tv [untitled] March 14, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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the other speakers, i do have concerns about height limits and i would hate to see that get in the way of this project. so again, reducing some of the height limits or keeping them at bay as best we can in order to get the project to move forward, i think it's a great idea. if you are going to run into all the anti-height issues, then maybe we shouldn't go that way and maybe maximize it somewhere else. with regards to the other thing it's built on land which is good and the part that is built on the piers is it on right part. i think this is a place to have that. i like the parking down there. as events occur, there is parking for it rather than
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having to park everywhere else. as far as the shops, i would ask they look at getting some of those going earlier than later. it's a ghost land in that area at not. night. there is not there to attract you there now. also. i think that's it at this point. i'm very much in favor of this project, but thing i would like to mention, if they can move up the park area to get things going into phase 1 somehow. i think it will be great to the community. if you build a lot down there, there is no where to go. that would be a long way in making everybody happy and making everybody feel like it's off to a great start. i look forward to it and support it.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners. i work as an architecture here in the city and i work on the planning committee. i believe good development can help improve our urban landscape and i have had a chance to look if we giants proposal an i believe their project does just that. it will help mission bay and well thought out and space for retail. i do believe the scale and the height makes sense for location and proximity along the 3rd line. i have some reservation in regards to the amount of parking. i hope that
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will help with all that being said, i do believe the port should help make this happen. thank you. >> good afternoon, i'm the director of s s made we represent local manufactures and we support this project. we want to highlight is that in addition to all the other public amenities and offices and housing this plan proposals to provide expansion for anchor brewing which is our largest manufacture and with the 12 hundred jobs, anchor carried more created more of those
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jobs than any other manufacture in the city. we would support this project to move forward because there is very limited space available. so it's very important to us and we appreciate your attention in moving the project forward and we also recognize there may need to be tradeoffs in balancing things like height limits like other uses on the site with the need to cross subsidize with manufactures and that is taken into consideration as well. >> good afternoon commissioners, president of anchor bruce and thank you. we began dialogue with the giants 4 years when they shared their ideas to mission rock and enjoy
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their mission and eagerly support their contribution to the port. they are exemplarey corporate citizens and in private we would begrudgingly admit that the san francisco giants are a little better than we. as companies such as ours we tend to be owned by the hearts of the citizens of our city. we see our role as managers to make the companies stronger and healthier before we pass them on to the next stewards who will guide them in the future and create their own history. part of our -- well, we believe our commitment to our future of pier 48 and the san francisco
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giants of san francisco is going to provide a giant leap for us before we pass our company on in a much better strongers healthier role. if we weren't confident that our friends, neighbors and partners of the san francisco giants were leading the mission rock development we would have been reluctant to commit to it. we are delighted to partner with them and with you and give our full hearted and full endorsement to them and hope that you will do so. thank you. >> good afternoon, i'm judy workman for the san francisco chamber of commerce. we very much support the mission rock project. this mixed use development will connect mission bay with eastern water front and with downtown. it will activate a vast concrete
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unutilized dead zone and will create an economic stimulus across the city. it will create more than 20,000 new jobs and will raise hundreds of millions of dollars in new tax revenue. they understand what is important and how to build along the water front in the right way. the chamber supports this development and we urge you to approve the term sheet. thank you. >> some 6 or 7 months before i went on a tour to europe, i was surfing the internet and came across a similar project. i don't know if it's the same project, is it? it might be. so anyway, i invited phil to come to my office and brought
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some developers that i work with and invited jackson and a few others to have a dialogue. see, what you see here is you see the number of constituents, people that are in the construction business, all say some very positive thing about this project. the reason is very simple. when you reach out to the constituents, when you reach out to those that participate in the deliberations, most things fall in place. so having said that, i would like the developers to focus on demographics. and i would like them to focus on our seniors. i have visited some countries in europe and i'm very much impressed how they
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take care of our seniors. i haven't heard too many people speak about our seniors, but i think the time has come for us here in america to focus on our seniors and give them an opportunity to not only contribute their last years in a development like this, but lose the give our city a good name. too many seniors, too many families are living in our cities. so i wholeheartedly approve of this project. i'm going to work behind-the-scenes to help the developer and i'm going to work behind-the-scenes to bring this information to our seniors and our youth. thank you very much. >> good afternoon. with your
