tv [untitled] April 9, 2013 10:30am-11:00am PDT
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potential increased auto restrictions, even though we are keeping ada vehicles need to be working with taxis etc.. we are trying to do active street light stones and how do we enliven the streets and better to be around? >> and also better transition and service changes this is what is important to the folks in the neighborhoods how do we get the buses running quicker or more aoe efficiently and how do i get home at time. >> additionally they need up grades and doing landscaping and street trees and four of the vehicle lanes and do increased lighting up grades and intersection and traffic signal improvements. first option, we are calling the market street shared lane, it is similar to the configuration that exists on market street today. however we will be improving the conditions, the intersections, the paintings,
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the stripings, the lighting, everything would be better and more modern, more improved. as if, you know, obviously some pros and cons to all of these, one of the cons is that it does not provide a separate bicycle facility, however it does provide a lot of space for the street lights zones and one of the things that we really need to keep in mind is how do we make market street more active? how do we give folks something to do while they are standing and waiting for the buses? >> the second option we are calling the market street bike way. and this particular option we would have a cycle track, a divided track and the design is still to be decided. and we would have buses, and everything back and forth. part of the cons to this is that even though there is a cycle track, there is no continuous bicycle facility. when we get to some of the pinch points at the bike portals and some of the larger
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islands we will need to vere off into a shared lane of traffic. it also limits the size of the street light zones and we would need to move back the curbs, and make lessen some of the work and it would also involve a lot more money in terms of a lot more permanent changes to the street. but there is definitely pros to this as well. having the bicyclists separate, would make it easier if you are on the one of the challenges is that over 250,000 people, use market street every day. on top of that, over a third of the muni lines are on market street. it is hard to do something when
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you have so much going on. and the idea is to figure out, how do we make it best for all modes of traffic, not just, you know, better for some and not so great for others? and so in order to be looking at that, we started thinking about mission street. and that is why we are here today, because we thought that it was within, that we needed to at least address what would it be like if we looked at mission street as part of the over all project? what about mission street? how are you combining the different streets? the city. it currently has the buses on mission street are too large for the lanes and are constantly cutting in front of the traffic. they are also very perpendicular streets and it is flat and etc.. and so when we started looking at the existing conditions, we figured maybe we should do
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another option. and we are calling that option the market street transit corridor and mission street bike way and as you have heard, what this would involve, is moving the 14 and the 14 l buses from mission, on to market so that market becomes the transportation corridor for the city. and on mission street, we would put a dedicated cycle lane, a dedicated cycle track there. we could have it similar to where we can time the lights we are not able to do that on market, but on mission they are perpendicular and you can time it for cyclists. another part of this is that we can allow the left turn lanes for cars. i don't know about you but i have been struck on mission street in a car and not able to
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get off because you can never go left. this you may be allowing, that and it would also allow more for the bicyclists and cars to be able to go to the market and the northern area of downtown. i want to reiterate that the better market street is more than just transportation and it is also about street lights and all about enlifening the space and leaving unique identity to the plaza and to the market street. this is the current time line. as i mentioned earlier, we are not ignoring what needs to be done today. we are doing very clear from you as well as from the public
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that there needs to be immediate changes, but we are also looking to what we can do to the investing in the future. and all three options are now on the table. in july, we will be holding public workshops where these concepts will be easier to understand and where it will be a design of what a bike cycle track would like like and what a street scape would be and so we encourage you to be involved in that. and we are also continuing to do out reach, and we bicycled with the bike coalition last week, went down mission, down market. and to look at the pros and cons, of the bicycle conditions on both of those streets and i encourage you to do the same. >> today, as miss cheng mentioned, we are asking for a contract amendment for up to $395,000 for consultants to add the mission street option.
