tv [untitled] March 21, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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and development. i was at one of those meetings when we met the community housing partnership and also to have their support and also a member of femac and the community leadership alliance and working closely with supervisor kim's office. we have reached out to the ialliance for a better district six and presenting to answer their questions and tell them about our business. we hope to gain their support after presenting. we also are aware that we have eleven protestors. we received a contact info from abc, late january, and have reached out to all of them. our goal is to meet with them individually and come to a resolution. already, we have had one person give a verbal confirmation of withdrawing his protest. we are going to continue these efforts. we did an event with the new neighbors and we were overwhelmed by their excitement and support. over 60 residents signed our petition of support, which is
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very validating for us to hear, how excited they are for a craft beer and wine bar, and retail store in their building. we have a copy here for your review. >> okay. >> we have also been sending our support letters your way. as we have been getting them. and we currently have over 30 letters and e-mails of support and our broad range of support comes from the ccbpd, somba and the community housing partnership and david lobos is here in support of the community leadership alliance and we know that not everyone will be happy but are pleased that our support comes from everyone, from non-profit to residents and to the neighborhood organizations and we also have many supporters here today that you will see with the beer hall stickers. who range from our friends, entrepreneurs small business owners. and residents. >> if i may ask you too, we have a long agenda, that you
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could try to wrap it up, please. >> okay. >> we are asking that one police condition be removed. we received the police recommendations in november and were surprised to see the no off sale condition. we have been developing this for two and a half years, throughout the years i have been in contact with the alu and the district police stations it included a tasting bar and retail stop and go together in the 42 code which authorizes the sale of beer and wine on or off the premises. as all of the original inspectors transferred positions and as time ticked by it became our understanding that we needed to sign the existing conditions to keep the process moving. this was in january and we have been working hard to get the condition amended ever since. until now, my wife and i have been taking on this entire abc licensing process ourselves. recently we have reached out to tar ans allen of cmac to assist
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us in that process. >> the type 42 model works with great success in other emerging neighborhoods in the city. having a tasting bar and retail shop is a successful business model that does not have to be open late as it is good for us as we are raising a family. each of the others have become a great edition to the neighborhood, we will be the first style of this business to focus on craft beer and secondary on local wine, we expect the take home to be 50 and take home 50. >> we need a full license, losing the offset it makes it impossible for the business to pencil out. after you take out of the bathroom we are under 8,000 square feet. we are a small part of people's routines and not a large imposition. it was a surprise that the people thought of us as a problem and compared to the negative things in the
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neighborhood as we viewed ourselves as part of the solution. we know that there is high crime in the area, if you look closely at what we are doing you will agree that we are adding to the solution. there is a huge difference between the traditional corner liquor store and what is allowed and our business hours and no hard liquor sales believes demonstrates good, adult responsibilities. >> i am going to interject and ask you to wrap it up. >> in closing, the small family business, bringing opportunity for creating community by serving the dynamic and market neighborhood. we are proud to have such an out pouring of support and personal appearances today. it will serve the public and the city of county of san francisco and ask for the two parts of our business that we need to be a success. on site tasting and at home. >> thank you for your presentation.
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>> colleagues do you have any questions of the applicant at this point? >> i know that we will have an opportunity to ask any questions as the process continues. if we could now hear from the police department, please? >> where is the police department? >> this is the most quiet this room has been in quite a while. we appreciate that.
