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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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[speaker not understood], san francisco domestic violence consortium. but today i'm also here as a proud resident of district 5. i drove past the previous location of planned parenthood every day for nearly 20 years. i saw the kind of intimidation, screaming, yelling, throwing things, threatening people, not only to women entering the center, but their other children that they had with them. it's a public safety issue. it's a shame. san francisco and the world is moving forward. you can feel it. you can feel it. we are not going to tolerate the lgbt community being target and had we're not going to tolerate women and children being targeted in our city. we are moving forward and i want to thank the board and i certainly want to thank supervisor campos for his leadership. thank you. >> next speaker.
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good afternoon, supervisors. i'm peter war field, executive director of library users association. today i'd like to talk in general terms about the technologically brilliant qualities of [speaker not understood] which we generally experience as print on paper, including books. there is the integrity of the text which can't easily be altered, certainly can't be hacked. and the changes, if there are any, would be very noticeable on paper as compared with electronic or online text. there is accountability generally speaking with book. we know who the author is. we know that there's been some editing and a publishing house putting it out. many online materials are simply not clear as to who the
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authors or editors or publishers might be. there is the quality of privacy. no one knows what you're reading when you go into a library. nobody certainly knows what page you're on or which entry you're reading. online all of those things can and in many cases are being tracked in minutest detail. there is permanence. one can routinely read a 20, 40, 100 year old book with no problem at all. that might be very difficult with some of the electronic materials. and finally, the universal accessibility, only the eyes are needed to see and read printed materials. there's no issue of whether you have the right version or whether you've downloaded the proper software. you can just read material
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that's before you. so, print and especially print on paper is a brilliant technological invention and quality. thanks. >> thanks. next speaker. >> mr. washington, could you speak directly into the microphone? i'm sorry. i wanted to try and focus this frame of network here. but anyway, [speaker not understood] my name is james washington. this little thing that you see here is a little something i put together maybe from 10 years ago. it's depicting the fillmore as i see it in myize. it's called the fill no more. basically it depicts from beginning of urban renewal to what we have right now.
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one side of this art, it shows the black man had businesses and cars and buildings they owned. and then somehow it turned into what we have now with the urban renewal, big high-rises and most of our blacks are unemployed. but what i am here to say here, first of all, i just wanted to give great honor to my supervisor, queen b london breed doing a wonderful job. i think she's going to do a fantastic job because accountability is one of her [speaker not understood]. but right now in the western addition, we have created problems from the urban renewal redevelopment agency from the old wd. now we have a new -- two knewer agencies replacing the redevelopment agency. ~ newer on the left-hand side we have the housing authority. so, we are in a scramble here. who is in control here in san francisco? i'm not going to sing today, but i sure want to hear a tune or two.
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right now i'm so serious because all our people are curious, what's going on here in san francisco? who is in control? and i know ed lee's the mayor, but who is in control? right now the housing authority residence tenants are left unserved because everybody is scrambling together [speaker not understood]. i don't need no permission from any of these commissions. we are going to come together and make sure these residents are represented. my name is [speaker not understood] i can't say no more, but [inaudible]. big problems. >> thanks. next speaker. good afternoon, commissioners, and i am here for one reason and one reason only. and that is to thank commissioner campos, my commissioner. my name is nancy rock. i am with the democratic women in action, one of two
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democratic women's organizations here in san francisco. supervisor campos, excuse me, but i want to directly see him particularly. this is a very good -- >> excuse me. if i can ask you to direct your comments. we have a rule of the board chamber to direct comments to the entire board. i will. i really want to say this was a wonderful, respectful and understanding piece of legislation that you have issued i think is not just to protect women, but represents that you respect us. thank you and we hope to work more with you in the future. >> thanks. next speaker. good afternoon, board of supervisors, ladies and gentlemen in the audience. i must say i'm a bit surprised considering you didn't have [speaker not understood] instead of public comment. but having been said, i'm here today because imperfect mectiontioneded about some --
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perplexed about some things in san francisco where i lived a decade. the signs on muni, equality for all, i haven't found that to be the case here in a city that calls itself sanctuary, especially what happened with the residents of park merced and how many of them have lost their homes [speaker not understood] development agreement and i am one of those persons. the other thing i'd like to say, i did read an article in the newspaper about the comments made by the nobel prize winner walek wolenza [speaker not understood]. i haven't heard anything about you making a comment on the alleged comment made by larry boy kin, the alleged gay icon as some call him on the african-american child that was being molested in the photos. and i say alleged comment because how are they to be true
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molest is a very [speaker not understood] word. the word that should be used is rape because that's what it really was. and lastly, i would say i haven't heard anything from the mayor whom i've written when commissioner in the department bartholomew murphy made the racial comment calling the people at park merced cry babies. it was made in a meeting december 13, 2011. and i asked the mayor to remove him because he was an embarrassment and i asked commissioner bartholomew murphy to apologize. he denied the he made the comment. it is on the audio and i will deal with that. thank you all very much. good-bye. >> next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. budget season is coming up and i'm so glad because it's an issue around services. and particularly speaking [speaker not understood] services.
