tv [untitled] April 9, 2013 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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madam clerk could you please call the roll? >> supervisor avalos? avalos present. supervisor breed? breed present. supervisor campos? campos present. supervisor chiu? chiu present. supervisor cohen? cohen present. supervisor farrell? farrell present. supervisor kim. kim present. supervisor mar? mar present. supervisor tang? tang present. supervisor wiener? wiener present. supervisor yee. yee present. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you research, madam clerk, ladies and gentlemen, could you please join us in the pledge of allegiance? i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. colleagues, we have our march 5th, 2013 board meeting minutes.
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can i have a motion to approve those minutes? motion by supervisor campos, seconded by supervisor yee. without objection those meeting minutes are approved. [gavel] >> madam clerk, are there any communication? s? >> there are no communications, mr. thv. >> can you read our consent agenda? the consent calendar is considered routine. if a member objects ictiontionth the item may be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues, unless there is any objection, if we could take a roll call vote on items 1 2,, 3. >> supervisor yee. yee aye. supervisor avalos? avalos aye. supervisor breed? breed aye. supervisor campos? campos aye. supervisor chiu? chiu aye. supervisor cohen? cohen aye. supervisor fairel? farrell aye. supervisor kim? kim aye. supervisor mar? mar aye. supervisor tang? tang aye. supervisor wiener? wiener aye. there are 11 ayes. >> the ordinances are finally passed. item 4. >> time 4 is an ordinance appropriating surplus revenues, expenditures, city reserve for
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state revenue loss and general fund reserve of approximately 45 million to support shortfalls at the san francisco general hospital and laguna honda hospital for fiscal years 2012 through 13. >> supervisor farrell. >> thank you, president chiu. colleagues, this is the second supplemental that we've seen in budget and finance committee in the last few months. the first was the public defenders and we're going to have our share for the department for another supplemental tomorrow. unlike those departments, however, this doesn't require two-thirds vote. it passed unanimously with the addition of taking harvey rose's recommended reductions of 1.2 million. but it is $38 million overall and the general fund hit is going to be a little over $12 million. this is something that we're obviously not excited about having, but it is a long-term structural issue that the department of public health has been facing. we are working with both barbara garcia, greg wagoner from our department to fix the
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issue as we look into our budget for next year and what that means for next year, this is obviously our eyes on the ball moving forward here. we will work to do that, but hope to have the support to fix it this year. thank you. >> colleagues, any additional questions? can we take this item same house same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first read. [gavel] >> item 5. >> item 5 is an ordinance authorizing payment of a $250,000 reward to still 1 for supplying information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator who murdered mr. willie allen. >> same house same call? this ordinance is passed on the first read. next item. >> item 6 is a resolution approving the airport concession lease with host international, inc. for approximately $733,000, minimum annual guarantee for a ten-year term. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> item 7, resolution above proving the issuance of a tax exempt revenue obligation by
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the california statewide communities development authority in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6.5 million to finance various capital facilities owned by the french american international school. >> same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 8. >> item 8, ordinance amending the administrative code to establish a city hall preservation fund to receive donations and to authorize expenditures for the purpose of promoting the 100th anniversary of the san francisco city hall. >> supervisor farrell. >> thanks, president chiu. colleagues, this also came out of budget and finance last week. this earmarks the 100th anniversary. it allows private donations between now and 2015 to make capital improvements to city hall and it is going to host a series of exhibits and events. this item is supported by the historic preservation commission and amendments in committee requiring the reporting of all donors and expenditures. i want to make sure to talk about it because to ensure people know this is without cost to the taxpayers and no
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general fund or other public money is going to be used. it's primarily a vehicle to be gathering private donations so i hope to have your support. >> colleagues, can we take this item same house same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first read. [gavel] >> next item. >> item 9, resolution authorizing the department of the environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of approximately 229,000 for the purpose of increasing used motor oil recycling and household hazardous waste management for the period april 30th, 2013 to june 20th, 2014. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. [gavel] >> item 10. >> item 10 is an ordinance amending the administrative code relating to san francisco's open data policies and procedures and establishing the position and duties of the chief data officer and the departmental data coordinators. >> president chiu? >> thank you, mr. chair. colleagues, i want to thank the gao committee for their recommendation of this item and appreciate your consideration. three years ago i was happy to
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work with mayor newsome to pass our city's first open data ordinance and at that point we were a national leader in the open data movement. unfortunately we have fallen a bit behind. at this time we have about 500 city maintained data sets, but there are literally thousands of data sets that we could put out to the public. we have known in recent years that the release of government data and improved partnership between government and citizens has led to many successes at improving government. we know this is good for open government. this is to help provide more information to the press, to the public, and really ensure that as we analyze our government data, this is leading to innovations throughout our communities. i want to just take a moment because some of our colleagues have asked me, what type of data are we talking about? let me give three examples of things that i think we could really move forward on. first has to do with rec and park. four years ago the very first meeting i had with now director phil beginsberg, i asked him when the city was going to have
