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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2013 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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to the cabs. the ss m pa miss use the bus spaces for - we need taxi cops guys. >> memorable. >> i'm also + just not of the university. i'm here to discuss the inaction. this project hadn't been implemented is simply unconscionable. everyday thousands of people risk their lives for no reason
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other than the dysfunctional department here. here in san francisco we have coming up a transit first city meeting. we're second process and third apply kate motorist and fifth, if people like myself had time to come down here we could actively get those projects implemented. at the time i implored i to take the opportunity to start an action to - no more excuses. we need this project pledged.
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thousands of people are risking their lives everyday. >> anybody else? >> item 10. >> before we go mr. reiskin the point is about the left turn on holt can somebody look into that and next time come back. >> okay item 10 is consent calendar those items are considered to be routine and unless a member the public wishes to separate the items. one member of the public wants to separate one item.
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>> motion two approved. >> any further decision? >> thank you, very much. let's go to 10.3. >> david i did get a chance to review this item. i just wanted to be contrary on the record that i don't believe that this project is desirable or necessary i'm opposed to the underlying project on brotherhood way and i want to raise a certain certain on calendar review. i believe this is a discretionary action to accept the funds and essential construct the traffic signal at this location. i don't think it should rely on
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past documents that didn't take into account the expansion in the neighborhood and impact the area. normally when theirs an approveal. i don't see there's no reference for city planning he determination. i have those questions and i'd like your reaction on them thanks >> do i want to speak to us at all? good afternoon mr. chair members of the board. and this is a development project that was approved by the
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planning commission and the construction of the signal partial signal is part of the requirement for the approval. and basicly it's open the southern edge of san francisco and the south side is pop laid by churches and a couple of schools. and this partly parcel is right across from 55 brotherhood way where the day school is located. so this project will complete the fourth leg of the 3 legged intersection so the residents will be able to indebris and egress. if we don't allow that they would have to, no way to turn
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right ever left at the stop sign. the cost of this particular construction of the leg of the intersection involves us designing the partial signal and the developing the actual design and the developer will take out specifics and turn it back after we accept it. the cost also includes our maintenance and it's estimated to be a thirty year life the project at $3,000 a year. so the cost includes the maintenance. >> any other comments? >> would we quickly get an opinion?
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has the process been done correctly and i believe that we hadn't - >> yes, this is marilyn it's my understanding that the signal was part of the project that was approved when the project was approved and the planning department required that this signal be - and item number 11. presentation and election of the water assessment. >> good morning peter albert from urban planning program. i want to thank you for the opportunity to give you this
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overview. think of 70 to about half mile inlanded. this assessment which we'll explain more soon is a joint effort between the port of san francisco. i'd like to take this chance to introduce this lady from the office of equal velocity. then i will do a quick overview of the assessment itself. >> thank you directors. i'm jennifer mass from the director of water front projects. when i first approached peter last year to talk about the warriors arena i was really fkdz
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on the proposed multiply use facility. we were made aware very early on about the ongoing issues with commuter traffic. and peter and i have had the opportunity to work together on multiply phase plans in order to best think about the multiply use arena facility. we were thinking two narrowly. we were also working on two other projects. we weren't thinking about an overarching strategy to look at transportation along the waterfront and really trying to understand the projects were connected from a people moving point of view. the proposed arena will be one
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of the most assessable projects in the nation. but as i in essence you listen to the neighborhood commuter today it doesn't work well. but half a mile away we're looking to develop a promise that compliments a new housing units. and more commercial space that can accommodate up to 5 thousand jobs and the rehabilitation project. down the road there's another project that captures the dog
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patch park. and we have a proposed development that includes over 2.2 million office space for artist that could accumulate up to 12 thousand jobs. if he think about this there really going to be destinations for workers for visiters and we need the transportation to work now as the development and neighborhoods mutual that were it's boundaries go as far north as green street and about a half-mile in. that captures these three projects but it will also look to try to anticipate the transportation needs thoughtful
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mission bay which includes another 3 thousand how's utilizes. and the smaller projects like 3 hundred and 50 condominium projects. this is really a model of what the mayor said we can produce. at any time a strategy inning iic look at what current conditions are and the proposed development seeks to be and what are the ways as these projects seek to include some of those projects. it is part of what the city wants to proprieties. i think we need to look at this
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for something that maybe ways to facilitate those project of partnership. i'm ready to question any questions >> thank you very much and thank you jennifer so if we could have the laptop. i'll go through this overview and advise you we've had a lot of conversations with the communities. we'll be talking a lot about an extended conversation. as you saw in the chronicle today and as you walk up and down market street what i'm
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interested in doing on the waterfront and we want to see the waterfront it is the classic commute. i'll get to the america's cup soon. i think that's an important part. but first transit first. clearly at mta we understand that to mean bicycle and pedestrian transportation. it pertains to the very constrained area within san francisco and the we don't have a lot of room to expand. if i can take the liability it have that describe transit first
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that's our battle cry going into the water front planning. this is a quick little spin hopefully going upward. as congestion goes up on the market streets it impacks buses and streetcars that have to fight their way through traffic. people give up on the trains and the buses they stop walking because they don't feel safe we're back to the starting point. this is the trend of what doing nothing points to. this assessment - this map is tilted so that the north is to the right. unfortunately, the color is not
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coming through but these are the projects. that was a former steelyard. actively there's a development but the effort cities is a much bigger part of pier 70. and there's the makers environment. that's just at pier 70 at 20th and third. the giants have big plans for this area including the housing, commercial recreational. and that's pretty sizeable. then to the far right it is lot 3:30. then the warriors arena. so those are 3 that are flagged.
