tv [untitled] March 17, 2013 11:30pm-12:00am PDT
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department staff and transportation specialist sue mike l son who can address questions supervisor breed had regarding the transit impacts. thank you. >> thank you. colleagues, any comments or questions to planning? supervisor campos. >> just to make a motion. >> okay. any other comments? supervisor tang. >> good afternoon, planning staff. i just wanted to make a note that even though i am new to the board, i have followed this issue very closely as a legislative aid in the past few years and also have taken a look at the e-i-r documents. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. as a former redevelopment agency commissioner, i know how controversial many of these
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e-i-rs tend to be so, i just wanted to make a few quick comments. ~ since this is the first sequel [speaker not understood] here as a member of the board and since this particular environmental impact report started well before i was elected, i just want to offer some brief comments. when evaluating e-i-rs, i believe i have a specific legal obligation. i am asked to determine if the document is adequate, accurate, and objective and reflective of the independent judgment of the city and that's all. this is not a proxy vote on the merits of the project or my feelings about a particular developer. it is an assessment of the adequacy, accuracy, and objective -- objectivity of the environmental impact report. in this particular case, the e-i-r process has been lengthy and public, spanning four drafts in several years. i have reviewed the report and the supporting materials and familiar with the proceedings that transpired before i became supervisor. and the report carefully
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details a number of potential environmental impacts. it ha been thoroughly vetted and reflects the concerns of the stakeholders involved, which is why i'm confident that the final report is accurate, adequate and objective and i will be voting to affirm its certification. thank you. >> thank you. let me skip over supervisor campos and go to supervisor yee. supervisor yee? >> thank you. i'm one that was not here also during the review and i had a chance to look at the report itself and feel very satisfied with the content and the outcome. >> thank you. supervisor yee, before we take a motion, i first want to officially at this time declare that the committee of the whole has been concluded as we now reconvene as the board of supervisors. supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president. again, i want to thank everyone
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who has worked on this. it's been a long time coming. besides my colleagues and the staff and the different parties, including cpmc and the community, again, thank you very much for this work. and it is my pleasure to, therefore, move item number 5 forward affirming the certification of final environmental impact report of the california pacific medical center long range development plan to table item 6, and to also move forward item 7, to directing staff to prepare the findings to basically certify the planning department's decision. >> supervisor campos has made a motion. it's been seconded by supervisor farrell. colleagues, i want to just mention that we have circulated an amended copy of the motion to affirm the certification. >> actually, so it's tabling 7 as well. >> okay, tabling item 7. we have circulated a very
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slightly amended version of the motion to affirm the certification two quick changes to the motion. one, the date change on page 3, june 12, 2012, the board had the hearing, it now states on july 17th, 2012, and march 12th, 2013, the board held the hearing. and then as our clerk just pointed out, she is not offering the motion. i would suggest that the motion be made by supervisor campos, farrell, and myself. supervisor campos has made the motion. if i could ask supervisor campos would you also make the motion to amend? >> so, we make a motion to amend and i think it should be made on behalf of the three supervisors here. >> so, supervisor campos has made a motion to amend, seconded by supervisor farrell. colleagues, any objection to the motion to amend? without objection the motion to amend carries. and on the underlying motion as described to affirm the e-i-r and divorce item 6 -- sorry, 2, to affirm the e-i-r, and not reverse the certification and
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then to table item 7, which has been seconded, unless there are any more comments, colleagues. let's take the roll call vote on the e-i-r. >> and just to be clear, mr. president, we are approving item 5 and tabling 6 and 7. >> correct. >> supervisor kim. kim aye. supervisor mar. mar aye. supervisor tang. tang aye. supervisor wiener. wiener aye. supervisor yee. yee aye. supervisor avalos. avalos aye. supervisor breed. breed aye. supervisor campos. campos aye. supervisor chiu. chiu aye. supervisor cohen. cohen aye. supervisor farrell. farrell aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the final e-i-r is approved. now let's move to the term sheet, which is at -- >> item 24. >> item 24. colleagues, any further discussion? okay. let's take a roll call vote on the term sheet.
