tv [untitled] March 27, 2013 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT
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and i'd like to show you briefly a interim site plan this is still a work in progress but this gives us a sense of fundamentally what is it being paroled within the usualable space on the first floor. it shows the rows of stacks of books for the law library here. and here. that will accommodate approximately 70 thousand volumes of the books dirge assessable to the public. our rough calculations suggest about 51 thousand volumes are
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currently available to the public and then at the memorial additional volumes of approximately 20 thousand some volumes are assessable but not immediately assessable this. this appraise for a training place as well more classroom space. approximately 40 seats available within this plan it appraise space important the staffing needs as well the conference rooms within both the staff area and to the public to there are private areas to have depositions and other things. restrooms, of course, and lastly
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reverse book rooms so some volumes we would want to have more access to are here. what is a 16 thousand square troubleshoot premises. we want a right of first offer up to 5 thousand 5 hundred lower space currently not available but expected to be available in mid-2014 so the city has a first opportunity to lewis lease the space under certain spacing. so the library can begin to move some of the materials into a
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more proximate location and that is to be returned to the board in 2014 whether to pursue that space or not we just wanted to have that right when it became available >> could you explain to the chair what you mean by compact shelving? >> the current site plan i showed you it's something that allows you to put many more volumes in the same linear feet in a fashion that requires a little more staff attention because the public might have some difficult time using it. so it's becoming more and more
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common. the downside it has a greater impact to have a great amount of building strongholds. the city would be participating up to $800,000 toward what we believe is a million dollars total capita improvements for the landlord to provide and in addition, the city as within a 1 moilgdz toward capital for example for example and e includes the city responsibility. happy to entertain any
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questions? >> calling for any questions at this time? >> thank you thank you very much. at this time we would like to ask for the budget analyst report >> mr. chairman, supervisor wiener we reported that the capital improvements the board of supervisors has a previously appropriated dollars for those funds. however, those funds are on reserve. on page 16 of our report we say that it is shown in table had the total estimated cost for the 5 year lease is $5 million plus
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that includes the one million dollars of costs which i just referenced. the law library costs are up in the proposed resolution are $559,000 that's 2 hundred percent more than the 2013 library to a 1 hundred and 9 thousand. on page 17 we note it the - there's a increase of space if 20 thousand square feet to be laelsz that would be an increase of 56 percent to the law lieshdz existing space of 2 thousand 8
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hundred 60 square foot. all the recommendations that we have supervisors with one expectation are to assure that the board of supervisors knows exactly what the lease is being proved because you know there is no lease before you it's still about negotiated arrest i would like the board of supervisors approval between the llc secondly, we ask i recommended for any lately modification that allows the first refusal. we ask that you deletes the 4, 5 year option to correct the
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resolution. we recommended that you amended page 4 line 2 to delete the word consideration and add approval in order to assure that any additional space so this lease does not been successful negotiated any other lately can be negotiated without coming back at that time, board of supervisors even though it's similar terms they're trying to negotiate right now. so that fourth negotiation is to make any other lease and because of the fact that you'd be making a finding to determine the 14 thousand is square foot it
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acceptable. thank you very much. calling for any questions? >> thank you very much. mr. updike. >> just to comment what we recall certainly comfortable are 3 of the 4 recommendations is first one recommended to state that the director of property will insert into the board file a conforms executed copy of the lease once signed by all parties. >> okay and mr. chairman just to correct one thing the city attorney has just noted on our recommendation number 4 it should say page 4 line 3 instead of line 4 for the record. >> calls for any questions?