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>> apologize for the delay, my name is rich vancroy and i represent the police department and from the alcohol liaison unit and i believe that we are talking about 1 polk street. >> that is correct. >> the beer hall llc has filed a for an on sale beer and wine and in the last calendar year from july, 2011 to july of 2012, there were 60 police calls for services which generated 11 police reports. the premises is located in plot 560, and this is a high crime area as defined and the plot
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has 71 police incidents recorded for 2011 and the applicant premises is not located in the high crime area. the premises is located in the census track, 0124.02. and the applicant from the current located in undue concentration area. there is ten letters of protest, recorded by the alcoholic beverage control unit and there were 12 letters of support recorded with the alcohol beverage control unit as well. there is no opposition from the northern police station, the alcohol licensing unit recommends approval. the following conditions have been recommended to the california department of alcoholic beverage control. >> sales and service and consumption of beverages shall be permitted between 11 a.m. to 12 a.m., midnight, sunday through thursday, and 11 a.m. until 2 a.m. on friday and saturday. number two, the sale of alcoholic beverages for off
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sale consumption is strictly prohibited. number three the petitioners shall be responsible of maintaining free of litter adjacent of the promisses of which they have control. loitering is to stand idlely about and linger without lawful business is prohibited on any sidewalks or property adjacent to the licensed premiseses under the control of the licensee, as despikted on abc form, 257. number five, graffiti shall be removed from the premises and all parking lots under the control of the licensee within 72 hours of the application, if it occurs on a friday or a weekend day or holiday, the licensee shall remove it within 72 hours following the beginning of the next week. number 6, the exterior of the premises shall be equipped with lighting with power to eliminate and make easy the appearance of all of the persons or about the premises. the position of such lighting
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will not disturb the normal privacy of any neighbor residences, no noise shall be audible beyond the area under the control of the licensee as defined on abc form 257. number 8. the interior lighting maintained there in, shall be sufficient to make easily decertainable the appearance of all patrons in the portion of the premiseses where the alcoholic beverages are sold or delivered or consumed. >> the petitioner shall utilize electronic surveillance and equipment to be able to be viewed the outside of the premises including all entrances and exit and that is monitored and recorded. this electronic surveillance shall be utilized during the operating hours, said electronic and recordings shall be kept 30 days and shall be made available to the department, and police department upon demand. on january 15th, 2013 this year, andrew hall the applicant was contacted and agreed with
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the recommended conditions. thank you. >> thank you, very much. colleagues, any questions for our police department? >> and i would simply ask for future reference, these kinds of proceedings i think that it is helpful to have the police when the applicant is presenting so that you can hear what they have to say. i think for the other items that it is important when that presentation is made. >> absolutely. and i apologize for being remis, in that. >> supervisor weiner? >> thank you, mr. chairman. and i have a question about the recommended researching for the being able to buy and to take the 6 back of peer off site. my understanding is that the applicants are not agreeing to that. am i right about that? >> that was brought to our attention, unfortunately on the 11th hour yesterday and that is why i brought up the fact that we had discussed this in january with the applicant. and we are open-minded about it, and we have no objection in the future of modifying that,
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but at this point, when they came to us yesterday and spoke to our colleagues, we have there is other businesses within that area that we would have to actually accommodate as well with the off-sale. and so at this point, there is simply no reason but to say to the eleventh hour they contacted us and we were not prepared to modify it at that point. >> but if the department is open to it in the future, why wouldn't we just do it now when we are actually allowing this business to open? it just seems like that kind of restriction, i don't know that i understand the rationale for it. i mean it is one thing if you have a business that has not demonstrated problems in the history, but this kind of business the model is shifting and so, these kinds of craft beer establishments it really
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is a combination of on-site and also people able to go in and take the beer off-site. and so, i just... i don't think that i totally understand the rationale. >> the basis for that was as we explained was i felt that within the year's period of time, 60 actual calls for police service to that area was accessive as well as they had 71 police incidents in that plot. >> but i mean, not this business, certainly because they... >> for that address and i think that prior to them actually doing the construction when there was a business there, they had problems in that area. >> right. >> where we are concerned as you know, is the polk street corridor is genderfying and there is a lot of business and it is away from the other area where all of the other night clubs are available. and simply, you know, we would have to have a little more time
