tv [untitled] April 1, 2013 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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were raised by mr. nolty are valid concerns and it is something that we have to think about. but i do believe that in this case the application has really, i think that it is a very impressive presentation. they have definitely reached out to the community and they are working with the police department to address some of the concerns that were identified and you know, it was impressive presentation and the fact that someone like steve and randy are here and it seems like it is a very special operation and so i certainly look forward to seeing this come into this neighborhood. and i know that we will see this enterprise continuing to work with the community because at the end of the day, you know, we really have an opportunity to build on the work that is already happening to really change the image of the tender loin, because it is a very special place.
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so, we have a motion to move forward with the recommendation, with the conditions that were outlined by the police department, if we could take that without objection. >> without objection. >> congratulations. >> if we could now call item number 3, please? >> a hearing to consider the issuance of a type 42 on sale beer and wine license to steven chen and sharchen golf eagle club located at 555 howard street. we have an application from mr. chen. so if you could please come forward. >> hi, good morning, mr. chair, my name is steven chen and i am here to represent the eagle club indoor gulf at 555 howard. i don't have an entorage here i did not know that it was a big thing and i am one of the co-owners and the other one is
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back at the shop running the place. basically we are an indoor golf facility in san francisco there used to be one in mission bay, but to my knowledge that has been shut down for a couple of years. so, michael and i, we are both first business owner. very young to this and very new. so we just trying to fill the void of the golfing activity that is going on, well the lack of it any way. so michael and i started this whole thing and we have been open a little less than two months now and we believe that a beer and wine license will greatly help us in bringing in more foot traffic and sort of riding on item number two and this will add a lot of great value into the people that are looking entertainment and improving the golf game and coming to the environment to relax and enjoy. >> thank you very much. and i was wondering if you could talk about what kind of community out reach you have done? >> well, we followed the
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guidelines for abc all of the procedures and instructions that find us such as putting in 390 day notice and mailing out residential. as far as out reaching, again, very new to this process, so i didn't know that i had to do any of that. but of course, if there are things that we need to do, i will make sure that we will do that to the best of our ability and just get this thing smoothly and you know, going. >> have you worked with the district supervisor kim in her office? >> no. the only person that i have really been in contact with carolina at abc and i believe that i talked to inspector gordon at the police department and they made us sign and understand the rules and regulations as far as we know and the type 42 beer and wine license. >> thank you. >> thank you mr. chen. if we could hear from inspector?
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good morning, rich van cal representing the san francisco police department. eagle club indoor golf has filed an application with the california department of beverage alcohol seeking a type 42 which is on sale beer and wine for 555 howard street and for the calendar year july 11 to july of 12. there were six police calls for service which generated one police report. this premises is located in plot 238, which is not the premises is not located in a high crime area. this premises is located in census track 061.500. applicant premises currently located in an undue concentration area. and there is one letter of protest recorded with the california department of alcoholic beverage control and no letters of support.
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the alcoholing licensing unit recommends approval and the following conditions. number one, sales and service consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 a.m. midnight, sunday through wednesday, and ten a.m. to 2 a.m. thursday through saturday. number two, no noise shall be audible under area of the control of the licensee on form 257. the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly promibted. >> the petitioners shall maintain the area free of litter over the areas of which they have control on form 257. loitering is defined as to stand aimlessliness and it is prohibited on any sidewalks or
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property adjacent to the licensed premises under the control of the licensee as depicted on abc form 257. number six, graffiti shall be removed from the premises and all parking lot under the control of the licensee of 72 hours of application, if it occurs on a friday or a weekend day or on a holiday, the licensee shall remove the graffiti within 72 hours following the beginning of the next weekday. the interior lighting should be sufficient to make easily appearance of all patrons in the portion of the premises where alcoholic beverages are sold, served delivered or consumed. the exterior of the premises shall be equipped with lighting and power to illuminate the appearance and conduct of all persons on or about the premises. it shall not disturb the normal privacy or use of the neighboring residences.
