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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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five days, they discharged him and probably about march he had one more episode the following year. we'll say at this time he had stabilized, taken his meds every day, also going and seeing his therapist every month and they diagnosed him with psychosis. thank god i had already been kind of working in the field and was able to really direct him and encourage him to get him the assistance that he needed to be able to kind of stabilize his mental health. i have a master's degree in mst, and i am definitely interested in sitting on the mental health board just so the
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community can be more aware -- my community can be more aware of the mental health challenges that our young people are challenged with, with being able to be exposed to a lot of high violence sometimes triggers the mental health. and sometimes other substance abuse. it could be even just the marijuana, according to the doctors. so, i am petitioning that i sit on the board on seat number either 13, 14, or 16 so i can help streamline the resources around the mental health into our community and also just be able to give back to the community because the community definitely was able to assist me and my son through this transition in his life. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor cohen has a
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question. no, she doesn't. seeing no questions, thank you very much. thank you. >> last applicant on this list is idell wilson. good afternoon, rules committee. my name is idell wilson. i am a native here in san francisco. i am asking to be reappointed back to the mental health board. when i sat on the seat before, i was a mother, single mother with four children. and didn't quite have enough time. now i am a mother and four children are grown and beautiful san francisco citizens and gone. so, i have the time to serve. i have been currently taking some classes at city college for mental health and currently in the mental health certificate program. i've served here before. i love san francisco.
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it is such the resourceful, beautiful city in the world, there's no place like it. and there's no place like just being at home, being a native. i am asking to be reappointed back to the board. thank you. >> thank you. any questions? seeing none, thank you very much. at this point i'm going to ask if there's any public comments. come on up. you have two minutes each. are you going to be repeating? no. i wanted to speak. my name is takai tyler again and i wanted to speak in support of melody daniel. i think that she would be an excellent addition to the mental health board both from her personal experience, her professional skills and expertise and just would be a great blend and make sure that there are, as she said, resources that are coming to serve the most vulnerable
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populations, one of which is -- are the residents of district 10. so, i just wanted to speak on her behalf and say that i think she would be an excellent addition. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor breed has -- >> oh, no. >> okay. good afternoon. my name is sean joyce, and i also will be speaking on behalf of melody daniels. i get kind of choked up and compassionate when i speak about melody because i love her so much. she is a hard working, loyal, giving person who not only cares about her community, but people in general. and, you know, she spoke about the episode about her family member. i was there. i saw her go through that. you know, she's so strong that she, she handled it, i know it was tearing her up inside. but her having her masters in mft.
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and she's trained to deal with even if not only her own family, but other people in the community. and she would be an asset to the board, not a liability. she's a strong-willed person. she's also helped me get my thoughts and my mental -- you know, in order because i'm not an easy person to deal with myself and she showed me that strong women like herself that i need in my life are here for a reason. and like i said, she would be an asset to the board and hope that she's appointed for either seat available. thank you. >> thank you. and i love the color of your jacket. [laughter] hello. my name is virginia lewis. i'm a licensed clinical social worker and i currently serve on the san francisco mental health board. i'm here today in support of
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marlene flores as a board member. i have known her for over 15 years. she is intelligent, perceptive, dedicated, hard working and a team player. she is also bilingual, both english and spanish. she is the parent of a bipolar child who received and made use of public social services because of marlene's excellent parenting and continuing advocacy. her child is now a well adjusted adult working, attending college, married, and a parent. she has had extensive personal experiences with community mental health services. one responsibility of a parent board member is to provide information and insight to the board and the director regarding the delivery of community mental health services.
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marlene's knowledge of spanish will provide valuable insight -- will provide value in ensuring assets and understanding of the special issues in the delivery of services in the hispanic community. they currently have no one from the hispanic community on the board. i know that if selected, marlene will prove to be an excellent edition to our board. thank you. ~ addition to our board. thank you. >> thank you. so, ms. brook, i just want -- it was mentioned, do you have anybody that's bilingual on the board at all? >> i'm sorry, do i what? >> do you have any bilingual members on the board? >> not bilingual spanish. we have chinese, vietnamese, the actual demographics are 7 women 5 men, 7 caucasians, 3
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african americans, 1 vietnamese who speaks both vietnamese and french, and 1 chinese person who speaks -- forgetting which dialect, but no one who speak spanish. >> thank you for the clarification. so, seeing no other public comment, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, i would like to take seat 12 and 15, since there's one applicant for each one of those seats. we'll take them, if you could move the nomination of seats 12 and 15 without any objections? >> yes. >> do we have to say the name on record? go ahead. >> so, we have a motion to accept and approve errol wishom to seat number 12 and lena
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miller for seat number 15. i'd like to make a motion that we move this forward. >> second. >> thank you. no objection. motion to move forward. [gavel] >> so, what we have are basically four people for the three seats. any thoughts? supervisor breed. >> thank you. my thoughts are one of the challenges that we continue to face in the african-american community is the issues around violence and the lack of supportive mental health services. it does my heart good today to see so many african-americans have a real sincere interest in serving on this particular committee because right now this is a really important time so that our children are not growing up believing that the violence that they experience or have experienced their entire life is actually normal.
