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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2013 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT

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johnson and one of the sergeants and other members of the community and representatives from senator yee's office and assemblyman tang's office and your office to talk about improvements that are needed. we laud what is going on with the proposed proves on sloat however we feel that one of the intersections that is left in the dust is that is everglade and slope. the improvements suggested there are bowel bolts and there is a stopping there and traveled heavily and we would like to see something morn that. it is our understanding there is a meeting in the mayor's office yesterday that was well represented by caltrans public works. mta and your office and supervisor tang's office to talk about various improvements such as a count down pedestrian and on demand light. we would like to
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see that considered for everglade and slope. in closing i want to remind you this is a neighborhood street and not just a state highway. that is one of the big issues that we've had. the state has been benignly neglectful of slope and we would like to see the city take a more active role if they can and in fact if the state would relinquish that part to the city as a city street i think pedestrian safety would be markedly improved. thank you for your time gentlemen. >> for your comments. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am barbara cansini and work with the homeowners in the location and it's the homeowners fed up with cal trans and their attitude and not having
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interaction with the neighborhood and spending money that could have been better spent. i have been involved in this for a couple of years. i am trying to figure out where the study is and nobody seems to have it how they decided what they were going to do on that street. i would appreciate it supervisor yee if you could get us that information so we can pass it on to the community. another thing i wanted to bring up this fatality of the young girl. it's not the first on slope boulevard and it's difficult for a family to go through this. my course cousin was killed from a driver and died from a traumatic brain injury and the families are not the same after that kind of situation. thank you for your time.
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>> thank you. >> hello. i am sharon star and a 20 year resident and to come to today's meeting to volunteer in the library in the tend loin and if you haven't done that i challenge to you do so. it's seven lanes. two right turn lanes. you cross and wait at a small island and five lanes to get cross monterey. you're competing with the on and off traffic for the ramps. it's quite frightening. i had a small child. we stopped doing it and started driving into glen park. for a while when i walked by myself with a young dog i would take the intersection. i stopped. i have an old dog and she cannot make it and there is
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no center refuge or median and basically a curb and 12 inches across. it feels unsafe. it doesn't have high visibility painting and the count down signal is so small if you're the least visually impaired you could see that across the five lanes of traffic and i can't emphasize enough how unsafe this feels everyday when i take this intersection. i don't know about the statistics. i was actually told by the mta that the main problem there was that the light pole gets knocked down but i respectfully submit that i don't think that's the main problem with that intersection. thank you. >> thank you sharon. >> i am kate danfort and live at malta drive and use the crosswalk there and it's very
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dangerous as you heard from a previous resident. it's one way down. cars don't stop for pedestrians. blind curve coming up. cars don't stop for pedestrians. i was almost hit when a driver stopped for me only to create a chain reaction of screeching tires and honking horns behind him. i witnessed an elderly woman to make nine attempts to cross the crosswalk and cars speeded past and conversations with neighbors confirmed that everyone using the crosswalk has concerns about it. i talked to supervisor's yee office and suggested we get data from residents and we circulated a flier to share the personal insurances and here are a. >> >> few of the responses that we got from the telephones and conversations. "it's
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outrageous how dangerous it is. i have a grandson and i have to wait for a wind citizen to stop." number two "every time i use it i am running for my life and i am." number three "and seems like someone only needs to spend five minutes at the intersection to see why it's so dangerous. number one. a car stopped for me and another car came and almost hit me. i am concerned i will trip in the middle of the street and it will be all over. we want to make sure something is done about the crosswalk before someone is killed. >> thank you kate. >> hi my name is i don't sonia
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[inaudible] and a few of the neighbors are here to talk about the crosswalk which is extremely dangerous. i have two kids, a two and four year old. we have forbidin my nandy or family member to take them on the crosswalk and it's not only dangerous for pedestrians but equally dangerous for the cars and i myself have been witness to four accidents in the past one year and there have been cops involved and some serious but no one has been seriously injured luckily and i intervened a couple of times and the cars can't see a crosswalk is coming up. it's a pretty serious issue and i am really here to come here to make that urgent plead to do something about that
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crosswalk whether it's flags or just warning signs. we had a neighbor talk about cars coming downhill at 40 miles per hour. there is no way knowing there is a pedestrian crosswalk coming up and same with the cars coming up from glen park so again i am here today to talk about the seriousness of it and i can see a big serious accident waiting to happen, and i am hoping something can be done. thank you. >> thank you sonia. >> good morning supervisors. my name is mar chelain and i know a sof foreat the high school and i am speaking about the unsafe conditions on the boulevard. we tried to cross the boulevard. no cars stopped for us. i turned to my friend and she said "i don't know the cars won't stop. just run across and hope
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that we don't get hit i guess." four weeks ago my best friend was hit and dragged by a car and she died the next day. there have been countless situations of accidents on slope boulevard. it's a street with no stop lights and people go over the speed limit. cars do not yield for pedestrians to cross even though there are yield signs. there are major bus routes including the 23 that frequently interrupt traffic. at night the street is not well lit. it is very busy street and a very dangerous street, a street that fellow students and children from the elementary school must cross everyday. there are too many chances to hit by cars. unfortunately it is not the only street. here in san francisco traffic can be hectic. watching
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out for pedestrians trying to cross the street is not the driver's top priority and especially slope boulevard that doesn't cars to fully stop. in support of immediate change i hope that pedestrian safety will be a bigger priority because everyone deserves a safe environment because my friend's death could have been prevented. >> hello. i am iian chung and junior at lowell high school. it was a month ago i learned of my friend. i believe the ultimate solution is a stop light right in between somewhere around [inaudible] drive because to back it up i have started a petition a month ago on that has 3500 signatures and i believe it's a
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great solution because on you can -- in the area there are schools and a day care center. it would greatly slow down the traffic and if you ever drive on slope in the mornings it's hectic and no one ever stops for you. now, i did do research on slope just to watch the pedestrians and i noticed many senior citizens are crossing the street and all the drivers saw the signs it is state law to yield to the pedestrians but not one car, not one car stopped, and i would like the city to consider the fact to install a traffic light on slope boulevard because this is something that can be prevented. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors.
