tv [untitled] March 30, 2013 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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have a few cards that i can call folks to come up in the order they are called. al wine rip, david l.a.cord, sue von. >> good afternoon, everybody. i would the wrap up. thanks for everybody about the concern about this program. i know there has been a huge amount of focus upon the launch of the program and so forth. i want to get back to it to what mr. change was talking about the program overall. according to barbara hale presented that
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launch is 5 percent of the potential customer base in terms of gig watt hours used up. that means this is a launch that still has 80 percent of the whole usage of the city that has to be dealt w with. we are not going to have a program if it's only going to work with that power, we are not going to have a program if those people aren't there to purchase that power. if those 80 percent don't have competitive prices there is not going to be any build out to serve that base. even though we spend a lot of time talking about the initial 5 percent, the real concern is 80 percent is because that's where the real job, the real benefit is from the potential customers. that's why the focus around
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having a very clear plan. in the letter that i sent to you all, we advocates have put together a set of criteria that we feel that build out plan must meet if it's going to be a good basis for decision making and i want to focus on that because those are the kind of criteria, that build out plan has to be able to talk about the amount of investment that takes place. the return on that investment, the amount of jobs, all those returns, all those pieces have to be part of a development plan or a business plan to make it really a legitimate basis for choice. we all know that nobody wants to go into a clear power sf without having a lot of confidence that we will have a successful program that has very little risk. so do i have
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another minute? is that what that bell meant? just to wrap up that is the focus and we also know with coming up with that kind of a business plan, is not a back of the envelope kind of operation. we have been meeting and talking for two years about what would have to be in such a plan and in the last year there has been a plan to put together that infrastructure of that plan. the resource plan is very complicated. >> thank you very much. >> thank you for the emphasis on that kind of plan and setting the standards. >> thank you very much. >> good afternoon. what we do is a community version of this small of what the initiate is
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seeking to do is pulling fund and trying to do it profitably. in many ways we see a lot of frustration with the lack of government action on supporting these kind of initiatives, even though we are aimed to doing this on a community level and a lot of progress can be made on a community level. we have been waiting for so long for a program like this. even with a contract that the initiative had some chance of putting it into effect this year we were overjoyed. what's more, i think the bigger objective in working for green energy whether it's government funding or private funded is to lead the way to showing people that green energy is for everybody and we don't need to wait on big energy companies and so forth to give us top down energy that
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this renewable energy technology gives us the capacity and it's going take initiatives like this po to popular i was this idea. i would like you to put this into effect as quickly as possible. >> thank you. next speakers. christian swin, gabby, jennifer fong. >> thank you, good afternoon. my name is ivy slagel. a san francisco resident since 1996. i represent residents. in my work with premium peace i work with folks across the country who are eagerly waiting for --
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people want affordable clean energy and want their jobs and recovered. two stories i want to share with you. when voters approved, within 6 months they had a contract of 100 percent savings cost of $133 to $150 a year including natural gas. that was a savings to consumers within 6 months and the bid effectively dumped energy in the largest in the country in favor of a plan that worked and worked fast and then in november, chicago, wonderful city, just passed their own initiative and those consumers there just in february are already saving money. the plan is already months ahead of schedule. that is just in november of february 12, 2013. those customers are already investing in this renewable
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energy and already seeing the savings in their monthly bill. i just wanted to represent all of those people and really everywhere i go i see people look to san francisco as the model as what is innovative. in california they think we are nuts about plastic bags. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is sue von i encourage you to move forward with this program and am heart end by the enthusiastic support by some of the commissioners and the repeated use of the word robust because that's really the direction we need to be going in here. we need a robust program of renewable energy generation robust local build out program. and as you move
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forward, please make sure the rates are affordable and competitive with p g and e. that the program includes energy efficiency and build out of local generation and also build out local jobs. i also don't know how much outreach has been done to the local business community. i encourage to you do that. i know the place i work prides itself on being a green company and i think it should be one of the first places you go to and get their buy in and agreement to purchase this locally generated or this local energy program. thank you so much. >> thank you. national next speaker please. >> hello, i'm david mccord. a
