tv [untitled] March 18, 2013 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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that's the key to make this very successful. thank you. >> good evening, ed [inaudible] echoing some of the excellent words already spoken. local hire presents a win win for a school district in terms of its workers, the families supported by local hire as well as the students that get to see the absolute incredible benefits that can come from it. good faith in of itself is inconsistent and it's god this resolution has managed to [inaudible] has the ability to set mandatory percentages as a minimum that actually are very specific and sets guidelines to that end and the key point is that the apprenticeship standard should be also set by the city's local hiring policy
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as well. it's good that at the end of the day that consistency is established by adhering to this resolution. second is to answer a speakers earlier point [inaudible] report published by oewd that showed that it was actually 7 percent below engineers estimates and 2012 actually showed [inaudible] and third and finally it's important to bring all the trades together to make sure that local hire works for the school district and for the students and families that benefit from this policy. thank you. >> i'm a part of [inaudible] and i'm not really all about statistics and all that because i've been working all my life and i'm 54 and i'm from san francisco and i didn't go to all your high schools 'cause i went through the pen. and all
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these kids that you talking about -- i think you using these kids because the only schools i see -- you may not like what i say, but all the schools i see are white kids, hindu kids -- ya'll know about the history of san francisco about 66 over there when they shot up them brothers over there for trying to stand up. you get rid of the brothers. if you really cared about the kids you would find a way to get the fathers back to the house. i got a 16-year-old daughter -- she's across the bay -- i have a little record back 30 years ago, i can't be there with me daughter. not because it was so bad, but because it says if the mama --
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[inaudible] i'm talking to people in bay view -- like, why don't ya'll hire the brothers. everything over there in bay view ain't owned by black /phepbl. -- men. [inaudible] because i see a lot of white girls doing it too. but you talk about the kids -- i think you using 'em because you ain't putting the black kids fathers in their houses 'cause you ain't giving us no job. do you see any black men up here. we don't have no jobs. all that union city build -- all that is garbage because only people you teaching to be a carpenter or plumber -- go down there an third [inaudible] you ain't teaching the black boys nothing but playing football, basketball and run
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from the police. >> thank you sir. next speaker. >> hi, my name is [inaudible]. i'm standing here really conflicted. i'm a native san francisco citizen, i'm a [inaudible] i've put three children through the san francisco unified school district and i have two more that are still in the school system. i support project labor agreements 100 percent, but just as strongly i support access and opportunity. had it not been for my education in the san francisco unified school district, i may not have been able to become an electrician to take care of my family. i wanna stay here in san francisco, but my children want to stay in their native home as well. their ages are from 18 to 21 and it is so difficult for them to find employment. and we are african
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americans here in san francisco, living in the bay view hunters point. my two sons graduated from lowell high school, my daughter graduated from the school of the arts and there's no reason they should be unemployed here in san francisco. i'm advocating for all of my /kpheurpb because i still have two daughters in the public school system. we have to get better, more creative, we have to make this thing work. this is intersecting interests. and i represent that intersecting interest so i hope that you guys will come together. i do believe in good union jobs so let's make this work the proper way. >> my name is kevin, i'm a
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community activist and film maker. i want to off my support for the local hiring legislation that was passed by the city and hope that in compliance ya'll will take a look at that and use that as a measuring stick to be able to make sure that the contracts and agreements that come through ya'll body here is upheld to the highest standard. i do wanna echo despite the success that has come out of the local hiring legislation, it has not translated into hiring into members of the community, particularly communities of color. so i hope this could be a renewed commitment to ensuring that local hiring is held up and the good old buddy network does not have a monopoly on the
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negotiations, but make sure that the community is part of that transparency as you move forward. thank you very much. >> evening commissioners, josh [inaudible] for sponsoring the resolution and everybody for your work on this. it's a long process to get here. we got a long way to go. i think you know from the community side we speak with our heart, you know. we believe in this and we put two years into the city's ordinance and we collect i havely bargained with a lot of the folkings -- folks to get policy that works so you hear a lot of us talking about wanting to see the school district move
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into this comprehensive system. how do we start earlier? the ability to have a school district plugging into a [inaudible] major lee's construction work force advisory committee, city build who's been some great conversations. it's beyond exciting and i think that's why you wanna see us advocate to going that way. but we do support the resolution. we worked with everybody in the room and we wanna work with everyone in the room. i know we got a letter from the laborers just that we're not in the council and i know -- i can't speak for the laborers, but i heard they won't sign a pla if they weren't part of negotiating. but so i think the approach you have right now is a good way to go about that. there were some great points made around apprenticeship
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numbers. there's release valves in the policy. it's a requirement, but there's way to get compliance if you help bring in an apprentice into the trade, to pose someone -- a young student out of john o connel into the trade. so it's not illegal. if you tell me it's illegal, but i've not seen anything that will say it's illegal. bull -- but in strong support. thank you commissioners. . >> hi, mike [inaudible]. just wanna say real quick i'm a union kid, i grew up in a union family. my father is a loyal retired member of local 2
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working for some really good and really bad folks, but because of them i'm able to go to college and i was able to go to law school and while i look at this -- and there's a lot of good stuff here, but not there yet. just a few things that need to be ironed out. i'm a firm believer in local hire. it has been win win and we've seen the results. but also i would like to talk about local business enterprises because who is it that hires black and browns in this city? black and brown contractors primarily 'cause they're from the neighborhoods, they know the kids in the neighborhoods, they know me, they know some of the kids and some of the folks here and we know that we can make it happen. this city already has a local enterprise program, that has been very productive.