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an online application to reserve picnic tables and barbecue pits. ~ last year they finally put this data outed to the public and a local company'lyerction us answered the call. i'm excited there is finally a rec and park application to help find picnic tables and soon make online reservations to do that. secondly, the topic of open budget, all too often san franciscans want more transparency in their budget to be able to drill down on exactly how and where every dollar of our $7 billion city government has spent on salaries, contractors programs, goods and services. about a year ago i asked our city controller to see if his department could help us display this information for the public and i want to help announce the fact that this week, if you go to our city controller's website, and you click on the sf open book link, you can find an awful lot of information about our city budget and i want to thank our controller and his staff for
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the incredible work that they have done in the last couple of months to move this forward. and i do hope this is a tool that will help all of us not just those of us on the budget committee, but the entire city as we understand more about how we spend our city dollars. third item i'll mention, which does touch upon a resolution that we will be considering later, has to do with a challenge that i put out to public agencies in 2011 to provide the data around towing time so that our city or citizens could help create an app to allow residents to alert if their car is about to be towed. the mayor indicated support their this idea, an a year and a half later on the towing times has not been released. these are several examples of the type of data that can help make city government work better. the legislation we have in froth of us does three important things. first it creates a chief data officer position. secondly, it requires eversiti department to designate a data coordinator to work with the public and the chief data officer to get this information out. and thirdly, it requires the
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development of consistent standards in how data is presented. i want to take a moment and thank supervisor avalos and his staff for drilling down a couple questions here that i know and trust are going to be addressed in the implementation of this legislation, but it's my hope that as we move forward save will again regain our position as a leader in the open data movement. and with that, colleagues, i ask your support. >> thank you. colleagues, any comments or questions? colleagues, can we take this same house same call? same house same call, item passes. the ordinance passes on first reading. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item 11, please? >> item 11 is an ordinance authorizing the juvenile probation department to accept and expend a grant retroactively in the amount of 461,000 for funding cubed the fiscal year 2012 second chance act juvenile defender reentry funding program and amending the annual salary ordinance for fiscal year 12, 13, 14 to reflect additional class 129 grant funded position at the juvenile probation department.
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~ >> colleagues, any comments or questions? can we take this same house same call? same house same call this ordinance passes on first reading. madam clerk can you call item 12? >> item 12 a medsv the planning code and administrative code regarding the transfer of development rights. >> president chiu. >> thank you. colleagues, this amends transfer of development rights otherwise known as tdrs in the downtown commercial c. zone the district and other areas. it will create more broader transparent sale for development rights between historic properties and developers. if we're able to achieve this goal, it will help with the preservation of historic buildings as well as facilitate dense development where it is already permitted and i want to thank the land use for their consideration of this legislation and ask for your support. >> colleagues, any comments or questions? can we also take this same house same call? same house same call, this ordinance passes on first read.
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[gavel] >> colleagues, why don't we skip over the 2:30 and 3 o'clock special orders. although we do have a couple 2:30 special orders we'll get to at the appropriate time. if we could now go to roll call for introductions. >> supervisor yee. you are first on roll call for introductions. >> i just want to make a brief comment. we're in, as you see my orange tie, just to commemorate our world series win and our opening day game win on friday. and as you know, we have a celebrity amongst us who was able to throw out the opening pitch. and i have to ask the question, supervisor farrell. i was sitting so far back in the bleachers that i couldn't tell if that was a wild pitch or a fast ball. [laughter] >> you're going to have to let us know. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor yee. supervisor avalos.
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supervisor breed. >> thank you. today i'm introducing a resolution that will enable the northern california presbyterian homes and services nonprofits to retrofit and dramatically improve 182-unit affordable housing development in the western addition. it's located at 12 80 laguna street, the western park apartments offers affordable housing, medical screening, recreational activities and a sense of community for hundreds of low-income seniors. the development has 182 units spread among three cottage buildings and a 13-story tower. it was built in 1972 under the redevelopment agency and hud. the complex is in dire need of rehabilitation. this rehabilitation will offer new windows, electrical upgrades, a new sewer system, new roof, a fire sprinkler system, and a new kitchen, flooring, doors, paints and unit. i'm really excited about that
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and i want to thank the mayor's office of housing and northern california presbyterian homes and services for working together on this vital project. and the other thing i have today is an in memoriam, dominique ferris crawford. dominique was part of the fillmore community, true son of the western addition. he grew up on webster street between hayes and grove and later moved to turk street between scott and divisadero. this passionate young man loved his community. he's the brother of [speaker not understood] crawford who is extremely active in the community as well as kim caldwell and son of margaret cressie. no matter where he would travel or live, dominique always felt fillmore was his home. beyond being such a tragic loss, dominique's passing brings to light the desperate need for mental health services in the african-american community.