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>> comments right now? i'd like to ask the staff of the law library i have a few additional comments if you don't mind. >> yes mr. chairman. >> just a few questions from our earlier discussion. the other buildings that were mentioned that the law library has they were closed can you talk about that >> let's see. nothing was really closed down other than city hall. that's where we've been. when with closed mayor brown told us we were going to move
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into the basement of city hallway hall but he changed his mind. we've been there ever since. we've had a number of potential facilities that have been identified one is gotten >> sir, i don't want to interrupt you talked about those other halls that were closed down? >> we're talking about the branch. >> let me answer that question. this the the first time that the law library and the court went south to cross the street. and we don't belong to the court but we were a support to the courts and so when that courthouse was constructed we were involved in the design of a
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small room that we called the attorneys reference room that was there null december of 2011. the - it's a commercial space where we've provided weekend hours and we couldn't afford the rent. that was our tennis to combine the law library and we had a highly discounted rent for many years because we served equipment for the landlord but when that happened he raised the
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rates >> okay, you know, brown what i don't have any more questions. >> can i make a comment please? >> i think it would be very helpful. >> what i want to say is this proposal is proposing 15 thousand square foot when we found the building this was 8 thousand square feet available on the second floor but the real estate said they'd only support the first floor and now the landlord is going to keep some square feet on the first floor and now the first floor is smaller. so that gives us some
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prospective on what's the rationale >> colleagues any comments or questions at this point? >> well, i guess i'll start off. i actually feel that after the discussion that we - a lot of optioned have been explored about how to set up a new library and the city has worked with the law library to find a location and i think we're making a financial commitment to serve the law library there's been some contention but i feel fairly satisfied with the site plan that's been discussed that
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i feel - i feel okay with the law libraries relocation at the 12 hundred van ness and would like to, you know, a motion to move forward to support that plan. i think following the budget analysts recommendation i would like to move to support the recommendations and the proposals by the analysis with expectation that the director of properties would put into the file - i didn't catchall the exact words the final lease to come before us. i'd like to make that motion. i really appreciate despite the lengthy really appreciate the presence who came for public comment and the fact that people
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wait so long and was important for us to hear about how well, the law library it considered in san francisco and the legal community so some of that has some great weight in our consideration today and despite what you feel is the outcome i still think it's important >> i'd like to second the motion. i did want to say that i appreciate the budget office recommendations and the various compute if the mayor's office as well. the testimony of many folks from the legal community from the concerned professionals to the attorneys and us low practitioners i used the law
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library and as an attorney in the counter location and i hope that the vision is outlined by 2004 boards own resolution to a center of a justice center we can chief sometime in the future. i hope to work with all of you and help to raise private funds for potential improvements. i feel like the proposal that is before his will help improve the law library and others testified that the trend of libraries whether it's compact shelving or the use of online databases but we're increasing the size of the law library as the budget and analysis offices suggested significantly and i think that
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given the financial con tranquilities of the city i hope to work on making improvements so it's a library that's used by indigent people and practical shuns but i'm going to be supportive of this today >> i liquor store want to appreciate and thank everyone who were here obviously there was a ton of support. and not only providing support byu for indigent folks but also for practical shuns. no one doubts the importance of the law library it's really about space. since 1995 being in the current
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space rank this as over a 50 percent in space and given our budget we've got a thirty thousand plus budget and the law library never had 20 thousand square feet. with the memorial resolution it creates some strains on both sides and in fact, suing the city of san francisco. he think this puts us in a very, very difficult spot and you know, i think one in terms of, you know, the legal prurldz talked inadequate space but that
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would cost us thousands and thousands of dollars in says that a month and i question the judgment on what why that was being done. i believe we all wish we could provided public funding here but we need to be careful. i'm not so sure it's important to fund everything that the library wants to say do and i think 20 thousand feet as discussions is adequate. i think heading into the budget i will be supporting thatmotion as amended by the supervisor and we can do that await opposition >> madam clerk any other items. >> that completes the budget of
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being in the presence of such a political [speaker not understood], reminds me of a story a good friend of mine told me about meeting president george h.w. bush. he was in washington meeting with willard e. mills in arkansas at the time mr. mills was the chair of the house ways and means committee, probably one of the most powerful and influential people in washington. upon being introduced to the president, my friend was struck speechless. he just was stammering and stuttering. at which point the president put his hand on his shoulder and said, it's okay, dan, i always get nervous around him, too. [laughter] >> it's a special honor for me to be here today. i'd like to introduce our
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special guest, lieutenant government gavin newsome. it (applause) at the thank you. >> also represent state mark malone's office tom ammiano. (applause) * >> all will return momentarily, i'm sure. paul henderson, representing mayor ed lee's office. [laughter] >> and to my right, i have the open house, our state association vice president and i'm sure other names, past president san francisco chapter. we have lots of our membership here including a couple of board members, kerry greenberg from fresno. [speaker not understood] is here.
