tv [untitled] April 2, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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>> we have a letter of support. >> did you make a presentation? >> no. we spoke to them and met with them. they met with the owner. some of them did. the only one that has any res reservation was a concern from someone outside of the district. >> did you go to their meeting? did you meet with somebody? how did that conversation take place? >> the community leadership alliance is here tonight to speak on behalf of the
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restaurant. >> i was asking you. the application states you went to the meeting. >> i didn't read that question carefully. they were contacted. >> okay. that's what i was trying to clarify. >> they were contacted. >> so i guess what we are trying to clarify is contacting them and making a presentation and making your intentions known so the public can voice their concerns or people other than the leader of that organization can voice concerns so that we can hear what their concerns are. is there actually outreach done so you heard return information from one of these organizations? >> not to me personally, no. maybe my partner did. >> we'll get to that all right. no more questions. >> so, is there public comment
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concerning this application? >> david with the leadership alliance, a presentation was made to our membership at the library. two of the entertainment commissioners were in attendance that day and then there was another presentation made at a meeting that we had on polk quarter, we added it to the agenda at the 11th hour and he made a presentation as well and we had a lot of folks from the area there because some of the topics were relative to their neighborhood and he did make presentation to our constituency. we are in support of this permit application. >> thank you for your
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clarification. anybody else want to make a comment on this application? >> commissioners, i have -- sometimes the right hand didn't know what the left-hand is doing. i was doing more of the community outreach. i was sharing information with him over the phone and also since he doesn't have a computer you have to go a little bit further. one of his questions was capacity issue which is over a hundred, so he wanted to know the extent because technically it's a full service restaurant, but because the space has 2 rather large private dining areas, that composed quite a bit of the space. this will a restaurant and continue to be a restaurant. at the same time we are looking at opportunities to work with some of the
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non-profits looking for venues like this and especially the fact that it has a brisk business during the day monday through friday because where it's situated and saturday and sunday it's pretty slow. so this is a perfect opportunity to have some corporate events and non-profit events and provide a home for those venues. i think over all it has a lot of potential and this applicant would like to actualized that potential. >> thank you, seeing no further comment. matters with the commission. i'm sorry. they keep saying. i will get it down. >> steve from central station. the central station an approval of the permit with the conditions of the copies of. the first one all employees
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should attend a training on alcohol and drugs. people that we have spoken to that are at different venues are very happy with the training they get. they really learn a lot. if they are going for an entertainment permit, we ask they go to a training. another item 2, is part of their abc license is they have a surveillance system and a copy given to sfpd. a list of special events be e-mailed to police station on major events on weekly basis. >> well, i think we had the public comment already. so matters with the commission? we have a motion? >> i would like to move to approve with the three conditions that sfpd has placed
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on it and would give them 2 months with community outreach because i do not feel this is fully vetd with the community. >> okay. do we have a second? >> second. >> all right. >> commissioner hurley, perez, president, aye. okay. good luck and for the sake of expediency it's going to be a quick item. i'm going to jump to 5 d and armory community center. >> commissioner akers, microphone is not on.
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>> welcome. >> thank you. >> all right. this is a permit for the drill court of the armory. they are seeking a permit to have the ability to rent out the space for expos, and community events. it's a large space depending on the type of event. the planning department has given approval for planning code 102.2. in your memo, i gave you a copy that have planning code so you can refer to it. they will not give approval for other activities listed without an additional permit for changes of use. they ask that they visually record premises and all departments submitted their approval and we have not received any communication of concerns regard thg permit. >> welcome. >> we are very excited about
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this project. it used to be the premier venue in the city back in the 20s and 40s and it sat empty for the past 40 years and so we are trying to resurrect that mostly to the community. we are going for a community group democracy -- demographics. >> you've done a remarkable john -- job on the outside. thank you for that. anybody have questions? >> what type of entertainment are you planning to do? >> book fairs, theatres, farmer market. we've been talking to the roller dolby girls, amateur boxing. we want to start out slow and easy and not jump right into 4,000 person events.