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>> on item 24, skim? kim aye. supervisor mar. mar aye. supervisor tang. tang aye. supervisor wiener. wiener aye. supervisor yee. yee aye. supervisor avalos. avalos aye. supervisor breed. breed aye. supervisor campos. campos aye. supervisor chiu. chiu aye. supervisor cohen. cohen aye. supervisor farrell. farrell aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the resolution with the term sheet is adopted. thank you. thank you. (applause) >> congratulations to all. and with that, colleagues, we still have plenty of business left. i can ask folks if you could please leave quietly so we can continue the rest of our agenda. thank you very much. madam clerk. do you want to take a break?
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>> the committee report, mr. president? >> yes. >> colleagues, why don't we go to the committee reports, item 25. >> item 25 and 26 were considered by the rules committee at a regular meeting on thursday, march 7th, 2013, were recommended as amended with new titles as committee reports. item 25 is a motion approving the mayor's nomination for appointment of jonathan pearlman to the historic preservation commission. seat number 3 for a term ending december 31st, 2016. >> if i could ask, folks, i want to thank all of you for being here. if you wouldn't mind leaving the chamber quietly, that would be much appreciated. again, if we could please ask members of the public, we're trying to conduct some business. if you could please leave quietly, that would be appreciated. again, thank you for being here. like to recognize supervisor mar on this item. >> thank you. i wanted to speak to item number 25, the appointment of jonathan pearlman to the historic preservation
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commission. president chiu, i was going to point out that i did receive a number of concerns from sf heritage, professor bob cherney who previously certificatedctionv -- served on the landmarks advisory board and other neighborhood advocates that said that they had some concerns that he would not be as sensitive to preservation as they would like. ~ i've also received a number of correspondences from others from self-help to the elderly to many projects he's worked on, people that are supportive of him. it's the architectural historian position that we are approving the appointment of and i'll just say that he has been working on the alexandria theater which is one of our key landmarks in the richmond district and i have had the pleasure of working with him directly on that project. i'm willing to listen and to share some of the concerns from the preservation community, but i'll be supporting mr. pearlman
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today in this vote. thank you. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. after hearing supervisor mar -- he brought up a few comments,, and i know as a member of the rules committee i received some of those same comments. and i want to thank you very much for bringing those to our attention. i know choosing these kinds of -- choosing people for these positions are extremely important and i just want to let you know that from perspective, i deal with a lot of issues around preservation specifically the western addition. and mr. pearlman is actually the one who wrote a detailed report on the harding theater as someone who has really extensive knowledge without necessarily holding the city hostage to be -- to protect buildings that don't necessarily warrant the protections of historic preservations and i like his
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style of thinking as it relates to historic preservation. and although i really appreciate the feedback from many of the folks who are more involved and more experienced than i as it relates to historic preservation in san francisco, i would like to see someone with his expertise, his perspective, and his attention to detail and attention to the facts on the historic preservation commission. and i just wanted to express that so that you understand my perspective. i know that you're supporting him, but that's my perspective for why i'm supporting him as well for the historic preservation commission. thank you. >> thank you, colleagues. any additional discussion? let's take a roll call vote. >> on item 25, supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang. tang aye. supervisor wiener. wiener aye. supervisor yee. yee aye. supervisor avalos.
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avalos aye. supervisor breed. breed aye. supervisor campos. campos aye. supervisor chiu. chiu aye. supervisor cohen. cohen aye. supervisor farrell? farrell aye. there are 11 ayes. >> motion is approved. next item, item 26. >> item 26, motion approving the mayor's nomination for appointment of ellen johnck to the historic preservation commission, seat number 5 for a term ending december 31st, 2016. >> colleagues, any discussion? ~ can we take this item same house same call? without objection, this motion is approved. item 27. >> item 27 was considered by the land use and economic development committee at a regular meeting on monday, march 11 and forwarded as amended same title with the committee report. >> colleagues, same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first read. let's go to roll call. madam clerk. >> supervisor kim, you're first. okay, thank you. supervisor mar. >> thank you, let me try to do my best to be really brief.
