tv [untitled] April 4, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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>> welcome to our regular rules committee meeting for thursday, april 4th, 2013. i'm supervisor norman yee and i will be chairing the meeting today. to my left is supervisor malia cohen, and to my right is supervisor london breed. the clerk today is linda wong. and the committee would like -- also like to acknowledge the staff at sfgtv, jesse larsen and nona who will record each of -- record our meeting and make the transcripts available to the public online. and i apologize for starting late.
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i just got through sitting on a committee, earlier committee just got through moments ago. madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> yes, mr. chair. please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the april 16th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> great. can you please call item number 1? >> item number 1, motion appointing supervisor eric mar, term ending june 30, 2013, to the association of bay area governments executive board. >> okay. is there any public comments for this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, are there any thoughts? or can we move this without any objection?
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>> [inaudible]. >> let's move it. alrighty, this will be moved [speaker not understood] recommendation without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please call item number 2? >> item number 2, hearing to consider appointing two members, terms ending april 20, 2015, to the graffiti advisory board. applicant drew [speaker not understood] has withdrawn application for consideration for seat number 14 so therefore there are two people as applicants. >> okay, thank you. let's see. jonathan kohlberg, are you here? would you like to make any comments?
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good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jonathan goldberg ~ and i am proud to submit my nomination to the graffiti advisory board representing an organization in san francisco beautiful. it is our mission to create and protect the civic live ability of the city. it is my honor to go ahead and extend these values into my own personal life. i'm a proud volunteer with local neighborhood groups along the divisadero corridor and with the pan handle park stewards, and i would really relish the opportunity to go ahead and provide some of the knowledge that i have gathered over my years of service at san francisco beautiful and apply that on the graffiti advisory board. thank you for your consideration today. >> thank you for your interest
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on this committee. is there any public comment on this? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, can we move the nomination of jonathan goldberg for seat 13 of the graffiti advisory board forward and continue consideration of seat 14 to the call of the chair? so moved, okay. with no objection, this moves. [gavel] >> madam clerk, item 3, please? >> item number 3 is the hearing to consider appointing three members, terms ending march 28, 2014 and march 28, 2015, to the pedestrian safety advisory committee. applicant shirley chan has withdrawn her consideration for seat number 8, therefore now there are three seats and two applicants. >> okay. robin brasso, please approach if you'd like to make a comment.
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good afternoon, supervisors yee, cohen, and breed. may i give these to the clerk? i have some letters of recommendation. thank you. i am here asking to be reappointed as child advocate, seat number 7, on the pedestrian safety advisory committee. i feel i am well qualified. i have taught in san francisco public schools for 37 years. i have been retired since 2004. and i have served prior to serving as child advocate as a district 7 representative. i have many ideas that i would like to see put into action on this committee. i worked with the pedestrian safety task force that worked to lower the driving speeds going to and from public school. we have done this at 150 public
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elementary schools to make it safer for youngsters to get to and from schools. and so that they will be more likely to walk to school if possible. i'm also trying to bring a program called the bicycle ambassador program to the city that i think would make it safer for pedestrians. ~ i live in district 7 and recently a couple walking across the street on vicente, west portal was hit. it just so happens that i knew both of them. tanya madsis died a few days later. i had gone to school with david. and i think that san francisco is a particularly difficult and dangerous city for pedestrians. i would like to see a lot of changes taking place, more lighted crosswalks in district
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7, more or no left-right turns when pedestrians are crossing the street. i hope i will be considered for reappointment to the committee. thank you. >> thank you. yes, you have a question. >> thank you. ms. brasso, sounds like we should be electing you to the state house. [laughter] i do serve on the [speaker not understood] legislative committee on the state level. so, we would do this there, too. >> thanks. you're already on your way. thank you. i was wondering if you could just expound in just a few sentences about the bicycle ambassadors program. sure. >> and how that actually relates to pedestrian safety. absolutely. this is a program that i found out about in new york city. and when i was back in new york, i talked to the young man there who works with this program. they have something called transportation alternatives, which is a combination of walk, walking or pedestrian safety