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a lot of agencies are coming under -- trying to come under one umbrella. what ends up happening is the services start going to different parts of the city, especially if you start -- if you start an agency and then you may end up having to go to another part of the city. what ends up happening is there is no cultural competency at all. i am a very strong supporter of funding hiv and aids organizations. i'm a gay man. i'm lucky to pass not having [speaker not understood]. so, i feel like if you [speaker not understood], it should be done right. ~ if you're going to fund things, it should be done right, especially if it's five or six things under one um rel a. that way there won't be any wasteful spending. and if one neighborhood doesn't
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like other neighborhoods to come to that park, maybe they shouldn't get funded. thank you. >> next speaker, please. thank you. my name is carl mcmurdle. i represent run of the taxi groups known as the medallion holder association. i think you saw a protest in front of city hall today. the drivers are upset because the consultant studying the industry is going to recommend that 800 more taxi medallions go out. 120 of them this year, 200 next year and another 480. i think the market could bear those cabs, but only if the city takes some action against illegal operators. we have the companies pretending to be ride share such as lift and side car. i wanted to put something on the overhead real quickly. i don't know if it's going to show up. anyway, it shows some lift cars
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with the mustache sitting in front of a hotel, the door man feeding hotel to taxi drivers. drivers are demoralized and their income is way down. what happens is if the state would let a corner market be every three weeks, corner market where the proprietor makes a living, they drive each other out of business. [speaker not understood]. that's why they're so upset. this is a medallion sales and transfer program and the city stands to make $300 million in the next decade from it. there are a thousand people like myself with taxi medallions who can surrender for 200,000, mta can sell it for an extra 100,000 to make 100 million there. the turns out the revenue from the other 700 or so, 800 issued is another 200 million. i suggest to you that you have to choose between having these illegal operators -- and by the way, it's a violation of public trust. these vehicles are not insured.
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they're not inspected and we're putting people into them, the city may be in the deep pockets in liabilities of an accident. you're aiding and abeting a crime by not cracking down. i hope you can get a cease and desist from illegal operators. thank you for your time. >> next speaker. hello, my name is christina, [speaker not understood] i'm a staff attorney [speaker not understood]. i'd like to speak on the antimuslim and antiarab advertisements on muni buses in the city. in particular i'd like to thank this body and [speaker not understood] and others who worked to craft the resolution that is going up to the vote. standing against the [speaker not understood] ads and standing with the arab and muslim communities. since 9/11 the arab middle eastern and south asian community in the city has been
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subject today pervasive racism and discrimination such as those seen in the muni ads. then i think vulnerable communities in this way in such a public way especially, to never ever be harmless. [speaker not understood] such as those seen on these ads condone and even encourage violence against these communities that are already under a take by so many different sectors of society. [speaker not understood] so heart ened to see the creative approach that the city has taken to confronting these ads by meeting racist speech with subtle speech. and by standing with these vulnerable communities and standing up with san francisco values to say that no [speaker not understood] community will ever have to stand alone in this way, will ever have to get on a bus and see advertisements putting racist speech in the communities and have to stand alone. they'll know the city is behind them, the board is behind them and every other person who has come out in public support will know they are no longer alone. and i just want to commend everyone who was on that. thank you very much.
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~ worked on that >> thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, public comment is ended. madam clerk, if we could go to our [speaker not understood]. >> items 35 through 36 are being considered by adoption without being considered by a board committee. if a member objects, it can be considered separately. otherwise, a single roll call vote would [speaker not understood]. >> colleagues, would any member like to sever any item? i'd like to sever item 35. trowel call on item 36. >> supervisor tang? aye. >> wiener aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. there are nine ayes. >> thank you. that resolution is adopted. and madam clerk, could you call item 35?
