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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2013 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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long-time coming. over the years the city was disjointed privately owned companies. horses and steam and electric-powered vehicles. creating a hodgepodge of transit options. none of them particularly satisfying to city residents. the city transit system like the city itself would have changes during the san francisco earthquake. the transition that will pursue from this aftermath would change san francisco's transportation system once again. facilitated by city boss, abe ruth, ushering in the electric city car. the writing was on the wall.
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the clammer had begun for the experiment including public transit people. owned by the people and for the people. the idea of a consolidated city-owned transit system had begun traction. and in 1909, voters went to the polls and created a bond measure to create the people's railway. would become a reality three years later. on december 28, 1912, mayor sonny rolph introduced the new geary electric streetcar line and the new san francisco railway. that he said would be the nucleus that would host the city.
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and san francisco gave further incentive to expand the city's network. a project by way of tunnel leading into chinatown by way of north beach. in december the first streetcar was driven into the tunnel. just two years after its berth, muni had added two lines. and k, l and m lines that span out from westportal. in 1928, the j line opened heading west to the beach. in 1944 san francisco voters finally approved muni take-over of the market street railway. by then motor bus and trolley bus improvement had given them the ability to conquer san francisco's hills. after the war most of the
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street-car lines would be replaced with motor or trolley bus service. in 1947, the mayor recommended replacing two lines with motor coaches. and it appeared that san francisco's iconic cable cars had seen their final days. entered mrs. cluskin, the leader to save the cable cars. arguing that the cable cars were a symbol of the city, and she entered a charter placed on the november ballot. it passed overwhelmly. the california street cable railway was purchased by the city in 1952. there were cut backs on the cable car system and in 1957 only three lines would remain.
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the three lines that exist today. in 1964 the cable car's future as part of california's transit system was sealed when it was proclaimed a national historic landmark. in february, 1980, muni metro were officially inaugurated. in that same year, muni received its first fleet of buses equipped with wheelchair lifts. in 1982 when the cable car had a shut-down, they added an alternative attraction to the cars. the festival was a huge hit and would continue for the next four
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summers in a permanent f-line that would extend all the way to fisherman's wharf, by 2000 the f-line was in place. and in 2007 muni extended the third line to the southeast corner and returning to third street. for the first time in 60 years. in the course of last 100 years, muni's diverse workforce forged by men and women of innovation have reflected the many cultures that flock to the city. muni's ground-breaking antidiscrimination has guaranteed equal opportunity for all. the city's policy mandates the course for the future, as they work diligently to increase options and increase
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multialternatives, and deduce -- reduce the carbon footprint. it continues to improve the systems. during this sen -- centennial year we reflect on the transit system. driven not >> good morning everyone. how is everyone doing? nice and loud crowd, that's exactly when we need, engagement. i am part of the mayor's office. the director of crime prevention services. and we are proud to launch this first forum in the county of san francisco and particularly here at the hall of justice. today we have an array of
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presenters and keynote speeches. and district attorney opening the forum and we will have a forum by the chief and our own mayor. today we want to explain a little bit of background how this panel came about. the forum was an effort that was designed a year ago. with many key stakeholders that are present here today. the attempt was to begin bridging the dialogue between criminal justice agencies and community-based organizations. so there a strong attempt to try to help a population that is mostly impacted right now by criminal justice. by violence in general in our community. the 18-24-year-old population. today is one of the many conversations we hope. and we want to be sure that we strive and communicated to the
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community as a whole. that this community that we see of the rates we see that relate to this population. given this harsh reality in our city and county. many of the city departments decided to come together with the community-based agencies to plan this forum. the forum is comprised the criminal justice agencies and elected officials and the managers that are willing to work with the community-based organizations that are doing the work day in and out. i welcome you to listen at first and hear the perspective from each agency as they relate to the different perspective titles. and i would encourage you to make sure that you listen in terms of asking any questions during the second panel.
