tv [untitled] March 14, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT
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job preparedness, resume writing, youth voice informing policy, [inaudible] awareness and college preparedness. there are also several groups, including a dance team. if you want to attend [inaudible]. there are several candidates running to be one of the student delegates next year -- there are nine to be exact. and be sure to vote during the week of april 5 -- april 1 to april 5 along with the youthful survey. >> sac elections will be done through the school [inaudible] this year so senior principals, student activities leader if you're interested in running the coordination of the youth summit we are working on
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several items. we are working on a site that does deals similar to groupon. we have two resolutions that we will be seeking cosponsorship for. one supporting the grab and go breakfast program by allowing students to eat breakfast in class in the morning and a second for the deferred child program. the sac has continued to work with the staff to include student input and teacher feed back as well. >> thank you ladies. all right, sir. we are in item e, the parent advisory council report. i believe we have representatives from the pack in the audience. please
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approach the table. >> good evening commissioners and superintendents. i am ammy, a member of the the pack and a parent at [inaudible] elementary school. >> hello, my name is vanessa banks, my daughter attends the bay view [inaudible] and i'm glad to be here. how ya'll doing? >> vanessa and i have a brief report to share with you all tonight. as you know the role of the pack is to represent parent voices and perspective to inform board of education policy discussion. tonight we'd like to report on the
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pack's upcoming community briefing on the redesign of special education services. next week we will be hosting a community brief inging on the redesign of these services. this briefing will help us gain a better understanding of the bigger picture and perhaps some of the challenges related to implementing practices across the district. as the para dime increases, parents and community partners alike have many questions about implementations of this change. -- including the san francisco youth commission, the united educators of san francisco and support for families of
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disabilities. many questions are related to the /tkhreufr delivery of a more inclusive model to address these students' needs. at the last board of education meeting on tuesday, february 26, it was decided that 33 probationary teachers would be non reelected to the classroom for next year. what was particularly notable about this decision was the fact that 11 of these 33 teachers were special education teachers, position that are hard to staff. the pack acknowledges that this was a very difficult situation for all involved, including the administrators and the board charged with making such a critical call, the hardship on the 33 individuals who were non
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reelected and the ripple affect that happened in these communities where these individuals had been laced. this raises a couple of key questions. how are special education staff screening and finding staff for these hard to staff positions. secondly, once placed, what ongoing support are teachers receiving with instructional strategies and coaching to be effective with students receiving special education services. >> in addition to these questions, the pack has asked doctor blanco and her team to address the following questions in our briefing next week. how is the para dime shift from
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programs to practice and services in special education being communicated with parents across the district. what are the guidelines and timelines being used for implementing inclusive practice in all schools in the district and what is the plan? how are the rolls and responsibilities of general education teachers and special education teachers and staff being clearly defined in relationships to one another for the delivering of the [inaudible] practice and what structures are in place for them to have ongoing communication about involving roles. how are general education teachers and staff being trained and supported to serve students with iep's in exclusive settings? how are the teachers being given time to do planning and working with the resource teachers to develop support for students in
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exclusive settings? what is the structures of the additional work? what are the specific actions in the district taking for african american students and special education, especially african american boys. the pack hope these are the type of questions that are being considered as the committees begin their annual meetings for improving -- applications are available on our website in english, spanish, and chinese and they are due friday, may 3, 2013. thank you. >> thank you. mr. superintendent did you want to say a few words. >> thank you president norton.
