tv [untitled] March 13, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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routinely handle at the station and then the non routine requests -- these are a little more complicated. most of these have to do do with officer involved shooting documentation, special detail such as dignitary visits, motor /kaeud routes, those sorts of things. in this period between october 31 and december 31 we received a total of 299 written requests from occ. we had a timely production of 269, which is 90 percent of the documents. we were late in 27 of those documents, which is 9 percent and then we're pending or disputing were 3 of those documents which is 1 percent.
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the late production -- most of those have to do with officer involved shooting cases. there's just certain documents it just takes a long time to get together and furnish to those two see. so in the future what we're working on with the help of [inaudible] we're working to establish a liaison between the legal division and the homicide detail so there's a direct line of communication to produce those 9 percent that we have in the past. one other thing we're trying to do is, if we can get a light duty officer, if one's available, we can get that officer detailed just to help out in that area and help out in legal. one last thing we're trying to do is cross train some of the other folks in legal division to help with
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this issue. so that's what i wanted to cover. happy to take any questions that you may have at this time. >> before we take questions, maybe we should hair from the occ, who is your partner in doing this. >> good evening. our agency -- we put together the document protocol report with the police department as well. our concern always are those cases where there's late production. 27 out of 300 -- while it doesn't seem like a significant amount and we're happy about the production that goes well, those 27 cases do result in delays in cases and officer involved shoots -- those are complicated cases and we request documents and expect production as soon as possible. so we're working with the department to facilitate that at a more rapid speed but obviously we continue to be concerned in those cases. some
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of the officer involved cases -- we do the paperwork, we notify the department and we are hoping that there's gonna be a quicker response after we notify them that there's non compliance. >> thank you. any questions for either? >> i do. thank you for this update both from department and from the occ. you had mentioned in a letter from the occ that occ met with deputy beal to resolve the document delays and the production has improved from february. wanted to find out what the steps were for improvement and has that improvement continued? >> yes. it has improved and we put together a tracking device for officer involved shootings so we worked with the department and i think we're see better results in the officer involved shooting so that's one significant change. and i also think that if
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there's more staffing within the police department -- oftentimes it goes back and forth and things fall through the cracks and i think [inaudible] addressed that and we support more personnel that can more quickly deal with these issues. >> so staffing is something that is being discussed? are there plans in the near future to increase staffing? >> there's staffing's a tough issue any way you look at it. we're simply saying if and when the situation rises -- there's always officers that get hurt and are coming back to full duty but before their full duty they are typically light duty so what we're talking about is getting somebody up in legal just to help liaison between these units -- between occ,
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internal affairs and homicide. that's what i alluded to earlier, that's where most of the delay is. we're also talking with the three investigators at internal affairs that handle the officer involved shootings -- three of our sergeants -- to help stress the importance of getting these documents in a timely fashion. >> i recall hearing this problem in the past and so i'm /wopbldzering rather than just waiting for each quarter and seeing this problem again, if we could in the interim before the next quarter report, if there is a problem that we hear from the department or the occ and we address that. if we /kwould -- any interim status reports, please feel free to come in front of us. >> i understand this is a
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priority to occ and it's important to me that we get this done in a timely fashion for them so i'm gonna make it a priority to make this happen. >> thank you. >> okay. >> thank you both of you. >> line item 3b. >> 3b occ monthly comprehensive statistical report [inaudible] complaints in february 2013 and adjudication of sustained complaints in february 2013. >> good evening president, members of the commission and members of the audience, you have in your packets the
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february 2013 and 2012 comprehensive reports. from january 21, 2013 through february 28 the [inaudible] this's 20 fewer cases than were opened in the same period in 2012 when we opened 121 cases. from january through february this year the occ investigators closed the same number of cases as were opened -- 101 cases. as of february 28 the occ had 307 pending cases. as of today the occ has 301 pending cases compared to 371 pending cases this time last year. [inaudible] allegations in february, the occ sustained