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organizations, bicycling, and public transportation. and they know that in new york as in san francisco, bicycling has increased exponentially throughout the city. and what they're trying to do there, they've trained ambassadors to address bicycle safety by encouraging bicyclists to -- these people that train, they go out in special little shirts and they bring with them pledges and the rules of the road, saying you have to stop for stop signs, red lights, and yield to pedestrians. so, they are trained to talk to bicyclists who don't do this very nicely. even when i was coming here today, there was a bicyclist on the sidewalk. they're not supposed to do that. a pedestrian was crossing the street. a bicyclist had a stop sign, didn't stop for the pedestrian, just went right through. so, i feel that if we have these people out there on the street, very nicely talking to
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people, giving out the rules of the road examine reminding them how -- what they, too, have to observe the rules, just like it is a moving vehicle. >> yes, thank you very much. that's actually very timely policy when you consider i think just last year there were -- san francisco lost a few people to bicycle injury deaths. exactly. >> thank you, mr. chair. i'm finished. >> thank you. next i would like to call sonja kos. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is sonja kos, and i live in district 6, south of market, and i work in yerba buena so i walk to and from work when possible. sometimes it's a little difficult. so, my concern is with pedestrian safety. i work for talk tell, tenants
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owners development corporation, which owns affordable housing south of market and we have a lot of seniors in our building. and because of the construction in south of market along with the central corridor, there are a lot of pedestrian issues that need to be addressed. and i think that they should be addressed, bicycles on sidewalks, skate boards on sidewalks, and elderly folks just trying to do their everyday business. there are a lot of concerns in district 6 with the safety of all, children included because of the yerba buena gardens and the children's museum. so, there's a lot of pedestrian activity along with the moscone conferences. in dealing with the volume of people when conferences are in play, and the mix bicycles, cars, construction, et cetera,
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it is a major hub in need of pedestrian safety [speaker not understood] including stop light signals, walk signals, et cetera, and the timing of that with everything going on, especially between mission and king streets. along fourth street, it's very, very needed area for inspection. but i would think that i'd be a good representative because i live it every day and i would be very honored to represent district 6 for this committee. thank you very much for your consideration. >> thank you. supervisor breed? >> yes. mrs. kos, i want to ask you about your --
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kos, yes. >> i wanted to ask you what are your thoughts around dealing with issues of bicyclists and skateboarders using the sidewalks. well, for bicyclists, i think the bicycle program robin brought up, that new york's recommended, i think that would be good here. but as for skateboarders, i think there would have to be a person on the streets that would give tickets, that type of thing. because skateboarders are a little bit different in terms of how they're to be regulated. and if there are no regulations, so, i don't know if the regulations that are on the books should be enforced and that would have to mean that, you know, feet on the ground type thing. so, that would be my suggestion. it's a difficult situation with skateboarders. >> thank you. yes, thank you. >> thank you. any public comments on this matter?
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you have two minutes to speak. [speaker not understood]. ♪ safety, safety yeah come on city, sing it with me, safety, safety yeah sometimes the safety work gets kind of hard and you have to be real careful so you don't get hit by a car remember safety, keep it always cool and the city, remember, don't be a pedestrian fool at the city crosswalk safety yeah, yeah, yeah come on now and sing it with me safety, safety yeah hey, it's safety today one of those rules you've got to obey hey, we've got safety today are you really gonna pay talking about a safety
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safety at the crosswalk yeah sometimes the work gets kind of hard safety and you're going to be real careful unless you're gonna get hit by a car: remember always be cool and the city remember toshiba don't be a pedestrian fool that's the city crosswalk safety yeah ♪ >> come on up. any more public comments or songs? [laughter] public comment from i, john alex, vice-chair of pedestrian safety advisory committee and former seat holder then called seat number 8 transitioned over to seat number 7 representing child advocate and schools for port organizations. i come up to endorse and recommend your approval of both sonja kos and robin brasso.