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i want to congratulate the pack. these are absolutely the right questions to be asking and we really appreciate your asking these questions and continuing to ask these types of questions. we couldn't be happier, so thank you. >> miss wong. >> i'd like to clarify that the youth summit is on friday, april 25, 2013. >> so i want to thank the pack for the report also and i wanted to suggest that perhaps when doctor blanco comes to meet with you you may also connect with the cac for special ed because actually it's made of parents and it'd be great if you could actually collaborate together and get the parents' perspective also. thanks. >> i think they're great questions to and i would like to make sure that pack members know that the annual support and information and resources
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conference for support for families of children with disabilities is saturday, march 23 from 8:00 to 3:00 at o connel. it's free. it's really one stop shopping for learning all sorts of information about how to help your child in special education and also resources in the community so it's a great opportunity. so i just thank you because i think these are excellent questions and they're not just questions of import to parents with students with disabilities, but to everybody. >> i would like to ask if the pack would be willing to work more with the sac next year since the pack and the sac are advising bodies so i'd love it
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if there was more of a work together wean -- between the two organizations. >> no other questions or comments? we will now move on the to item f, which is public comment on consent items. i have one speaker signed up. president dennis kelly of united educators would like to speak to item b 5. >> thank you very much. it's a pleasure to be at the same microphone where your honored all the national board certified teachers and again, just more congratulations to them for all their work. item 2 e is your positive certification for your finances. there's a line that talks about your positive certification going into the
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future because you're going to be able to maintain reductions. we are curious about those reductions that you see. we are very pleased that there's the positive certification and that we expect the positive certification now with the passage of prop 30 to continue out for at least the next several years. it means to me that we probably don't need to have things like lay offs, probably don't need to have things like furlough days. and with any luck, we'll be able to get away from the hideousness of the kind of non reelections that people go through. and let me just mention for a moment why non reelections are so harmful and hurtful to an individual. and that's because there's no reason given. a man or woman comes into the schools and gives his or her all to the students and then gets a non reelection which tells them for
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no reason -- offers them no reason for being let go. i think the effort that the district is apparently committing to try to help support the special ed teachers so they aren't in the position where this happens to them is admirable. we bring in special ed teachers as interns. that means they haven't finished their credential yet. we put them in a classroom with the most needy of our students, we tell them they have to go to school and to also do the job and then we find them lacking or wanting. that is unconscienceable and it's something we need to stop. with some money coming in i believe we can work in that direction. we, as the union, are happy to work with you in that direction. we hope that you will also join with us. thank you very much.
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>> thank you president kelly. there are no other speakers for public comment. i am going to move to item g. may i hear a motion and a second please. thank you. are there any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? there are none. any items removed for first reading by the board? no. any items severed by the board or superintendent for discussion and votes this evening? none. okay. roll call vote will take place under section o. at this time with the indulgence of board members, i'd like to rearrange things on the agenda a little bit. i would like to move item i, board members proposals ahead of item h. sorry mr. davis. and within item i i
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would like to rearrange the order of items so i'd like to take the credit recovery -- take that first and then move on to the higher resolutions. so seeing no objections from the board, we will now consider item 132 urging the board to look at [inaudible]. commissioner, vice president fewer or your designee, will you please read the resolution? >> i was asked to author this with our student delegates, wendy lee and megan wong. it seems that the whole
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resolution being read in by our student delegates. >> [inaudible] each student with an equal opportunity to succeed by promoting intellectual growth, [inaudible] economic confidence and physical and mental health so that each student can achieve his or her maximum potential and whereas the [inaudible] every student who enrolls in our schools will graduate from high school ready for college and equipped with the skills necessary for 21 century success and whereas students must be educated in a rigorous high school curriculum in order to compete and be conduct /seszful in today's society and whereas the future of san francisco depends on having an educated work force and maintain the vitality of the city. and whereas in accordance with their mission
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statement in 2008 [inaudible] and whereas a through g courses are the high school courses necessary for students to take and pass to be able to enroll in any university in california and whereas the previous graduation requirement did not fully prepare students for college it was possible to graduate and not to be eligible for admission to uc's and csu's. 2014 will be the first class to [inaudible] data from the [inaudible] shows that almost half of students in class of 2014 are not on track to graduate with 45 percent of students not on track to graduate and to be eligible for uc's and csu's and whereas /ko*f write [inaudible] more students by giving students who
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have fallen behind a chance to recover credits through a multitude of different strategies. >> budget cuts have reduced the amount of funding given to summer programs. and whereas there are currently online credit recovery opportunes for [inaudible] and such as the online options are the main platform for all track students to graduate in a timely manner and it is imperative that the [inaudible] prioritizey or
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[inaudible] due to the questionable student satisfaction and lack of information for english language learners and whereas an evaluation of current credit recovery programs offered would identify the problems that inhibit its current use [inaudible] therefore be it resolved that the sfufc student council urges the school district to provide current credit recovery programings to improve the quality and accessibility of these aforementioned programs. [inaudible] between the city of san francisco, the sfufc and the community based organizations regarding student achievement and the reduction of the achievement gap.
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>> thank you. are there any -- well, there's one public speaker signed up for this item. christian sinclaire. >> my name is christian. thank you for your time. i am a two year member on the student advisory council a senior at [inaudible] joint committee that [inaudible]. it came about when we got information about the achievement gap and the amount of students that were off track to graduate in 2014 and we really worried by it and we appreciate that the district and the city are now implementing more credit recovery options and we thought that was important but with this resolution we wanted to ensure that students were
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