tv [untitled] April 6, 2013 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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that's happening, there it is. this is what you are looking at here. i don't know if you are familiar with the gold berg machines the local official machine. rue gold berg was a cartoonist going back to the 20th century, a native sfrans san franciscans. he moved on to new york and became a very famous cartoonist. i bring this here because it reminds me of the policy you have adopted for the use of taxi apps. instead of giving us one simple app
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that every driver can use. this is a contract with free as a technology of a contraption of some sort where all the information is collected and all the information is uploaded and all the information is spewed out to as many apps that are in san francisco. in the meantime we are getting crushed, destroyed, man handled by these other forms of transportation which most of are illegal unless we have simple ways of dealing with it. simple ways of telling people this is a way you can get a taxi. we are lost. it's like the credit cards where you put the credit cards on the drivers backs and we told you it would be a disaster and it was.
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>> you did have a few seconds left. did you want to add anything. >> that's okay. >> it's hard to follow that cartoon. it's pretty good. i did want to speak on the polk thing but i came on a more pressing issue. on van ness avenue and union they just painted a white zone a week ago. i read in the paper a month ago that they proposed they were going to do something from 6-9:00. they painted this white zone and they painted tow away. it's going unparked in 24/7. there is supposed to be a notice given 10 days
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before a public hearing and at that point they are deciding if they are going to do that it was never on your agenda. so you are not following your own rules which is quite a bit disturbing and also disturbing is the prop b thing. you didn't state when you were asking for public funds. you said you were going to fill the pot holes but you didn't say anything about removing parking. i ride a bike more than anything. i have a lot of dogs in this fight. i appreciate you all trying to keep a balance, but you do have to keep a balance. my constructive thing is you have these 6 proposals, if you make polk street more of a runway for a longer period, you can keep your bike lanes and keep your parking. it's already one way down this lane. there is no good way. it's a compromise, i understand, but it's something
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you may want to consider. the garage, it was just torn away. it used to fit 40-50 cars. california and polk there is a good area where you can replicate like the one on bush and polk perhaps where the shop is. you can still keep downstairs businesses and if they would look good, but that would take a lot of the heat off. i do appreciate what you are doing but you have to kind of follow your own rules. >> thank you. anyone else care for public comment. seeing none. >> directors moving on. these items are considered to be routine unless a member of the board would like to be considered separately. no. 4 has been considered separately. could we have a brief staff
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comment on o and p which is revoke right turn only broader street bound and broader stop sign. to highlight that why we are doing this in light of the fact that it's going to affect the 71 and the 6. >> mr. ruskin? >> yes. i have the same question when i saw this come through because it is adding a stop sign which is in the opposite direction we are generally going. but, i think you will hear from mr. yee, there is some specific safety issues with this intersection and after discussions with the munis folks we felt that these changes were the right approach. >> good afternoon, members of
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the board. if i can have the overhead projector. this is the intersection of hate and broderick. hate street is a the way stop now. north and southbound broderick. hate is coming over 12 percent and after the intersection it goes up another 7 percent. on broderick. goes up 4 percent and goes a little bit over 14 percent. the only flat area in the area is within the intersection. we've had pretty serious documented safety issues up until now. this in the last 5 years it's been 9 reported collisions at the intersection. 8 of them involve, 7 of them involve
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injuries and 8 of them are the type that would normally be minimized with the insulation of all these stops. 2 involve pedestrians and 2 involve bicycles. over the course of 7 years we have put in measures to obviate the need for stops because we understand the impact it will have in the 71 lines and these including right turn over and broderick. we installed traffic mirror so you can see as we approach and we have stons -- stop signs that say traffic will not stop and we added pedestrian crossing warning signs as well as
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clearance of red zones in both corners to improve visibility. here is coming up the hill. you can see that you do not see the area within the intersection. here is a picture, if you are standing as a pedestrian on the west side of the crosswalk, you cannot see traffic coming up the hill approaching. after all of these measures, we don't feel the safety issue has been completely addressed. and working very closely with the transit division, at the agency, we as a staff came to the conclusion and always stop, although not the desirable treatment is the way to go at this particular location. the good news that head street is a
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good opportunity at that time where this location maybe a location with a transit priority feature built in. so i would consider the always stop an is the interim treatment until further improvements are contemplated. >> thank you very much. i think it's important to call this out because the transit riders are going to notice an additional stop and it just highlights the challenges we face with keeping pedestrians safe and sometimes we have to sacrifice a little bit more transit efficiency. thank you. that's my only question other than that, i will move the calendar. is there a second? >> all in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> directors, at this point it would be moving on to item 11
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discuss and to discussion a closed section. >> item 11, vote to invoke the attorney-client privilege. >> is there a second? >> all in favor, say >> item 12, announcement of closed session. the board voted unanimously to settle the matter and took no actions. directors would you have a motion to discuss or not discuss? >> all in favor, say aye.o directors moving to to item 10, pending the abandoning vehicle