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i wanted to first point out that a number of advocates supporting city college students and teachers and staff will be rallying on thursday from 4:00 to 6:00 at the civic center and i'm strongly supportive of the city doing as much as we can to support the important institution of city college of san francisco at this critical time. i know that a number of the bargaining unit -- the community coalition will be raising different issues with us at a mass rally from 4:00 to 6:00 on thursday. also within my district, the richmond district, district 1, i have been working hard to help revitalize our merchant corridors in the richmond from revitalizing the merchant's association on clement street to helping beautify the outer balboa area with many small businesses and i'm strongly supportive of our business sector. an additional source of support for small businesses in our city as mayor lee mentioned today in response to supervisor
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tang's questions is our invest in neighborhoods program, not only the sunset, but also a number of other neighborhoods, including the richmond is included in the investment neighborhoods program. the stretch of geary w.h.o. from 14th avenue to 28th avenue is included [boulevard ~] there are 24 other neighborhood commercial districts in the city that are eligible for funding through invest in neighborhoods. the office of economic and work force development is seeking proposals. they are due on friday. proposals to help strengthen neighborhood commercial districts by implementing neighborhood improvement projects and providing business services. so far there's 17 $5,000 worth of grants to fund projects that serve one or more of the 25 invest in neighborhoods districts ~ and proposals again are due on friday at 5:00 p.m.. i strongly urge the small businesses not just in my district but also throughout the city in those corridors, to contact the office of economic and work force development to get more information and hopefully submit applications
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to beautify their neighborhoods. and lastly, this sunday i really enjoyed sunday streets the kickoff this year along the embarcadaro. its was the most beautiful day maybe of the year. and i'm working hard with the sunday street folks to bring it to the richmond district in late october. the exploratorium this weekend was also touting their grand opening that will come in about four weeks on april 15th and it was one of the most enjoyable sunday streets that i've been at, able to enjoy with families and seniors and others sharing the streets for everyone in one of the most beautiful places, not just in the san francisco area, but probably in the world. so, i hope people take the chance to explore other neighborhoods like the richmond and the new neighborhoods that are part of sunday streets as well. the rest i'll submit. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor tang. >> today i just have an in memoriam for jerry meister. she had been a public school teacher for 42 years in
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sacramento and san francisco and she passed away last week at the age of 77. she spent 38 years at george washington high school teaching economics government and history. for the last nine years she led the 900 members of the united educators, sf retired division and served as co-chair of the protector of benefits. focusing on benefits for retired teachers and all retirees of the city and county of san francisco. she took this role incredibly seriously and never missed a single health service system meeting. ms. meister will be deeply missed and mourned by her husband as well as thousands of educators, former students and activists and the many lives she touched. >> thank you, supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, and i would ask that perhaps we make that in memoriam on behalf of the entire board. >> colleagues, if we can do that without objection, that should be the case. [gavel] >> colleagues, today i am introducing a package of legislation to improve the way that we deliver pedestrian safety projects in san
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francisco. and i want to thank supervisor yee for co-sponsoring these pieces of legislation with me. san francisco is one of the highest pedestrian injury rates in california and we need to make our streets safer. while we have numerous city policies like the better streets plan and our transit first policy, which identify pedestrian safety as a priority, our actual rules and the way we actually go about pedestrian safety issues undermine at times pedestrian safety by causing projects to get tangled up in inter agency conflict and conflicting policy priorities as well as outdated codes. as a result, projects that do get built are unnecessarily expensive and time consuming while others are either watered down or sometimes killed entirely through death by a thousand cuts. this legislation will streamline the delivery of pedestrian safety projects in san francisco. the legislation has five
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different parts to it. first, an ordinance that mandates inter agency coordination by creating a centralized street design review committee which was a key recommendation from the 2010 controller's audit. currently there is no formalized coordination among [speaker not understood]. instead, each department has its own effective veto power over the project, with little or no requirement that agencies work together to find a path forward for projects. this lack of coordination undermines our ability to deliver pedestrian safety projects in a timely and cost-effective way. this proposed street design review committee will be a central clearinghouse for project disputes among agencies and will ensure that if there are conflicts, they will be resolved promptly. i am also introducing an accompanying resolution urging the public utilities commission, the department of public works, the mta and the planning department to develop