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chair of the club of the san francisco base chapter of energy and climate committee and honored to speak with you today. we want clean power of s f to succeed that creates local jobs. among other cc a's across the country nearly all rates are below the standard rate of the local utility. among the few that are higher, modest premiums are significantly below staff's recommended rate, these include build out of local renewable and energy efficiency services by revenue. we are asking clean power sf to go beyond this. with the results of the customer survey, we believe it is essential. san francisco has an advantage. you
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already have authority to issue h revenue bonds for just this purpose. these bonds issued at a level which you can support will start signature build out and the creation of jobs. we recommend that you begin this on launch. as noted by staff, the work product of your consultant shows the way and gives you a good start in designing and implementing such a program. we'll keep working hand in hand with staff to make this happen so that san francisco will have a bright energy future. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, my name is ben, i'm a resident of san francisco. also background in earth and space sciences and environmental law. i'm also aware of the energy crisis of
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the 1970s and as a result i hear that clean energy is too expensive and we need to put it off. i'm very heart end to support this clean energy proposal. but i'm also within my lifetime the carbon dioxide atmosphere has gone up over 20 percent. i was talking with my students just this morning about that. in other, in the current levels of carbon dioxide are currently above the scenarios that scientist concluded about a decade ago. i hope we go with this in a robust speed. it will front load jobs and support. nor in
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order for that to happen the rates need to be lower. the reallocation of funds to keep those rates as low as possible to get the demand there and the jobs going and keep the community strong. i also really support the strong tariffs that i was hearing discussed that was what pushed germany and other european countries to have some of the largest renewable and once those tariffs are kicked in and will help move up much faster. another thing you will look at is kind of see where the subsidies remain to the economy and see if there is someway to manipulate the rates here in san francisco so perhaps some of the subsidies that are currently going to carbon get reallocated and redirected to support renewables and maybe
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that way make the carbon more expensive. i know there is an artificial reduction for strong support for natural gas. we are going return to carbon base is fluctuated widely and get support of the union and labor and local businesses so we move forward as quickly as possible. thank you very much. thank you, very much, next speaker please. >> hello, my name is marina. i'm a resident of san francisco. i want to thank the commission from what i have heard that they have heard the public support for the robust build out of the program. i think it's time to move forward to the next step and prove from the conceptual idea of a robust build out in terms of a real
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plan on actual projection of real jobs. i find it increasingly difficult to combat at the missions -- the build out. a plan for local generation and energy efficiency at the launch of clean power this sf is vital to the success of the program. it can be contingent on the rates and i don't think that it can wait until january of next year. i think it's too late. we are without a plan in october, we are dragging our feet on an issue that frankly my generation can't afford to stall on any longer. thank you. >> thank you, very much. next speaker please. if i can ask you to refrain from clapping. it helps speed the meeting along, thank you.
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>> good afternoon. thank you so much for all your hard work on this topic. my name is kristin swin. i'm a director at bay localized and clean energy alliance. i'm supporting this program. i'm from the east bay. i'm a former member of the energy commission where we have looked along and hard at this issue as well. as a student of the community source energy program and what it can work is what i have learned is that the key of economics is the ownership of generating capacity. i have looked at the regional munis, they have a different economic context and legal context, but if you look at the generation side, the key to the great rates that the munis are able to offer, they own their generation capacity and they have invested in that. it a long term investment and
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that's really key n this day and age, a climate stage is important as a source of energy generation and in to vest in that cleanest and cheapest energy and a local build out is key to a locally fantastic to energy efficient programs. the time to start investing in san francisco owning it's local, renewable generation capacity for a long stable rates is now. thank you. >> thank you very much. the next speaker, john rizo, rebecca evans, tom, and karen babbitt. >> my name is jen fong. i'm a
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student at sf state. i think affordable rates are important for this program that will make it sustain able over time. the achieved rates that are comparable to g pvment g and e. i demand the prioritization of the local build out not only to bring jobs and money to our economy, but to help us develop renewable energy resources and update infrastructure and bring more energy independence. to me that's what's invite a vital in creation of the plan to reduce carbon emissions. so let's be a model to other cities, rest of the world and make a strong program that is