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>> [gavel] good morning everyone and welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance sub-committee meeting for april 3, 2013. my name is mark farrell. i am the chair of this committee. i am joined by supervisor john avalos and will be joined by eric mar mar. i want to thank the members of sfgtv for today and the clerk of the committee mr. victor young. mr. clerk, do we have any announcements? >> yes. please silent all electronic devices. speaker cards and any documents should be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. they will appear on the board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you very much mr. clerk. can you please call item one. >> item one is amending the
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administrative code and establishing san francisco city hall preservation fund for proposing the 100th anniversary including outreach activities, preservation, repair and improvements and similar post anniversary endeavors. >> thank you very much. i introduced this and i know we have bill barns from the city administrator's office. >> bill barns from the city administrator office. i am joined by rob rider from the city manager and allen who runs our program. about a hundred years ago this friday construction began on the new city hall post the earthquake and that was completed in december 1915. to commemorate the activities we wanted to have programs and educational tours, lectures, that sort of thing in city hall so the public can learn about the building and second to raise more money
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somewhere within one and $3 million for capital needs in the building and energy efficiency in lighting and stabilizing the dome and that sort of thing and this would allow us to ask individuals and nonprofits and others to contribute to this effort. we would report on the board both on the sources who is donating and the recommendations of the uses and the fund would sunset again with a recommendation in 2016 so we have no objections to the budget analyst's recommendations and mr. ryder and ms. smiewmer are here if there are questions on the types activities we are will be engaged in. >> thank you very much. any questions? at this point we would like to go to the budget analyst report. >> mr. chairman, supervisor avalos as was indicated the
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city anticipating the fundraising will result about 1 million to $3 million for the city hall centennial and for the expenditure of any goods or cash above this and waves this requirement. we also note on page six of our report that the proposed ordinance does not include the reporting of the city hall expenditures. it requires the reporting of the contributions but not of the expenditures that the contributions would result in and finally there is no sunset date in establishing this special fund, so our recommendations are the bottom on page 16 that we recommend that you recommend the proposed ordinance to recommend board of supervisors approval by
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resolution and accept gifts exceeding $100,000 and we made that amount based on the fact that the board of supervisors and the expenditure -- acceptance of expenditure of grants is $100,000 so that's the basis of our $100,000. we also recommend that you include and require expenditure reporting in the february first annual report to the board of supervisors and we recommend that you include a sunset date of june 30, 2016 and our recommendation is to approve this legislation as amended. >> okay. thank you very much. any questions? okay. seeing none i would like to open it up for public comment. any members of the public that would like to comment on item one? okay. seeing none public comment is closed. again i want to thank mr. barns being here and the others as well and for the budget analyst report. i would like to make a motion to accept
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the amendments. we can do that without opposition and approve this ordinance as amended and we can do that without opposition. mr. clerk will you call item two. >> item two is authorization for the department of the environment to accept a grant in the amount of $6,500,000 from the california department of. >> >> >> and we have. >> >> >> beof the environment we are here to seek your approval of this resolution which would provide the department with $229,000 from the california department of resources in recycleel for the program and the primary objectives are to make easy and convenient free
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used motor oil recycling in san francisco and mostly for do it yourselfers and abandoned filters and used oil on the streets and work creatively with collection sites. i have my colleague here to talk about the outreach. it is a program that this department has done and i will ask cynthia to share about the outreach. >> good morning. the grant that we are considering today would primarily -- the funds would primarily focus on district 10 and recruiting certified used motor oil collection centers and increase recycling and grass
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root outreach to the do it yourselfers and those mechanics so we would like to recruit additional sites and have public events in district district 7, 10 and 11 and in those areas and we do plan to in fact a campaign to promote a decreased oil change frequency by busting the 3,000-mile myth through grass-roots outreach and we also want to work with motorcyclists on their changing and recycling and also on the waterfront we plan to focus on san francisco marina yacht harbor reaching out to the boaters through the program and the abandoned oil left at the waterfront and educate the voters on the famous free home collection. they have access to that program and we
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will continue to increase our partnerships with neighboring counties that also receive this grant and i am here to answer any questions if you have any. >> supervisor avalos. >> just one question that is about the 3,000-mile myth. could you elaborate please? i have an idea. >> well, the state who grants the funds does a lot of research and they are s have come up with a campaign. they don't call it the 3,000-mile myth and that might be offensive to grandfathers who taught you when and how to change the number but it's to educate the population you might not need to change your motor oil as often as you think so some don't necessarily read the owner's manual. some do but it will indicate the frequency of the oil change.