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we're not reinventing the wheel here. but what i'm saying here is that the local hire and local business enterprise -- if you step back and take a look at the bigger picture, we're talking about an economic recovery package for bay view, patient valley, a lot of folks out there that have their union work that are starving for work and a lot of contractors there that are starving for work and are willing to pay a good wage. thank you very much. >> thank you to all the speakers. at this time supervisor yee -- i would love to give you an opportunity to
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speak. odd to see you sitting on the other side of the table. >> good evening. i really wanted to be here tonight for -- for me, what i would consider historical vote. the reason i started this process with commissioner fewer last year and i felt that this is one of those things where i wish i had the opportunity to complete this particular journey and i wasn't able to do that. and it was a sad day when i had to leave and leave this undone. i wanna thank commissioner fewer to continue
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this resolution and for commissioner haney to join in. and i wanna thank -- i just looked it over in terms of the amendments and so forth. i really wanna say that i'm very proud of this board working very diligently and actually strengthening the language in this. i'm glad to see that. i'm also glad to hear many of these comments, that there 's a lot of support for the direction we're going. this is not a new concept for san francisco as you know, and the reason why we brought it up at the end of last year was because the city already had done this. it was just logical to do this. this is city money, we want our city money to support or people in the city and this is just one opportunity for us to do this.
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we just passed today after four-and-a-half hours at another meeting i was in earlier , but we just passed the terms of cpmc. they're not using our city money, they're using their own money, and yet they were able to agree to the general concept of local hiring that was set forth by the city. so once again, i think the school district at this point need to join the family of all the organizations and the city government in supporting really our families and when we talk about our families, the people that's gonna benefit really gonna be a lot of our public school kids' families so i'm here today to again, urge every one of you to support this and
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get this passed and i know you have a lot more work to do in passing this but once again, i'm very happy that we're at this point at this time so thank you very much for -- i know this is gonna be a long evening for you. so thanks for giving me the opportunity president norton to speak on this issue that's very dear to me. so that's it. thank you. >> thanks for coming by for a visit. also nice to see you, don't be a stranger. so any comments -- board discussion -- comments and questions from board members? i understand that the authors wanna offer a few amendment; is that correct? do you wanna do that now? >> thank you president norton. yes. thank you for everyone that came out and spoke. you' absolutely right. we wanna be inclusive of all our building
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construction trades so i think that you might have been a little misinformed. this vote is not a vote for a pla tonight or not. this vote is not the vote about the pla. this vote is actually for a resolution that asks staff to create a policy that includes local hire into a policy that would guide the future plas of this district. so we heard a lot tonight and every time that people come and speak, i just wanna say that i am also learning here and so tonight i learned something too so i'd like to make an amendment to this and i heard that the 70 percent is not aligned with what the city is doing so i would like to make an amendment that we reduce that to 50 percent. the 70 percent came from our staff recommendation
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and we thought we could do that, but i'm hearing this could be difficult for some trades to meet and we want our trades to be in partnership with us so i would make an amendment that we switch it back to 50 percent. that's the first one. then i would -- because there's been so much talk about the city... >> do you wanna -- i wanna ask -- should we do amendments one at a time? okay. so you're making a motion first that in -- at the top of page two on the copy we have, in the clause it says that require at least 70 percent of the project work hours -- change that to 50 percent. i need a second on the motion. >> after you get a second, if there's no objection...
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>> so is there any objection? okay. it's the top of page three for the public but there's no objection from the board so we will just do... -- next amendment. >> and then secondly because we've been hearing so much about the city ordinance and there was such a community process and we know all the trades have signed on to the city ordinance that i would like to add another bullet point that specifically says that this policy should align as closely as possible where legally permissible to the city's local hire ordinance. so i would like to add it as a bullet point to the last bullet point and the wording is again, this /polg -- policy should align as closely as possible where legally permissible to
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the city's local hire. >> is there a second? is there any objection to the motion? being none, thank you. >> thank you very much. so i have other comments, but i'd like to let my colleagues speak first. thank you. >> just some questions. so in previous resolution, there was a whereas clause that referred to the student internship program and wanting to -- it was more of a statement to ensure that the student internship program [inaudible] doesn't get recognized and i'm wondering if the authors would be interested in putting a clause back in that ensures that an internship program is part of the pla.
