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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2013 8:00am-8:30am PDT

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focus is getting people hired, not so much looking at taking enforcement action against contractors. everyone recognizes it's still a new program. we are still working out the kinks of it but their goal is to get san franciscans hired. so they can start on a path into an apprenticeship and trade and hopefully build the amount of residents we have on a trade. >> i'm going to ask you to wrap up quickly. i need to leave early. >> so the conclusion is that we've had the ports internal policy goal. we've met that at 20 percent. port staff
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continues to work closely with the contract monitoring division which used to be part of hrc. i work with them on a daily basis and in this quarter $5 million went to local businesses. i'm happy to answer any questions you might have? >> any public comment. i don't think there is any public left. commissioners, questions, comments? >> go ahead. >> i look forward to -- what is it? o e w d coming to talk to us and explaining the whole local hire thing. that's confusing and in america's cup it looks like they are meeting the goal, so why are they asking for waivers? >> we are looking at the snapshot in terms of their development in there, but i think they are looking at some of the waivers. one of the thing they have been doing is
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participating in the city build program as well there. so it can also be that they just know they might have some issues in terms of meeting the requirements for particular trades. >> actually i think there is more confusion about which of the trade are required to participate. they weren't required in the first place but you may recall as part of the negotiation they agreed to participate and there has been some confusion about the trade it affected. i'm not sure their asking for waivers but maybe looking for clarification. that was the whole subject of the hearing on the board of supervisors two weeks ago tomorrow. i believe it's been resolved. >> i look forward to learning more about the program, the waivers and everything. it's totally new and this report is already complicated. so mark it down a future agenda item?
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>> to report on the america's cup? >> no. oewd local hiring. >> our plan is to have it on the next quarter report to get a summary on how they are doing and explaining the program to you. >> great, thank you. commissioner adam? >> i want to say thank you for your presentation. but i would like to know more so maybe when they present next time. i know these numbers can be fudged a little bit this way. i would like to know how to numbers are broken down. so when they make the presentation in the next couple months they can explain it to me. >> sure. >> thank you very much for the report. i think again it seems the consensus from my colleagues as we do like to
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keep track of our or contractors are doing and we are also aware of how they are doing in terms of local higher and that is something very important to us. not obl only for the contractors we have but if they should come up in future projects we are very proud of our efforts to improve local higher. >> thank you. it's been said. thank you very much. >> item 12, new business. >> any public comment on new business. >> okay, the only item for new business, i think it might be helpful if the commission had a sort of an informational presentation on our leasing policy in terms of how we actually go about it. i recall and read the last time when we did the rental rate parameters that there are some lease terms and maybe we can look at it in
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more depth. i know arlene has worked lau the in straightening it out and get a better understanding of our policy so if there is anything anomalies of the past so we are clear as we look at specific transaction so we can benchmark better today. >> okay. i just want to clarify, i think we have our retail leasing policy, meritime leading policies, which are policy for renewal. i think what you are asking is what are our standard lease terms, is that it? >> yes. >> thank you. >> anybody else have any new business items to suggest? >> if not, >> motion to adjourn? >> second. all in favor?
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>> aye. >> adjourned. >> >> >> >>
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♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody. hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we
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really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim.
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>> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play some great pickup games, come wednesday night for midnight
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basketball. on saturdays, we have a senior lyons dance that has a great time getting exercise and a movement. we have all the music going, the generally have a good time. whether it is awkward camp or junior guard. >> from more information, visit
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housing project at 1091 market street. the house has just changed. let's do a roll call. >> supervisor tang, supervisor wiener, supervisor yee, supervisor avalos, supervisor
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breed, supervisor choou, cohen, kim, supervisor mar, there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinance passed. >> item no. 12. >> miscellaneous variance to same section. >> can we take the same call? without objection this is passed. >> the appointment of murphy term. >> supervisor avalos? >> thank you, president chiu. i don't necessarily speak out against appointments. i know the mayor has a lot of leeway to appoint commissions. i have a reason why i want to appoint mr. murphy. i know he has made
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many contributions to our city as a contractor and developer and also made great contributions in terms of housing in the city. i'm really concerned about the appearance of really not following the rules that all of us expect to a contractor to follow over the years. as president of the dbi commission of the past, would you expect that mr. murphy would make sure he could follow the proper procedures along his permits. apparently there are instances that it shows where he has not. he had a house on 26th street, 3418, 26th street, he bought a single story home and in 2004, the house was demolished without a permit. that gives the appearance of
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that he's been getting special consideration within the department of building inspection. there is also another pattern of this happening as well. most recently last year in december, mr. murphy began building a 5-story condominium at the same address apparently without proper permits. he did not apply for proper permits until the chronicle came out with a story about it. also the construction cost were $1.1 million which were actually $1.7 million. he is getting about a $36,000 cut. i believe we are putting people in positions of authority that over see how we do our development and whether it's on the port or the department of building inspection that we need people who are going to be
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following the rules and are going to believe in the letter of the law and stand out as a great example of that. i do not believe murphy has done that. i believe he's getting special consideration because he's been raising money for campaigns in san francisco, whether as an independent, fundraiser for independent expenditures or directly for campaigns of elected officials. to me that does not mean we overlook what our responsibility is as board of supervisors that we make sure that we don't have apparent conflict of interest and gaining of our rules through our own personal benefit. i believe what we have here as an example that mr. murphy has been involved in shows that we would be remissed in the backstop of his appointment. i urge you to not pass this motion. we can have