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four allegations and nine -- >> you can't hear me? >> you're not even up on this. your mic's on. >> the occ -- that's louder -- mediated five cases in february or 11 percent of the cases we closed. in february 7 officers were offered mediation and one officer declined. this year to date officer acceptance rate is 87 percent. that's lower than in /praoefs years where acceptance rates exceeded 90 percent but with the pass /sapblg of only two months this year it's too early to tell if this is a trend. today the occ had mediated 10 cases in the area of mediation i would like
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to announce that our mediation coordinator donna, is the recipient of other award. the [inaudible] northern california of which commissioner kingsly is a member presented ms. salazar. she's been a practicing mediator since 1994. she's a pan /alist for the san francisco court, the first district court of appeals and the bar association of san francisco. she became a community board immediate yeh forin 1997 and joined their staff in 1999. the occ mediation program has
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consistently mediated more cases than any other officer citizen mediation program in the united states. the occ program is the recipient of the 12 community board award for excellence as an organization whose innovative work for best practices. lovingly known as the god mother of the san francisco bay organization, donna joined the board in 2012. she brings her experience in labor of relations, business, real estate to the occ. she has touched many lives and truly inspires greater peace in our community. and then quickly moving to the last category [inaudible] cases in february [inaudible] sustained case in february. she upheld
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our findings of knee /tkpwhrebgtive duty when an officer failed to notify dispatch when making a traffic stop and that concludes my report. >> thank you very much and thanks again to donna salazar for her work in the mediation field. little concerned about the decrease in the number of mediations that the officers are willing to participate in and we'll probably have words with the appropriate folks in charge of that 'cause i think it's a great process and saves a lots of time, energy, but it's great for the public to hear what officer felt and vice versa. >> thank you. >> i must say that being there on saturday when ms. salazar received the president's award for mediator of the year for this organization it was a very proud moment to be there, to see her get this award. it was
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wonderful and was also very gratifying to know that she's ours here at the occ and that we have such a distinguished mediator at the helm of the occ's mediation program. >> thank you very much. we feel quite privileged to have ms. salazar as our mediation and outreach /kaordz they tore 'cause in addition to the work she does she manages our office's outreach program. >> please extend our congratulations to ms. salazar. well deserved. i've known her for quite some time and know she does great work. i want to ask about the fall your to collect traffic stop data. just to make sure it's in the framework, but the chief's policy now is to bring those cases if [inaudible] for this case the allegations that's the
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repeated offense -- the failure to collect traffic stop data. >> this particular case is for failure to notify dispatch when making a traffic stop so an officer for officer safety reasons and other reasons is required to let dispatch know that this is what is occurring and in this in/tapbs the officer did not but it is true that it is our policy when it is a failure to collect traffic stop data that he has a progressive discipline approach. first offense -- it's a warning an admonishment, second offense, assuming there are no other discipline issues, second offense would be a written reprimand and the third offense would be the loss of pay through a suspension. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.
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>> thank you very much. please call line item number 3c. >> 3c commission reports discussion, commissioners reports. >> i just have one quick report. i want to send my thanks to the city attorney's office. recently they've had two high profile victories on behalf of the commission where they represented us, one from the first district court of appeal and secondly in front of the -- please call line item 3d. >> commissioners announcement and scheduling of items identified for consideration of future commission meetings action. >> there will be no meeting next wednesday, that would be the 20th of march and the next
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meeting is march 27 and that's a community meeting and that will be in the mission and it'll be at 450 church street at everett middle school and that starts at 6:00 pm. >> any announcements? >> we have the resolution for organization reporting for an agenda, i believe in april. was it the first meeting in april or the second? the third meeting many april? april 3. okay. good for that. thank you for that clarification. i believe at the last meeting we had mr. lawrence had brought up the topic of our community
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outreach and letting folks know when and where we're having our community meetings and just in general our notifications. and in follow up of that i'm wondering if we could get a copy, inspector, of all of the places that we do publicize meetings and if we could just have that distributed and spend a few minutes going over it so if there's something else we can do that isn't going to cost the department a significant amount of money that's within budget that we can do that as additional outreach on behalf of the commission. and if we could schedule that for any time that's con convenient for you, inspector since you're gonna provide us with the information. >> i'll give you an email and i'll work on it tomorrow.