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>> absolutely. so commissioner mendoza, just to respond -- i request that be struck is that i felt the tone of the resolution was on a positive note. that was one whereas that was on a negative note and therefore i requested that it be stricken from the record. but absolutely, i agree, because this is about the children, the students. so we -- i believe there is language in here about it a little bit, but i'm happy to interchange further language or more specific language. >> so i would like to propose that we strengthen that piece so that that doesn't get lost in the -- since we now have the -- that the district will enter
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into a [inaudible] in this new resolution or the stub institute resolution. i just wanna be sure we have that somewhere. is it already -- i didn't see it written in -- into the... >> so would it be all right commissioner, if i worked a little bit in a couple of minutes to draft another bullet point on to this that is maybe more specific and more targeted around creating internship programs specifically for our students of san francisco? that'd be great. >> can i ask a question? the superintendent has suggested to me that if the concern is that it's not implicit that we would have an internship program as part of any future pla, the superintendent just suggested that perhaps whereas could be restored but reworded in a more positive way so that we don't
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insert language about an internship that could be problematic. >> it could just state that any agreement that the district would enter into would include an element for around an internship program for our students, but i think that commissioner mendoza -- if you want to tweak the wording and i will look at it to and then after the presentation we can present it. >> mr. davis, you can help craft that as well. and just in terms of the -- i just wanted to be clear. so this resolution is simply to instruct the staff to move forward on a policy. and i wanted to just ask in terms of
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additional language or putting anything else in, is it gonna be restricted to what's in here or as they're developing if other things come up 'cause we'll still have to approve a policy down the road. so i just wanted to put that on record that there may be some other things that come down the road through april 23 and i just wanna have the flexibility to have that conversation because the policy is not in place yet, but this is instructing our staff to go forward to create the policy. >> i agree. i think we should write a line in there that allows us some flexibility to make additions and amendments to other things you might wanna see, of course with board approval. >> mr. wynn. >> thank you. i have a number of questions and comments. in case of that i'm fine with putting in something that makes
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reference to that, although we can amend anything at any time. it's kind of like passing something saying we can do what we do. i don't object to that, people are redoesn't doesn't -- redundant. i'm very much? support of local hire. i think this is a very specific and long resolution that again, is our tendency to try to put everything and think of everything and describe it in such a way so while i appreciate -- and i think we should reiterate all the time, but this is something that says we're asking the staff to try to craft a policy that allows us to do things in this area that we're interested in, it is very specific. and for that reason i have some concern because we had a report from -- as was requested when this first was introduced from our staff which had a process which
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was referred to earlier. it was my memory between 200 and 300 thousand dollars a year for monitoring a local hire program. so all the other things that are listed here that we say we want, aggressive outreach programs, all kinds of other things, the internship program, all of those things are not necessarily covered in the cost estimates that we have and therefore we don't have an idea about what it might cost. further, we all have had issues raised by the bond advisory committee and i appreciate that our attorney has looked at that but i'm not sure it's totally within this area -- that we are -- i'm not totally satisfied that it's an appropriate use of prop 39 because prop 39 is so
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specific in what you can use, what you have to say in the bond language itself in order to spend money in a way that's not specified clearly in the language so i think that's a concern. and i would like to have, before we get the policy, a further anal -- analysis of what kind of staff time this will cost, which is the financial analysis that we currently have some reference to. so i think that's important for us to know. i remain a bit concerned about some language that has been left in there and we've heard testimony this evening that makes me think we still have lots of confusion about whether or not /w*e can do what the city does, which in many cases we can't. in fact, our legal
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advice has been we can do a mandatory local hire policy or program only as part of a negotiated project labor agreement. and so some of these -- and as i said before, that means that whatever we want, our program has to be agreed to by the building trades council and we do a pla. and just to remind everybody, while the previous pla conditions were agreed to by the negotiators of the building trades council, each member of the union had to sign the pla. so i -- none of us will be in those negotiations thankfully, but those doing the negotiations, need to be clear
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that every union member must sign. i'm not gonna go into the detail because i just have some concerns /-fpbl . i don't actually know enough about the detail, but seems to me there may [inaudible] things that require contractors to work with state regulator apprenticeship programs, which are actually the people who have apprentices and work with them -- they're hired by contractors, but it's the local unions that actually work with the apprentice programs so i think we have some impossible things that unintentionally that we'll need to work out as we go along. so i -- those are really the things i wanted to say. one concern i have also about something that we were
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told just is not legal, is that i have concern -- i appreciate the word explore, but i still have concern with the words direct contracting because while we just did authorization for -- and a contract for design build contract on willy brown and we've talked about lease issues, but -- and all those things are fine. we can talk about those. but what i understood from our lawyers was that it was the direct contracting policy that we had a problem with. so if that could be modified in such a way just to not be inaccurate in the message that it's sending i would appreciate that. thank you.
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