going to have enough skilled nursing facility beds? how many psych bed do we need? how are costs going to be contained? we need to have a continuing community advisory group that can continue the work that advanced us this far. and a good example of this is
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the [speaker not understood] commission in the past and the master plan that's going to be coming in the future. so, we need to have a continuing advisory body. finally, this can't have a good outcome. if the nurses who cared for us can't be assured of transfer and organizing rights. we owe a particular debt of gratitude to the cna about keeping st. lukev's owetionv because it was cna who brought the whole issue of medical red lining to the front and made it impossible to ignore this issue by a campaign they started years ago on medical red lining just about the time when st. luke's first was taken over by sutter. ~ >> thank you very much. (applause) >> next speaker. president chiu, board of supervisors, first thank you very much for all your hard work and forging this momentous agreement. my name is ken barnes and i have been a physician at st.
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luke's for 33 years and i was also a member of the blue ribbon panel and am also working with the coalition on health care housing, jobs and justice. i am extremely happy at the prospect of st. luke's being a larger hospital which should contribute to its long-term viability and its better ability to serve the community surrounding it, the hospital. as others have said, as a physician, i also am concerned regarding the lack of agreement with cma -- cna by cpmc. i work every day with these dedicate and had talented nurses and without them would not be able to care for my patients. i have seen their day in and day out selfless service, their commitment to patients, and the healing bonds they form with patients whom they care for. i urge you to urge and encourage cpmc to come to the negotiating table and in good
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faith come to an agreement with our deeply committed nurses. thank you. (applause) >> thank you. if i could just mention to members of the public we do have a rule in the board chamber of not allowing the audience to either express support or opposition to statements. so, i'd ask you to respect that if you would prefer to use the silent support of applause with your hands, that is appropriate as well. next speaker, thank you. good afternoon, president chiu and supervisors. my name is jennifer warberg. i'm here today to express the support of spur, san francisco planning and urban resource association for cpmc's plan to develop two seismically safer hospitals at cathedral hill and at st. luke's. in the 1906 earthquake, one of our priorities is to make san francisco truly resilient by taking steps now to make our city safe after a major earthquake. cpmc sees one-third of all patients is a vital part of improvement for the resilience in the city. in addition to preserving our
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disaster preparedness, this will add 400 plus new earthquake safe beds for the city's health care system, but makes an unprecedented financial commitment [speaker not understood] and providing health care for low-income residents. we are glad at spur that the mayor's office, the board of supervisors and cpmc have come together to find a compromise agreeable to all parties and get through the city. spur strongly urges the board to approve the term sheet before you and the rebuilding of cpmc. thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. good afternoon, my name is rebecca roth. i'm the executive director of the san francisco lgbt community center and i am here to encourage your support of the term sheet before you. i particularly want to acknowledge the efforts of president chiu and supervisors farrell and campos, the mayor's office and the leadership at cpmc for really coming together and working on a deal that we really feel like benefits many -- all in san francisco whether
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folks are well resourced or not. and really look at the shared commitments really providing a quality of life, quality of health care for all san franciscans. the center provides innovative services to ensure the health and well-being of the lgbt community and the equitable world for the lgbt community and allies. we have a health care program looking at providing information referral connecting over 4,000 individuals a year to medical resources, mental health resources and other health and wellness resources and cpmc has been a primary supporter of that over the last two years enabling us to connect very, very low-income folks, many of them homeless. most of them without jobs, without steady housing to critical resources needed for their health and safety. we really believe that this compromise and this proposal really speaks to providing quality health care, affordable housing, sustainable employment, and many of the
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resources that make san francisco such an effective and fabulous city. we thank your leadership. i also want to call out the leadership of supervisor farrell who this morning signed legislation looking at truing up wages for lgbt city employees and again, just, your leadership is what helps make this city such a great and fabulous place to live. so, thank you very much. we encourage your support. >> next speaker. my name is edward kirsch. i'm the chief of staff of st. luke's hospital and i've spoken before you many times. i want you to just remember two numbers from today. those numbers are 6 and 25. in 1906 st. luke's hospital was destroyed by an earthquake, it took six years to rebuild it. in 2007 we started this process. it's take that ensix years for us to get here today. ~ taken sick years i didn't think we would get
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here today. i want to thank the supervisors who held everybody to the table and brought us to this day today. i had my doubts. i thought it was like spawn versus marishal. i didn't know what would happen. the 25 is the 25% of the beds of cpmc would be at st. luke's hospital. this will truly integrate the medical staff of st. luke's hospital into cpmc and it will assure us that we will be able to recruit doctors to come to st. luke's hospital in the future. i applaud you for all the work you've done and thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. good evening. my name is karen makely and i've been a pediatrician at st. luke's for 14 years. i'm happy to return here today representing the st. luke's medical staff and my pediatric colleagues throughout the cpmc system to endorse this new development agreement. throughout the years we've
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experienced dramatic changes in our neighborhood. our patient demographics and our available resources. one thing, however, has remained constant. it's the dedication of physicians, nurses and our employees to provide patients with the highest quality medical care available. this has endured since the hospital first opened its doors 100 years ago, more than 100 years ago. just as so many of our patients are living day to day and check to check, working for a better tomorrow for their families, we have grown accustomed to an uncertain future. this agreement is a commitment to all. to the young mother in labor, to the families in crisis seeking emergency care, and to the elderly needing comfort in their final days. all can depend on us now and into the future. this agreement will assure that st. luke's is a vital part of the health care system, two new hospitals appropriately sized and where they are most needed.