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so, we have to address this problem and we have to address the mental health issues in our community. and, so, i'm really excited to see some amazing people, including lena miller who i know and respect and does amazing work with children in the bayview hunters point. with that, i want to make a recommendation that we reappoint ellis joseph to seat 14, that we support melody daniel for seat 13, and idell wilson for seat 16. >> supervisor cohen, do you have any comments? >> yeah, i just wanted to speak to the fact that, again, that
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according to ms. brooks, that there is not a spanish speaker on this body. i think it's important to have a spanish speaker, bilingual representative. i think you said 7 caucasian, 3 african-american 1 vietnamese, 1 chinese if i'm not mistaken. what is the male female ratio on this? ~ >> [inaudible]. >> thank you. >> [inaudible]. >> all right. looks like we finally have an opportunity to increase the male representation, which is sometimes very rare. so, what i'd like to propose is supporting mr. ellis for seat number 14. >> [inaudible]. >> i see, but he's up for reappointment. so, that means that -- so, he's up for reappointment.
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so, to maintain the balance i think is what we're talking about, the balance of the male/female ratio. so, supporting what supervisor breed says and siegeless eeing -- seeing ellis in seat number 14, i'd like to support melanie daniel in seat number 13 ~ and propose marlene flores for seat number 16. >> i have a follow-up question. >> supervisor breed. >> the other seats, when is the next opportunity for an appointment with some of the upcoming expiration of term? does anyone have that information? >> [inaudible]. >> which is for someone who actually lives in 2 or does it matter? can you come to the mic?
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i'm sorry, so the people listening at home can hear. >> the state does not have any, you know, requirement that people come from the districts and many supervisors are quite open to participants being from other districts. others are not. they will choose only their own, so -- >> okay, thank you. >> if i want to say one more thing about the spanish speaking, one of our bigger roles is doing site visits. so, we have not been able to visit any programs for the past couple years where the clients speak only spanish because we've had no board members, with the exception virginia speaks a little bit. she would go to help out to try, but we haven't been able to do that. >> can i ask a follow-up question? so, you need a member of this committee to actually have that ability? >> part of our role in the oversight of the programs that are served by community behavioral health services is
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that we -- board members go visit programs and interview clients. ~ one to one. so, they go out to all sorts of programs that we fund and interview maybe 10, 15 clients and they need to be able to speak the language. and that's why we really try to get multiple languages represented. >> so, you don't have access to translators? >> we have access to -- we could, yes. we could actually do that. but when you're doing one on one clients, what we have found over the years when we've had people to speak the actual language, they're much more comfortable talking to, you know, a member of the board who is either a client themselves or is a family member or such who actually speaks the language. and they feel they can speak more freely. that's just what we see. >> thank you. so, just for clarity, i just want to make sure that i make
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it clear that i stand by my decision to support marlene flores for -- i mean, i'm sorry, melanie daniels for seat 13 and idell wilson for seat 16 and i would hope that we could use alternatives if -- i mean, we'll see what happens based on supervisor yee's desire. ~ for a bilingual spanish speaking candidate. >> here's my thoughts. i would be supporting ellis joseph with the two of you, i will be supporting melanie daniels, i support the two of you. i feel it is very important to have representation. i mean, i don't believe there is even a latino on this board. so, we need that.
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although i would always support push for translation to happen, i know as a bilingual, sort of bilingual person that when you speak in their own native tongue, that culturally things are a little different from actually having something translated. so, i'm supporting marlene flores for seat number 16. so, let me go for this one at a time, then. for seat number 14, there was a motion, i believe. >> yes. >> for joseph, mr. joseph. so, with no objection that motion is passed. [gavel] >> for seat number 13 there was a motion. >> yes. >> and without any objection melody daniel for seat number 13 passes. [gavel] >> for seat number 16, i believe there's a motion for two different people.
