tv [untitled] April 7, 2013 7:00am-7:30am PDT
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scout model. especially where latinos are concerned at our at risk kids. yet mr. gomez unfortunately has experienced not once but twice very disturbing incidents with individuals that are part of this department. i think you need to know this because it concerns me we have the start of what would be referred to as the oakland rider in san francisco. he was leaving his father's home at 23rd and cap and drove down on 21st and cap and came to a stop and noticed an unmarked police car. as he was entering san carlos he noticed the unmarked police car behind him and tried to pull over thinks -- thinking they
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were on their way to an emergency. he pulled over and they were yelling and screaming and very disrespectful manner, 3 white males got out and were very disrespectful asking for identification. never telling him. he couldn't figure out what did i do? they said you pulled over. he said i was just following your orders. you asked me to do so and i stopped. when he asked for their investigation they refused to give it to him. at this time his wife came out of the place where she worked. he tried not to create a traffic impediment. the officers continued to treat miss gomez in the state disrespectful
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manner. when he asked for identification they told him to shut up. his wife was a little fearful because of the aggressive intimidating manner in which they were operating. for those of us who believe that lightning does not strike twice in the same place. he had another incident on march 8th where he was sitting on his father's doorstep, again, some officers in an unmarked vehicle came by, pointed to him to come down and they asked him what he was doing there and who were these individuals. please, commissioners, if this individual has committed a crime, if he's a criminal in our community, please arrest him tonight. let's sentence him and try him and sentence them ,
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but if he hasn't done anything and again a contributing member of our society, please have these individuals. what angers me most is that i know this chief. this is a great police chief, the greatest this city has ever had. he worked hard in the black and brown community to build trust and it only takes a few minutes for a couple officers that don't understand what it is in the communities of color to have these individuals come down and in a threatening and intimidating manner. please beware because we don't want the oakland riders here in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. hello. members of the audience and police commissioners, good evening. my name is emmial. i have been here for 44 years. i got out of
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the air force. i have never lived in the mission district but put it that way, when i was going through a divorce. as a taxi driver i drove through the mission district and was told by the passengers that this was the only school that you had to learn spanish before you can learn english. i never really learned spanish, i learned spanglish. but coming back to the mission district is that i have looked over some of the crime data and one of the items that by his team of officers is putting people back to work, partially responsible for people that did the same thing in the bay view putting guys to work at night keeping them off the street. i have one we do bring up to the police commission and they don't to
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have answer it now. they can answer it later, we have an increase of aggravated assaults and robberies in the mission district which is a shocking number of at least arrest for aggravated assaults but the number is down. i look at that as maybe part of the economic climate or 2 is that some of the same guys that are in and out of jail are causing them. but it's really not clear. i would like to get a better understanding of what that is because i look at the crime in the mission district is probably two magnets for the crime and the city of san francisco. i live down in the marina where the relative crime rate is low. it's pretty much bay view and the mission district for all crimes where people just assault you because
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they don't like the way you look. i see statistics from the reports here from the captain of the station that it's not clear whether the arrest are up based on previous assaults or the assaults of aggravated assaults are down based on previous arrest. it's kind of a mixed bag. i will leave it at that and maybe get an answer as to what those 2 figures mean. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> good evening. i own cliff variety store on castro street started by my grand father 77 years ago. representing merchants in the castro area. i would like to thank you all for participating in the district.
