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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2013 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT

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i think that we were surprised when the fda said that this is how we want you to do the calculation because it seemed a narrow and technical way as opposed to looking at the past performance and so we have to do that for their purposes but for the other program, i think that it is great that you guys are doing, we don't have to use their, some what limited methodology, we can just look at our own past performance and we can look at other projects in the region and i would want us to be inadvertently setting a low target, even though it is, again, it is just a target and it is not for the reporting purposes, i think that it is still important. >> sure, we can take a look at that and what we will do when we come back to you in june, we will look at the sbe percentage distinctly from the dbe percentage from the program wide contract. >> that will be great, thank you. >> anyone else? >> thank you.
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>> okay. >> so, no members of the public want to address you on that item so you are looking for a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> first and a second, director harper aye. >> lloyd, aye. >> metcalf. >> aye. >> reiskin. >> aye. >> item nine is approved and go ahead and move into item ten. >> which is approving the recommended applicants to the transbay joint pores authority. >> bev will report on this item. >> thank you, maria and directors and members of the board. we put out this, we had the cac going for six years now, and i want to acknowledge jim lacerous who has been a member has termed out it has been a member and served as at chair for the entire six years to
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date. so his participation is appreciated. we had a great response to our interest for applicants this year and we had a total of 19 applications and virtually without exception, the candidates brought a wealth of experience in multiple areas of which we are looking for on our cac. if you are not familiar our cac is 15 members, and each of these 15 seats is designated to have a specific area of interest or representation including a bicycle advocate and a disabled advocate and a representative from labor, a resident of district six and almost without exception, people brought a breadth of experience to the applications. we have a total of 7
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recommendations brought to you today. and including three returning members and four new members to the cac. and two of the new applicants are here today, and they would be available to speak if you would like to. and if you have any other questions, i would be happy to answer them. >> i have no questions, on the recommendation and i am happy to support it. i know at least two of the folks and they are great and would be great additions. just a question on the functioning of the cac, aside from the appointments, we don't ever kind of see or hear anything from the cac or if we do i have forgotten. are there, do they make recommendations to the tjpa? is there any... do they issue reports? is there anything that comes out that would be relevant or of interest to the board? >> well a lot of the cac has been to serve as a public forum
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for discussion of the design of the transit center and elements we have had as an example. s better market streets program come and speak to the cac so that they can understand how our ro ject is relating to that project and the bicycle improvements and the cac has upon occasion made recommendations, but, we don't typically agendaize specific actions for the cac. >> and co-founder from cal train. cac chair or appointee make a full report to the full board of director. i would like to see to do the same, so that we can become better acquainted. >> okay. and we have offered that in the past and not recently, but jim
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laserous did come a few times to make certain statements. but, we could consider that. we will look at that change. >> i have a question about the ac transit rider. the appointee marla wilson. do you know whether or not she is a member of the transbay riders group that meets monthly? >> i don't believe that she is, no. >> that bothers me, that is group that comes to the ac transit about anything on this project and they are important to me politically, 20 to 30 people and i don't care who they want to serve on this committee. but it will be somebody from that group. because i don't know marley wilson and i called up a couple of people that i knew from the transbay riders and they don't know her and i don't want us picking, and i don't not want
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to disparage this woman she could be great. if i can't talk to her and have her, you know, at least promise me that she is going to become a member of that group, i don't want her on this body. those are the people that the ac transit board listens to when it comes to the problems with the transbay terminal and the problems with anything to do with this and they really should be the people to say, this is someone that we... because that way you are getting 20 riders, 20 or 30 that are active in that group as opposed to one. so i would oppose to her appointment, because you did not have a phone number for us so i could not call her. so i could at least talk to her or find out what is going on. i just, we have got a very active group, around the terminal. and we just need to now, they need to be the ones to say, here is our person that we want to listen to about that. >> well, we could do is if you
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would like chair person harper is just take out marla pending further investigation on that issue and we could appoint the others and then we could bring you... i believe that we... i believe that bob has put out on calls for applicants to apply everywhere and also with the group. >> we have done it with the ac transit. and i don't know, we have not specifically gone to the ridership. >> you have spoken to the rider ship group. >> a couple of times. >> yeah, why don't we do this, why don't we take mar la out for now and go and reach out to the bus riders group and if she is a member of that and if she will become a member of that, if not let's see if they can provide a candidate, will that work? >> yeah. >> okay. >> so we will take a motion to amend the resolution to remove mar la for now.