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the mission street would be doing both the existing conditions, research, which we did for market street but we need to do it for mission, plus additional studies and not just mission or not just market but how do you connect the two streets? how do you get the bicyclists from different parts of the city downtown most efficiently? what kinds of car restrictions can we do without impacting the hotels and the other businesses? where do people go when they get on those buses? which ones should we move and which ones should we consolidate. so, i appreciate your time and your interest in our project. thank you. >> colleagues i was wondering if anyone has any questions. you have exhausted them. is there any members of the public that would like to comment on this? >> are you sure? >> okay. seeing none, public comment is
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closed. and let's see, this is there an action for this item? >> commissioner? >> as i said before i think that the action that i would feel comfortable is moving this out without recommendation and just to understand the timing of when this might get to the full ta is end of this month, is that right? >> the next ta meeting. >> march 26th. >> march 26th, and would that be enough time to receive some of the information that we have requested? >> okay. >> i am seeing, yes. >> that would be great. >> who is the project lead on this? is it dpw. >> peg design is not the project manager and not well today. >> she is the interim project manager? >> yes. for dpw. >> i think that one of the challenges that we are aware of again because there are so many departments and consultant teams understanding who is really is driving this and being able to force decisions as something that we have all been asking questions about and i am not sure if there has been
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a good resolution about it and i hope that there has and something that we are all monitoring. >> right. >> thank you >> so i will make a motion to move this out without recommendation. >> is there a second? >> second by commissioner farrell? without objection? >> all right. >> so moved, madam, could you please call item five? >> recommending authorization of the executive director to execute the cooperation agreement with the construction services and the right-of-way certification with the california department of transportation and the united states coast guard license agreement associated with the utility agreement and all other related documents for the reset of federal and state funds for the yerba buena iceland ramps improvement projects >> i am the project manager, for the project and i have a short presentation to give you to give you a history and make sure that you understand the improvements and get into a discussion on the item in front
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of you. >> we will go through the existing conditions and a little bit of the overview and status and schedule and staff recommendation. >> let's talk about the existing conditions, if you have been out there, you will know that they are not very good, the existing on-ramp on the left side there, is very short. and acceleration distance short and the west found off-ramp is on the left side which is not standard and so there are definitely geometric and operational deficiencies that exist. the good news is that we are going to reconstruct both the westbound on and off-ramp, the westbound off-ramp is colored in blue and it will be on the right side and is standard and will be standard lengths and the on-ramp is colored in orange there and it will be an loop on-ramp and you will have better acceleration distance before the tunnel in order to merge on to the highway. a couple of critical component and one is the historic properties referred to as ten and 257 and they will be
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relocated to the intersection of mucula road and treasure island road and one other important point is that this project is separate and independent from the san francisco bay bridge project but as you know we will tie into the bay bridge and we are coordinated and have been working for the last five years in terms of approvals. >> let's go back and revisit the approvals we received the decision in november of 2011 and this board took a certification action in december 2011. we are finalizing the plans and specs for the project and the item in front of you is to discuss further and we are ready to execute the certifications for the construction funding phase, let's discuss the agreements quickly, the u.s. coast guard license that gives us the right to build a temporary road in which the coast guard is requiring to continue to have 24-hour access to and from the island. there are 6 different utility
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agreements we are executing four with the navy and one with at&t and one with comcast and refers to the specific responsibilities of the parties and confirms that we are allowed to relocate those utilities. and the next agreement is the cooperative agreement, very important, it outlines the responsibilities between the transportation authority and cal trans. the transportation authority will advertise award and administer this contract during construction, the next agree is the cal transcertification which confirms all of the necessary rights to enter and to construct physically on the island are in place. >> good news here is that the construction phase is 100 percent funded with federal and state highway funds to the tune of $77.5 million. and also, tita under who an
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existing moa is reimbursing for any costs that are not covered by the federal and state funds, they have been the primary match during the phase during the prelim engineering and design and once it blew into construction and right away it turns over to the federal and state for 100 percent reimbursementbility and once again, we will administer this contract and we being the transportation authority. so, let's just look at this schedule, psand e, certification, being plan specs and estimates and right-of-way, that is the time frame right here in march where we are seeking construction approval this month in the last week of march to meet the funding deadline and we will be back in the may time frame to execute tida memo of agreement for the right-of-way construction phases and also to provide a recommendation for construction
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management consultant to serve as the construction management. >> and our intent is to advertise the construction this sum ner in 2013, and will award in late 2013 and to start construction by early 2014. construction will take approximately two-plus years. so, if we are on the schedule which we will be, it will be to open new ramps to and from the island on say mid 2016. >> so, the staff recommendation is to authority the executive director to execute the cal transconstruction cooperative agreement, and the right-of-way certification and the u.s. coast guard license agreement and all agreements with the u.s. navy and at&t and comcast and funding docs for the federal and state requirements. >> that concludes my presentation. >> great. thank you very much. >> colleagues, do you have any questions for mr. cordova?
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>> okay. seeing none, are there any members of the public that like to speak on this item? >> all right. seeing that there is no public comment, public comment is closed. is there a motion to approve item five? >> all right, motion lead by commissioner chiu and seconded by farrell, without objection? >> this item goes forward. and all right, madam clerk. >> 6. >> introduction of new items this is an information item. >> colleagues, is there any news? >> no news, i guess that is a good thing. >> all right. is there any members of the public that would like to speak on thit em. >> seeing none public comment is closed. >> madam clerk, could you call item seven? >> public comment. >> public comment. public comment is closed. thank you, madam clerk. >> public comment is closed. are there any other items? >> item number 8. adjournment. >> thank you very much. this meeting is adjourned.
