tv [untitled] April 10, 2013 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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that the san francisco unified school district students who attend the mission beacon center on excel program will also be exhibited -- i got very excited and i said to the artists that i think the san francisco unified school district should know about this. it's really exciting to have diverse of african american, latino, filipino art work will be exhibited this saturday. it's going to be at the [inaudible] town center, 6:00 pm. i'd like to find out if anyone knows what [inaudible] is. we're going to have a big [inaudible] on saturday, 6:00 public comment. so here's the invitation. thank you. >> okay.
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>> thank you. just in regards to the buildings and ground committee, i don't know if the chair had received a request that had an informational item on your agenda so people know where to come to for this local hire conversation so it just doesn't happen out there in the atmosphere. nobody knows where it lands and very much so you don't get to a vote at the board and someone said i didn't know there was a meeting. but if there could be a regular place where folks [inaudible] curriculum committee has updates on a to g. that's one of the meetings we had regarding local hire -- one of the last big meetings we had on that conversation. so i wanted
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to bring that through the chair, through president norton. >> my understanding actually is that the policy is going to be introduced for the proposed policy for first reading of april 23 and then we'll go to buildings and ground or committee as a whole. but if you want to put it on the buildings and ground agenda, by all means. we will move on now to item k, advisory committee reports and appointments to committee by board members? any appointments? seeing none we will move on to l. there is none tonight. there is nothing on item m. item n, there are none tonight. item o, vote on the consent calendar. this was
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moved and seconded under section f. roll call please. >> excuse me before we proceed with the votes. there is a request to remove an item from the agenda. item 134-9w 34. >> she had severed that. unless you want to remove it. >> i think we're going to remove it and have it come back in two weeks. i thought we were going to talk about it and he was going to say i'll get your information and get back to you in two weeks. >> i thought we were going to get to that after we voted on the whole consent calendar. i think we understood the same thing, but /tkp*rb >> it can be removed now or later. whenever you want. >> why don't we just go remove it now since we've had the
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discussion. >> we are going to hold that over for action at the next meeting. >> removal is atmatic first meeting and that's for 3x commissioner? >> yes. >> thank you. >> so that was the only item that was severed for discussion so we are now voting on everything on the consent calendar. miss lee. >> yes. >> miss wong. >> k 43. >> yes, except for item [inaudible] k 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9. thank you. >> doctor [inaudible]. >> i. >> miss wynn? and miss norton. >> yes. >> thank you. item p, consent calendar discussion none; q,
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none; r, none; item s, board members report. >> we just had a great update and report from nick [inaudible] on our sustain ability program. we will be updating books on a regular basis on this and our next buildings /aopbdz ground committee meeting is actually being discussed right now because we have a conflict on our regular meeting so we'll have that updated soon. right?
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thank you. >> okay. commissioner haney, can you update us on the meetings of the rules committee. >> sure, so the book of our meeting was spent on the legislative overview so we reviewed dozens of bills. we ended up taking a position of support on eight bills and oppose on three and we're still watching 38 bills and that list, i'm sure is being added to as we speak because we met -- our meeting was on march 20 but it was around the bill introduction deadline. so our next meeting will be on the 17th. so we'll be reviewing the bills and continuing to take positions at that time. the other item that we heard was consideration in action on the schedule of advisory committee reports to the board
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of education so all the members of the board should have a copy of the new schedule for advisory committee reports, both for standing reports and for the ones that will be happening /spaoerdically and some cases once or twice a year. and i was told by commissioner to read this. the board of education's advisory [inaudible] will be up on our district website shortly so we'll make that available so everybody knows all the many wonderful advisory committees and when they'll report to us and the schedule. the last thing, we moved forward the guiding principals for inclusive practices that were approved tonight. >> i believe you changed the time of the meeting on the 17th; is that correct? to celebrate your birthday? >> i think we're still working that out, but it may be a little bit early. i think it may be at 5:30 or 6:00.
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everybody's invited to the party afterwards. >> we are invited? good. i was going to ask where my invitation was. now we're going to move to [inaudible]. >> there was a report on mta's traffic calming program so it was a pretty exten tensive program that's getting implemented on how to reduce traffic and how to calm traffic around schools and other public facilities that have students and families and so that has been introduced to us and it's ongoing. i actually can't recall when the next piece to the actual actions are going to be happening. do either of you? >> i think it's in several months. supervisor wanted to leave it to the call of the
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chair. >> and then the property expense plan reauthorization was moved to the next flood committee meeting, which is now on wednesday, april 24 at 4 o'clock so that is going to be moved because supervisor kim and her staff and some others are not going to be in town. and i won't be in town and there's -- we didn't -- and supervisor [inaudible] were not going to be in town so we didn't have quorum so we did a poll on the supervisor end to see what day they were going to be available so april 24, which is a wednesday at 4 o'clock was their availability. we wanted to check with the two of you to see if you could be available at that time as well. and at that meeting we will be covering
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summer programming so summer jobs, summer programs that will be coming up and the discussion on prop h and the children's fund are going to be part of that conversation as well. thank you. >> okay. we will move on to the report for curriculum and program. >> i would like to report on our march 4 meeting 'cause that's not here at the last school board /phaoetding to report on that. the theme of the meeting was on science technology, engineering and math programs and i want to thank staff for presentation and i want to thank nicole of mills college who presented her findings -- gender analysis, benchmarking of stem courses in sfusd, as well as the american association, women and then
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google who shared with us the stunning statistic that through 2018 the united states expects to have 140 thousand computing jobs an at the rate we're going right now we'll only have 50 thousand candidates. so the stem initiative is very important in terms of job market of the feature. we met on april 1 and the agenda -- we had three informational items -- summer programming offerings and for the first time ever we received an inventory, a listing, a directory of summer programming. lots of professional development opportunities for our teachers so we really encourage our teachers to access this information which should be up on our web /saoeultsite.