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and approve the other six recommended applicants. >> so moved. >> second. >> first and second and then members of the public wishing to address you on that item? >> i would like to make a comment. >> patrick, and patrick and company. i attend many of these board meetings but you are right, i believe that the cac, is a joke. i am sorry to say that. there is fine people there, but this board takes no notice of their activity in a minimum you should at least have their minutes so that you can see what is going on, what has come to their. i know that there is one issue about the artwork for the transbay terminal and they wrote the board a letter and no response. i don't think that they are effective and you need to make that order effective. thank you. >> thank you. >> and members of the public that want to address you on that item? >> so with a first and a second? >> harper? >> aye. >> lloyd. >> aye. >> metcalf.
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>> aye. >> reiskin. >> aye. >> that is four ayes item ten is approved. item eleven. >> approval. >> second. >> no members of the public wishing to address you on that. and believe that harper harper will be abstaining? >> lloyd? >>ite aye. >> reiskin >> aye. >> and that does conclude it for today. >> we are adjourned. >> thank you.
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>> are we ready for prime time? call the roll please. >> chair recognizes the quorum. approval of march 12, 25 and 26 minutes. move and seconded to move approval of minutes of march 12, 25, 26. public comment? just want to say
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thank you to our secretary for the tedious task for drafting our minutes and be able to correct the misunderstanding that were created by some people that didn't understand what was going on. so thank you miss hood for that. public comments? we have no public comments today. this is unheard of. all right. we'll move on to item number five -- communications. no comments whatsoever? no public comments on communications. we'll move on to other commission business. is there any? yes, mr. /phor moran.
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>> just following up on the lake hearing and i thought that was a very useful meeting. i would just ask staff to return at the appropriate time, hopefully not too far in the future, with an mou with rec parks that incorporates the various discussions that we've had over the past six months or so. >> comment on this issue? >> no. >> i want to reiterate the commitment i made at that hearing. that is to conduct a task force meeting again and make it a regular business for us to do that and any commission is welcome to do that with us as well. it's all
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about a willingness to be heard and for communication to take place. >> thank you president torres. for those of you who are not aware, labor leaders tend to be like prize fighters and then retiring and unretiring and retiring again. i do have it on good authority, and i'm going to ask for some assistance from staff, that larry [inaudible] who has been the head of the plumbers union is in fact going to be retiring and i'd like to make sure we don't miss an opportunity here to do reck recognition in some way and i will ask staff to follow up on that. >> that is now confirmed by mr.
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courtney. i have a long history with mr. mizzola. we will save or remarks for the appropriate time. other commission business? report of the general manager. >> i'd like to start off with introducing kim mall com. kim has just joined our staff. she comes with a strong energy policy background and experience in the energy field. she's worked for the california public energy commission so she's quite involved in community choice and helping to write the rules there. when she left work for cpc she worked for a non profit
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in uc berkley so he's also a /prabg /teugs /tpher as well working with communities job placement. i think she brings a very strong background to the san francisco public utilities commission and we look forward to hearing from her in the near future. >> we'll have some questions. welcome. >> this is my third day. >> this is your third day. no wonder you're still smiling. thank you for being with us and welcome. >> i'd like to call gee lee for the water system improvement update. >> good afternoon. as you know, we've spent a lot of time the past few months working on this comprehensive assessment that will allow us to refine or budget and schedule and that work culminated with the publication on march 22 of a notice of public hearing where
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you will be asked to consider changes to the wisip and that will take place on april 23. at the program level i want to highlight the fact that we have now passed the 5 million worker hours milestone. this is a pretty important record. i also have some project level news that i'd like to share with you. as you know, the differing site conditions that were discovered at the site in mid 2012 are by far the largest program changes and i'm happy to report that last week we were able to reach an agreement with the contractor on the terms of that change order. it took two months to negotiate
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that change order and in the end i think both sides think the outcome is fair and justifiable. on the bay tunnel i wanted to let you know that we extracted the cutter head of the tunnel and we are on track now to start the installation of the pipeline inside the tunnel in may. this will allow us to get into the existing tunnel by the end of completion of the new irvington tunnel. this is a change that will come at no cost to us and it's a great opportunity for us to work with the water
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enterprise on a plan to inspect the tunnel while we still have a contractor on sign so that's something that will take place in late 2014 or 2015. we will need to have a lot of coordination with operation staff before we come up with a thorough inspection plan there. another milestone in march -- we issued construction on the san antonio pipeline project and that leaves us with only preprojects in construction. another project in pre/skwr*ubgs -- the regional water ground and recovery project. that project is being issued tomorrow with comments due at the end of may. and finally i wanted to close by recognizing the incredible support we're been getting from our operations staff,
