tv [untitled] April 4, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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work today. me and my colleague will talk about some of the health department's work. with respect to pedestrian safety the department's role is doing data and research and affect strategic planning and processes and mapping and modeling. we are working to develop a more comprehensive injury system to support monitoring and evaluation activities as the city moves forward to pro-actively address the issues. we work with interagency support and coordination with the sister agencies who are presenting today including co-ed leading the san francisco task force and other agencies and advisory groups and also sharing our data and analysis in support of grants and project development and targeted improvement. we worked to facilitate and support community engagement within
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pedestrian safety activities in the city and administer programs including safe routes to school as well as media campaigns. so just to provide a big picture. i think this really complements ricardo's presentation. there are over 800 pedestrian injuries each year and two a day and under reporting of 20% based on previous data linking the police department's records to the general hospital's data. approximately 100 people are killed or seriously injured and the trends have been stable over the last 10 years and our per resident rate and 97 per 100,000 population is five times the national health target for the nation with respect to pedestrian injury. seniors have a fatality rate four times of adults and 11 times youth in the city and we know based on
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research there are evidence concentrations with respect to injuries considering when we have busy streets where cars are traveling faster, higher population densities as well as concentrated poverty where we see populations more reliant on walking as transportation. this sum rices the annual cost. >> >> in san francisco and as supervisor yee noted in the introduction district 7 ranks among the higher districts for the total amount of injuries. it's notable that approximately 15 million annually is seen just at san francisco general for the injuries and 76% of the total cost is paid for with public funding. established risk factors for vehicle collisions
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with pedestrians include environmental factors and high traffic flow and higher pedestrian activity and higher speeds and vehicle design and crossing of facilities and lighting. it's also depended on youths and seniors and cell phone use and safety rules and on this slide is a statistic that i think really elegantly illustrates the importance of speed and for any individual collision your likelihood of dying is six times that at 30 miles per hour than 20 miles per hour thus how do we prevent pedestrian fatalities and severe injurys in san francisco and focusing on reducing speeds is imperative. also the map illustrates aggregate
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pedestrian injuries and this is a way to look at the patterns and the northeast and also that patterns really follow the high traffic arterials throughout the city so forg along 19th avenue and we conducted modeling to look at the patterns and found a model with traffic volumes and busy streets, land uses that reflect where we have more people living and working and walking along the street really explain our local injury concentrations. as a part of the pedestrian safety task force process that my colleagues have mentioned the department of public health chaired a data sub-committee and we revisited how we think about patterns of pedestrian injury on the streets in san francisco because there's really a need
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to focus on resources and attention on those areas that contribute to the highest number of injuries, and so on the left we see a map of over 9,000 intersections in san francisco and pedestrians are injured at 1700 intersections and the top once counting for the number of injuries listed here. this is daunting when thinking about a intersection by intersection approach -- >> can you repeat the statistic. the top 10% -- >> i'm sorry. the top 10 intersections account for less than 3% of injuries so if we pick the 10 intersections each year we are impacting less than 3% of the problem, so an approach that we developed as part of the task force work was a corridor analysis to looking at injuries and we identified the high injury blue corridors
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and account for 5% of the city street piles and 55% of sever and pedestrian injuries occur and the total injuries, so this map is after over lay that we can use to inform and investment on pedestrian safety and ultimately meet our reduction goals. this map illustrates the high pedestrian corridors in district 7, and as i think we see a lot of the areas that ricardo mentioned in his presentation and 19th avenue to these areas and ocean toaston and geneva and terrabell and really understanding how how these corridors reflect pedestrian injury. the department of public health has standardized the number of injuries per road mile in the
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district so overall district 7 has a relatively low rate of five pedestrians killed or severely injured per hundred miles of roadway annually however with the corridors the rate is 20 times higher than the district rate and the street miles account for half of the sever and fatal injuries, so that's illustrative how the corridor approach can help us focus. another thing the department has worked on is trans base and really a spatial data space and takes the data and links it to a whole host of other factors including street characteristics, population factors, and other collision conditions to conduct analysis such as the model i mentioned earlier as well as other small area analysis to understand what are the factors. for example
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who is living near the high injury corridors? and how can the understanding of senior populations or senior centers focus where we're are making investments? and finally the department of public health is helping to support changing city policies and practices ultimately informed by the evidence, so as others have mentioned speed reductions are really crucial. 15 miles per hour in school scroans have been implemented and the corridor programs that the mta mentiond and automated speed enforcement. other practices include reducing traffic volume so fundamentalally traffic investments that reduce the traffic are investments in public safety. counter these measures to areas of vulnerable populations and as ricardo mentioned consistent targeting of safety laws. they created
