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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2013 6:00am-6:30am PDT

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director hooin key will be absent. any no electronic devices. the board respectfully respectfully recollect they be turned off. >> because of the fire code rules, gentleman, we need you all ladies and gentlemen to find a seat if you don't mind. >> thank you. >> item 4 approval of the meeting. regular motion. motion to move? any further discussion? aye. >> item 5, 10.4 will be severed from the consent calendar and considered later in your
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meeting agenda. item 6, by board members. >> i just want to express some concern about the elevator outages at the downtown area that i know are bart control but all 3 stations have had outages. i understand there was an unusual circumstance with that and i want to know if there is anything we can do. it affects more than me. >> i want to get in touch with bart today. it's a very serious
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issue, of course. >> thank director. >> one quick call out to recognition for the twitter feeds and how helpful it's been. i signed up for it on my phone and got more robust and more immediate. there was a police action on powell and our poor driver was trying to communicate that to an incredible bus load. don't you have the twitter feed. it says this. it's really helpful to a lot of people. so thanks to our communications systems. >> thank you director. director ramos? >> i was just riding around in a car the other day, my wife's car and i was checking out a lot of the infrastructure that was going on and church street now has those painted lanes and i know there was going to be
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restricted left turns that are coming out of the church street in front of the dedicated lanes, i want to make sure there is enough signage posted. we had some trouble getting, not trouble but it took time to get signs. notice there is a number of significant cars turning and getting in the bus lanes for that. also to my horror on the way back, we were crossing up fell street and noticed a lack of a post, supervisor breed mentioned on top of the post, there were children riding in the bike street lane. i was delighted to see them with their little
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helmets. but i notice when you got to the panhandle, i noticed there wasn't sufficient signage for them to realize and they kept riding into traffic with the cars. my point is that we'll be able to talk about signage particularly for that transition in the future. >> anyone else? okay. >> moving on, directors report. >> good afternoon, chairperson, members of the board and members of the public and staff. i have a number of things to address today as part of my report and as we always do at the first meeting of each month, we'll start with special recognition awards. so first, i want to ask miss reynolds to come forward with mr. bondey
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and she's welcome to come forward and bring her family. i know when people are thinking about here are thinking about the expertise in terms of bike and pedestrian safety with her policy work here in san francisco but we are actually recognizing her today for a different skill she brings to the agency. she is a manager within the sustainable streets in what we are looking for in managers and particularly in what our strategic plan goal that is oriented towards improvement of the work force of the agency that we acknowledge that is something we need to do if we are going to meet the other goals of the strategic plan. she joined a little over 2 years ago in the
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management section. in addition to the bike and pedestrian stuff she brought a lot of management and working with staff on professional development and soliciting feedback and providing construction and guidance that is perceptive to the point and well received and something that many of us in management while it's in incumbent on us to do that to help our staff grow, that most of us aren't used to doing and she's focused on it significantly and not just for her own staff but she was part of a small group of folks that designed by all mta's employees and she brought some of her previous private sector to bear and hopefully
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have a much more performance oriented organization in terms of how we manage and evaluate our own staff. she models this behavior herself meeting individually with each of her 16 full time staff members each quarter to review their plan and soliciting feedback in a 360 approach that has been become a model for the whole sustain able area. her skill with complicated communications and mentoring her staff an getting a quick understanding of the projects and challenge and getting them implemented and with her working outside of agencies an finding a common ground and i will talk about
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those later which she's are coming to bear in a resolution for the community and the agency. for all that, aside from all the good bike and pedestrian stuff she does, she's doing a lot of the hard work in management that we are looking for and i want to recognize her for today and bridget smith who is her direct supervisor and i want to ask her to say something to the board. >> thank you. i'm very pleased to recognize slida. she understand that in order to do that, she and her team needs to develop and present improvement proposals that are both compressive and transformational and she and
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her teamed have fully embraced this approach and i'm very grateful that she's with us and shares her leadership with us. i would like -- mr. smith to say something. >> i can't say in you have about slita reynolds and i want to thank you for taking the time to honor her. she's an outstanding manager and a great asset to mta. i want you to know that it means a lot to me and the staff whom are almost all here to recognize her good work. >> thank you. >> thank you. this is a recognition award. >> thank you, i know sometimes manager is a 4 letter word. i
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really do love managing people and i really believe that people don't leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers. it really important and i want to thank in particular my team leaders for their dedication and hard work, bridged and bond for their strong support and director riis skin for your leadership and this really gives us the support to make a lot of tough decisions. >> introduce your family? >> this is veet a, this is cleo, and this is my husband jessie. >> thank you on behalf of [ applause ] of the agency please accept our thanks for the great job that you are doing? in san
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francisco. >> thank you. next for the transit decision. i would like mr. austin to come forward. mr. austin has been with us for 3 years and west brook for just 5 years. so relatively new comers to munis but they have already been recognized for delivering outstanding service. here committee for putting safety first while transporting his passengers and a recent report, accommodation was given to him for a quick reaction to seeing
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a pedestrian lying on the street until help arrived prevented the pedestrian from being injured further. this is above and beyond of what you learn and the new training and on behalf of the management team we want to this you for your great effort and service as role model for the great work you do in a very difficult environment out this everyday. so i'm going to ask mr. hailey, if he want to introduce the superintendent staff and say a few words. >> thank you, this is wine garten the superintendent and i antonio the superintendent. i would also like to say although you said it well, these are two individuals that haven't been here a very long time by our standards in the ranks of