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primarily for autos manufactured after the year 2000. 5,000, 7,000, 10,000, and 15,000 miles and it's saves time and helps the environment. >> is there a list of places that is readily available where people can actually get their oil recycled. >> 33 centers in san francisco including three sites along the waterfront and permanent hazardous waste collection facility. the rest are retail sites partnerships. >> is there a list on the department of environment website? >> oh sure. >> okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> so we don't have a budget analyst report for item two. so i would like to open it up for
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public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. >> motion to approve. >> we have a motion and recommendation to send forward. we can do that without opposition. mr. clerk will you call item three. >> item three with the internal revenue code and tax-exempt obligation obligation by the state wide authority and not to exceed 6.5 million and finance facilities owned by the french american international school. >> thank you and we have someone from supervisor breed's office to present the item. >> hello. i am the legislative aid on supervisor breed and i am here to speak on her behalf for the tax-exempt obligation obligation for the french american international school. i don't think it's a secret here in san francisco there is a long history of long cultural
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partner between san francisco and france. paris is a sister city of ours and the school is emblem mattic of this change. they moved over from berkeley i believe in 1997 or 98, and since then located here on oak just steps away from city hall. they partnered with chinese american international school as well showing they have been an active community participant especially reaching out to other cultures and expressing deep roots and bringing diversity to san francisco. this new location is in the heart of district five and particular concern for us because it's a location over on pave street for a number of years now has been a blight on the neighborhood. the san francisco unified school district has granted the
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ownership of the building to french american international school and we believe this is an opportunity for french american international school to move forward with the community and continue to grow in san francisco. part of what we discuss on numerous occasions with french american international school is this blossoming partnership. this is part of their mou, their memorandum of understanding, which is calling for community use of the facility and access and affordability and traffic and calming measures in the neighborhood. first and foremost of importance to supervisor breed as community use for the facility. we hope to see this as a model based on the urban school close to this location. this will -- they have been a great success and a model and i know that the administrative staff over at french american has been speaking and working with the urban school to implement some
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of their same models so we really see this as a great boone for our district and also a chance to create a system more accessible to low income residents and students in the district five, so with that supervisor breed hopes for your approval of this resolution and the tax-exempt obligation ordinance of 6.5 million dollars. >> thank you very much. any questions? >> we have anthony from the department of public finance. >> good morning members of the committee. i the item before you for the tax code of the tax financing obligations for the school as supervisor breed's representative has described. our office held duly noticed hearing to receive
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public comment and none was received, and there is no fiscal impact to the city and the city is not a party to the transaction, so the item -- the resolution approves for purpose of the tax code the public hearing and the facilitation of the finances on that basis. >> okay. perfect. any other questions? i know that we have some people i believe from the french american school here. you're welcome to speak if you want. i don't think we have any questions per se but you're welcome to take the opportunity. >> thank you. my name is aaron lef veen and the chief officer at the french american school. i want to thank you for the resolution and we will make proves to a vacant and unused
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property and believe it will be improvements. >> i am here from the school and hoping that you support the resolution. >> thank you very much. seeing no further questions. we don't have a budget analyst report for item three either so at this time we will open it up for public comment. if there are members of the public that wish to comment please step forward. mr. paulson. >> thank you budget and finance. we shall my budget bill we are things that need school as well. i love you. i love your budget. we need you. i guess you know by now we will get to you some budget how. until that time we will be doing swell budget
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bell. i see when your budget when the coal wind blows and the sweet songs about the city dough. have you seen the budget? tell me have you seen it? have you seen the budget? tell me have you seen it? why oh why does the budget leave and go away? oh i have been used to having budget to lean on and we need some at this budget home at the city hall dome. you have seen the budget money? and we surely need it for the school now, and the budget needs it. >> thank you mr. paulson. anybody else wish to comment on item three? seeing none public comment is closed. can we have a motion to move this forward with recommendation. >> so moved. >> we can do so out opposition. mr. clerk will you please call item four. >> item four ordinance authorizing the payment of
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$250,000 to doe one for supplying information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator that murdered willie allen. >> okay. thank you. and we have our mayor's damage . >-- budget director. >> good afternoon. the item is for authorization to doe one for providing information leading to the prosecution ultimately guilty plea of the perpetrator of the murder of willie allen. in 2006 mr. allen was murdered. as of 2008 his murderer was still unknown. at that time in 2008 mayor newsom approved awards up to $250,000 for this case and along with additional 15 murder cases. the police department and the da both affirm that
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