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maps for the corridors for the place station and distributed them to inform that targeted enforcement effort and finally advancing a more comprehensive system so we have the data to engage in the processes and linking transportation infrastructure investments with safety goals so not every -- pretty much every transportation change is repaving is an opportunity to improve safety. >> ms. wier i wish we had longer to talk about these issues but thank you for covering so much in a short time. you mentioned vulnerable populations and the focus around senior centers or where seniors congregate and safe schools where the schools are and does the demographics show there are some more vulnerables than others? >> yes. seniors are more
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vulnerable and we have the highest amount in the state and this is a crucial issue. we have a couple more slides. i will turn the presentation over now. >> good morning supervisors. actually good afternoon. i am anna [inaudible] with the health department and the community health and promotion section. i actually manage a number of programs and projects related to pedestrian safety. one is the walk first project. it was a interagency partnership with a grant from the california office of traffic safety. it was a one year project with mta, planning, the transportation authority, and ourselves to look at pedestrian safety and the capital projects that we can use to improve pedestrian safety by creating a map of key streets and zones that we want to create in the city looking at --
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making -- creating a message and data driven process to prioritizing pedestrian safety improvements since we have limited resources in dollars for the really expensive projects. creating some five case study and concept designs to illustrate what we talking about to improve pedestrian safety and creating a capital project list. it is completed. it is in draft form and the pedestrian strategy that will be released in the next couple of weeks is going to be talking about how do you complete walk first and be able to have the city family implement the project list that is create created out of that. you mentioned safe route to school and a program that is a international movement. we are bringing it to san francisco for the past three-four years and increase walking and biking to school but making it safe to do so for the school children and their families. it involves
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transportation. it involves health. it involves the environmental components of that and we use the 5e model and education, encouragement, enforcement and engineering and evaluation. we actually just received grants from the office of traffic safety to do enforcement around all 15 schools that are participating in the safe routes school project and senior centers so they are -- our traffic company officers are out there right now every tuesday and thursday rotating through the school to do traffic enforcement during drop off and pick up hours and district 7 sunny side elementary is the participating school and supervisor yee joined us last year for the bicycle to school day and bicycle to school week is coming up. you're more than welcome to come and as part of an education component for general pedestrian safety we do a lot of social campaign,
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social media campaigns. this is a project implemented along monterey boulevard with friends of monterey boulevard received a minigrant from the health department to paint the street banners in multiple languages along monterey and connect to the school and it's a couple blocks off of monterey so this is an example of what we can do, and there is a grant coming through i believe at the end of this year. it's a joint project. mta is the lead and d dph is participate to do a safety campaign so we can include elements like this and that concludes our presentation. we wanted to tell you this is national public health week and the theme is projecting while on the move and we thank you for conveniently scheduling this hearing to highlight the theme. >> thank you. i mentioned the
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captains are here to basically answer questions that we have and also from the planning department we have adam vara and lily langlos to answer questions but right now i want to go ahead and ask the public to come forward. i will call up your name. several people have submitted cards and you have two minutes to make your public comments at this point. [calling speaker names]
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come on up. roger. >> thank you supervisor. i am roger ritter. i'm a 60 year resident of district 7, and i'm current president of the balboa terrace home association, vice president of the west of twin peaks central council. my particular concern is traffic safety on westportal where my wife and i walk everyday and westportal and 14th avenue which currently has stop signs but no traffic lights. that has become an increasingly dangerous intersection and left turns and u turns and cars essentially forcing pedestrians to play russian roulette but cars may
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stop at the signs. pedestrians stop and it's unclear who has the right of way. if the pedestrian is in cross walk and cars move forward and we also have a problem with cars with u turns and they are unable to do the u turn and they need to back up and thus jeopardizing pedestrians. my suggestion is for a traffic light, a signal on westportal and west 14th avenue and a no u turn at those intersections. thank you. >> thank you roger. >> good afternoon supervisors.
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i am robert gee and we -- the club is in existence since 1935. i am speak on behalf of the club and the challenges in the area and otherwise known as a race track. it's the main thoroughfare down to monterey and highway 280. has neighborhood has young children and baby strollers and seniors and disabled. our pedestrians have a difficult time crossing here with cars moving fast. in 2005sfmta requested for what we were asked and some of the plan changes were completed and such as raised islands and radar sign. unfortunately many of the proposed traffic changes were never implemented. in fact there has been no activity for
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three years. a serious accident or death are waiting to happen. cars race faster than the posted speed limits and cars are not stopping. we need the project completed. seven years has been too young. supervisor yee we commend you for the first order of business and address traffic safety issues in the district and we ask you to complete the project and as a result we were told that they are considering the different proposals. we appreciate your leadership. it's important to the community thank you for your time today. >> thank you. >> hello i am marcos wong and i live one block away from an uncontrolled intersection at o shan see and malty drive.