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and the approval of the laa plan is a requirement to receive federal funding and we had an overview of it and i think every board member should have received a copy of that in their box. >> thank you. >> we are going to move on to any reports from board delegates to membership organizations. i know commissioner mendoza, you were at the [inaudible] do you have
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anything to report from that meeting? >> yeah. and commissioner wynns and were with me as well. we actually had a visit from the secretary of education during the lunch session who talked a lot more about the president's priorities on early education and the reauthorization of efpa and he also pointed out the waiver that's been submitted by the nine plus districts, including san francisco. and there was legislative visits that occurred that i actually had to get back to the city so if there's any comments that you want to make on your legislative visits to the capitol. anyone? or not. you
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don't have to. council always does a really good job in laying everything out and the nice thing that i always appreciate about this particular conference is we have an opportunity to meet up with a lot of staff from the department of ed who gets to share with us up coming opportunities and the way they're laying out a variety of different policies. >> all right. so are there any other reports from board members? >> i just wanted to give a big shout out to the explore and the san francisco 49ers and the mayor who allowed 2000 of our sixth graders to the exploretorium. and thanks to
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[inaudible] for being there and we had quite -- laura, of course. and it was just such a great day for all of our kids and they had the run of the place and the looks on their faces as they explored the exploretorium was really awesome. i wanted to announce that microsoft is going to be hosting an event called youth spark on thursday, april 11 from 11 o'clock and they're going to talk about stem and what /rur kids are going to need to qualify for the many stem jobs that are out there, particularly our kids who currently don't have any educational experience or exposure to stem so want to invite everybody out to that.
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also world salve write, who was the organization who brought 30 kids out of the country in january and december is hosting their gala this thursday at dog patch wine works at 6:30, which is located at 2455 third street. i invite everybody out to that. and then sunday streets this sunday that will be held in the mission. so it's a great opportunity for our schools in the mission to get exposure because they ride into the facilities and so we hope you guys can join us back there as well. .
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[applause] >> this san francisco ryther created the radar reading series in 2003. she was inspired when she first moved to this city in the early 1990's and discover the wild west atmosphere of open mi it's ic in the mission. >> although there were these open mics every night of the week, they were super macho. people writing poems about being jerks. beatty their chest onstage. >> she was energized by the scene and proved up with other girls who wanted their voices to be heard. touring the country and sharing gen-x 7 as a.
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her mainstream reputation grew with her novel. theses san francisco public library took notice and asked her if she would begin carrying a monthly reading series based on her community. >> a lot of the raiders that i work with our like underground writers. they're just coming at publishing and at being a writer from this underground way. coming in to the library is awesome. very good for the library to show this writing community that they are welcome. at first, people were like, you want me to read at the library, really? things like that. >> as a documentary, there are interviews -- [inaudible] >> radar readings are focused on
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clear culture. strayed all others might write about gay authors. gay authors might write about universal experiences. the host creates a welcoming environment for everybody. there is no cultural barrier to entry. >> the demographic of people who come will match the demographic of the reader. it is very simple. if we want more people of color, you book more people of color. you want more women, your book more women. kind of like that. it gets mixed up a little bit. in general, we kind of have a core group of people who come every month. their ages and very. we definitely have some folks who are straight. >> the loyal audience has allowed michelle to take more chances with the monthly lineup.
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established authors bring in an older audience. younker authors bring in their friends from the community who might be bringing in an older author. >> raider has provided a stage for more than 400 writers. it ranges from fiction to academics stories to academic stories this service the underground of queer fell, history, or culture. >> and there are so many different literary circles in san francisco. i have been programming this reading series for nine years. and i still have a huge list on my computer of people i need to carry into this. >> the supportive audience has allowed michele to try new experiment this year, the radar book club. a deep explorationer of a single work.
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after the talk, she bounces on stage to jump-start the q&a. less charlie rose and more carson daly. >> san francisco is consistently ranked as one of the most literate cities in the united states. multiple reading events are happening every night of the year, competing against a big names like city arts and lectures. radar was voted the winner of these san francisco contest. after two decades of working for free, michelle is able to make radar her full-time job. >> i am a right to myself, but i feel like my work in this world is eagerly to bring writers together and to produce literary events. if i was only doing my own work, i would not be happy.
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it is, like throwing a party or a dinner party. i can match that person with that person. it is really fun for me. it is nerve wracking during the actual readings. i hope everyone is good. i hope the audience likes them. i hope everybody shows up. but everything works out. at the end of the reading, everyone is happy. ♪
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