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to research that before i could make a informed decision to go ahead. we are as a said, open-minded and the communication level was there and the fact was that we discussed each one of these conditions with the applicant. and at the last minute, i feel that our department would be remiss if we went ahead and struck that particular condition until we... in fact i would ask for a continuance, and then we could go through that and just have a further discussion and we would be able to give a more qualified answer. >> i just seems to me that whatever the calls for service were unrelated to this business. and i say that it is also from personal knowledge that before this job, i worked at fox plaza for a long time. and that area has for a long time just an absolute dead zone and there were no businesses open at night and you would leave there at 7:00 at night and you were just walking and it was pretty creepy and the businesses that have gone in there, it starting to make all of the difference in the world and so, i think that it is in
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everyone's interest for this business to succeed and, for people to be going in and out of there at night, you know, if they are going to get a 6-pack of beer and whatever it is and to encourage that level of activity. >> i wholly agree with you, what i am saying is that there are other businesses that are type 42 that do have off sale that can bring what i would like for that and i think that it would be in everybody's best interest to continue this, that my office as well as the applicant to get together and have a more informed discussion and we can go through if need be, we can have some input from the community, because i think that in general that would be where we would be interested to hear what the community has to say about the off-sale portion of it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and i just want to note a couple of points. we have some folks visiting the chamber including what i see are many young people, some students and so we want to welcome to the chamber of the board of supervisors and you are now witnessing government
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at work. and the meeting of the board of supervisors neighborhood services and safety committee. >> i know that we will be hearing by the way, from the district supervisor shortly, she had a prior commitment. but her staff has been working on this diligently and we will be hearing from them pretty soon. supervisor mar? >> thank you, i was going to ask about that. because my understanding is that supervisor kim from district six is supportive of striking the second condition of the baring of off-sale consumption and i would defer to our colleague, but i look forward to hearing her perspective. i am looking at the i think that there were like ten comments of protest to the abc. and but i see many more supporters from community-based organizations and housing groups to just individuals that
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as supervisor weiner mentioned, showed a business like this with an off-sale license, won't be harmful for the community and will help actually revitalize an area. and i am really appreciative of the great information provided by the hall owners as well and a lot of the letters and e-mails and communications that have been coming in as well and so i am actually going to be looking forward to our colleague from district six comments and probably be supportive of them. >> thank you, supervisor. >> i do have a follow up question and i want to actually go immediately after that public comment. i know that there are many people who come to speak on this item. to our police department, the follow up question, general question. and it is something that is related to what supervisor weiner was asking. i understand that in looking at an application, you will look at sort of what happened in terms of the number of
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incidents that were reported in the surrounding area and surrounding neighborhood. but i also would hope that if there are a number of incidents that were attributed to a specific address and directly connected to a prior owner, and that there is at least some consideration for the fact that the people that are coming in are not that prior party. and so, i would hope that there is some analysis of that. so i am wondering if you could talk about generally how you look at that. >> and i agree with you. we look at each case on a case by case basis. we will do a crime mapping and we will look at calls for service and we reach out to the applicant and we obviously know that it is not there if it is a totally different business and a different applicant and we do not fault anyone for calling the police department. where you will hear numbers that there are 60 calls for service but we actually encourage people to call the police department if there are incidents whether it is for a
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permanent places of entertainment or if they are alcohol related and they do not get penalized for calling the police department and so we evaluate each case and we look at the scenario and when i say 60 calls for service those could be traffic by the officers using that address as a point. it could also be a theft report that are not, we are looking forward to the nexus of that particular address if there is an incident. so we heavily rely on and there is brought such the inception and i guess, in january, when the new board members came in, we agree with you, we look at community out reach and we ask every applicant to reach out to their supervisor, and to reach out via their station and we ask for the captains to put in to their weekly newsletter that there is a new applicant and so we welcome all input, whether it is positive or negative. and then we make an evaluation on that. and essentially, the community we believe is the tail that
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wags the police department and if we get, positive or negative we look at it and analyze it and we have an open discussion with the applicant and that is why i encourage that we continue this so that we can have that open discussion on the off-sale condition. >> thank you. >> i'm now going to open it up for public comment. just to note, normally, i give the maximum number of minutes allowed which is three minutes. but i do worry about losing a quorum in this case and i know that we have a number of people who would like to speak, so i am going to limit each comment to two minutes. so let me read the names and if you can please line up as i call your name and the middle aisle and anyone who would like to speak is free to also come up. julie bernel, natalia bushayer. >> henry, carneloist k >> aman do johnson, je. na pell.