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efficient from fossil fuel to clean energy. >> john with the sierra club, been a supporter for this program for a dozen years or so. we are here because we want to make this program work. right now we are concerned, it's great to hear that you are going to study the rates, but the opt out rate and the rate, the cost is key. san francisco right now what is being proposed is going to have the highest premium in the country for cleaning energy in any cca in the country. if several cca's across the country, the green energy alternative is lower than what the utility is providing, not higher, we are talking about twice as high. cincinnati, there is an average savings in their cca of $133
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per year. marine clear energy who we like to point to as a success story, they are 1 cents of kilowatt hour. we are talking more than 7 cents of kilowatt hour. this is a hundred percent green energy. this data is on the department of energy, us department of energy. it's very reliable on the web. the reason we believe for the san francisco's extra ordinarily high plan, it's very -- when we say the plan later, i bet when they did their planning first. we urge you to look at this more and get a rate that is not going to have a 50 percent opt out which is
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extraordinarily high. thank you very much. >> thank you . next speaker. >> hello. my name is -- ron boreno. as a student of environmental health -- i'm happy to see that we are continue to go strive as a cleaner city of the nation. only if we give a strong priority to local build out. we want the san francisco residents to stay with the program and benefit from the sustain able, jobs. let's give san francisco clean power and
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allowing the city to shine around the world. thank you. >> supervisors and commissioners, i'm arthur feinstein, chair of the chapter of the sierra club. i want to particularly thank campos and avalos for reminding our general manager that it's not a question of whether you have an appetite for a robust build out but rather that you have been told to create a robust build out. it's not your option to say no because the legislation that was passed says, yes, do it. so thank you very much for reminding our p u c that it's an essential and not a choice and to commissioners as you move forward i hope that you continue to demand a robust build out. i think you have heard from previous speakers from around the country. those did not happen because they
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bought renewable energy credits but because they have their own build out programs and as consultants who have been working for you have said if you start building out, you have less rates. the way you get low rates is by doing everything together, not depending on a fossil fuel company and passing them on to you. there is a route, we are concerned why there is not a plan all ready to go venlt . we thrilled that you will come up with a plan is. we are concerned that you will have the plans in january. we are hoping to start the program as
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soon as possible. you have the staff and very competent and we expect to you develop a plan that will tell us how to move forward with a build out component that will lower our rate so when this program starts people are not opt out because this maybe a rich city, but money is money, when people see a big bill they are going to have questions whether they want to pay that and they'll go p g and e who also is green. we need this to work. get to work. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors and commissioners, my name is tom don a. i think we neat -- need to have energy comprised
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with the earth so therefore we can only sustain a certain amount of abuse. the earth's population is growing at a rapid rate. it now approximately 7 billion people. the earth sustains life so we as people must protect it. we need energy to drive economies so that energy needs to be clean. it must be created and distributed minimized environmental impact. the son is the world's greatest natural power source. we need to embrace it and utilize intelligently it's fast potential. perhaps this is a question of leadership. as a society and economy, we need to remove the shackles of the past and create new ways of conducting business and
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generating clean air for the future. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners, eric brooks represent it is clean air -- in our city. so it's very encouraging to hear some really strong words from some of the commissioners to demand a real build out be planned and soon. but we've got to make sure that we have a customer base which provides enough funding for that build out and this is where we get back to the survey. the survey shows that 50 percent of the people polled would drop out and that would drop out half of the customer base we need to do the hundreds of mega watts we are talking about to produce a real build out program and put people to work because and what's
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bridge and you get all the drivers in. that's what you need to do with this program is plan a program that is going to have a low enough race rates so all the customers will join and put people to work in the city. >> i'm on the steering committee of the local community alliance working for clean energy in the bay aerj area and i thank you for the time. one of the areas is global exchange where i have worked for many years and have had the reference of going into a community aggregation program here in san francisco that we know is clean power sf. cca's are the most powerful tool that
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local government have for significantly accelerating local clean energy and jobs. and really making that difference. clean power sf, can bring us clean energy. it's economic benefit at competitive rates for all rate payers. it can do that today we are striving with the program to get a well designed plan to get us there. and unfortunately we see some proposed courses of action that are attached to very high and not to exceed rate that would not lead to a successful program t environmental worker and social group to get us a program that would give us local clean energy and green jobs benefits, we only will accept a program that
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