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so we can begin that dialogue that is need in the city and county of san francisco. once again we would like the district attorney to give a couple of words and to be able to acknowledge the importance of this forum today. please welcome the district attorney. >> thank you, and good morning, and welcome to our hall of justice. welcome to the first-ever transitional youth forum that is being held here. i think it's important for us to recognize there a difference between those of the ages of 18-25, and someone that is older or someone that is below. the criminal justice system doesn't always recognize the
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difference. i can tell you if we look at a study that has been done. and like the u.k. or look deeply in the process of younger people. and the reality that there is a role to the social development of the age group between 18-25. and the fact involved and the psychological world has recognized this long ago. but the criminal justice system has not. and to address the solution and do in a thoughtful way to avoid incarceration and the impact of this young life is important. i think here in san francisco, we are in a long way of other communities recognizing the need to do this. and working with the young people to reduce incarceration and to involve the right
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services. i am excited about this. and i want you to take away one other piece. but the british are further away in this area, because they have spent the money and resources to look at this more deeply. but according to the studies by the university of europe that were released. looking at crimes involving young people. they considered them in the u.k. about 30% of the criminal justice system is impacted by people that are the ages of 18-25. unfortunately not 30% of our resources are dedicated to dealing with this group. what we often don't recognize, if we don't deal with this group at this early stage. they will also become the problem with our criminal justice system for the rest of their lives. the opportunity to intervene and the opportunity to prevent is so critical at this age group. and i am proud to be joined by so many people that care about
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this. and here in san francisco we are looking forward to coming up with different answers to this problem. i want to thank you and welcome you to today's event. >> thank you, district attorney. of course this forum would not be possible without the participation of everyone here. with the planning committee. before we come to the next keynote speaker. we want to welcome our partners from san mateo county, thank you for joining us. we would also like to acknowledge the community-based organizations that are here present doing work every day and out. and if we could have those organizations please stand. [applause] and then we also would like to
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acknowledge the city agencies, city departments that support community-based organizations that work day in and out as well. very diligently to make sure that the resource and the policy changes that are necessary in our community are here. if i could have the department heads also please stand. [applause] thank you very much. so we are going to do a quick change. and we would like to present our next keynote speaker. someone that has done a lot of work in the city and county of san francisco. in terms of reentry programs here in all the communities of san francisco. someone that i very much, that is very much a strong advocate around reentry. and the need for reentry services, i would like to welcome chief adult probation
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officer, wendy steele. [applause] >> a little shorter. thank you very much. it's such a privilege and honor to be here today to talk about this really important subject. adult probation's goal is to break the intergenerational cycle of incarceration. if we do it where we have the greatest risk and opportunity is with this 18-25 transitional age group. adult probation has undergone a transformation over the last three years. we have learned so much, and diag gasone. and the greater partners and others who put this forum together. it's really important that if we find solutions, that we find them together in partnership.
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and we do that by recognizing that the criminal justice system doesn't have the solution. we have part of the solution. but we are only a part if we partner with community-based organizations. because you are experts in your field also, right. and we all share that same goal to save lives and break that cycle. it's a privilege to have it opportunity to interact with you. and i want you to know from my heart, how important the services you provide are. is -- and we are about ready to put our money where our mouth is. show me the money. and this important event and the service providers partnering with all the community justice system is how we will reduce recidivism. we have worked with over 5600
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offenders that we supervise, and 20% of this age group, 18-25 year olds. and we supervisor on adult probation and city jail and commitments in the community, and those getting out of prison. we know this is a high-risk, high-need population, approximately 58% of our 18-25 years olds are already assessed at high-risk and high need. if we don't do something successful to intervene, to change the behavior, to provide opportunity for services. we know what is going on happen. they will become another incarceration statistic. and not only them. but for that second and third generation in the families. having worked in the prison system for years, it was nothing to walk on the yard and see three generations of families out there.
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it's such a privilege to work in san francisco, because we are creating a system that includes all the partners. the community-based organization and the sheriff system and the collaborative court system and the d.a. and the chief of police. and that's what it takes, when people talking about changing the system. everyone working together collaboratively and unselfishly, keeping our eye on the prize. we have implemented evidence-based model of adult probation. all that means is that everything we do is based on evidence. motivational interview. and the type of services. and risks needs instrument tools. so we know what that individuals's needs are. but we have taken it a step forward for this population. and we are the only probation department in the state that has created a specialized group,
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18-25 years olds that have wrap-around services and individual treatment plans. but the other important thing we have done is create a success-based supervision model. and you have to couple that can services. and when individuals trip, they will trip and fall. so many of them have addictions; right. it's how we address those basically violations they have. we do it in a strength-based way. we do in a disciplined way. that's what a strength-based system looks like. before the next step, i would like to take a minute and introduce adult probation, my own unsung heroes. the probation officers that work with these 974 individuals, i
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would ask that this group would come please stand up. [applause] these are the individuals that have dedicated their professional career to saving and changing lives. they just had a graduation last week of eight individuals that went through a "thinking for change" cognitive behavior program. without them we basically would not have the success. thank you very much and i will turn it back over to diana. >> thank you. and once again, this wouldn't be possible without the planning committee. so i would like to highlight those who work day in and out for last year to make this possible. jessica fort from adult
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probation, and (inaudible) from the district attorney office. jasmine dalton from the attorney's office. and rafael (inaudible). thank you very much for all of your hard work. we hope this will be one of many in the future. now i would like to welcome to the stage our very own city and county mayor, edwin lee. [applause] >> thank you, good morning everyone. and thank you all for being here. let me express my appreciation for all of the law enforcement agencies coming together with gaskin's office and adult and juvenile probation, and sheriff and the public defender's office in addition. and all of that the residents and the citizens and agencies
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that are concerned about our youth. last april i authored a directive it our city departments to increase the coordination of our youth services. and the advice of both diana and maurice and others who have been working with me. and sharing my concerns about the levels of gaps that we continue to see in the coordination of services to our youth. and the fact that i have made it a person fo -- personal focus of mine to ensure that our youth ages 18-25 get stronger attention to the city. and i want to welcome those from the bay area to join us as well. oftentimes we can learn from each other what are the better practices and what this coordination means in this day and age.
