tv [untitled] April 13, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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permit on the 27 and 29 site nor will it for the foreseeable future. live nation has worked closely with the america's cup to create a neighborhood steering committee and we are excited about working with the steering committee by having direct meetings to see what we can do better in the neighborhood. my last slide is the future of pier 27, 29. showing ground transportation here where the theatre would be is for grounds transportation moving forward. thank you. >> all right. thank you. any questions from the commission? okay. >> hi, thank you so much for
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coming. i understand this is an outreach for the community. we appreciate that. my question about sound you say you are going to have an engineer to monitor the sound. would that be done throughout the day, would you have somebody testing the sound every two hours. how does that take place? >> we are in 2 different areas, a is to hire ambient noise reading and the same thing on the first 2 events as well as other events during the summer and measure the sound with an a 1 audio engineer. >> maybe we can hear from the police department now.
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>> good evening, representing san francisco police department. i would like to start by commending live nation and the neighborhood steering committee. we feel that at least in my experience this is probably one of the best practices we've between two organizations and they keep the lines open of communication which has been productive as you see on march 29th, they continue to make amendments which are a benefit to the community as well as live nation. we also acknowledge the community input and by live nation. live nation has reached out to san francisco police department on many occasions and we've talked about actual erection of the structure as well as the logistics including
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sound, alcohol licensing, hour of operations, security plan, traffic control and generally quality of life issues that are refltd -- relevant to the neighborhood. with that said, the san francisco police department can committed to facilitating and executing conditions or modification that resolve from their agreement between the community as well as live nation. >> thank you. any questions? >> okay. i suppose we have some public comment coming. if you lineup on this side of the room, just come up to the podium and you will be followed by the next speaker. >> good evening. i represent a
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group i submitted a letter to you on wednesday. i will give you an additional copy of it. i have a new letter today. i have 6 copies of it which attaches a study by acoustic engineer which goes to the point in my may 27th letter that under -- the eir was certified in january of 2012, not in march. so the board of supervisors did not approve something from a sequel standpoint from march 2012 that consist of 10,000 seating capacity concerts and up to 40 concerts. that's simply a misunderstanding of how sequel works. so because it
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was certified in january, the scope of this concert series 2 months later is not part of the eir. when the the permit is issued to implement that change, that's the point in this case the entertainment commission has to decide whether to prepare a summary eir. if you are going from a program from an eir which is certified which had no number of concerts as 40,000 capacity and some unknown number of people outside of the pavilion as stated in the permit application, 30 concerts, that was already identified in the eir as significant. sequel has
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already identified as significant. when it increases then you have to do a supplemental eir, that is for both noise and traffic. i would like to you look at the studies one from traffic engineer and one from acoustical engineer. the information isn't relevant at that point because even if you say you have enough evidence to say that the noise impacts or traffic impacts, you still to have do the supplemental eir as a procedural step to get to that conclusion. you can't buy pass the eir step. i see 19 seconds. i want to also talk about the
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mitigation measure. this doesn't change the fact that you need to do an eir. >> how long is this corporation unincorporated organization of residents? >> it's newly formed. it doesn't have officers. >> two are here. one is gary otto. >> okay. the only question i have. >> i have a point of clarification. did you pay for these studies to be done? were you the one who asked for these to be done and did you seek out these people that you knew to do these? >> i commissioned these studies. >> okay. thank you. next
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speaker. >> hi commission, my name is barbara, i have a native san franciscans. i believe the america's couple truly great historical event including international exposition in 1989 -- it's an event for many to experience. both nationally and internationally have a chance to establish a high record of excellence to welcome great artist to our city. an environmental impact to the san francisco water front promises a responsible and comprehensive in enhancement to one of the
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premier water fronts. the area of sailing are unmatched. the willingness of america's cup to work with private and public sectors indicate a -- it's in keeping with san francisco storied history and indeed a great honor. i'm in support of the music and entertainment program at the america's cup park at pier's 27 and 29. i believe having this for entertainment on the spectacular sailing on the water will be greatly enhanced. as franklin roosevelt said at treasure island. when you start to do something do you it better than anyone else in the united states.