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adam hall. (inaudible) please come on up. push >> please come on up to the microphone and that one. my name is julie pernell and i am a san francisco resident and i am supporting the halls in their business operation at 1 polk street. i am a richmond resident and the halls are my down stairs neighbors and so i have known them for three years and i can tell you with 100 percent support that they will be a huge addition to this neighborhood as business owners. i also in my professional life i have been in the hotel and restaurant business for the past 25 years, and i work for hotel companies that go into emerging neighborhoods and reuse buildings that are in the neighborhood and create businesses in an emerging neighborhoods. and i can tell you that a business like the beer hall, that not only is a wine and a beer bar, in addition to an
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off-sight, or selling beer and wine, to go, it will be a huge benefit to this neighborhood. it will have a i believe a snow ball effect of other businesses coming to this area and satisfying the current residents and employees in the neighborhood. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please? >> hi. name is natalia, i am opening a new business and i am waiting for the new zoning to go through. and i am met them at somba and i am very excited about the beer hall, they are great, they are going to be great colleagues. i am also a huge beer fan. i am in the restaurant scene in san francisco and i am planning on opening up a restaurant, and boutique hotel in western soma and the craft beer scene that is exploding for the past five
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years is insane and i think that the ipas are the best in the world and i am here to say that. i think that that going to bring a lot to the neighborhood and excited to go there personally and i think that it is a destination place and avid seller and beer and i am excited. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker. >> mr. cronoliwitz. good to see you here. >> thank you. i am here, president of the (inaudible) and food association and also of the san francisco council of district mer khents associations. for the longest time this part of san francisco is a neglected area and nothing really happening there and it has been shady. so i would applaud jen and drew for coming in and helping to revitalize this area. i think that it is going to be a great establishment and we will know that (inaudible) is moving in and the residential building built across the street and it is going to be a great destination and a
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location for others. one thing that we really like about the beer hall is that it is not going to provide employment just for people that will be working there but also, what it will be doing is it will be outside this hand craft beers will be provided beer to this establishment. so you will be creating work for other small businesses. so you can have other smaller and brewerries that will be providing the beer to this establishment and also the wine, so i urge you to please approve this. i think that an off sale will be good again if you are living in the area and you want to drop by and grab a craft beer or a wine and you can take it with you to wherever you are living. i urge you to please approve this, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> my name is stella and i have a company where we create happiness experiences for other
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corporation and their employees. i was from new york six months ago and jen was the first person that i met. she is essentially introduced me to everyone that i know in san francisco and she has helped me grow my business through participating in a weekly master mind group. what i want to say about their endeavor here that it is not just another place for people to meet, it is actually an extension of who jen and andrew are, which is creating a sense of home and a sense of community. through the people around them. and this beer hall is not going to be just a place for people to get a drink, it is a place to people to exchange ideas, create new friendships, and really start a new movement in this community. i'm from new york and i'm kind of scared to walk through this neighborhood right now. and seeing the beer hall, would make me feel really awesome. in terms of participating, and walking down the street. so, i really urge you guys to
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consider. >> thanks. >> supervisor mar, do you have a question? >> i just have a quick question, you quickly said that your business creates happiness. i am curious if you could say what you do, i would love to know the secret? >> i studied positive psychology and what i do is i create experiences of play, so that we have people come and splash around in paint and break things and scream in trucks to relief the stress and essentially, through being really present and playful, we see an elevation in their well-being and it is really fun. >> you show that positive psychology is discussed in city hall not usually, so we appreciate it. >> next speaker. >> good morning, my name is amanda johnson and i am a long time resident of san francisco and a home owner. i actually live up the street off of market and in the triangle area.
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i have known jen for a while now, and i used to work with her at my former job. and she is just a wonderful entrepreneur and has fantastic ideas and when i heard that the two of them were going to open up this fantastic bar idea, actually in the neighborhood that i am now contracting in, it provides a wonderful place to go after work other than the starbucks that is across the street. and i think that it is a place where i can get to know my new fellow employees. and have a little bit of down time to unwind and actually drink beer which i think is something that is new and unique to the area other than wine, which we see in a lot of places. so, i am excited to see this corridor area become revitalized through their strong efforts, and design, and i hope that you will approve
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this new establish. e >> next speaker, please? >> good morning, i'm gena pell and i echo every sentiment that is revitalizing the neighborhood and i am here to really vouch for jen she and i worked from 2010. she has vision and follow through and you can see that she is very making everything work around here. i think that bringing the beer hall to this area would not only revitalize the area and draw the clientele that would be vital to the area and i am not sure about this debate about taking away the business from other owners who sell liquor because i think that the artist and craft beer is
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different than selling bud light, i like everyone here is who is in support of the beer hall i hope that you approve the business and allow for the sales of liquor in the establishments to carry away as well as drink there. >> thank you, next speaker. >> i am the brother-in-law of jen and i want to thank you for having us here, what i want to talk to you about is the importance of the off-sale license. i currently live in mission bay, which similar to mid market where it is new apartments and condos coming up but not really any infrastructure as far as restaurants, a place to grab a drink and a place to buy alcohol and a place to buy a sandwich besides going to subway, i think that this is going to be a huge addition to the mid market area, what is really nice about it, is it gives you an opportunity to
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grab a nice bottle of wine and take it home for a dinner party and buy a six pack of beer and take it to another from your business, to your home. >> i have to go out to safeway or whole foods and that takes my business and my money out of that area. i think that it is so key to have it in mid market and in your own home and area, it revitalizes the whole neighborhood. so, i hope for the best, thank you very much. >> i am the committee director of argenta at 1 polk street, we are the future home where the beer hall will be located. we have 179 uni
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