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>> item 35 is a resolution standing with muslim and arab communities in the face of anti-arab and anti-muslim bus advertisements. >> thank you. colleagues, last week i introduced this resolution to stand with our muslim and arab communities in the face of antiarab and antimuslim bus advertisements. i want to just take a moment and thank all of the co-sponsors here on the board as well as the 75 organizations who came together on this issue that represent our diverse ethnic community, civil rights, labor, social justice and religious organizations and ask for your support. madam clerk, could you call the roll. >> on item 35, supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. there are nine ayes. >> the resolution is adopted. colleagues, we have one additional item on our calendar and that is our 3:30 special
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commendations related to women's history month. why don't i suggest that we recess for the next 10 minutes and reconvene at 3:30. with that, we are in recess. >> good afternoon. welcome back to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of tuesday, march the 19th, 2013. madam clerk, could you call our 3:30 special order? >> yes, mr. president. it is now time for the friends of the commission on the status of women inspiring innovation through imagination, celebrating women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. >> i want to welcome all of you
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to this very full house and this wonderful celebration for women's history month to recognize the efforts of women in our great city and county of san francisco. women's history month is a time to appreciate the contributions of our women leaders in our communities who have been courageous in proving the quality of life for all san franciscans. since 1996, the san francisco commission and the department on the status of women ~ has recognized the vital work and contributions of women throughout our community through this program, and i would like to invite dr. emilie morasi who is the executive director of that agency to say a few words about the history of this event. >> thank you very much, president chiu. i am joined today by commissioner kay [speaker not understood]. i'd like to ask her to come on up. she's very familiar with these chambers, having served as clerk for many, many years. and if there are any other commissioners who joined us, please come on up. i have just returned from japan through the u.s. japan council and as a guest of the ministry of foreign affairs.
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10 of us throughout the united states traveled to japan for a week. we met with the prime minister and the foreign minister, and i was invited to speak among other things about women's issues. my staff has just returned from new york where they participated at the u.n. on the status of women. they presented three panels, talking about san francisco's response to domestic violence, human trafficking, micro finance, and [speaker not understood] quality of the work place. they also traveled to washington, d.c. where they met with staff of the white house council on women and girls. so, san francisco is nationally, internationally recognized for our work on gender issues. as you know, we're the first municipality to adopt a local ordinance reflecting the principles of the u.n. convention to eliminate all form of [speaker not understood] against women. at least count 186 [speaker not understood] adopted this convention with the major exception of the united states.
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march is women's history month, and this month we are acknowledging particularly women leaders in science, technology, engineering and math. and recently the commission held a hearing on girls and technology. we heard from google and twitter about alarming decreases in young women and girls interested in the sciences. so, i'm looking forward to hearing the stories of our honorees and i just want to invite commissioner golden gate to say a few words. >> once again, it is a privilege to be before the board. i think this is my sixth slot as a commissioner and i always appreciate this day because it represents wonderful women in san francisco and welcome to all the new women on the board. and we will certainly get some more, i'm sure. i'll hand it back to president chiu now. >> thank you. and without further ado, i'd like to recognize my colleagues who will each be making brief
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presentations for their honorees. we mix up the order to keep it interesting. today what we will do is go in alphabetical order starting at the very top of the alphabet with the letter a, supervisor avalos from district 11. >> thank you, president chiu. today i am honoring an exemplary woman who has done so much to support women in my district, also throughout the city of san francisco. as you know, my district has experienced numerous homicides and has been reeling from the spate of gun violence. while it's been a tough year i appreciate the work of our crisis response team and honor stephanie [speaker not understood]. so, stephanie, please come up. [cheering and applauding] >> it sounds like stephanie has quite a fan base here in the
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room. stephanie felder is the director of comprehensive crisis services for the city and county of san francisco providing crisis to intervention, mobile crisis for adults, child in crisis response teams for families [speaker not understood] violence. for nearly two decades of service she has given tremendously to our communities, supporting families and bringing mental health services directly to our neighborhoods. she has helped many mothers to overcome the loss of their children through homicide, suicide, or other crises. she has helped hundreds of victims of violence including domestic violence victims deal with posttraumatic stress and also to ensure that they get linked with wrap around services. led by the example of her parents, she started her work in the community at the age of 14 by participating in community health fairs volunteering for the american cancer society and assisting with coordination of community programs through her church. [speaker not understood]
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received her education from oakwood college and california university where she obtained a master's degree in psychology. ms.felder started in the city as a clerk with child crisis and worked her way up to management, to the management level and is now the director of the city's integrated response system. she has demonstrated exemplary leadership, administratively and in the field. she is well loved by her staff as you can tell, and lead her staff by example, working with a team and not above them. she has a hands-on -- she's a hand on manager who doesn't just sit behind her desk, but works closely with her team. and directly with victims and their loved ones. she believes that mental health services need to be brought directly to communities. she is proactive in setting her team to neighborhoods with the greatest need for behavioral health services to engage the community through activities and to build the relationships and trust so that those who may
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need services and support can be more open to seek the help that they need. to this day she participates in weekly meetings with the street violence response team to make sure that all families impacted by violence get linked to wrap around services. stephanie makes it happen. ms. feld certificate very humble, but she is truly an unsung she ro in the city and county of san francisco and serve as a great role model not only for women, but for all of us in public service. stephanie, thank you. [cheering and applauding] >> first of all, i just want to thank supervisor avalos for nominating me for such a prestigious award. i'm glad to be a part of women making history here in san francisco and being able to provide services to hopefully decrease the violence here in this community.