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>> the petitioner shall use recording equipment that is able to see all of the entrances and exits and monitored and recorded. this electronic surveillance shall be utilized during operating hours. electronic recordings should be kept 30 days and made available to the department or police department upon demand. note on march 14, 2013, steve chen was contacted and stated that he agrees with the conditions, thank you. >> thank you, inspector. colleagues any comments or questions? >> i want to thank mr. chen for bringing in the application and agree with our chair supervisor campos that reaching out to the supervisor is really critical as we saw in the other applications really reaching out to i guess there is no residence, but other businesses in the area. but i just went to your website
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club glob ig and i played wii golfing and some of the video games ones and after the demise of the mission bay driving range and other places it seems like there is a need for physical activity like yours, what an intriguing place where you can play golf at some of the best golf places in the world and have a very healthy environment around it. i think that the officer van core's recommendations of the conditions i support. but it seems like a license would be appropriate, but i want to see that out reach done to the community as well as to the supervisor of the district. >> thank you, supervisor mar. unless there are any comments or questions, why don't we open it up to public comment? i have a speaker card from mr. nolty. any number of the public who would like to speak please come on up. >> again, my name is michael nolty. and i'm reading a statement
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from our land use chair who actually sent in, if you look in your packet. we actually sent in an letter of support with the condition that they have no off sale. so actually it is a letter of support that is in your packet not a letter of protest. we don't want to be misnumbered here by the police. any way i want to read you a statement. the alliance of district six is the only letter of support. we recognize the quality of businesses as an asset in the eastern soma neighborhood. and again, i also want to point out that we have three members of the alliance here today. and obviously we are not like some of the other people who are just here for one item. we see that there is obviously a large number of alcohol being put on these agendas and we are concerned about that. and we would hope that if you
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do come across applicants that don't have any letters of support, or any protests, and they obviously did not do their out reach. i will say that about the next applicant. thanks. >> thank you. >> next speaker and we also want to call on asha monet. >> go ahead. >> my name is susan brian i am the member of alliance for a better district six. this seems like a good idea and there are residents around there. this is around second and second street? first and second through south park. there is also some lofts around there. and practically a lot of the places now that did not use to have many residents do. i think that there is shiply,
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is actually two blocks over. and so, i think that it behoofs you to do more out reach to the community in that area. and he is welcome to come to talk to us at the alliance. i also am supportive of golf because i never got much of a chance to play it but i have enthusiasts in my family. thank you. >> next speaker please? >> good morning, supervisors. my name is asha monet. i would support this and ask you, and i am to support it also because in the area it is south park and there are residents over there. and the area if i am not mistaken is up and coming and it is getting better. so i would ask you to support it. thank you. >> thank you, sir. next speaker please? >> good morning supervisors my
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name is (inaudible). i would like to say once again, that on philosophical grounds i think that it is an obvious contradiction that the city was against plastic bags, cars on polk street, etc., again, seems to be in favor of issuing new liquor license one after another. now whatever happened to the idea of transferring a liquor license to this applicant? i don't know whether that was considered or even possible but i would like to bring that up for discussion here at this point. i think that his business idea is quite interesting. obviously i is did not check into it until this morning, and so maybe he might want to consider having indoor golf to attract younger kids and you know people that don't play real golf either. that might be an interesting
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concept in that neighborhood. i think that i would like to point out for the record that it is an obvious contradiction where liquor is being promoted through this committee while other things that some people in the city think are necessary like cars and plastic bags and cigarettes are obviously discouraged. thank you. >> thank you. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak on this item? anything none, public comment is closed. colleagues, any comments? >> supervisor yee? >> yeah. i wanted to thank you mr. chen for coming out. and i want to echo supervisor mar's remarks about the need to obviously immediate businesses where you are going to be starting having this venture and also even i am going to be
