tv [untitled] April 6, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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you will into the record what the motion is specifically. >> all right. let me find the notes. that's what i was looking for i think. so the motion will say that the live nation, america's cup concert serious can continue with 30 paid concerts down from original proposed 40, only 10 concerts will be large capacity, 7-9 thousand people. ending times sunday through thursday. concerts end at 10:30 and saturday and sunday at 11:30 recognized as a holiday in san francisco and again i don't even know if that will be an issue but in case it is they should have the guidelines we set for everybody else and allow to operate under weekend
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guidelines for those sundays that are followed by a holiday. and the entertainment commissioner will monitor the levels and we expect live nation to pursue all the sound admit combaegsz mitigation that we have heard today. is there anything else to clarify? the fines will remain as consistent with current entertainment commission policy. >> is there a second? >> i second. >> commissioner akers, perez, aye, lee aye, thank you. >> thank you for coming in, everybody. okay. i think --
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>> we are commissioners comments and questions? so on items -- >> i misplaced my agenda here somewhere. i would like to talk about the add hock committee that we created around the meaningful outreach becoming a mandatory part of the code and in deed at this time david campos's office is looking into. >> can we ask people to leave quietly. we are still in a meeting. >> david campos's office has
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graciously looked into adding the code. i think we should have one more meeting of the add hoc committee because we are going to make it a more specific type of outreach that we recommend and demand from our offices. i think we should have one more meeting to look and hone on that and hopefully david campos office will make it a meaningful part of the code. >> when is it? >> we haven't decided yet. it's a 7 day notice. >> one comment i have when we get correspondence that you have to respond within a certain date. no biggy. any other issues? >> i just want to welcome cammy
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blackstone to our commission. we are very happy and lucky to have you with your expertise and background and we look forward to working with you. >> thank you. >> okay, item 7 commissioners request for future items. any requests seeing none. this will conclude the tuesday april 2nd meeting of the san francisco county entertainment commission. thank you one and all. >> >> >> >> >> >>
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today we are going to talk about fire safety. we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. it's a wonderful display. a little house in the urban center exhibition center that shows what it's like in a home in san francisco after an earthquake. one of the major issues that we are going to face after earthquakes are fire hazard. we are happy to have the fire marshall join us today. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> we talk about the san francisco earthquake that was a
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fire that mostly devastated the city. how do we avoid that kind of problem. how can we reduce fire hazard? >> the construction was a lot different. we don't expect what we had then. we want to make sure with the gas heaters that the gas is shut off. >> if you shut it off you are going to have no hot water or heat. be careful not to shut it off unless you smell gas. >> absolutely because once you do shut it off you should have the utility company come in and turn it back on. here is a mock up of a gas hear the on a house. where would we find the gas meter? >> it should be in your garage. everyone should be familiar
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with where the gas meter is. >> one of the tools is a wrench, a crescent wrench. >> yes. the crescent wrench is good and this is a perfect example of how to have it so you can loosen it up and use it when you need it. >> okay. let's go inside to talk about fire safety. many of the issues here relate to fire, for example, we have a little smoke detector and i see you brought one here, a carbon monoxide smoke detector. >> this is a combination of smoke and carbon monoxide detector. they are required in single homes now and in apartment buildings. if gas
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appliance is not burning properly this will alert you before the fumes buildup and will affect you negatively. >> this is a battery powered? >> this is a battery powered and it has a 10 year battery life. a lot of times you may have one or the other. if you put in just a carbon monoxide detector, it's important to have one of these too. every house should have a fire extinguisher, yes. >> one thing people expect to do when the power goes out after an earthquake about using candles. what would you recommend? >> if you have a battery operated candle would be better to use. this kind of a candle,
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you wouldn't want it in an area where it can cause a fire or aftershock that it doesn't rollover. you definitely want to have this in a non-combustible surface. >> now, here we have our stove. after a significant earthquake we expect that we may have gas disrupted and so without gas in your home, how are you going to cook? >> well, i wouldn't recommend cooking inside of the house. you have to go outside and use a portable stove or something else. >> so it wouldn't be safe to use your fireplace to cook?
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>> not at first. you should check it by a professional first. >> outside should be a safe place to cook as long as you stay away from buildings and doors and windows. >> yes. that will be fine. >> here we have some alternative cooking areas. >> you can barbecue and if you have a regular propane bark could barbecue. >> thank you for joining us. and thanks for this terrific space that you have in this exhibition space and thanks for helping san francisco stay safe.