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>> to the president if i can be super clear in this case so the commission really understand what you are looking at right now. the planning commission or department indicated to our staff that for now this application needs to be limited to what's on the last page of this memo which is their definition of arts activities. so this is what you are considering this evening because we can't over ride that requirement in terms of land use. it's an applicant, if it's called a change of use of planning we have an additional plan. i just want to make that super clear to the commission. >> right. so and you are aware that you have to go and do this. >> yes. >> no doubt. >> okay. are these events run
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by yourself, are you planning to bring in outside promoters to help you with art events? >> well, we are working with the american conserve tree theatre now. we are not looking to producing too many of our own events, maybe one or two, cosponsoring. and we can make sure we can control liability. >> okay. anything else? >> i have a question about the conditions but maybe it's for the police. >> okay. you have seen the conditions and you are okay with those? >> yes, sir. >> why don't you ask? >> well -- i'm going to call up
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the police now. okay. all right. officer? >> did you have a question? my mic is working now. just to point out on condition 4 that it says 50 feet and commissioner brought up at the last permit that it should be a hundred. i'm unclear on condition 11. security to access patron from bart located at 16th street. exactly what is the armory entering in this condition. >> that is open-ended an open to interpretation to be assessed further with their security staff. the idea of that one was 16th and mission is a very again challenging area. we have a lot of crime in
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that area probably as most of anywhere else in the mission. and if this venue which is 40,000 square foot a lot of that access if people are coming and going, i think they should think about those folks who are going to be traveling via bar and coming from that area. so think about whether or not it's well lit enough or maybe they have some sort of security that kind of keeps an eye out for those 2 blocks. it's really public safety and it's me extending the bounds of what i'm able to ask for, but i'm asking because if they would like to have a successful safe operation then obviously the constituents are really
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who they need to be looking out for. the armory center is 40,000 square feet of opportunity. there are conditions on it which i'm assuming will be lifted once those building permits are changed and it's going to provide an unparalleled space not just within the mission district but in the city. the mission district is excited to support it. i think no. 11, is the first time i put any kind of condition like that down because of just the vicinity and the area and because of the large nature number of folks that will be coming to this venue in the future. >> is it's your intention for the armory to conduct an assessment and collaboration with the police department? >> yeah. i think with everybody that i meet when it comes to
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liquor permits or entertainment permits i have a very open door policy as far as discussing how best we can make this a safe and successful operation. and with -- i have an open door policy and future arrangements with the armory club that can discuss anything that can make this a safe avenue. it's not a closed off that you must do this or that. just assessing on a continuum basis. if problems arise then we should look at those and address them. >> everybody good? you may speak. >> thank you very much. so we are going to ask the commission to consider whatever that language is in that last recommendation for the police department and consider how we
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as staff can enforce it or not and if it's not enforceable and it has really incredibly good intentions on the part of the police department, that you maybe consider directing staff to do something but not put it in the form of a condition that permit then we are going to struggle with enforcing. if there is a way you can tweak that or take it out of the set of conditions in the motion but direct us to work with mission station to find the path to what they are after. i would appreciate that. >> so, obviously you know what they are trying to do. say for example the golden gate theatre they have security surrounding the place to protect their patrons and the security of people coming to their shows. so i kind of see where she's
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coming from. maybe we have to figure out a different kind of language. >> i understand the intention and i think it's a great spirit and idea. one thing that, it's overly broad in the language and not clear on how the assessment would be and why it's limited to 16th and mission bart and people using that type of transportation. my condition would be to strike it altogether and work on a stronger condition to work with them on an assessment and figure out what steps might be needed to be taken later. >> i would like to agree with commissioner. i feel this is a few blocks away and it's putting undue responsibility on a venue. they are responsible for a hundred feet as for the good neighbor policy and to
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start asking people to be responsible for 2 blocks and beyond, i think it's putting undue pressure on the organization. i think it is the right spirit and i do hope that many take bart, but i hope on those nights there will be more people in the neighborhood that will actually help make it safer. >> i think it's definitely clear that mr. hard "argo" wants to help you see this through. i think it's creating a zone. i have confidence that it will work well with you in the future. okay. having resolved that we'll strike that from the conditions. public
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comment? >> seeing no public comment on this application. the matter is with the commission. >> i make a motion that we approve the application with the correction to condition 4 to be responsible for a hundred feet and this we strike condition 11. >> second. >> same house same call? yes. >> good luck. okay, 5 c. from america's cup pavilion, pier 27, 29 object obtaining a permit. we'll stay all night and let everybody have a chance to speak. we are going to limit it to 2 minutes. don't say the same thing the guy or woman in front of you