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malta drive and a major route to 280 and many people have to cross there to reach a bus stop for the 44 line. it's dangerous for three main reasons. one, it's a poorly marked intersection. most drivers are navigating the turns and don't notice the pedestrian warning signs either heading up or down the hill. many drivers also do not see signs because that intersection is poorly lit and sometimes they can't see the pedestrian warning signs. the main problem with that street is that traffic on that street travels at excessive speed from portola to glen park. there is a 1 mile stretch and no stop sign and windy road downhill. cars don't yield to the speed limit and yield to
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pedestrians. i have seen instances pedestrians entered the crosswalk and had to take a step back so they weren't struck. cars that are close to be rear ended by the vehicles and not anticipating the slow down. i recommend there would be a pedestrian controlled led light to basically inform the traffic on that street that there is a pedestrian in the walk way. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. thank you so much for addressing pedestrian safety in district 7. it's very relative to the position i hold on the pedestrian safety advisory committee as the vice chair representing senior and disability organizations. noted it was eight years ago former supervisor sean elsbernd said a
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traffic light was installed at hertz and sigh line and highway 35 so traffic signals have been put on 35 in the past and very relative to senior disability organizations that is near the location of the recreation and rehab center so i assure you it's very needed that further installation of pedestrian and traffic signals must happen on slope boulevard. there is none at the selection of sloat and skyline. there are only stop signs and yields right now, so i assure you to carry that out and further i beg the question of how we can insure that more pedestrian collisions and fatalities happen that may lead to lawsuits to the city and county of san francisco because several collisions and
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fatalities have happened within the last year that involved muni drivers and recology, an organization contracted by the city for traffic so please. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> yes good afternoon. my name is bridgette turner and a native san franciscan and i'm a mother of five so i've actually seen the demographic and the increase of traffic and collisions. i come today as a member of balboa terrace home homeowners association and a resident on prop k which was the surcharge created for pedestrian safety. a half billion dollars was created by this proposition. $110 million is currently being pending and i am requesting for that fund when evaluating how
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to disperse it have pedestrian safety as number one. we know that 60 to 65% of pedestrians have access in the crosswalks and i would like to recommend eliminating crosswalks on the street. i am asking because i think it's quite effective. they use it all over uc davis and daly city as well. it actually when you approach the illumination crosswalks it gives the drivers they're seeing it is crosswalks are illuminated and having them a chance to stop and slow down. sometimes you have a car stop but the other car stops because they don't see the pedestrian so the elimination of the crosswalks would give people a heads up prior that and i hope that we look into that as well as other issues. >> thank you.
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i guess these people left. annie chow. are you here? . [calling speaker names] >> hi supervisors. i am annie chow. i am a district represent for lee land yee and do constituent services for district 7 and eight. you both supported the resolution and thank you gies so much for the double fine zone and i have seen a huge out cry from the community for more need for pedestrian safety in d7 from
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various neighborhood groups, from residents, from the police departments because there are so many thoroughfares going throughout the district so thank you guys so much for holding the hearing and i appreciate all the work you have been doing. >> yeah. that was one person that supporting this, the extension. next up. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is bill casina and asked to come this afternoon by supervisor yee's office to give you a brief overview of our involvement with pedestrian safety years for 20 years with sloat boulevard. i want to thank the supervisors for their focus on pedestrian safety for all of district 7 but specifically for sloat boulevard. our organization is
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comprised of 1100 homes. sloat boulevard is the northern boundary of our homeowners association and on the east and on the south and west by lake merced boulevard so we comprise a large block of homes. we view sloat boulevard as one of the neighborhood streets for us. there are three major schools right off of sloat. there is a major park. there's a shopping center there so it's a heavy traveled area, not just for people transiting through the area but for people living there. i am currently the president of the organization, and we're very concerned about safety. 20 years ago with the help of senator cobb at the time we were able to have caltrans look at the area. the traffic engineer said at the time there is nothing wrong with this. now take a look. slope boulevard is
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one stretch in san francisco that is a mile long with no stop light or controls of any kind. even brotherhood way has lights now. they didn't before. sloat is a speed way period. and tragedyically a lot of the focus is because of the young lady that was killed a few months ago and it was an unnecessary death and what is going on sloat is unnecessary. caltrans came in in 2011-2012 to repave or restripe sloat boulevard thinking this would calm things down. by their own admission, their own statistics show that the traffic pattern has been slowed by 2 miles per hour on average. there is no major change. the police department has increased enforcement out there yet there are still issues going on with slope. we have gone to public works. we have
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worked with them and kate divine and megan and staff and work with the city to get the grant that the city has for improving public safety. >> there is a two minute limit -- no, however, i am very interested in your comments and i want more clarification of what you're suggesting at this point because -- not only because of the accident. my daughter just -- she's flying back to l.a. today and this morning i talked to her and she was a student there and used to take the bus and she said "you know dad i remember taking the bus and having to cross the street and it's bad". >> okay. we're working with the city. as recently as yesterday we sat down with the captain who
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