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good morning and welcome to the transportation authority. my name is avalos. joined to my left by commissioner cohen and scott wiener and we'll be joined shortly by other commissioners. david campos. clerk of the committee is erica chang. i want to thank s fgtv staff for broadcasting. are there any announcements? >> there are no announcements.
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any comments or questions? we can go to public comment. public comment is now open and we can close public comment. colleagues. a motion from the commissioner cohen and commissioner wiener. we'll take that without objection. let's go to next item >> executive director this is an information item. >> great. >> fong, as the clerk says this is an update from the director recruitment. we have today from the hawkins team and they will report what they will be doing in the last two weeks. they are meeting with stake holders and the board of supervisors and scheduled to meet with various
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county san francisco agencies. i would like to bring them up to walk you through their attachments. we have unattachment on page 9 is the schedule which you have seen before at the last meetings. we are at no. 1 where they will be presenting their draft memo and summarized input from stake holders interviews. as you know this schedule is a tentative schedule and up for review along the process. we have a draft recruitment profile as well. before you, you also have a copy of a few items that the hawkins team will be presenting in the next few minutes. with that i would like to bring up bill hawkins. >> thank you. good morning, commissioners. thank you for this opportunity to bring this
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bill before you. i have the president of the hawkins company and i just wanted to first give a lot of credit to staff. they have been extremely helpful in terms of providing us with the information that we need in a timely fashion and kind of walking us through the maze of the city so we understand the city of san francisco. i just want to acknowledge them before you this morning. today we would like to get into the the nuts and boeldz -- bolts of this process. we have been actively engaged and meeting with various stake holders. we have met with all the members of the personnel committee of the
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commission and david chiu on the commission and jane kim and with the senior staff of the authority. we've also, today and tomorrow and latter part of this week have 5 other people that we'll be meeting with you on the list and from the puc, maria, from the transbay joint powers authority along with monique miles -- we have still a few people to meet with and they include gill yan jill et. she's on vacation and we'll meet with her next week and we might want to talk to the mayor's chief of staff and as well as david chiu's aid who is
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a specialist in transportation issues and the director of public works and mta commission executive director. if there is others that we need to be as to this issue, please provide us with the information and we'll be glad to add to this portion. >> the director and perhaps douglas might be, if you can't get the director, douglas might know a good deal of the relationship with the transportation authority. douglas legg. >> okay. today we would like to show you the input presently
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focusing on position. >> thank you. we are joined by commissioner campos at this time too. >> good morning, commissioners, it's nice to see you all this morning. so we are going to talk about the core leadership competency that we were able to develop with the conversations with the commissioners. it's on this powerpoint presentation and in this document that you all have. so, the core competency is something we are going to be evaluating all the candidates so once we go out to recruit we are looking for candidates who have a combination of all the different things that include a technical leader and passionate leader and i will talk about what those things entail. in addition to targeting candidates that
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encompasses these, we are going to uncover how they have met these experiences. the first i want to talk about is the technical leader. it's very clear they need technical director in transportation and planning, someone who is smart, thoughtful, an alytical. planning and financing and experience in securing funding for special projects and need to be experience nd getting federal and state funding and understanding those regulations and they need to review planning and global perspective. it needs to be a
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big picture thinker and not someone who has tunnel vision. they have to have some technical credibility. as a technical leader those are what we are looking for in the candidates and evaluating them against. the next thing is an external leader. what we mean is also very clear and we've heard this that the person needs to have a lot of attention focused out into the community, out into the transportation community, out dealing with federal and state and regional partners. elected officials, legislators, and to advance the project and also need to be focused on dealing with the community groups. they have to the a proven regional team player and political and know and be politically savvy and know how to deal with the politics of san francisco and active participant outside of san
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francisco. so in addition to having meetings here and attended meetings locally, they need to be able to go out into san mateo county and east bay and have a presence outside of san francisco and be able to engage with the committee agency by the transportation authority in order to move the project forward and collaborate and inclusive in the decision making and they also need to inaccurate to and respond to a variety of different stake holders and they need to have great working relationships with partners on all levels city, region, state and commanding respect throughout all levels of the transportation community and they need to be really involved in transportation. the next core competency is a passionate leader. it's someone who is passionate and also has some