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>> thank you. >> my name is john, i work with latitude magazine and giving more people access to sailing. it's an opportunity to show case sailing and let the public know they can get on board. since the arrival of on the bay, they have reached out to the community providing opportunities to demonstrate bay area sailing programs. the pavilion will provide a substantially for the america's cup community, artist and important bay area sailing. while the competition gives everyone a view of the pinnacle saying it can be a more relaxed aspect of sailing. plenty of breeze and dozens of sailing programs for kids and adults from all walks of life. these programs are the same programs from today's local heroes. call
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berkeley, all of these places where they started with treasure island. additionally san francisco yacht clubs have teams from all the san francisco high schools and 32 high schools from the bay area competing. we want the public to know that sailing exist and are welcomed and will have the ability to let more people know how to access sailing. it will help entrance -- transform. sail is a phase working to give visibility to the pavilion programming and the lifestyle opportunity for city residents and youth. with that i urge you to support the pavilion and look forward to being there.
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>> my name is john paul. i live in the city. exactly what the gentleman said earlier i participated as a youth. my father was a sea captain and we sailed on the bay. both of my daughters are first assistant marine engineer and goes up and down the coast to valdez. i was with peg assess and participate with the barrier association of disabled sailors and sailing with disabled individuals and war vets. so it's a matter of don't screw this up. we have a world class venue. we have a fabulous place. i have got friends who live out in brentwood. they are coming to the city because of the venues and the activities, they are coming in on bart, taking
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public transportation. the place is fabulous. this is world class. you have all these lights going on on the bay bridge. it's absolutely fabulous. don't stop this. we've got world class bands. i don't see how you cannot support it. i also volunteer with the america's cup, participated out in the boats and have absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed it. they have been the best people and they really do seem to take into account what the city and county wants. hopefully they can conform within the permit and do what they have agreed to. i don't see how you can't deny them. thanks for your time. >> thank you. ladies and gentlemen of the commission. my name is howard. i want to comment on the exhibition
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series. i'm very impressed with the america's cup organization. my comments are relevant because i am a volunteer and participated solely by choice. i have a small business located in the city. i support the cup generally because i think it's great for the international reputation of the city specifically the concert series because the multiple head line activities, positive artistic and cultural race to the environment. this content in the atmosphere is a good thing for the america's cup and for san francisco. thank you very much. >> thank you. i name is louis and i work in the area as well. i really support the america's
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cup tremendously but i feel as a resident this is going to have a very negative impact on us from the noise level from the outdoor concerts that will go until 11:00 at night and even with them reducing them down to 30 concerts for those months that they plan on having them, i think it will be a true inconvenience and horrible traffic congestion will occur. i also really believe that it could have a negative impact on property values of people who own property in the area at not only tell graph hill but the water front. >> thank you. >> president nun, akers, hyde. i'm with the f x crowley company. i'm here to support the america's cup park at pier
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27 and 29. for the past 20 years i have worked with theatrical stage employees of local 16 and have been impressed with their commitment to work collaboratively with the neighbors and community they serve. live nation leave no stone unturn and effort to leave all sites and combination and ensure every possible event at every level. where they reached out for over 4 years to get an agreement with the neighbors. the proposed pavilion means more jobs and tax revenue for our city and for san francisco residents like myself to participate in these events and enjoy world class entertainment in a spectacular world front venue that is our home at the james r
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herman terminal. i urge to you support this issue and allow this application at the america's cup park at pier 27 and 29. thank you for your time. >> president, commissioners, my name is anthony phillips. we have an opportunity in san francisco to create a premier destination of music venue on a temporary basis. san francisco is one known sought out destination in the city. one of the elements we need to do is be able to continue that environment and allow those visitors that come and even the residents to see how well can
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present music. i have traveled a lot with music concerts but not this size of talent and this type of entertainment. for a short period of time in music am pi theatre as a concert venue. i ask that you continue to allow this to happen. live nation has taken unpresidential efforts to the community and work out any problems than any place in the world that have been able to travel. not only will this bring this kind of material to san francisco, it will provide something that is brightly needed throughout america and that is money into the arts commission, to the schools and students because they can't find it any other