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my name is sophia lee and i am a junior at lowell high school and i am speaking about pedestrian safety and my best friend was hit by a car less than a block from his house in the area. i understand that meetings are being held to improve the conditions of this street. students are forced to sprint across the street everyday as they get off the 23 bus. every student who crosses slope is someone's best friend, someone's sister or brother, someone's daughter or son and in general when you have kids or not, whether you have been hit by a car yourself or lost love ones being safe on the streets is extremely important. now i'm not an expert on pedestrian safety but i do know putting in blinking lights and speed bumps and students wearing reflectors and being aware and install traffic lights can do no harm whatsoever. i wish he didn't have to die for this to come to
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the forefront of our discussion and i hope something similar won't have to happen again and finalize the protective pressures that are well over due. i would like to see this before i graduate before it's too late again. we are all responsible for letting this go by unzeroed but only the city officials have the authority to make it happen and make it happen soon. it's simple. we all want to be safe and we have to start somewhere and i say we start on slope. >> thank you. is there any more public comments? come on up. >> hi. i am elizabeth stamp and the executive director of walk san francisco. i want to
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thank supervisor yee and mar for holding this hearing and concern to many residents city wide. as we heard from the department of public health about three people a day are hit by cars in san francisco and as we also heard from the city's traffic engineer at mta residents in district 7 bear a disproportionate burden of the injury. more people are killed by cars in district 7 and there is more speeding and as we heard that is closely related. on slope on 19th boulevard, on ocean, on monterey we need to fix our streets to tame speeds, calm traffic and prevent more tragedies like we heard that have happened to the student and the retired teacher that was killed on westportal recently.
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next friday as it happens is walk to workday and i know you're participating and thank you. my understanding is that the mayor will be releasing a new plan for action on pedestrian safety, and that will target the city's most dangerous streets to cut serious and fatal injurys in half. this is a critical action to take. we call on you as the board of the transportation authority to make sure that this plan is actually funded so it just doesn't sit on the shelf but it gets implemented to start systematically fix the streets in many of the ways we heard about today to prevent more tragedies because these tragedys are things that that we can prevent and you can help save lives. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello i am phyllis deets and
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live in the area for 27 years. my property backs up on sunny side park, little pocket park, that the city has renovated. it's a beautiful park. it's a maget for all of the children in the neighborhood. the parents bring them there. it is also a attractive nuisance to use a legal term because it's such a fine park and all the people come there. the problem is there is no stop sign on forester and mangels and anyone wishing to go to the park are at the mercy of the people speeding to get to the light on monterey to get to 280 and all of the people coming there trying to make up for lost time. many times people don't stop and i would hate to see someone killed. i would like applaud the kids from lowell high school
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and it's difficult for them and that issue is important but i want to put this on the radar screen so you're aware of it. thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning supervisors. i am karen franklin. i live on juice avenue and i have come to add my voice to the concerns about pedestrian safety in district 7. i have two children that cross at monterey. there is a stop sign there, but it is worry worrisome that so many people don't stop and do rolling stops and it's not unusual to think that a lot of these problems are happening near schools with kids are being kids and drivers just aren't paying attention, but what i wanted to mention today are a few cost savings solutions to the problem as i see it. any tall foliage in the medians to give a sense
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of smaller space for the drivers will automatically make them go slower. i mean my concern is if we implement lower speed limits do we have the funds to actually enforce it? so if we don't we need to have other items in place that give the illusion that drivers are in a small area and just naturally need to go slower. i also have been thinking about perhaps putting a yellow -- using what we already have in the traffic signals, but perhaps having a flashing yellow light that allows people give the pedestrians right-of-way and eliminate right turns on red so that pedestrians and have the right-of-way and the cars need to stop to let them cross. thank you supervisor yee. i
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really appreciate you spear heading this. >> john winston from the friends of monterey boulevard. thank you for convening this boulevard. it has four lanes and it's 30 miles per hour and bus lanes and residential filled with the elderly and disabled and primarily renters opposed to homeowners and don't know each other and they need a voice. they live in multi-unit buildings. there are three schools in the area as well as several preschools. sunny side play ground as you heard is two blocks away and monterey is home to the little known conservatory so it's a neighborhood you go to and not through and it's a way
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to the shopping district and bart. we live here and it's the title of the study that we did on traffic intersections with pedestrians and we identified several dangers. there were 13 reported injury collisions. in our study residents and parents of school age kids complain of the usual thins. stop sign running. little enforcement by police and failure to yield to pedestrians and speeding. there are also structural problems. wide straight lanes as cars head to the freeway -- i have half a page more. give the visual cue to go fast. if drivers' minds they're on the freeway. 43% of drivers came to a complete stop at a bus stop and where kids