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the mayor come back with another person to look at our port and be on our port commission, one who i believe can stand up to scrutiny about how he or she has been able to represent the city in a way that understand our rules and abides by them. thank you. >> colleagues, is there further discussion? president chiu? >> thank you, colleagues, first of all i want to thank mr. murphy for his service to the city and has already been described he has contributed to our city. from my purpose we have not had any issues. there have been a number of
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allegations regarding potentially inappropriate permit expediting as well as violation of campaign finances law and i have given the clouds of allegations we should not support the item in front of us today. if he is appointed i look forward to working with him, in particular around issues that impact my district and the neighborhoods and the northeast. but what i want to say is the neighborhoods that i represent have not felt that the port commission has been as responsive as it needs to be on all issues relating to the neighborhood. i asked before the appointment was moved forward today to consider pointing someone who is a bridge to our neighborhoods. i do hope we'll be able to see
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that from this particular appointee and others. i will not be able to support that appointee today. >> i have known murphy for some time. i'm supporting him today because i know that he's genuine in a desire to be a public servant, to work with young people. he's had trials and tribulations in his life and my commitment to working with him in my community and investing in time and resources and providing opportunities for young people in particular. i know that that doesn't necessarily mean that he should be able to serve on the port commission specifically, but i
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do think he has the clearly a successful business, clearly there are with planning and not just his company has experienced some of those challenges with working with the department and i think unfortunately we all make mistakes every now and then. the fact that he took responsibility for his mistake and is prepared to serve in this capacity, i think is something that i'm willing to do as a result of my personal experience of working with him in the community, his involvement when there was not necessarily anything i could have done for him as someone who is not on the board of supervisors but someone running a non-profit in the community and i will definitely support him today and because of the compassion that he's demonstrated with working in my community, i think he'll bring
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the same compassion to the port and i hope it's open to the folks of the western district community. thank you. >> supervisor cohen? >> thank you very much, mr. president. i would like to say what happened in the rules committee. i was surprised there's not one person who came to voice their opposition in the appointment of mel murphy nor anyone in the hearing indicated they were interested in seeing mr. murphy continue. it's very interest public process. now we are here at the full board and we have a couple e-mails in the past week of handful of constituents that i not support mr. murphy. for the allegations, to the best of my
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knowledge, the rules committee found there was not any legal standing and just allegations. i also want to a test to the character of mr. mel murphy and my experience and anytime i spend as a member on the board of supervisors. i was not a candidate endorsed by mr. murphy. but he spent a particular amount of time contributing in a very private and helpful way much like supervisor breed was talking about supporting the african american complex. he was helpful when no one was looking and that's a measure of one's true character. when there is no any direct benefit or relationship. i was never in a
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position to extend any kind of favor to him. i wanted to give voice to that particular important point. thank you, mr. president. >> supervisor campos? >> thank you, mr. president. i do want to begin by acknowledging mr. murphy's interest in serving the city. i have always respected the fact that people want to take the opportunity to volunteer in these kinds of capacities and i'm also very aware of his contributions and his service indifferent ways as a private individuals throughout the city i think is admirable. i have been open to this appointment, his nomination in a way that we try to be open anytime a mayor nominates or -- a points someone. i appreciate his service to the city. i do think for me, the totality of the
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facts and some of the concerns that have been raised by articles in the chronicle, the weekly, do raise questions for me and i'm not sure what the answers are and at the end of the day you get people with a benefit of the doubt but i think taken into totality of what is needed at the port at this point including the point that president chiu made about the connection to that side of town and into that neighborhood, i'm afraid that today i'm not going to be able to support this nomination. again i thank mr. murphy for wanting to come forward and i respect that, but, i will not be in a position to do that today. thank you. >> supervisor ferrel? >> thank you, president chiu. i wasn't planning on speaking but in hearing some of my colleagues comment, i understand there have been some past issues but as was pointed
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out, none of us is perfect. i think we are lucky to have mr. murphy serve in our city. he has done before in a great capacity and is a leader in our community and certainly involved with our locals and other communities as well. he's a great family man and has an incredible wife and daughter. and this is exactly to me the type of person we would want to have serve on our city government. we know port commission has a lot of issues coming up. i think we can give lip service to the mayor's difference, but i will fully support mr. murphy today. >> colleagues, any additional comments? let's take a vote. >> supervisor wiener, avalos,
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no, breed aye, campos no, supervisor chiu, no, supervisor cohen aye, ferrel aye, supervisor kim aye, supervisor mar? no. 7 ayes, 4 nos. >> the motion is approved. >> item 14. >> designating 320-236 a landmark and environmental findings. >> roll call vote. >> supervisor tang, wiener aye, avalos aye, supervisor breed? aye s supervisor campos aye,
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chiu aye, ferrel aye, kim aye, mar aye. there are 11 ayes. >> next item. >> a business to professional use, on the floor orably in in a san francisco district. >> this was a very small issue with the unique property with the commercial district. the controls in place were making it difficult because of the way it was zoned. this is very simple in a nutshell allowed from a business to professional service to medical services provided there is no residential use. my office work with the merchants, the local neighborhood group and the planning department to come one this consensus legislation passed unanimously at the small business commission and would ask for your support.
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>> supervisor tang? >> okay. with that colleagues, can we take the same house call? motion passes. >> supervisor avalos has one accommodation. let's go to item 16. >> the development committee at a regular meeting march 25th, it was recommended and amended. it's an ordinance amended the planning code of the inclusionary affordable house is programs and making corrections. >> first i want to thank the mayor's of housing for being in discussion. i how to we had a week to discuss some of the aspects of some of the changes in the planning code mo