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a clear coordinated policy for reviewing street improvement projects with overlapping departmental jurisdiction. it also calls on these agencies to modernize codes, standards, regulations and other guidelines to ensure that we are implementing our pedestrian safety goals. third, i'm introducing an ordinance that will make it easier for developers to build pedestrian safety projects like sidewalk build outs widen sidewalks, bike facilities and public plaza and a gift to the city as public property. currently the city effectively requires developers to go through what can be years of uncoordinated permit approvals in order to give the city a pedestrian safety upgrade. we should be making it easy for the developers to do this, but we make it hard. and once these permits are secured and the projects are built, the city requires the building owner to permanently indemnify the city for any liability relating to these public improvements that are public property and requires
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the developers to permanently maintain them. the combination of never ending process and unreasonable conditions after construction of these projects acts as a major deterrent for developers to actually build pedestrian safety upgrades and there are developers who don't want to even go through the process. this legislation will offer property owners a streamline process to make these improvements to gift them to the city with a maintenance fund and then to have the city take full responsibility for maintaining the public property going forward. fourth, the legislation includes an amendment to the fire code to ensure that pedestrian safety projects are not unnecessarily impeded by the codes' definition of minimum street width. currently the fire code requires a minimum street clearance, essentially street width on all streets. the intent of this minimum is to ensure fire access along our local streets. because of strict
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interpretation of the code, pedestrian safety improvements like build outs are currently counted against this minimum required clearance even though a build out is in no way an impediment to an emergency vehicle. this interpretation is inconsistent with long held city policies of encouraging pedestrian safety. this amendment to the fire code will clarify that unobstructed sidewalks like a corner build out will no longer be counted against the minimum street width measurement as long as they don't contain any fixed objects like trees or light pole. this ensures both fire access and pedestrian safety and will ensure that good projects can move forward without an unnecessary impediment from the fire code. and finally, i'm introducing a resolution urging the state legislature to amend the state fire code to provide localities with more flexibility to address street width. for example, a dense urban city like san francisco has
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different needs around street width than a more suburban area. so, colleagues, i look forward to the discussion around this important issue and i know that we'll be able to move this legislation forward and get it passed. the rest i submit. >> thank you. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. >> yes, i want to quickly thank supervisor wiener for presenting this piece of legislation. i think it's very timely for me considering that although i may not have as much impact as these projects are coming up, i mentioned last week that with a grant we're looking at some pedestrian safety improvements on slope boulevard. and i also looked at the timeline, which i didn't mention, and they are talking about completing these three intersections in 2016. and i'm thinking supervisor
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wiener's introduction to this legislation, i'm hoping that this could be our part of the answer to the issues. i'm sorry, but it's ridiculous that it's going to take three or four years to get things done. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i am requesting the city attorneys to draft legislation that would make it -- actually draft a charter amendment that would say that it would be city policy to work to eliminate raise in gender pay and equity in the city and city work force. last week i had a hearing in the budget and finance committee looking at how the city has historically used comparable work to adjust pay -- make sure we eliminate pay inequity over the past three decades. unfortunately we've seen the city has departed greatly from
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looking at pay equity as a standard. and we want to bring that back by bringing it forward, possibly a charter amendment that can make sure that we are doing everything we can do to ensure that women, especially women and people of color are able to have the adequate pay for their work for the city. so, i look forward to that being drafted and having a discussion here at the full board in the weeks to come. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. okay. supervisor campos. >> thank you, madam clerk. i just have a couple of points. the first one is in memoriam for pastor rance white side who was born and raised in arkansas until the age of 19, at which time he came here to -- he was actually drafted into the military. upon completion of his military service, he came to san francisco to, among the things, see the golden gate bridge.