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compassion. they have to be a visionary and strategist and needs to be an innovator and think outside of the box and have to have a passion for what they do and they need to listen work well with others and be able to connect with all segments of the community and values and champions of social justice and equity of all aspects of t a's business and operations. what we mean by that is we understand there are some disparities that need to be addressed when it comes to transportation and san francisco. this person needs to value and acknowledge that and at least begin to do some work in addressed it and we like to also look add candidates who have had some experiences. i'm sure there are challenges everywhere but at least having an understanding of this and in
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addition to that as far as contracting with the mta, we understand there is a need to include more diverse contractors and subcontracting in the business and operation of the ta. so that's what we mean by social justice and equity and really addressing the disparities of doing business with the city and addressed the the needs of the community in san francisco. they also have to have a track record of promoting social equity and we'll be looking at that as we are evaluating competency. the people leader, they have to be people sensitive. they have to have interest relationship skills and be relationship oriented. we understand that there are
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succession planning and they have to have mentoring and they have to manage in a collaborative and inclusive manner. this person needs to be able to empower people, motivate them, they need to have people follow them so they truly truly definitely need to be a leader. they need to be able to rely on the professional and technical expertise on the staff. we understand it's a very extremely competent staff and they want to be relied on before their own professional expertise and they need to be able to lead this savvy team. they need to be confident, courageous and inspirational leader and be able to make decisions and focus on consensus building. they need to be a people sensitive leader and all these core competency
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focus on leadership. these people need to be a strong leader to lead the ta next level of growth and development. anyone have any questions about the core competency that we are going to be looking at? >> thank you. actually, i just noticed that it is leadership skills and be able to look at interacting with different levels of community and government internally within the corporation. i think these are important skills to have. thank you. >> thank you. we've been already engaged and doing preliminary research relative to potential candidates that we want to focus on and daphney has had
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some conversations, good morning, daphney has had some conversations with the leaders and she'll come up and give you a brief synopsis of what we are starting to see in that particular regard. >> good morning, commissioners. thank you for having us back. >> good morning. >> daphney, le belong. we have started to informally talk with number of people. the ideal candidates for this position is in my mind somebody who is doing this well someplace else and we want to encourage them to come here and do that. there are a number of people locally as well as throughout the country that have the same skills that you are looking for in the core competency that have been noted to you. we are
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looking at talking with leaders in the field, getting their recommendations, finding out exactly what they might recommend or where they might recommend we look as well as places that we've already identified. i have been talking with some individuals with the institute with private planning organizations, transit agencies and such already. and i have started to compile a list of folks that i will circle back to and talk to more specifically about the opportunity as we move along. >> i think we have a question from commissioner campos. >> thank you, i appreciate that and thanks for taking the time to meet with me. i do want to say something about you said that i don't think i agree with. i hope there is a modified approach. i don't
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necessarily think the ideal candidate is someone who is doing this somewhere else and doing it well. that excludes internal candidates. i have been very clear from the beginning of this process, that i don't want this process to be simply about finding the best qualified outside candidate. i want to find the best qualified candidate period. but your statement doesn't really include or allow for internal candidates so i do take issue with that because i don't think that's necessarily where i want to go. i think if the best candidate is an outside candidate, then that's the person we hire. but i hope that is not the approach you are take. >> the approach is an inclusive approach and will include internal candidates as well. >> that's not what you said. you said the ideal candidates
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is someone who is doing this well somewhere else. they could be doing something well here. >> that's true and i apologize for that. >> thank you. >> i will pull that back and because i want it to be known that it's not just a cursory. it's not just cursory that we are considering in looking at internal candidates. they are as viable. >> absolutely, we have to be careful what message we send to staff that might be interested in applying. i think you should have an exhaustive as much but not excluded people at the agency here as well. >> very well. >> thank you. >> any questions? >> were you finished with the presentation? >> i was pretty much there. i just wanted to -- since
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commissioner campos had a concern i wanted to make sure if there was anything else we can get clear. >> commissioner? >> yeah. from everything i have heard it's clear to me that internal candidates are going to be considered and it going to be an exhaustive internal and external search. i interpreted that by simply saying that the net is going to be cast very wide and we won't do a cursory locally and internal to the agency we are not going to do a cursory search for around the country because there are some amazing transit leaders of the bay area who could be very strong candidates. i think with that clarification, that's been my sense all along. >> okay. well, i will finish up by saying is that we understand
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