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we have two representatives from san mateo county, barbara arieta and mike miller. i know people. at this time i'd like to say a few words about the california grand jurors association. it's an all volunteer group, 501(c) (3) dedicated to promoting the participation in the grand jury system, qualifies applicants to be grand jurors, bidthv awareness so we have consumers of the grand jury's product, report. at this point i'd like to turn it over for some lengthy introductions. >> thank you. thank you, keith. welcome, everybody. we're glad to see so many friendly faces. as president of the chapter in san francisco now for 3-1/2 years and have been really proud of our board who has done so much great work.
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when i call your name, if you could just stand and say hi. leslie, vice president, and she has been very instrumental in publishing the gazette which i believe that you have picked up. if you haven't, over here by the entrance, there are copies for you to see. the gazette summarizes the previous jury's work as well as explains what the jury is all about. and how you can apply to be a juror. and this is our fourth issue. so, thank you for your hard work. julian hansen is secretary and she's my right arm, my left arm, she's there for me for whenever i need anything. and i really appreciate all the work you've done also to keep the chapter together and make it a viable entity. ken mali in the back there, the immediate chair and was instrumental in working with
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lieutenant governor in making this public service announcement which i'm really proud to say i think will give a real shot in the arm to the association as well as to jurors and the jury in general going forward. karen cansino, very instrumental in the distribution of our gazette, we're putting the gazette -- it was in the examiner two weeks ago. 130,000 copies distributed around the city. so, hopefully it fell in the hands of 130,000 people. and we are also distributing in all the libraries around the city. and while in speaking engagements, we talk about the civil grand jury. it is an excellent outreach item for us. we also have hal smith who is on the board [speaker not
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understood], and our current foreperson, mark [speaker not understood]. would you like to say anything about your jury service? >> well, i'm very grateful, one, to be selected. two, to have an incredible group of jurors to work with, representative of all aspects of san francisco communities and educational background. and it's been incredible to view what the city has to offer in a really intimate way. and we look forward to carrying on a rich tradition of following up with past reports, doing past juries proud, and we look forward to putting out some good reports. >> thank you. we also have, and i'm not going to call you out because i don't want anybody to [speaker not understood] we have several current jurors here and a number of former jurors here also. as kate said, the california
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jurors is comprised of [speaker not understood]. at the chapter here, we very much [speaker not understood] with the courts in recruiting and publicizing what the grand jury is all about. most people you talk to don't know what the civil grand jury is. they think criminal grand jury, barry bonds, but they don't know what the civil grand jury is about. we try to get the word out. because not only do we want people to serve on the grand jury, but i think it's important for people to know what the grand jury is all about. we are the watchdog of the citizens. this is our chance to participate in democracy. to investigate how our taxpayer dollars are being spent. and we need people to do those investigations, but we also need people to be aware of these investigations and the reports that come out. [speaker not understood] and potentially respond. you know, something they find very dear to their heart, they can call their newspaper and say, hey, i read this grand
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jury report. what are you going to do about it? or they can call the entity that is being investigating and ask, you know, what are you going to do about following up this list? so, it is very important for people to know about the civil grand jury. so, with that, i also want to say we train the juries. a lot of people say, actors coming out of the public, what do they know? at the state level they train for 2, 2-1/2 days about investigating, entering viewing, writing reports, what they can and cannot do according to the penal code. and we also train them at the local level about the city government and a little bit more about writing reports and what is expected of them here at the city level. so, they're not amateurs coming in. they are well trained and informed about what their duties are and what they can and cannot do. so, thank you.
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