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and he was truly amazed by the scenery and never looked back. and pastor white side obtained several odd jobs before his employment with the st. francis hotel. after 15 years of working there he retired and devoted his life full time to the ministry. pastor rance white side preached his first sermon in 1949. he founded and organizer of good hope ministry, missionary baptist church here in san francisco in march of 1953. he served his church and community throughout this state and city, the home going on sunday, march 3rd, 2013. he was 95 and he passed and he was the oldest ministering pastor here in the city and county of san francisco. so, i would ask that we adjourn the meeting in his memory today. and then the last point is sort of a point of interest and information.
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it is reported that the boy scouts of america today sent out 1.1 million questionnaires to its members asking a sear i of questions that ask members of the boy scouts to give their opinions on their current and long existing ban on gays serving in the boy scouts. so, it is our hope that the members of this organization, that see the point that if the military can survive with open members of the lgbt serving, certainly the boy scouts of america can survive as well. they fill out that questionnaire and once and for all get rid of the discriminatory practice that this institution has had for so many years. it doesn't make sense. it's the year 2013. let's move forward, not backwards. >> thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, i have two items.
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one is concerning something you have probably become apprised of. recently regarding new ads on our muni buses. there is a group calling itself the american freedom defense initiative that has submitted ads on buses across the country including san francisco specifically targeting members of our muslim and arab san franciscan communities. i am introducing a resolution to stand with our muslim and arab communities and condemning these hateful bus advertisements and i also want to thank supervisors avalos, breed, campos, cohen, ken, mar and yee for their co-sponsorship of this. this resolution documents how the funders of the ads are well known antimuslim extremists, documents the history of hate crimes against communities, these particular communities around the time of these advertisements and supports the request of our local muslim and arab communities that proceeds from these muni ads be used to fund a discrimination impact study on the impact of post-9/11 discrimination.
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while some courts have found these adstion have first amendment privileges, that doesn't mean we can't condemn they have with the strongest possible statements. particularly given that many families from our arab, middle eastern, muslim and south asian communities have been subjected to intense discrimination and hate crimes after 9/11. ~ i want to thank the 75 organizations that have come together around this issue representing our civil rights, labor, and social justice and religious organizations as well as our diverse communities including leaders from our african-american, asian american, latino, lgbt and jewish communities. my second item is to call for a hearing around a potential sewage disaster. as supervisor yee well knows from district 7 two weeks ago, a pc water main broke in west polk which damages 23 homes on a residential block. over the past two years our city has had over 200 water main breaks and about as many
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burst water sewer lines and paid out claims and judgments in that period totaling over $5 million. in today's chronicle, and this is an article that is at the top of a bay area section of sf gate, the chronicle reported that the 8 washington [speaker not understood] project we considered last year is built as was currently planned could threaten our city's north force main, which is a sewer pipeline that carries one quarter of our city's sewage. serving the financial district, north beach, chinatown, the marina, and other northeast neighborhoods. today the puc was supposed to move forward with legislation to give the developer rights to encroach into the puc sewer easement. the chronicle reported that city departments knew that concerns raised by city project manager that both during the construction and in the event of a major earthquake, the north force main could be significantly damaged, but this issue is not addressed in the recent addendum to the vieerthval study. these revelations are deeply troubling. we need to understand why these
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matters weren't disclosed earlier so i'm calling for a hearing on this topic. the rest of my item i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. i believe that concludes roll call for introductions. >> thank you. why don't we go to general public comment. >> now is the opportunity for the public to comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including the policy discussion between the mayor and the board, and item on the immediate adoption calendar. please note that public comment will not be allowed on those item which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time and if you wish to utilize the overhead projector please clearly state such and remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. >> why don't we move to general public comment and in addition to the folks in line, i received a couple speaker cards and would ask carol sanders and rachel roberts if you'd also like to get in line. first speaker, please.
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