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especially the two treatment facilities. the staff is doing an outsiding job balancing the need to accommodate all the construction activities at both plants, while at the same time minimizing operational risks. at one plant right now some of the performance testing has been delayed. we're only a couple weeks from substantial completion there, but because we are delay /w-d some of that testing, the plant needs to remain operational drawing furtherer down some of our local /rez . >> thank you. >> any questions? thank you. >> that concludes my report. >> public comment on the
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general managers report? consent calendar. >> item eight, approving amendment one and authorize to execute a journal amendment for a timeframe of one year with no change to the contract amount. any comments? a motion to approve the consent calendar. all in favor say i. opposed? motion carries. and we're down to our regular calendar, item number nine. >> item nine updated debt management procedures. >> here today we have an update of the debt policy for you to consider you and i've asked our
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debt manager to share with you the policy. >> we have a presentation. >> can we have the computer projector please. >> good afternoon. the item in front of you for your consideration today is the adoption of the updated debt management policies and procedures. these policies set forth the guidelines and parameters for how we should issue and manage our debt in accordance with legal regulatory requirements and the three best practices in our respective debt issueance needs. the goal is to do this
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in a sound and transparent manner. as a regular issuer of debt, we already have debt policies in place. it's always recommended, such policies be refreshed giving the ever changing municipal bond world, as well as our own changing needs. several changes have been made, such as provide flexibility and guidelines on how we sell our bonds and adding certain compliance procedures. besides our review process, these have been reviewed by the controllers office and the city attorney's office. the value of having updated debt policies /tkepl
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demonstrates to our [inaudible] this lends credibility to the sfp you see from a management standpoint and will be viewed as a -- in fact, next week charles pearl and i will be traveling to new york city to a national bond investor conference where we'll be presenting this to past and perspective purchasers of our bonds. we hope to tell them we have updated policies in place. with that i'll take any questions you might have. >> it's stated in the memo that this was recommended by the government finance officers association. who are they? >> they are a very large industry association of government financial officers.
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>> they have the best practices recommendations? >> absolutely. this is one practice they highly recommend. and many of the large issuers throughout the country, particularly our peers in california, have such debt policies and we've had them in places for a while. we should be updating them as conditions change, requirements change, so this would be an update to that. >> so you are a member of the association in >> yes. we're very actively involved. >> mr. president, he was on that board for many number of years. >> do they give a star of accreditation or what do they provide us by -- >> i'm not aware of that maybe. >> no certification process. >> no. but we do already
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receive their excellence awards. >> that's what i was referring to. >> why do i have to push you guys to toot your horns. >> we do. thank you for doing that. >> exactly. >> in fact, when we go to this invester conference we will publicize that. >> we do toot our horn. >> thank you very much. any quick comments on that? there being none, -- moved? >> so moved. >> second? any public comment on the motion. there being none, all those in favor say i? opposed. motion carries. item number ten. >> item ten. improving for
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potential revised contract amount of up to 10, 309,800. >> any questions? any public comment? motion to approve. >> so moved. >> approved and seconded. all those in favor signify by saying i. opposed? motion carries. item eleven. >> recommended that the board of supervisors approve an easement to pge to pge and for its fair market value following approval by the board of supervisors. >> good afternoon. i'm real estate director. do you have any questions?
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>> that was pretty -- is there a motion? >> so moved. >> moved? >> second. >> seconded. public comment. there being none, all those in favor say i. opposed. motion carries. thank you. >> thank you. >> i no, no, thank you. item number 12. >> authorize a general manager to execute the four professional services and agreements for an amount not to exceed 5 million dollars each and with a duration of 14 years per agreement. >> all right. welcome. any questions the commission may have on this item? >> i just had a quick question on the duration -- 14 years seems like a long term. >> it is a long term duration is what these contracts will be
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used for is to provide supplemental report so it is that long periods of a time so when you're established habitat it takes a long time to grow and get the characteristics to provide that habitat. long term investment. this is a pool of contractors that would get individualed task orders and we have provisions for performance like many of our other contractors. >> when you say provisions for performance, if there is a finding that something's not going right, do we have the ability under the contract to invalidate the contract? >> yes. we do. >> we do? /tho provisions are in there? >> yes. termination for con convenience. >> so that's within the purview. so it could turn out
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not to be 14 years if there are problems. we do that with a lot of the grants we issue. >> or if the firm starts to change its business or if people leave the firm. whatever reason. >> i just wanted to make sure we had that out of the way. all right, public comment. motion to approve. >> so moved. >> moved and seconded. >> all in favor say i. opposed. motion /kraeur carries. item number 13. >> between the sfpoc and the san francisco local agency formation commission and authorize the general manager to execute this amendment of four years. >> so you discussed the mou that it was expiring and this is necessary for us to continue our relationship with o.