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supporting this application. i would like to see a commitment that you reach out to the supervisor of your district to have lisa inform her of your intent. >> okay. >> thank you supervisor. >> before we take action. i do want to note if i waser all i want to thank the members of the community who have spoken on this. and mr. chen, you know, i appreciate, you know, what you are trying to do here and i think that you know, it is unfortunate that the out reach did not happen before. and either to the community or to the supervisor, but i think that what happened sometimes is i imagine that with some businesses, some of the individuals, maybe they may not know some of the things that are expected and so, maybe as a police department as interacting with some of these applicants to let them know that certainly this committee will be asking questions about
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out reach beyond what abc requires. but, the sense that i get is that you are committed to doing that and i think that is really important and i think that you have an opportunity here since you have members of this community who are supportive to really build on that and the thing about out reach to communities and out reach to the district supervisors, that out reach not only helps in terms of the license amply application but also in the terms of the business. >> could we have a motion on this item? >> we have the motion to approve with the conditions of the police department and we can take that without objection. thank you very much. if we could call item number one? >> it has been called. mr. chair. >> okay. so we can go back to item number one. we called the item earlier and the applicant was not here so if i could call on mokles hanna
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to come and present. >> good morning. i'm sorry i was late. i thought that i had to come at 10:30. i misunderstood my brother. so my store at 57 new montgomery and i am across the street from the palace otell in a nice neighborhood. we got a beer and wine license and we want to upgrade to a hard liquor license type 21. and we talked to the police and they put some conditions and i agree with them on the conditions. yeah. >> so, thank you, mr. hanna, if i could ask you the same questions that we ask, have you done out reach to the community about your request and have you done out reach to the district supervisor? >> i talked to usually to the
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abc, which is done the street from us. not really. i mean, the first time i applied for my beer license it was different. i didn't know that i had to speak today and you know i just came here and yeah. i was surprised that somebody had to speak. you know. >> okay. >> we are in a nice neighborhood and like i said and we close around midnight. >> let me ask you this, are you willing to work with the community to do out reach to the community? work with your district supervisor? >> of course. >> all right. thank you very much. why don't we hear from our inspector van cal? >> good morning supervisors, representing the san francisco police department, they have
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filed an application with the department alcoholic beverage control seeking a type 21 for 57 montgomery street. from july 11 to 12. there were two calls for service 0. police reports generated. this premises is located in plot 212. this at 578 police indents recorded for the year 2011. and located in the high crime area, in census track 0615.00. and applicant premises is located in undue concentration area. and there were 0 letters of support or protest recorded with the california department of alcoholic beverage control. approval from southern police station with the recommended conditions. alcohol license recommends approval. the following conditions recommended to the department of alcoholic beverage control. number one, sales and service
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and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12 midnight each day of the week. no disstilled spirit shall be in bottles smaller than 375 mill leters and none shall be sold less than 15 percent by volume. and no malt beverage with the alcohol content greater than 5.7 percent by volume. and number five, no noise shall be audible beyond the area under the control of the licensee. and number six, loitering, is defined as the stand idlely about without lawful business is prohibited on any sidewalks or property adjacent to the license $premises under the control of the licensee as depicted on abc form 257. there shall be no cups, glasses
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or similar receptilces in quantity less than 24 in the original multicontainer package. >> all ice shall be sold at or above the prices in the area of not less than 3 pounds per sale and shall not be given away free. finally number nine, no person under the age of 23 shall serve or deliver alcoholic beverages. >> on march 8th. hanna was contacted and agrees with the recommended conditions. >> thank you. >> i also wanted to address that most of these licenses that we had today were filed back in october. and since the new ordinance of convene in january our office is recommending what you brought up that they contact and putting a lot of emphasis not only that they contact their supervisor and reach out to the community as well. i believe in the future license that you will see more involved community out reach.