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they're both fine. i have worked with robin extensively in the past on psac and i have met sonja and appreciated her commentary during psac meetings. so, please, submit to the board of supervisors a recommendation for both to take their seats on the pedestrian safety advisory committee. thank you. >> thank you. any other public comments? supervisors, my name is zach marks, the chairman of the san francisco pedestrian safety advisory committee and i just want to thank you, supervisor yee, for hosting the forum that we just had earlier today. and also supervisor breed was a very nice kind note read during the meeting. so, thank you so much. i definitely endorse robin brasso. she's one of our best members on the committee. and also endorse you appointing sonja to our committee because we definitely need new members. thank you so much. >> thank you. any other public comments? seeing none, public comment is closed.
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[gavel] >> i want to thank both sonja and robin for wanting to continue with your role in the pedestrian safety advisory committee. it's, as you know, this is a real important issue for me and i'd like to see strong, good, you know, passionate people on that committee. and you two seem to represent what i'd like to see on that committee. so, you know, definitely i'm supporting both of you on this. colleagues, supervisor cohen? >> thank you. ms. kos and ms. brasso, i want to take a moment to say thank you for your leadership and stepping up. sometimes people can become encumbered with titles of leadership and you ladies seem to embody leadership and actually how it manifests in everyday life, how you carry your self-, how you conduct your own personal business. so, i have come to know ms.
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brasso pretty well in the last couple years. ms. kos, look forward to seeing you around a little bit more and working with you as well. thank you. >> supervisor breed? >> thank you. i noticed that over the past few years that as bicycle rider ship has increased in san francisco, serious concerns around pedestrian safety have been brought to the forefront, especially with folks that have been, sadly, hit by either motorists or bicyclists over maybe their struggle on the streets. and i want to make sure that we are looking at an issue around pedestrian safety as a public safety issue just like we want to protect bicyclists who want to protect the people walking the streets. and i appreciate the fact that you are stepping up to the plate and willing to serve and willing to look at new innovative ways in which we can all coexist so that everyone is
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safe around the streets of san francisco. so, i'm really excited about this and really excited that pedestrian safety is taking center stage in our city and there's just a lot more work to be done in moving forward with many of these transportation projects. so, i think you will also be incredible additions to the pedestrian safety committee and with that i'd be happy to move robin brasso's name for -- to serve in the seat 7 and also sonja kos in seat 9 and i'd like to move to continue the seat 8 seat. >> i'll second that motion. >> thank you. seeing no objection, motion passed. >> supervisor, for clarification, would you like to continue seat number 8 to the call of the chair? >> yes. >> thank you. >> pass?
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[gavel] >> thank you very much. congratulations. >> supervisor -- >> colleagues, is there a motion to convene a closed session -- convene in closed session? >> so moved. >> would you like to have public comment on the closed session before we move into -- >> sure. any public comments on closed session? seeing none, public comment is closed. so, this has been a motion that's been made. seeing no -- do we need roll call? okay. >> without objection. >> without objection, motion passes. [gavel] >> okay
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>> deputy streeterctionv john givener again. during the closed session, the committee decided to send items 4 through 8 on today's agenda to the full board with recommendations. >> thank you for the report. colleagues, can i have a motion to not disclose what happened in closed session? >> so moved. >> second. >> no objection, motion passes. [gavel] >> madam chair, is there anything else on the agenda? >> no, mr. chair. >> good. is there any further -- if there's nothing further, the meeting is adjourned. [gavel]
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want to thank the members of sfgtv for today and the clerk of the committee mr. victor young. mr. clerk, do we have any announcements? >> yes. please silent all electronic devices. speaker cards and any documents should be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. they will appear on the board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you very much mr. clerk. can you please call item one. >> item one is amending the administrative code and establishing san francisco city hall preservation fund for proposing the 100th anniversary including outreach activities, preservation, repair and improvements and similar post anniversary endeavors. >> thank you very much. i introduced this and i know we have bill barns from the city
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administrator's office. >> bill barns from the city administrator office. i am joined by rob rider from the city manager and allen who runs our program. about a hundred years ago this friday construction began on the new city hall post the earthquake and that was completed in december 1915. to commemorate the activities we wanted to have programs and educational tours, lectures, that sort of thing in city hall so the public can learn about the building and second to raise more money somewhere within one and $3 million for capital needs in the building and energy efficiency in lighting and stabilizing the dome and that sort of thing and this would allow us to ask individuals and nonprofits and others to contribute to
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