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consent today, we will achieve an important and meaningful milestone. the mission rock plan generates more than $4 billion for the port and the city over the the life of the project. it creates more than 11,000 jobs and 10,000 construction jobs. it's a thoughtful planning and collaboration with the community. as with the ballpark development, we have established a great working relationship with the port staff, mayor's staff and the greater city family. nothing of this magnitude can be achieved without the contributions of many many people. it truly does take a village. if you can indulge me for a minute i would like to express my appreciation to some of these folks. from the mayor's office, the mayor
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himself, jennifer mats and most importantly on our project team mike martin and emily. for the port staff, monique moir and the staff who devoted nights and weekend to this project, brat benson, williams son, jonathan stern and joan, they do a lot of work. i would like to thank all our friends who attended this meeting to support this project. john our partner at anchor and i would like to thank my colleagues at the giant who have worked for a very long time. finally i would like to thank you, the port
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commissioners. commissioner, brandon and pats you have spent a lot of time pouring over this deal on this project and shared your ideas and concerns and i think we are all better for it. and we are very thankful for the faith that you have shown in us and excited about accomplishing great things together. >> thank you, any further public comments? hearing none. comments from commissioners before we take a vote. >> i would echo the thanks that jack just gave out to everyone for everyone who worked so hard. i agree with mr. bear that we are all better for it that everyone has had a hand in making suggestions and i'm sure we'll have a number of significant changes coming as we move forward as well. i would like to thank everyone,
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particularly at port staff because i know how hard everyone has worked and john martin, i know you just put in countless hours on this. but i'm excited to see this area expand and as we episoded up with a park here and absolutely excited about having the park open and expanded. one thing i do want to note with the park that there is an existing park there and i'm pleased to see it. it's almost tripling in size as a result of this project. so looking forward to seeing a very vibrant and interactive park space there. i will say one more time i appreciate a dog run if possible. i think this is an area of the city. many of us have been involved in the
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changes in almost decades but i think what this project offers is some diversity of businesses and activities in the area. so as one of the members of the public stated, it would be nice to have more restaurants and stores and other things and nighttime activity going on in the space as well. i'm excited to see this moving forward. i know we'll have a lot of further discussions an is we draft for agreements on this specific sites. but i look forward to seeing the project in its final form. thank you. >> i want to thank jennifer for thanks everyone who has been involved in this project because it has been a great team everyday and i love this first slide. every time i see it with the port and mission rock, i just smile because i think it's such a great team and you have done such a wonderful job in bringing this
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altogether. it's gone through so much and probably will continue to go through a few more things during the entitlement process. i just have one question regarding the expansion of the sites and wondering what that entails and is there additional cost where that was? >> let me get to the slide. the expansions are best shown probably on this slide. first one we mentioned was parcel b 20. before this site what is admissioned for development. as this project came to fruition,
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it didn't make sense to obtain that from that industrial site from lot 337 and mission bay. so we are working to expand the site to include at a sliver of land. it makes the site better and opens up bridge view street which would otherwise be park and creates access to the sight and the other parcel that is proposed to be added is this parcel here. it's currently utilized for meritime purposes. there are vessels here mainly barges and west side marine, but there is some i
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improvements to be made. so it wouldn't be additional cost adding them. we've already been planning those cost as part of our analysis. >> okay. thank you for that and i think the giants have just been just great neighbors and gradient great tenants and wonderful to work with and they have done a great job with labor and various community groups and hiring from the local community. i think this project can be a model for the rest of the projects that are coming to us at this level because i think this is besides at&t park this is one of the largest developments we have
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done. i think this could be a model in our lbe or our local and disadvantaged hiring program to make sure everyone is included in this project and as we vote on this today it won't come back to us in 2-3 years. i hope we can get quarterly or biannual information on what is going on with the plan in the sustainability plan so that 2-3 years later we can be updated in the process and i would appreciate your support and model and moving forward with complex projects like this. >> and i'm looking forward to