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captain is at every single one of our meetings. they are active and responsive to our questions and invaluable resource. i wanted to thank them. >> next speaker. >> good evening. i'm george rome. one of the owners of the tavern. first i would like to thank the mission, police department for the added surveillance of the during warner plaza it had become quite a problem out there. we have to look at it everyday and see the crime and the people that are just destroying the area. so we hope that it continues. we had a surveillance and that is all i
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have to say. >> thank you very much. good evening commissioners. my name is steve adams. i live in the district and management director of the trust and branches within the mission station area and with the upper market castro. i want to thank police chief, because he did 2 things that made a big difference in this neighborhood. he brought chuck into this neighborhood and changed the way community policing is done, not only in this district but all throughout the city and i have to thank you for that because that made the big difference in the castro, knowey valley, you go in this district they call about the community policing and i know craig brought that
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when he came. bob is a tireless tireless tireless captain. he's at every meeting and everywhere i go in the mission and i'm all over this district. the man is there. i wonder if he even goes home. i want to thank you all and really commend the work that our captain moezer has done and especially chuck with all the events and those of you with lgbt community. chuck really keeps it together. with carnival and so i just want to say thank you captain, sir, police chief sir for everything you have done for us. thank you. >> hello good evening. my name is robert ortega. i want to say thank you for your presence here tonight. i always wanted
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to make very clear that i want to point out a few individuals that have made a mark in my life. i have been here 15 years in the county of san francisco and one of the dear people that i have met coming out of mission station has been chuck linberg. he's been a great role model not only for our community but a great impact at the san francisco police department and great confidence as a member, as a person coming to this st e that didn't know much about policing in this community, this city has bridged that gap. i want to say thank you for coming to the mission and i hope you hear my comments. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> phillip -- third generation
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mission merchants. kind of reluctant to throw accolades to the captain, because when we do that they become chief of another police department. it's one of the finest you have in the force. thank you so much. i'm going to give you a different story. usually merchants come to the place and say we are going to have an event and we need protection of our customers. this gentleman just got us an unbelievable marketing opportunity. act came to captain that said they wanted to mount a performance in the armory called black watch from may 9-june 9, 28 performances. expecting about
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30,000 people. i just saw the marketing director. we went to the chapel, used to be the mortuary, 77 valencia street. now it's a theatrical venue. he signed a contract to have all the donors come for an opening evening. we plan to have 20 restaurants of the mission to participate in a theatrical dinner event. we hope to see the entire commission there. many evenings. we are extremely thankful of the captain, his staff, sergeant keith who is always at our citizen advisory meetings, our merchants meetings. we couldn't ask for a better police force. thank you so much.
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>> good evening mr. president and commissioners, guest. my name is anna, i have been in san francisco almost 36 years. of that time i have lived primarily in the castro area and have seen the relationship between the castro and police department sometimes not at it's best. but, in this day and age, we are very fortunate because we have a captain who is all over the community. sometimes i wonder if there is more than one of him. i know there is more than one sergeant chuck linberg, there has to be because not one person can be
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at as many events. he cares about the community, he will be anywhere where anyone thinks that maybe there might be a problem. he'll be there to help out even though he may not be on duty, but because he feels a sense of duty. so i want to thank everybody for their assistance and i'm personally i'm someone who -- i don't move very quickly, i can't run for it. but, having captain mowser and his officers at mission statement makes me feel better. thank you. >> good evening. my name is mark glik. i'm a small business owner, a resident of san francisco for the last 8 years. a regional facilities manager for a retail company and i'm a veteran. i'm coming here
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tonight because i'm concerned about my neighborhood. i live at 14th and geror. i have seen 2 drive by shootings, one was 2 weeks ago and one week ago. i called the police several times and was able to give a partial license plate number. in the 8 years i have lived there, there has been a couple gunshots i have heard but it seems it's a lot more common and makes me concerned about walking around the neighborhood at night. this was during the day, sunday around 4:00 and saturday around 2:00. it's very concerning to
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me that there is that level of violence so close. one, stray bullet went through the lobby of my building and i'm on the second floor so it's right below my apartment. so, there used to be foot patrols there several years ago. i haven't seen any in that particular area of mission for quite some time. i just want to voice my concern. i like the neighborhood. i'm a little concerned about continue to go live in in that neighborhood. >> was that 4:00 and 2:00 in the morning? >> no. it's in the day, in the afternoon. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> president, commissioners and
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chief sir and captain moezer. welcome to the neighborhood and thank you for the outreach especially in my neighborhood which is the castro. i'm richard nagary. i'm with the castro upper marketing community benefit district, the castro community meeting room and with another halfen my own residential area i'm with the park station police community advisory boards and representative of the citywide cpath that meets once a month with that background i have a good understanding of the limited staff and financial resources that the department has to work with and you have to provide guidance under. so i'm all the more complimentary of the work that captain moezer
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especially, sergeant linberg and from other mission statements do. you heard specific examples of the type of close community interaction of attended meetings and working very closely in advance of major events. very close coordination as everybody in the community works together to try and address the increasing issues and problems with quality of life so that our sidewalks and other public spaces in the castro can be enjoyed and accessible on a legal and lawful basis by everybody. no matter what they look like, but that their behavior needs legal and respectful. all examples excellent examples in my opinion of the great community policing approach that we are fortunate to have here in this mission district and mission stations district. we appreciate it. there is