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said. it better to have new material or say i support or not support. you are free to talk for 2 minutes if you want. >> this is permit for temporary pavilion to be construct at pier's 27 and 29. it's going to feature the america's cup concert part of the america's cup event. it's scheduled soon in spring of 2013 and will go through october 2013 . the seating capacity is 4-6,000. there will be food and vendor has applied for liquor license for the entire site. the board of supervisors did approve the event program and in your packet you will find a list of live meetings and their
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outreach for this project and also letters from dwellers with their expressed concern and there are letters from live nation and just received a new letter from the america's cup live nation folks. anyway, all these letters are responding to the concerns raised by the neighbors. we also received a number of letters, possibly a hundred of support. >> okay. welcome. i think you have to use the other mic. >> sorry. >> president commissioners lee, perez, hyde and akers, thank you for your time. i'm the chief operating officer for live nation in northern california. we are requesting a permit for the 5 months of america's cup pavilion that we
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have partnered on for the summer of racing in 2013. >> what is the most musical city in america? san francisco. over 2,000 artist. the arts are incredibly important in san francisco and incredibly unique for this city to not have an outdoor am theatre. we are excited about this although a temporary one on this site. who are we? live nation is formally bill gram presents. we have been in san francisco for almost 50 years. conspiracy pub, amnesty international, conquer pavilion but in san francisco specifically we are live
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nation producing the water show in park last year. all the comedy clubs, the punch line, doing over a thousand events in san francisco. over 400,000 attendees in san francisco. money going back into san francisco for music, arts education. our partners of course is the america's cup and wilhelm -- one of the most sought after trophy of sports and obviously a lot of press about the america's cup. america's cup pavilion is a 9,000 capacity if it is general admission, small if it's openly
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seated with bleachers on both sides. it will be used for opening and closing ceremony of the america's cup. there is no one spot that you will be able to see the entire race from. you will be able to see the majority of the race from video screens from the pavilion itself and watch the end of the race for free at the end of the pier. so you can watch on great led screens. that will take place on all the days of the events. world class concerts of course with live nation. family events, we are talking about a potential big movie with disney this summer at the site as well as corporate events and private parties. in march of 2012, the san francisco board of supervisors approved that
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america's cup eir allowed for concerts and venue of 10,000 guest. in december of 2012, we began our outreach right after the holidays and started meetings which have taken place over the last 3 months. ending recently minutes ago as you see from the document that is now in front of you. we've had both small meetings and folks homes to large meetings held at the terminal for up to 150 people getting their feedback on this permit. live nation for the america's cup pavilion have a number of policies already in place. world class talent, b, focus on communication, weekly updates and activity schedule updates that will go to interested parties and
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neighborhood businesses, we have a day that gives information about all the slants that we do with that information about those events and we are in contact with the customers to let them know handout to you arrive and the rules of the facility itself. live nation has a security plan that's also in the permit set. live nation uses in-house personnel as well as security and in-house positions. these positions will be inside the venue, backstage and entrance to the pier and the surrounding neighborhoods. we've also worked very closely with central station as well as captain clearey and the san francisco police department on a set of officers used for our live events. and providing a cleaning plan in adjacent streets to the venue. finally live nation has a medical plan. it will be rock medicine where
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live has used for the america's cup sponsor ship. at the venue we have a few shows that are already confirmed and booked, miller banned with the doobie brothers, 311, the jonas brothers, and fallout boy. one of the areas that we spend a considerable amount of speaking with the neighbors is about the noise control plan. live nation will consistently measure the noise level as well as the a 1 sound audio engineer with the neighborhood. live nation is also committed to spending 150,000 on low wave acoustic material on the back side of the page to prevent noise from
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going backwards and sideways. live nation will not conduct after 7 a.m.. if they play they will pull the plug. we have agreed to reduce the concerts from 30-40. it's a weekday, not a weekend. we have moved to apply curfew from 11 on wednesday to 11:00 on weekends and 11 p.m. to 1030 p.m.. we've agreed to a maximum of concerts until 8:00 and it will have to end at 10 p.m. or earlier. we created a noise concert hotline that will be answered by live nation personnel before during and after the event itself
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which we'll share all that data with the san francisco police department and we'll higher 1 one audio engineer to monitor the sound and we've also agreed to hire charles associates to perform before the season as well as the first two events and two additional events after that noise monitoring as well as on the site. >> in addition to that, american cup and live nation to work on a specific transportation plan that we hope to present around april 15th. live nation also grease -- agrees to pay for permit. finally it has the obligation to remove all outside improvements. their part of
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the america's cup. we have the obligation to remove everything prior to october 31. venue permit on the 27 and 29 site nor will it for the foreseeable future. live nation has worked closely with the america's cup to create a neighborhood steering committee and we are excited about working with the steering committee by having direct meetings to see what we can do better in the neighborhood. my last slide is the future of pier 27, 29. showing ground transportation here where the theatre would be is for grounds transportation moving forward. thank you. >> all right. thank you. any questions from
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