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i also would like to thank the people at the department of public health for trusting me in leading our crisis services, as well as i want to recognize charlie and john, my direct supervisors, for pushing and pushing and having faith in me. then i'd like to thank my staff who are here who allow me to -- [cheering and applauding] >> to [speaker not understood] above and beyond and provide 24-hour service to the city for [speaker not understood] and thinking out of the box and working diligently for me. i also importantly want to thank my family for coming and supporting me and being understanding [speaker not understood] and just coming here, taking a day off. and above all, i want to thank god for blessing me with such a job where i can help the community. thank you once again, supervisor avalos. thank you to the community of san francisco, and i look
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forward to providing ongoing services to you all. (applause) >> going down to the letter b will be our supervisor from district 5, supervisor london breed. >> thank you. i'm so honored today to honor an incredible, wonderful person in the health arena, ms. debby davidson who has spent -- you can clap. [cheering and applauding] >> ms. davidson ha worked the last 30 years spending her life improving the health of san francisco residents. she is a family nurse practitioner specializing in
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family and women's health and practices at the women's clinic in the western addition. she has worked at the women's clinic in district 5 since 2008 and at new generation health center in district 9 since 1997. she has also worked at laguna honda hospital, castro mission health center, planned parenthood, san francisco general, and san francisco family planning clinic. she is known for her caring, patient, and thoughtful nature. debby has mentored hundreds of young women with an interest in health care and in that role she has demonstrated what excellent health care should look like. there are thousands of women and teens in san francisco who have debby to thank for an outstanding health care experience, for making them feel cared for, most importantly, for listening and being responsive to their concerns. ms. davidson has spent a lot of time working with the western addition health training program. the program was launched
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specifically to address health care needs in the western addition and seeks to train and empower women in -- women of color who have interest in careers in the health community while increasing the amount of outreach and services the clinic provides to western addition residents. on behalf of -- and just a side note, the women's clinic specifically has worked with numerous programs serving young people in our communities, specifically mo magic. they've had an incredible experience. i'm just so honored to have her here and have other women from the women's clinic. and i just want to thank you on behalf of myself, the members of the board for just really your commitment, your dedication to making sure that everyone has access to health care and to be -- and being a mentor and being so nurturing and so supportive of creating the next generation of women in the health care industry. so, thank you so much, and i
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have this certificate to give to you to honor you. so, if you want to say a few words, be my guest. >> thank you, supervisor breed, for this recognition. you've given me today. ~ i'm kind of a one on one person, unexpected surprise, very appreciative. and i feel so lucky to have a career i've loved for 35 years. what i love best about my work is the ability to help a person who is coming in for medical care to find a way not only to solve their immediate problem, but also to guide them in keeping healthy and safe in a way that fits in with their personal belief and their family and their community. so many people in the clinics i've worked in are struggling with really hard problems in their life, financial distress, violence and abuse in the home, addiction, death in the community. and because these problems can present major roadblocks to attaining a safe, healthy, and
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happy life addressing these problems are a big part of my job. and receiving this recognition, i can't help but think of all the people who helped someone like me be more effective on my job. my fellow clinicians who have such expertise and from whom i have learned so much, and all the staff members that i've worked with and all the clinics that i've worked in. ~ who contribute to -- such a large amount to patient care and makes them feel welcome and comfortable. and to the administratorses of all the clinics i've worked in to make all the clinics run smoothly and thrive, and the youth of this city who are training to become future workers in health care, they're a constant inspiration. and all the people in our community who provide services and run programs that deal with specific problems, that i need to refer my patients to, such