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get off. for ester is a big crossing and despite the guard there were many failures to stop in the study and this model includes to remove a large portion of the median so the solution is a lower speed limit. there are a lot of other solutions but if streets like masonic and folsom can have 25 miles per hour there is no reason monterey can't as well and we are encouraging for the mta to get that moving and for you to spear head that movement. thank you. >> thank you. any others? i guess public comment is closed and i have one more presentation that is probably one of the important presentations to see where the resources are and how we are going to utilize to solve many of the issues that were brought to us, not only by the
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departments but also by the public, so at this time could i have the transportation authority staff. >> it's anna laport that is here. >> yeah thank you. >> and i think ben sepca is here as well and thank you for being here so long as well. >> i am embarrassed with my inability to get just the slides. i feel like a continuation of public comment as a pedestrian, as a transit user, as a mother, as a dog owner, as a public servant. hearing these stories gives me chills and it really brings home how important it is to use resources in the most effective way for a sense of place and livability and your
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neighborhood and also for a sense of safety to be able to enjoy san francisco as it's meant to be enjoyed and standing on your own 2 feet. almost every trip starts or ends with a pedestrian element and this is district 7 but these stories are endless and my staff is in the audience writing down the public comments and we hope to hear more of them through the prop k which is the local half cent transportation sales tax five year plan update that the agencies are about to start working on, so i will start my presentation now, but this is just the beginning of the public comment that will be coming into the agencies and coming into your offices and also our offices about what folks want to see funded with their local half cent sales tax
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for transportation in the next five years and also with the prep double a vehicle registration funds who folks that registered vehicles in san francisco pay every year along with the general taxes that are also paid. i noticed anna had one of the pictures in her presentation as well. if we could bring up the powerpoint presentation on the screen so viewers at home could also see the reference to the funding programs that the authority manages and when i mean they're programmed by the authority i mean programmed by the transportation authority board so these are the board of supervisors and their capacity wearing their other hat if you will as the transportation authority, so one of our primary funding programs is the half cent sales tax and there are major capital projects in this program, but there are also a
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host of programs that are pedestrian related funding categories, if you will. this involves signal upgrades, new signals, curve ramps. i will go into them but we're a primary source of funding for the mta traffic calming program, so i will get to the individual categories and how folks can let their voices be heard how to prioritize prop k funds over the next five years. vehicle registration fee generates about $5 million a year. the voters approved the expenditure plan in 2010. it includes about 25 -- it is 25% about -- we are
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prioritizing -- we are recommending prioritizing -- these are large capital projects with an emphasis on projects that are on key walking streets or gh injury corridors and also a host of other programs in department of public health and regional safe routes to school program is funded through a funding source. transportation fund for clean air in essence can fund traffic calming measures if they rise to the top of the scoring so the message to take home in particular with this slide and the next slide which is what we don't manage there are a lot of funding sources that are various different purposes if you will.
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they have different eligibility but they also touch on a pedestrian element that is implemented in the projects authorized through the programs. the pedestrian funding that we don't manage but all of the sources are the funding sources for all of the improvements you have been hearing about. i know the highway safety improvement program is the primary source for the slope boulevard and the state funded improvements. prop k is providing the local match to the project. the authority board just funded the design phase and hopefully we can make progress on the construction phase sooner than was anticipated. i know it's trying to be coordinated with a caltrans paving preject but it's clear of what the priorities of the community are based on this hearing and the state bond as was mentioned and
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the office of traffic safety so that is funding the walk first effort so this is the spectrum of the funding sources available for pedestrian related projects in san francisco. what you are looking at with average of $3 million a year as annual. >> >> 32 million a year as annual average and historic trends from these various funding sources and literally divided it by 10. it works better for some of the sources than others. i know the street bond is anticipated to be implemented sooner but the prop k and double a funds are based on historic programming averages if you will as many of the other sources so this at gives you a spectrum of the amount of funding that is potentially available to san francisco. it
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can fund a range of improvements but this is what we identified for pedestrian related type projects. focusing on the prop k program there are 21 categories in prop k that are the non specific projects so they can fund a host of locations under these categories. traffic calming is under going a revision effort at the sfmta and we have actually funded a portion of what they are -- it's a speed corridor pilot or a speed reduction pilot program -- sorry i am getting my words jumbled but basically they're studying -- they're testing a range of measures on arterials to see what are some potential -- what