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operator ship. they have demonstrated great leadership and practical application of our core values about safety. you will hear what each of these individuals did, they placed their concerns for the riders, their citizens, acted in a highly professional laudatory manner that we are all very proud to have them represent us. so these are in fact two genuine heroes. i will let them, modesty to some degree will prevent them from going into what they did, but you'll -- i will turn it over to them. >> congratulations and thank you on behalf of the people of the city for your great work. >> thank you. i just follow what i was trained to do treat a passenger like it was myself
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being treated once a passengerer -- gets on the bus. i do this day and day out. this is something i do naturally. nothing out of the ordinary. >> thank you very much. [ applause ] . and of course part of this will be from me being started everyday is the help of my wife. >> [ applause ] >> congratulations and thank you on behalf of the people of the city. >> thank you. i'm happy to be here today. i feel like my situation wasn't that great was a situation where a young man had just been shot. it was a situation where everything played out into his favor. i heard the gunshots seconds before i arrived up on the scene. i was able to call
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center control and the inspect or who handled my call helped me get the call out to the police. the fire department arrived 2 minutes after that and they were able to transport the young man to san francisco general where he was able to get surgery and be able to have a second chance on life. i would like to think that any other transit operator in my situation would have done the same thing. everyday we show up to work, we are here to do our job in the best professional manner that we can to provide a service to the city and county of san francisco and try to protect everybody who rides our bus. thanks everyone for having us and i would like to say a very thank you to my wife for being so understanding with my difficult work schedule and so forth and my cousin for showing
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up for the support also. >> thank you. [ applause ] i just want to make one brief statement and that is it's so rare that we can have a profound effect on someone's life and mr. west brook had that opportunity and we are so proud of what he did that way. i'm from mta from the woods division also. >> thank you, sir. >> directors and board members, thank you for this opportunity to recognize joe juan here for his good work and service to the people of san francisco. it gives him great honor to know that you are here to recognize that and to appreciate the good service that they provide for us. thank you so much. >> thank you. [ applause ]
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>> so following that recognition of 3 great mta employees, we want to expand our recognition to our taxi drivers. they are out there also everyday providing great service and sometimes under very difficult circumstances to the people of san francisco. so we are happy to recognize several drivers today all of who provide exemplary service to the community and they help make a difference in people's lives and help seniors in the community and people with many disabilities to work and they face their jobs with pride and love and offer a service that no other unregulated service
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will map for to us keep in mind. these drivers go above and beyond the call of duty everyday. they do amazing work and it's for the most part without a spotlight and without any recognition. they do it because they care about the people they serve. there is 4 of them. i'm going to give a brief snapshot of each and we have a little multimedia presentation. the first is -- an bailey, she drivers seniors to golden gate park so they can participate in a gardening program. one of her riders quoted an angel with wings on a sidewalk for picking her up after an all day hospital procedure and she arrived and
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on time to make sure this rider got off safely. george, has customers he is pro you had to take to work every week and works with people and george has been driving a ramp taxi since the beginning of the program and one of the customers has been driving with him with a pager and contacted passengers. fred line, out of the most transit service in the san francisco taxi, he has many regular riders. he called fred when his mother was in the hospital. the passenger called fred who was driving another client at the time and picked
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up the passenger and got in the hospital on time to be with his mother before here final time. finally mahmud, he provides service and his passengers rely on not being stressed out. after 8 hours of work, he's reliable on the pick up so his customers don't have to worry about getting home. one passenger instead, he is my freedom. this is powerful stuff by folks who often are below the radar but provide some of the most important transportation service that happens here in san francisco. so i would like to ask chris hashey to introduce the video. thank you. this is the best part of the meeting, isn't it?
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on the subject of san francisco heroes, these are some heroes. for the people who are not aware of, the job of a ramp driver, it takes time to service each customer because of the need to secure their wheelchair and these drivers and medal yon owners do an excellent service to the wheelchair using customers of san francisco. i want to first of all introduce the video that was kate put together on her own time and riding around with some of these drivers and once the video is complete, i would like to have annette williams present the awards.
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>> [video] good guy. always has jokes.
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[ applause ] >> thank you, kate, for that video. would you like to present the awards? >> thank you. we are very proud of these drivers and i think one of the things that's really important to point out is that these are representative of many more drivers that work here in san francisco as taxi drivers and we provide almost 400,000 trips a year in the taxi program and they are some of the examples of the amazing drivers that work in that program. we are very proud of
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them and very proud of the work that they have done and the relationships that they built. you can see in the movie that it's a different thing, it's really the connection that happens between the customers and drivers that makes a difference in the lives of both the drivers and the passengers. can you please come forward. [ applause ] >> congratulations on behalf of the people particularly with those you serve so well with dignity. >> i would like to thank you so much for taking time for this award. >> you have your family here also, right? >> yes, my daughter is here. >> thank you. >> you are lucky because they
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are on spring break and they can get out of school. >> can you have bailey come forward? [ applause ] congratulations and thank you on behalf of the people of the city. great job you are doing for them. >> thank you. it's an easy job. [ laughter ] this is my family right here. [ applause ] thank you very much. >> george wade. [ applause ] . congratulations mr. wade and thank you for all your work all these years. >> thank you, tom. and all the other board members. i'm going to introduce my family. this is my great granddaughter maria.
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and this is my wife jerry. and my granddaughter zoa and my other great granddaughter. >> thank you so much for your great work. thank you. >> and fred lean. the driver who has taken more passengers than any other driver in san francisco. [ applause ] >> thank you so much.
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>> okay. moving on. some highlights on a couple projects that have garnered a lot have folks interest. first on the bicycle project we got a request from a previous meeting for an update. director ramos made some reference to it as well. the update is and this is a project that was approved late last year. the bike and pedestrian improvement on oak street and baker and scott and on baker began -- on february and will continue and what we have done is rescinded the lane on oak and changes to left turn only on oak preparing for baker. restriping. the final completion is contingent on the complet