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work wth giants because they are great corporate partners and great tenants. thank you. >> i won't go through all the thank yous. i do have a small question and a couple comments. i appreciate that based on the comments of last week that you have given us some answers or possible solutions to the open space phasing so today what i heard is maybe we'll be looking at geo bonds and other bond issues. the question is the open space and the type of financing in place. what is the anticipated timeline to go to the park issue since we just did one last year. i just wanted to know what the timing would be before we would go back out and get funding in place before the open space. >> special projects manager,
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the city through its capital planning committee maintains a schedule of plans general obligation bond issuances to go before voters to fulfill the capital needs of the variety of public safety departments. the most recent news proposed from unitransit. i think it was $150 million proposal that really came about because of munis lack of capital funding and the availability of additional bonding capacity and the city tries to issue new bonds as old bond are being paid off so the tax rate stays the same for property owners and right now, we don't see the capacity for general obligation bond for parks as the economy improves
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and their new sales and assess values grow. there may be capacity. so we would be identifying a time line to get it in phase one in the project would be in that 2016 timeframe. >> i thought that was probably the answer but it's important that we have the right expectations in terms of understanding what the time lines can practically as much as we all want the open space. so i think this is a great project and i want to echo that everybody has worked so well in terms of the mayor's office and the giants. this is a very ambitious project and we have placed a lot of good faith in
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the execution and that only now is the work is going to begin and the execution is so critical. we've looked at this many ways from sundays and from the ports point of view the everything works out ideally, this is a great project. now if we should incur delays or other issues in financing, there are risk that we are going to incur and i'm not suggest that go we are going to but we have to go on record to recognize that there are many challenges ahead in terms of making this project become a success and we must be very conscious and work very hard to overcome what will be a few bumps as long as the road. but be mine full of the fact that there is also risk not just for the developer which we've heard a lot about, but also for the port involved. we
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are going into this with our eyes wide open. that's all. thank you. >> two other points. just that constant continued work with the community is so important on a project of this size and appreciate all that's been done on that. also too, i think as commissioner pointed out with the local hiring and other aspects that service as a model, i appreciate this is a model for other projects to determine how the port will be sharing in some of the upside with the developer an i think that's something that we really need to look towards as was noted earlier that the port certainly needs an income stream and i think this present is an opportunity for to us
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port has for a development group for the 23 historic building of pier 70. i want to take us back in february of last year, the port commission selected the team and in april of last year. he directed us to go into an e na, that time we thought we could really hustle and get all the way through term sheet and board approval and be done in 9 months. what we did get done in october you endorsed the term sheet to rehabilitative the building. almost a 20 million square foot and a really exciting structure that the port will share in the pros proceeds and be able to
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incentive the project. we need more time and we are requesting a change in how we handle the transaction cost. the additional time will take between a 9 month to get passed the negotiated and approval. by the end of 2013 we can be an approved and moving on with construction. we feel we hope to beat that schedule. we wanted to give ourselves the time to make that schedule. the way our exclusive negotiating agreements are structured is the developer pays us a negotiating fee which they have paid $75,000 and
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which they have paid $80,000 of port cost. where the port will end up paying on the margin, the equity investment will accrue at 14 in a n in a year. that it will not return on the cost can investment. that modification that we track and count all the time and the port will get repaid from the project revenues when those float. those are the two changes to the exclusive negotiating agreement we are here to ask for tonight and ask for approval to make those and executive that agreement. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment?
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>> corn wood. i support the extension. we all wish it were going to go sooner and i support the deferral of the fees and hope you will approve them. thank you. >> any other public comment? >> hearing none, all those in favor. aye. resolution no. 1311 is approved. >> any public comment on the new business. >> item 13 public comment. >> when i was here the last
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time we were talking a little bit about how the port would accommodate the history of san francisco along the -- and i thought somebody would contact me on some of the issues that i raised. for example, when the director came to me with some information on the exhibit, she really talked -- for those that were here for 5 thousand years. they were really here more than 10,000 years. we need to give the real sense of the history as the tourist and others walk along
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