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continuing challenges and we look forward to working with captain mowser and his team on this. thank you. >> hi there, good evening. my name is daniel, i'm a small business owner in castro street. i also serve as the vice-president of the castro area. i have had the pleasure of speaking with the captain, there is a body double because he is everywhere at the same time. i would like to speak about chuck linberg. business owners and residents can count on him to be on-the-job. he is handling situations from pink saturday, castro street fair,
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halloween, occupied protest and election night celebrations. i have witnessed sergeant linberg work tirelessly on the quality of life issues and helping keep spaces open for law abiding citizens. my personal interaction with the sergeant, he is polite, professional, friendly, happy to answer questions, address concerns. to me chuck is the face of san francisco police department and i think we can all be very proud of that. thank you. >> good evening commissioners. thank you for coming out to the mission. my name is andrea a yawl a. for the community benefit district a local assessment district funded by the property owners and the district area about 270, we are
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also fund you -- through donations and grants and although we do collaborate off and on projects. i'm here today to thank captain moezer for his leadership and his commitment to community policing. under captain moezer's leadership the castro has had the same team for a time. they know the residents, the homeless and urban campers and trouble makers, they are conscientious, compassionate, approachable, yet firm. it not unusual to see captain moezer in the castro. he's always here when there are serious issues and concerns. over the past year under his
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leadership, sergeant linberg, nothing has escalated, halloween has successfully being transition today a neighborhood event t recent world homeless action day occupation past fall was deescalate quickly and respectfully by police and more recently mission district has dealt with the quality of life. the response has been effective, arrest have been made and the plaza is once enjoyable for all. i would like to take a special moment to acknowledge and thank sergeant linberg. over the years sergeant listening berg has been a positive force. he's working with a variety of groups and nightlife issues and crime. he's skilled as an
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events coordinator, he organizes every year these events and they are lucky to have him as his staff. thank you for your time that you spend for the city of san francisco. thanks. >> thank you very much. good evening, my name is kathy, i'm the owner of the walking tours of the castro area and member of the merchants of upper marketing castro. i have to commend captain mowser and sergeant chuck as well as great officers in the mission statement in particular officer indicate joshua for their excellent contribution for our community which they have served with dignity and respect. they also uphold
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safety as one of the main priorities in our community and they are excellent examples of how a police department can work with a communities. we have a very unique community to castro and i can't commend them enough for the leadership as well as the interaction, the engaging with the local community members and listening as well as providing solutions that benefit the community as a whole. so i think you heard it from so many people, we are very bless withdraw -- with having such teamwork and this is quite admirable. i hope the rest of the san francisco police department really uses them as an example for really establishing a wonderful safer community and support. you have our support. thank you.
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>> i would like to say hi to everybody. my name is debra david son. i find it very interesting and nice to meet you all. i would like to say that police chief is the best i have seen in san francisco yet. i would like to say captain moezer is the best captain i have seen in san francisco and all the police are the best in the mission and i would also like to recommend to you to approve tasers for the police. they definitely need it in san francisco to protect themselves. and thank you very much. >> thank you. >> any further public comments before the commissioners have questions. hearing none, public comment is closed. >> okay, where is chuck
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linberg. how many days a week does chuck work, chief? so, sergeant linberg you have been a great police officers for many years. you are a throw back to the old cops who belong in their neighborhood and stay in their neighborhood. this is efs tonight that you are doing your job. he's raised his hand back there. everybody knows chuck. i have a quick question for the captain with reference to 16th and mission. those statistics are incredible. what are we doing with that site. i know when i was in operation, there was always something going on. is there a point where you have to have a permanent 6 post officer there. you mentioned you do work with
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bart. are these people coming off the trains that are causing this problem. what's going on because it seems to be toxic? >> we have people that come off bart and people that live in the area in some of the hotels surrounding the plaza and other people that come in from other parts of the city. we have a lot of as i mentioned challenges from narcotics use to assaults that we see that to quality of life issues. really what we've worked on is that high profile enforcement with our beats down there but we saw the to be a little bit more creative in terms of our personnel in partnering with bart p d when we go out and using them as a force multiplier so to speak also with probation and parole to
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really maximize those enforcement efforts in conjunction with the bus and working on the quality of life issues. the smaller things, the broken windows area if you will. the other things we work with some of the local merchants and work with some solutions to some of the problems out there to see how we can effectively make a difference in that area and i have also worked with san francisco safe to try to organize neighborhood groups on the outlying areas around there to get kind of a multifaceted approach to it. >> sounds like a challenge. >> commissioners? >> i have got a couple questions. captain as i mentioned to you before we met
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today the presentation was really superb and thank you very much for it. >> thank you. >> what's with tuesday? >> you know, we are -- i was asking my staff that today. it is a very busy time. but what's good about having those statistics is that it really again let's us to be creative with our deployment of resources and our enforcement and we look at those days, times, locations to get the biggest bang for your buck so to speak. i'm still trying to figure out why tuesday. when i do, i will let you know. >> it's very gratifying to see how the unfortunate trend from 2011-2012 in terms of crime going up and
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