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>> for the community meeting that's in [inaudible] i wanted to ask if you could just let the captain know that it'd be great to see community turnout at that because my understanding is there have been at least one meetings about recent violent incidences there and there was a good amount of turnout and sometimes i'll notice you have that turnout for those incidents but for the police commission is less turnout. so i'd like to see those community members so make sure the call is put out the same way they put out for those types of meetings. the last meeting we had was really great. >> anything further commissioners. all right. it's now public comment regarding line items 3 a, b, c
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or d. >> first on the chief's report, in particular the presentation regarding iphone robberies and prevention i wanna thank the captain for his presentation. i think it's important that the public be made aware. i think the most important slide was be smart with your smart phone. if you not aware of your surroundings, you're making yourself venerable. also if somebody points a gun at me they've got the iphone. and one quick thing -- the technology you've asked about for these items are available and they've been in use for a number of years in other
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countries. on the director's probation report. /tkpwepbl, last month martin [inaudible] of the police officer's association took exception to some of my remarks. according to him i chose to come here and make dispairaging remarks to other officers in the department. he should get his facts straight. i did file a complaint with occ. i did that during a break the police commissioners meetings. i can understand confusion in the matter since here we are six weeks later and i have yet to receive any acknowledgment of the complaint. no complaint number, no nothing. i wouldn't be at all surprised to hear nothing for six to nine months
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only to receive a dismissal form letter regarding the complaint. not surprised at all. putting out /sta /teusices on occ is all well and good, but i've said on numerous occasions, have you ever tried asking people who go through that process what they think of it? you can't tell what the process is like unless you experience it. i've experienced it once before. i got one call from investigator, i didn't hear anything for more than seven months and i got a little form letter with two boxes x'd off saying no cause for action. that was the end of my involvement in that. and i talked with the investigator and i asked can i find anything about that and they said it's all confidential. so basically if you're involved in it your
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involvement is totally meaningless. >> ladies and gentlemen, commissioners, for the record my name is [inaudible] lawrence. i've been a resident in the city of san francisco for 44 years. [inaudible] any other part of the city that the police commission's gonna hold a meeting. and my suggestion first of all would be put fliers in the churches and schools and local stores down there. have a policeman come up and speak to 'em by handing it out. i'm sure there's 30 to 40 of those places in local area. i'd like to speak about the sixth and mission street crime area. when i drove at night i used to drive a taxi in that area and see crime non stop that the police couldn't believe was taking place. i delivered drugs for drug
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dealers. i was driving around the area to pick up packages that i didn't know what was in 'em. i've seen crimes take place with no policeman in that area because i don't think there's enough. i worked for hud for about two-and-a-half years. part of my job at that time back in 2003 was allocating housing the sixth and mission area and [inaudible] prisoners coming out of prison. they did their time, you seen a body of a grown man only to find he had the mind of a child. did 15 years in prison, the government put $20 in his pocke give him a place to stay. i had about 120
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prisoners that i got housing at hotels. i wanna talk about cell phones. they're not cell phones, they're computers. selling literally millions of 'em every month you're not gonna do any damage by putting out efforts to stop any of this stuff. i was accosted by -- i have a file with the [inaudible] on an ipod that two policeman beat me up for one that was stolen or taken a month earlier. it was a broken piece of place tick 'cause i told him i was in panda express and i [inaudible] steal 'em from jack in the box. they didn't like my answer. they kicked me in the legs, handcuffed me when there was no
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crime whosoever. so i said a third of these crimes are basically non existent. people report them stolen, but they lost 'em themselves. you can have them registered like guns. >> please call line item number four please. line item four. public comment on all items pertaining to items six and below. closed session. public vote on whether [inaudible] involving the city. hearing none public comment's now closed. please call next item. >> vote to hold item six in closed session >> do we have a motion.
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