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i am seconding is there a motion for -- >> i made a motion for flores. >> i'm seconding marlene flores. we can have a roll call if you would like. roll call, please. >> on the motion, supervisor breed? >> no. >> breed no. supervisor cohen? >> yes. >> cohen aye? supervisor yee? two ayes one no. >> marlene flores will be forwarded as our recommendation to the full board. so, that motion is closed. [gavel] >> okay. i believe, once i get to my notes, we might be able to -- almost finished. madam clerk, is there anything else on the agenda? by the way, thank you very much. i always forget to thank all the people that come out for these seats and their willingness to even apply. and, again, go ahead. >> i'd like to say to ms. wilson, before you go away,
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it's actually been brought to our attention it looks like supervisor farrell has a seat that's available for an appointment. i'd like to, with your permission, ask him to consider you for his appointment. okay, thank you. >> thank you, ms. wilson. madam clerk, is there anything else on the agenda? >> no, mr. chair. >> is there nothing -- if there is nothing further, this meeting is adjourned. [gavel]
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>> executive session. >> second. aye. >> pledge of allegiance. use of
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cellphone or pager or other electronic device. please be advised that you have 3 minutes on any item. you'll item a a executive directors report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, staff. i'm sitting in for monique. i'm deputy reynolds for real
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estate. adams is away on business. jim maloneey is attended the conference in china. it's the largest gathering of it's kind in asia of carriers, importers, exporters that are involved with shipping cargo that bring into pierre 80. in an effort to develop new business or maintain our cargo business at the port. this trip will include a visit to beijing to visit customers. staff michael
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are attended a ship conference in florida. this is an international exhibition and conference serving the cruise industry. this trip includes meeting executives and planning trips to san francisco and the james r herman cruise terminal development and pierre 70 and seek to grow our business relationships. the second item if any of you participated is a debut of the bay lights on the bay bridge. it debut march 5th and about 25 thousand led lights were turned
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on as part of a massive light sculpture on the western span of the bay bridge. mayor ed lee and lieutenant governor attended the event. the bay lights, an $8 million privately funded project were well visitors near the bridge for at least the next two years. each night between dusk and 2 a.m. the lights will appear to move along the north side cables generated by artist villa real. the computer is located on the central anchor of the bridge. the lights can be seen from the northern side of the bridge along the water front from a boat on the bay but not from the decks of the bridge where
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they might otherwise distract drivers. the water front was packed and the sidewalks were filled with visitors. the hotels will be promoting various packages in the coming weeks to promote the bay lights. the cables was what attracted him to the project which was installed for the bridges 75th anniversary and took more than two years to install and test. the group over seeing the project said even if the lights remain passed the current two years, they would likely have come down with the cal trans repair scheduled maintenance in 5
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years. zero waste week at fisherman's wharf. march 22nd zero waste week. during this week thousands of jurisdictions and businesses worldwide will be celebrating zero waste week. the recycling association and the grass roots recycling networks. it will include tours, receptions and all centered around zero waste. they will attend fisher man's wharf and will include a movie
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trash at the bay theatre. the sploert tomorrow is a finalist for the real estate deals of the year. the san francisco business times is honoring the best deals on 2012 on march 20th at the western saint frances. the bay area has seen an -- array of significant deals in 2012 from land to affordable housing. san francisco time will honor the most creative real estate deals done in the bay area in 2012 as well as the deal maker of the year, broker of the year and deal of the year. the finalist for the best real estate deal of 2012. and now i would like to
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introduce dr. heart ik executive director of the california historical society who will make a short presentation on their new exhibit chairing the bay. at 2011 thank you so much. i'm honored to be here on behalf of the trustees and staff and members of the volunteers of
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your state historical society. i would like to tell you briefly about our next exhibition and part of our project and from agency to another. being founded in 1870 we are only 14 years behind. agencies like yourself to help celebrate what we are calling the bay. i don't have to tell you in this room to san francisco bay, but it's a thrill to be a part of it. we launched the year of the project. you might have seen this historic skooner sailing around a hundred bay point when you are were designating that part of the bay trail. we came in right after you and took her
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down where she was built and we don't think she had been down to hunters point in a couple of decades. a wonderful fellow non-profit called history pin which is a uk bay to mesh people across towns and through history. on november first we kicked the project into gear here at the echo center and as you know in its day, the power of that place, the power of your port to produce goods and change ways of living. curing the bay whi