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these projects is all going through the environmental review. each one makes some assumptions. each one shows how the transportation is shaping up. even before the environmental review is beginning are we really shaping the project and shaping the mitigation measures? we believe the answer is yes. we believe over the few years of the water front assessment. we talk about the t pe and as a direct relationship on this area you can imagine it's right by
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the ballpark. we have parking initiatives underway. we've got bart going on and they're looking decreasing frequency. there will be the california tarantula expansion and on the terminal itself at any time smart a remember that there's a part of the waterfront transportation and its on expansion. we start this expansion last october is to learn from america's cup. a lot of the same aspects. there's visitors and this may be the first time their in san francisco. especially october 6th and 7
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when anything was happening in san francisco we planned ahead with the america's cup and before the environmental review the america's cup was underway we engaged all the partners the supervisors the transit providers. we looked at the regional services and got their ideas even great the environmental review. so when it concluded people planned document ended up being the documentations measures. to make sure we have convenience in the america's plan. we used this to take a look at the plan. we paid attention to the legacy. i don't host america's cup without trying to make the city better. so without the statement this is
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to all the 3 phases. phase one is to develop the project with the transportation providers. namely bart the ferry operators and the golden gate and presidio. they actually have a role connecting people and then to engage the projects sponsor. maybe the giants the warriors and for the city they are also people who can help us come up with solutions. they're looking to us to make sure that their project works well, as far as transportation. they're willing to work with us in plain storming and leverageing. and there's - we've had
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workshops we've built networks that are current and proposed for transit for bicycles for pedestrians per we've had that break out sessions where people broke you tell and let us know what was working. those airport meant to be read but the graphic on the he left is two columns. we knew all those projects were happening over a period of time. they're the big 3 projects we talked about. their everything in the pipeline and it has a degree of certainty. in right on the blue are the transportation promotions. one of the challenges we find is
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this alone has been a good exercise. this year art plans and other plans that have goals and objects - we want people to know about transit and parking but not 80 just to look at san francisco but the transportation authority or look at caltrans we formed all these projects into one. so out of that before we go into the i railroad. by also existed are the new
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ideas. we we set up those new ideas not just for the warriors e i r but for the pier e i railroad. we also include how long it takes to get those projects in plays and what those costs are. that's a checkpoint to make the difference between a checkpoint and a reality. just to share. this is a very regional area the buses area. bart's already working on 25 trains to go up to 27 trains. it's a timing of it being measured by the developers. we've all followed with the
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planning around the market. we know your big pictures. but what are short term projects that can expand improvement. also on deck is california train improvements but there are some increased frequencies and we're tracking that as well. and, of course, the big downtown extinction to the downtown terminal. with gotten gates bus running they're not supposed to pick up people in san francisco and drop them off in san francisco. they're supposed to drop people
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in the afternoon on the other side of the bridge. maybe those buses are going down the waterfront could be used for local trips. they're basically confidential buses that are on the street. this could be a great augment to our transportation. and by the way, i want to acknowledge a few people fordif.
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more people feel confident on bike and that actively goes to the mode tests and it shows more chips on alternative. we have a bike facility i understand that some ports like pier 40 with the implements of that so those dop