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>> thank you. thank you inspector. and you know one thing that i will certainly have my staff follow up on this but i think that it is not just the police department, and we appreciate the fact that you are helping by letting them know that. but i think that maybe our small business commission can also figure out ways in which to out reach to some of these applicants so that they know you know what is expected of them because, i think that i get the sense that some of them may not really be aware of that. >> well, when i instituted in our unit as well is that i reach out. it does not matter if it is a type 42, 48 or any pcm type of a license that comes in front of our office. they asked the captain to include in there the weekly letter and any comments for seeking support or opposition and so, there are several ways that the community will find out the posting of the abc license which is supposed to be
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in a visible area for 30 days, the police departments requesting of the applicant to reach out to the community as well as the district station and of course, any community meetings and so we try to use all of these avenues an a con conduit >> supervisor mar? >> i know that the academy art university is on the same block, do we ever consider proximity to areas or high schools around where we are considering licenses. >> absolutely, one of the pcms that i was prepared to present today that was one of the points of consideration that we will bring up as well within 1,000 feet. this one particular applicant was within 1,000 feet of a high school and junior high school and a park and that was one of the points that we considered in the police department. >> when an applicant comes forward and applies, where is the place where they would be notified or recommended that
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they contact the supervisor of the district that the property is in? would it be the police department that would advise them of that? >> right. there are four inspectors in my office and each of them have been instructed to not only reach out by telephone, but to go out to the actual premise and make some contact. as i said, we tried to do that at our office as well as the station permit officer as well. so there is a couple of different ways that we asked them, and encourage them and i agree with you, if it is not conducted then, we can continue the approval of that application. >> thank you very much. why don't we now turn it over to public comment. i have a couple of speaker cards. michael nolty, monet and any member of the public who would like to speak please come forward. you each have three minutes. >> good morning again,
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supervisors. i would ask that you continue it. because i don't see the rush. and then at least it can be able, the owner could be able to learn what to do in this, yeah, i would ask that you continue it because there needs to be some out reach done especially since it is going to be off-sale. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> overhead? please? >> wow, not going. >> any way my name is michael nolty and again i am going to read a statement from the land use chair. the alliance for a better district six would like to request a continuance on this
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application to give the business the opportunity to come to the next alliance for a better district six and do a presentation and this will help the smoke and wine's ink to do the community out reach and to give support to their business plan. i want to point out that as far as future liquor licenses, they are not necessarily listed in the police department station news letters which they could be. that could be something that the police permit officers can put into the newsletters letting the community know about new applicant's permits. alcohol permits as a way to get more people involved in the process. and the reason why i bring this up is that we used to be made aware of these applications by a website that is no longer
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exists. and so, therefore, we as a community group have to basically walk the beat as you might say to find out something about these applications. that is how we found out about the previous applicant which was through a website. and we are not notified directly by the police or anybody. so as a community organization and now that you could see that, our organization is really impacted by a lot of applicants coming to this process. we not only deal with alcohol licenses we also deal with entertainment permits and conditional use permits. and other kinds of things that impact our neighborhood. and all of these are different processes that we have learned how to deal with. and you know, i think that the thing is that you know, we would like to work with the police department and trying to form a better way to work on these issues. because it is important that the community process is part
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of it and obviously your committee are now advocating for that process to happen. the same thing is happening over at the entertainment commission. they are talking about how to better get the businesses there to engage the community when they get permits. so everybody is asking for these permits processes to become more public. but, it also makes us volunteers do a lot more work. just want to emphasize on that, too. >> thank you, mr. nolty. >> next speaker, please? >> good morning supervisors my name is douglas young as on the previous two items i am going to bring up the issue of the contradiction that seems obvious to me. now in this case, since this is an off-sale new license it has
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even more effect on the immediate community because we are not talking about drinking just inside the building, we are talking about the liquor being out on the street. so i kind of think that for the record the city needs to look at that contradiction and say why do certain activities have our support and other activities have been in a certain sense damned to hel because that is the way that we feel. to me that is an obvious contradiction, that needs to be discussed publicly and i think that is something that needs to be brought out. now since we are on today's agenda, which has three liquor items, and look at the title of the committee and it says neighborhood services and safety and i would like to pose the question for the record, number one, why isn't there any
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discussion in san francisco about the existence of child pornography. they are doing a great job? san jose, whatever happened to san francisco? secondly, whatever happened about the issuance and the existence of human trafficking? the state is doing a good job, thank you, miss heras. i don't hear too much going on in san francisco. and i think that under jurisdiction of which committee i would like to see those two issues being pressed and while we are on the subject of committees holding meetings, i would like to know because i have not found out so far this morning the official reason why yesterday's two meetings were canceled and i would like to propose the idea that when the committee meetings are canceled i would like to see everyone get docked for the day because you are not working. and i would like to have a mandatory rescheduling
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