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with expanded emergency and maternal and child services. the road to get here was rocky and unmarked, and i wish to thank cpmc administration and city leaders for their efforts and for hearing the voices of the physicians, the nurses, the community organizers and the union representatives throughout this process. together let's continue to work in earnest to serve those that come to us in need. >> next speaker. let me call up a few more folks. dr. karen mikely, madelein coffin doll, barbara sabits, james sandoval, eileen [speaker not understood], jennifer warberg, dean a hilliard, kate robinson, pedro torres, dr. lisa everson, i think [speaker not understood] already spoke. michael smith wick, la more santiago, and charlie walker. hi, i'm [speaker not
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understood], and i'm a physician at st. luke's hospital. also the chair of the department of obstetrics gynecology and resident of district 9. and i just want to speak to you today about 7 years ago i left what was a very nice practice at ucsf so that i could go to st. luke's and work. i did that primarily because it felt to me like working at st. luke's was the closest i could get to my young idealistic self-who many years ago previously decided to study medicine and that really what it has been for me, it's been really special. we have an amazing group of patients and doctors who are good and committed. ~ ironically less than a year after i started at st. luke's, it was announced the hospital was going to be closed. so, thankfully an awful lot has happened since that time and a lot has changed. so, last week when i heard -- first heard the points of the new plan, i was for the most part overall very pleased and i also speak on behalf of the department of obstetrics and gynecology and the medical staff at st. luke's.
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yes, it's a compromise, but i think compromise is the hallmark of a society. nobody can get everything they want, but the goal is for most people to get what they really need. but i do think that we have a hurdle ahead of us and that is a perception in the community. people still believe that st. luke's is going to be closed. just last week i had somebody said say to me when are you closing st. luke's? i am trying to recruit physicians for the department of obstetrics and gynecology and people are commit today it, they want to work there, but they're afraid to. so, i would really ask as we start this new process respectfully that you try to move things forward in the spirit of compromise. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. thank you very much. my name is madelein [speaker not understood]. i am a registered nurse at the california [speaker not understood] and i worked there for over 20 years. i've seen many changes throughout the years, my years of cpmc. and [speaker not understood] cpmc has reached an agreement
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[speaker not understood] aspects of the community especially for health care access. however, the board must remember that labor piece needs to be reached for all before moving forward with a full endorsement of the revised plan. as cpmc has made agreements with other units and have shown their flexibility for the nurses contract is still outstanding and we deserve to be treated the same respect as the other unions. so, i hope the board will hold cpmc accountable for later pace with all the unions especially nurses. for those people who are at the front line providing patient care. thank you very much. >> next speaker. my name is jane sandoval. i'm a staff nurse at st. luke's and i've worked there the last 27 years. we are encouraged with the events that transpired with the increased size of st. luke's and decreased size of cathedral hill. this is possible with the collaboration of the california
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nurses association and community coalitions that worked tirelessly to get where we are today. however, until labor piece and the follow through of cpmc promises come into fruition, our struggle continues. as a member of the negotiating team of nurses, we are still in the process of finalizing a contract. the negotiating team and cpmc met once again yesterday and was hoping to be a final bargaining meeting. unfortunately cpmc's timeline and sense of urgency timeline differs from nurses and we concluded the day without a contract once more. we are close to reaching agreement and have come so far. the nurses are willing to have the necessary discussions to do what it takes until the agreement ha done, but we have not seen the same commitment from cpmc. honoring labor in san francisco means honoring all labor, which includes nurses. thank you.
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>> next speaker. president chiu and supervisors, my name is barbara savitz. i've been a nurse for a long time, and i've been at cpmc since it was children's in 1980. i am now ready to say that i'm cautiously optimistic that we will have labor piece. i hope we get the same commitment from cpmc to get the nurses a fair and equitable contract, the same commitment. thank you very much. good evening, my name is eileen sandoval and i am also a registered nurse at the california campus and on the bargaining team for the cna. the nurses are happy that cpmc worked hard with the supervisors and mediator to hash out a
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