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way, why not go concerts and see the help to support that. thank you for your time. thank you for the opportunity, president and commissioners. my name is diane, i'm a resident. we are located one-and-a-half blocks from pier 27. where the pavilion will be located. mark, the albert is resident of 101 as well and we drafted a note about our support for the venue. we are not opposed to the pier 27 concerts proposed by live nation folks, we hope however that these concert @7 concerts proposed by live nation folks, we hope however that these concert in the evenings must be done properly
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with noise controls and general respect for the neighborhoods. that's the reason we reached out to the concert planners in january to put together the north water front neighborhood meetings we've had so far. our purpose was and is to give people a chance to air out mutual concerns. we are impressed with the live management. they have been wonderful. bh when we moved to san francisco we chose the city because of it's vibrancy. we don't want to change the character of this city and we believe the america's cup venue and the concerts as well as the cruise ship terminal is exciting for the area. we found what occupied that space before to be good neighbors. while it's true theater goers sometimes clog parking it's
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exciting to live there. we would encourage everything working with live nation to ensure that we can all benefit from the races and other exciting events planned along our lively and embarcadero. thank you. >> hi, guys. my name is -- elias. i have played for a local band in san francisco. i have participated in many festivals and i have always found the music in san francisco brings out a certain type of crowd and definitely helps to integrate different people. to be honest most people i know, think the america's cup is a soccer game so trying to bring in a music
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and demographics is a great thing. i have worked with live nation with other concerts and they have always been courteous to people around them and we believe the concert is going to bring people for the america's cup and will liven up that part of the neighborhood. that part of the city deserves to be part of the rest of the community and it's one of the prettiest parts of the city. i support what they are doing and think it would be a good thing to include the concert pavilion as part of the america's cup. >> good evening commissioners. i'm from pier 23 cafe. my
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business is affected by all the activities going on on embarcadero. i just want to add my support to what's going on with the america's cup and the music venues. this isn't something that is necessarily good for my business. it's not what i'm commenting on. i'm dealing to deal with the chaos and 6-9,000 people going one way and 2 hours later going the other way. this is what we deal when the cruise ships are in and something we cope with and i think it's total doable and very exciting. thank you very much. >> thank you. you will
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>> good evening commissioners, my name is tad lacy from the yacht club the goal is to remember this as san francisco's cup. we should let the public experience all aspects of our water front and all of it's amenities that it has to offer. the plans for america's cup park on pier 27 and 29 will raise awareness for the sports and allows for local artist and cultural groups and organizations. by having this entertainment in addition to the spectacular sailing on the water, the overall experience and the atmosphere of this america's cup event for the city of san francisco. we want
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to provide the best musical events to all the public to enjoy. this event should be part of entertainment of one of the facets of the summer's overall sailing events. proper an insurances have been provided and i wholeheartedly on behalf of all the sailors that want to welcome everybody that you support this event. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good evening. my name is chris perkins and resident of the reason -- arena. i'm here to support the concert series.
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i honestly believe it's going to be a great summer of concerts that is going to draw residents to the piers. the exploratorium is going to be a great draw and a wonderful place to visit in the city. of course i think it's going to have a positive economic impact to the city. this america's cup is going to be big and it's going to enhance it. i was pleasantly surprise to hear how well organized it is to lessen the impact of the neighborhood and i think it's important to consider also. thank you. >> thank you. >> good evening commissioners, my name is caesar escobar. i want to touch on something i haven't heard which is job
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creation. this event is going to generate ridiculous amounts of revenue not just for education and public safety but to show case how great the city s i have lived in this city pretty much my whole life. i would like to say i'm very proud to be san franciscans. if you let this happen and as well for the permits, we can show case thought whole world what a great city this is. so i would like to ask you not to penalize these people to be chosen because of it's greatness. the city was chosen because it's a great city and if the permits are not given, we are not just penalizing a few but many of us so i'm completely in support for this. thank you.
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sports and entertainment. live nation, no matter how you wave it, entertainment is always happening. the beauty about america's cup is not rated from g to x to black. it's a universal event. it's been going on for 160 plus years. more so even though it's in san francisco and natural water front stadium. please keep in mind that the times today is not only enforceable through the media of television, magazine, whatsoever. right here in my hand is not the latest mold, but this is a very
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