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>> i have 2 job titles. i'm manager of the tour program as well as i am the historyian of city hall. this building is multifaceted to say the very least it's a municipal building that operates the city and county of san francisco. this building was a dream that became a reality of a man by the name of james junior elected mayor of san francisco in 1912. he didn't have a city hall
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because it was destroyed in the earth wake of 1906. construction began in april of 1913. in december 1915, the building was complete. it opened it's doors in january 1916. >> it's a wonderful experience to come to a building built like this. the building is built as a palace. not for a king or queen. it's built for all people. this building is beautiful art. those are architecture at the time when city hall was built, san francisco had an enormous french population. therefore building a palace in the art tradition is not unusual.
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>> jimmie was an incredible individual he knew that san francisco had to regain it's place in the world. he decided to have the tallest dome built in the united states. it's now stands 307feet 6 inches from the ground 40 feet taller than the united states capital. >> you could spend days going around the building and finding something new. the embellishment, the carvings, it represents commerce, navigation, all of the things that san francisco is famous for. >> the wood you see in the board of supervisor's chambers
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is oak and all hand carved on site. interesting thing about the oak is there isn't anymore in the entire world. the floors in china was cleard and never replanted. if you look up at the seceiling you would believe that's hand kof carved out of wood and it is a cast plaster sealing and the only spanish design in an arts building. there are no records about how many people worked on this building. the workman who worked on this building did not all speak the same language. and what happened was the person
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working next to the other person respected a skill a skill that was so wonderful that we have this masterpiece to show the world today. hey, guys. i'm w weekly buzz. have no fear because i'm here to break down the top places to be this week. this tuesday come to the french film and wide conversation class to help non-french speakers to discover french cinema. san francisco is offering weekly class. the class will take place in the theatre with refreshments and popcorn for a $5 donation at the door. the carnival maybe more up your alley. the annual
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fundraiser for mckinley elementary school. watch dogs compete for best tricks at the biggest dog event in san francisco. don't miss this from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.. this sunday april 14th, the block party is on in full effect when this neighborhood celebrates in street parties so pedestrians and roller skaters can take over. valencia street is a place for people to party. c'mon in and join us. that's the weekend fun. for more information click >> this lodge is home to some of
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the best fly casting pools in the world. these shallow concrete pools don't have fish. this is just a place where people come to practice their fly casting technique. ith was built in the 1930's and ever since, people have been coming here to get back to nature. every year, the world championship of fly casting is held in san francisco and visitors from all over the globe travel to be here. >> we are here with phil, general manage of san francisco rec and parks department at the anglers lodge. what do you think about this? >> it is spectacular, travis from oregon, taught me a snake roll and a space cast. >> there are people from all over the world come to san francisco and say this is the
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place to be. >> yeah. it's amazing, we have teams from all over the world here today and they are thrilled. >> i flew from ireland to be here. and been practicing since for the competition. all the best casters in the world come here. my fellow countryman came in first place and james is on the current team and he is the head man. >> it's unique. will not see anything like it where you go to compete in the world. competitions in ireland, scotland, norway, japan, russia each year, the facilities here in the park are second to none. there is no complex in the world that can touch it. >> i'm here with bob, and he has kindly agreed to tell me everything i need to know about casting. i'm going to suit up and next,
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we're in the water. >> what any gentleman should do. golden gate angling has free lessons the second saturday of every month. we have equipment show up on the 9:30 on the second saturday of every month and we'll teach them to fly cast. >> ok. we are in the water. >> let me acquaint you with the fly rod. >> nice to meet you. >> this is the lower grip and the upper grip. this is a reel and a fly line. we are going to use the flex of this rod to fling away. exactly as you moved your hands. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> i'm a natural. >> push both arms forward and snap the lower hand into your tummy. push forward. >> i did gave it a try and had great time but i might need some
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more practice. i met someone else with real fly casting skills. her name is donna and she is an international fly casting champion. >> i have competed in the casting ponds in golden gate park in san francisco. i have been to japan and norway for fly casting competition. i spend my weekends here at the club and at the casting pond. it's a great place to learn and have fun. on a season day like this, it was the perfect spot to be. i find fly casting very relaxing and also at the same time very challenging sport. takes me out into the nature. almost like drawing art in the air. and then i can make these beautiful loops out there. >> even though people from across the globe come here to
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