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it isn't just talking through but identifying the gaps that exist. and for our youth those gaps could be literally life dependent. and whether it's mental services. whether it's education. whether it's getting a referral to a job. or counseling. whether it's just those two days getting out of either incarceration or something to do with our criminal justice system. we have to pay more attention to the whole level of existence. and i want to thank all of the agency heads for coming here together. this is my understanding, the first time we have asked everybody to come together and to share what you are doing. as good as they might be, as great as they might be. that we still have gaps. and i would be the first to
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admit it in our city. while we are probably exhibiting of the most successful things we are doing. whether it's 5,000 more summer jobs. we will do more of that. and whether it's getting an exciting grant from the department of laborer to the tune of $8 million and to get kids involved in technology. or whether it's the latest program in our youth and getting more housing for them and services directly connected. as good as those things may be, they are one offs. unless we all coordinate how it is that we can attack those gaps. and not leave any period of time where the kids might feel they have to go back to habits that they may have learned. whether from their families or environment they grew up in.
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i am cognizant of that, having grown up in public housing. and to get better. and to try to do that with the public housing residents now. to give hope to them. no matter where they are, sunnyvale or potrero. but to work with the families and it's not just brick and mortar. i want to give you my personal thoughts of bringing everyone together. it's worth it. it's worth every ounce of our energy to really fill in all the gaps. what makes me the saddest is when diag, and i and police chief suhr get the texts on the mornings where we see a victim of crime. and what i usually do is put a
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face on that. and i get characteristics. young black male. hispanic male. victim, 2 a.m. gunshot wound, sf general, did not survive. and i try to put my own face on that, which is the kids that i see that we try to graduate up. or middle school kids that i would have seen. what could i have done for them. whether some counseling or guidance. or some support to the family. and we can be very creative in this effort. we can show the country by coming together we can do things throughout the whole continuum to provide that support. and we know we have the answers. because oftentimes we have seen those circumstances where we did bring out a troubled family out
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of a bad environment. but we put them some place and then two weeks later that individual will go back to where they were. and get into a situation. so we know that it isn't just the physical environment we have to change. it's also the internal thinking. who they associate with. what is giving them hope to leave either some of their own home-made friendships to new associations that give them hope to change the things that they do. otherwise habits that are growing up. survival tactics will always be with them. i am very cognizant of what we have to do. and it's not easy to do. it does take investment. it does take a lot of talk with funding associations. it does take prioritization. as often my agencies tell me,
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when the budget time comes up. we have to prioritize this. we know the budget games we have to play to balance it out. it all comes together with this very important topic with our transitional age youth. we are very willing in our city to prioritize ourselves, and make sure we don't keep the generations of kids going with the same type of habits. that's why in addition to these programs we authored ipo, interrupt predictive analysis and organizing effort to deal with public safety issues involving our youth. we have to do more to interrupt those patterns out there. we have to do more to use data to predict and analyze where the high-crime rates are to get people in a safe environment. once they are there, we have to be consistent with continuum of support to give and support
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people transition out of those dangerous habits and not go back. this will take a lot of time and a lot of coordination. but it's very meaningful to see so many people committed to doing this. i hope we stay the course and not give up. it's easy to when budget hits. or sequestration because the federal government is not there, and it's easy to say we have to cut this and that. and we have seen those years. now that the state is recovering a bit. and the city of san francisco is recovering a bit. we didn't make good investments. and this is a time that all of you working together can help us make the right investment. and continue that strong support for our youth. the happiest moments, because i told you where the saddest moments are in the text. when the youth get their jobs and go to their first interview and they are prepared. and they have confidence. and they come out of a summer
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where they earned their effort. and they know what that feels like when you earn your own pay. and you gain skills. and you use those skills and your personality to get the interviews you want for an opportunity to change yourself in the way that you want to change. and create those opportunities for you for years to come. those the most happiest moments i have seen. and i have seen a lot of that happen as well. we have to do for the most disadvantaged and challenged kids in the systems. that we touch upon when it's juvenile, youth or adult probation. again, thank you very much for coming together and making this your priority as well. and again thank you for the lead agencies doing this too. appreciate it. [applause]