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we can no longer allow mental illness to be overlooked, not just in the african-american community, but in the city in general. in this moment of trial and need, my heart is with the crawford family. and as all the hearts of the fillmore community. we have suffered a tremendous loss and so today i'm asking for the meeting to be adjourned in honor of mr. dominique ferris crawford. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor breed. supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, madam clerk. i just want to make a point. at the last meeting of this board, i talked a little bit about how this past wednesday we were meeting with the residents of the three different developments, the part of the housing authority. and we had that meeting on wednesday of last week. and as i noted during the introductions at the board meeting, you know, the question
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that i asked myself was how do we ask these residents to make the sacrifices that we clearly are asking them to make, sacrifices that include a substantial cut in services that they receive, basic services like garbage, including services like security which are really critical to the well-being of these residents. and it is a very painful meeting and i want to thank the chair of the housing authority commission, torres, as well as the interim and acting head of the housing authority, barbara smith, for being there. because i know that it meant a lot to these residents for them to be there and to hear what they had to say. [speaker not understood]. but one thing that was clear as we were hearing the presentation from the housing authority ~ is that the more you hear about what's happening at the housing authority, the more dire the situation becomes. and we are truly seeing an agency that is facing a crisis. examine in light of that crisis, i do think that if
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we're going to ask residents to make sacrifices, that the agency needs to act responsively and make sure that every single penny that the agency has is going for the purpose of actually benefiting those residents. ~ and efficient and i'm glad to see that on today's agenda at the housing authority commission there is an item that deals with the very important question of what happens to the current official head of that agency who has been getting paid for quite sometime and who is about to vest, and therefore, increasing the liability of that agency. i'm glad to see that that item is finally being dealt with. let's hope that the right thing is done. but clearly we need to start thinking more about what's happening with the housing authority in ways in which the city can support that agency because at the end of the day, if we don't act quickly, services, the well-being of those residents will be negatively impacted. thank you.
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>> thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. >> thank you, colleague. i have a couple of items today. first of all i'm introducing a hearing request on a topic that we have discussed a number of times at coyth that we have not yet discussed here at the board. at this time there are at least four different current mobile radio systems and three related new radio projects that are in the works. a total $2 62 million over the next five years. the three radio projects are ~ an 800 megahertz safety radio network, the sfmta radio replacement project and the so-called bay web project some of you may remember the controversy around as we and other counties had considered these projects in recent years. given the amount of the price tag for these three projects of over a quarter billion dollars, and the fact that these technologies are overlapping and ever changing, i'd like to call for a hearing at the budget committee so that we can start to understand the implications of the decisions we're making today on these projects for form. i appreciate supervisor
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farrell's co-sponsorship of this request and understand that we're likely to have this hearing to coincide with the hearing that he has called for at the budget committee regarding public safety technologies more generally in the next few weeks. i also am sending a letter to mr. harvey rose to ask his shop to update an audit the budget analyst did some six years ago on the topic of work force, work force development. we all know our city's unemployment rate has been an encouraging indicator of our knowledge base and technology driven economy. but we've all witnessed the reality of a growing gap between the skill sets and the jobs of many residents in our city. and this has been particularly profound for san franciscans who because of challenges in educational or literacy opportunities live in an english proficiency, disabilities or their status as an ex offender, folks have not been able to get jobs in the economy that we have in san francisco. ~ in our city, we have as i think you all know, a very significant network of federal, state, and locally funded work
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force development programs. and, in fact, the last time the budget analyst did an audit, these programs were estimated to cost close to $30 million. in 2006-2007, the then board of supervisors working with the mayor authorized the creation under the office of -- the creation of the office of work force development which was supposed to serve as the local oversight and policy making body for this vast network. in recent months, i think a number of us have heard from community and work force stakeholders that the current work force system continues to be too fragmented. at this time there are over 15 departments that have work force development program system sorts. authority for these programs remain entirely within their departments. there is very little coordination and no performance standard outcomes across many departments. at this point i'm asking the budget analyst to update their audit from six years ago and in particular to let us know what the implementation status is of the recommendations that were made in 2007. my last item is an in memoriam
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for mabel sue. some of you know her daughter julie sue who is the president of the commission on the status of women. mabel was a third generation san franciscan who was an active octogenerian. she had four children. he she was a dedicated california state public servant for over a decade before raising and taking care of her family. among a lot of facts about her that i think are interesting and memorable is one that she was a champion of wii fit and checked in half of her chronological age which probably beats a lot of us at the board w. that, may she rest in peace and we wish her family all the best and the rest of mine my items i will submit. >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor cohen. >> thank you, madam clerk. i, too, had prepared an in memoriam for ms. mabel sue. i ask that you also put my name
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on the letter for that commission. i have another in memoriam recognizing the life and contributions of a ms. catherine campbell. she was actually borne in south carolina to dr. kass ton and louise butler lynch. she was the first of two children. ~ she attend public schools where she excelled in science, music and technology. she graduated from center high school, enrolled into fiske university which is in nashville, tennessee where she majored in zoology and minored in chemistry. she met and married alphonso campbell, her husband, for 58 years. catherine was a beautiful woman. i knew her personally. she loved sports, especially the 49ers and the giants. she loved music and all of its various genres, particularly spirituals, gospel, jazz, classical and soul. she was an excellent cook and seamstress. she was a
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