tv [untitled] April 13, 2013 7:14pm-7:44pm PDT
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engagement and involvement. in preventing violence and also in subsiding kind of controversial events. i know that when i was a board member, many of our principles often called on the crn for escalations later on. today i'm also recognizing a member of our community that works on public safety here in san francisco. san francisco is blessed to have approximately 160 11 dispatchers working at the department of emergency management. as we all know, they are on the job 24/7, not just answering calls to our emergency hotline, but also coordinating the efforts of all of our first responders. unlike the men and women of san francisco police department and fire department, 911 dispatchers are invisible. and they are the first responders that we never see. but they are often our first point of contact for our victims. the voice on the other end of the line that provides help and reassurance to people in
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distress. the invisible life line providing instructions for cpr and even directions on how to deliver babies and ultimately the cool and collected coordinator that ensures our police and firefighters are receiving the critical information that they need to keep everyone in crisis safe. this week is national public safety telecommunications week which honors this vital work nationwide. and today i am pleased to honor san francisco 911 dispatcher of the year corey cruz. (applause) >> corey was nominated by her fellow dispatchers after managing a difficult and dangerous emergency incident in district 6 last november. as a dispatcher managing the radio channel for this incident, corey coordinated the activities of approximately 40 responding police and chp units and relayed critical information to them as well as
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updated the computer aided patch system providing vital communication links for all of our first responders. i wish that we actually had the actual radio from that dispatch because i've been told that it was extremely intense. many of you may remember this incident from the press coverage that it received, but it involved this suicidal man under the gun driving a stolen vehicle. corey managed the radio traffic for sv fpd as they pursued the suspect through downtown san francisco and over the bay bridge to treasure island. during this period the suspect ran multiple red lights, threatened to shoot himself and fired shots at our police officers. it was a very volatile and complex event that posed extreme risk to both the general public and our police officers in pursuit, corey handled every aspect of the event professionally and remaining calm and poised during this unpredictable situation. corey is joined here today by members of her family, her parents and her brother.
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[speaker not understood]. chief suhr, 911 director lisa hoffman and several of her colleagues. on a personal note, corey immigrated here from the philippines as a teenager and she's been a dispatcher in the city and county for eight years. it is clear how valuable you are to the city family. there are so many people who wanted to be here today to recognize the work and the work of your colleagues, but most importantly we want to thank you in helping to keep our community and our residents and first responders safe. thank you very much. (applause) >> thank you, supervisor jane kim for this recognition and to the other members of the board of supervisors. i would like to acknowledge the presence of our deputy -- i mean the director and [speaker not understood]. our deputy director lisa
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huffman, the department of emergency management, especially my friends and coworkers. supervisors, you guys have the best coworkers out there. i would like to give this honor to every single person at dispatch. every day their composure is tedtion. your resolve is shaken. frustration may set in yet we never fail to deliver. yourselfless dedication to service is unmatched. your fortitude is like no other. ~ i am proud to be a part of such a gifted group. thank you for your service to the city. thank you for always being there. thank you all very much. (applause)
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>> thank you, supervisor kim. congratulations to ms. cruz and thank you to all of our dispatchers in san francisco. with that, why don't we go to general public comment. >> the next item on the agenda is public comment. the public may comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board, including items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar. please note that public comment does not allow on those item which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee. pursuant to board rule 4.22, please direct your remarks as a whole and not to individual supervisors and not to the audience. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. and if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and then
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abdullah [speaker not understood]. i am very proud to be the first one ask every one of you to change the old hotel to be hospital, which is in the corner of geary and van ness. i am here today not to fight, but to support my supervisor jane kim. she was asked to help us. she visit us. she tried to feel about how we tried to survive with our illness. take me as example. i am the only one in california state survive with air time heart attack. high blood pressure, low blood pressure, sugar, salt, everything. and i would like to tell you from my home to this place take
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[speaker not understood] minutes. i don't need to go when i have problem to a general hospital with two, three ambulance and [speaker not understood] around me. i would like to be very close for our district 6. supervisor, i have here our [speaker not understood] and to arrest any one of you who said no for that issue. we need that. and i would like to put that here to let you read. we need help, yes. we need your help before we die in the city. ladies and gentlemen, i would like to see which one have courage [speaker not understood] something like that can help with my life and many other people life. i don't beg you, but i ask you, save my life like anyone else.
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people take it one way. i take it this way, 25 pills i take a day to survive and to give me a hard time. [inaudible]. >> thank you. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much, abdullah. next speaker, please. next speaker, please. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is keith dennis. i was here a couple weeks ago and there was some money being allocated to laguna honda. i want to ask this board to develop a committee that
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watches that money, that watches that money and make sure that money reaches the patients of laguna honda hospital. thank you very much. god bless you, and god bless the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, supervisors. start the corporate wave of all public library. don't give money to the friends of the library. don't accept money from the friends of the library. the privatization of our society means that in return for living off public assets while creating the allusion they are donating money, corporate philanthropyists actually run our society. ~ illusion [speaker not understood] the actual documents and the story of how the public is being ripped off is readily confirmed. when the friends of the library originally claimed that it would raise $16 million for the branch libraries in 2000, it had assets of 20.3 million. at the end of the most recent year for which we have figures,
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the friend has net assets of 8.9 million, thus in the 12 years of the branch library improvement program, it had not lost assets of 11.3 million. as required under the san francisco administrative code, the library administration ~ reports that funds expended to carry out or assist any function in the public library during that period was only 4.9 million, which means that after having income over that period of over $40 million and the library got not one red cent, the library received only 43.2% of the reduction in assets. this is proof of how extensively corporate interests run city hall. a private group can raise $40 million and spend almost 50 million, and the fact that they have no agreement with the city is evidence of their power. democracy is not the by product. destroying democracy is the
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mission statement and the goal. the purpose is to prove that they are aeries toe cats and they can destroyed anything they want. do you want to send the message to the rest of society that the biggest corporate thieves are the biggest city hall insiders? ~ in fact, the real damage is to our faith in our public institutions and our democracy. david chiu having me arrested doesn't solve societies' problems and the [speaker not understood] cost the money. >> thank you. next speaker. members of the board of supervisors, ray harte, san francisco open government. i'm reading from section 57 15, public testimony, the sunshine ordinance subsection b. a policy body shall not abridge or prohibit public criticism of the policy, procedures, programs, or services of the city, or of any other aspect of its proposals or activities or of the acts or omissions of the body on the basis that the
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performance of one or more public employees is implicated or on any basis other than reasonable time constraints adopted in regulation. members of this board of supervisors should truly be embarrassed by the fact that a citizen of san francisco has to read the law to you in order to make public comment without interruption. half of you purport to be lawyers. why don't you follow a law. on march 26th as i was addressing this board regarding the practices of your clerk, president chiu interrupted me. he did so without any good faith belief that my comments were inappropriate. he did so in violation of sunshine ordinance section i just read. despite stealing my time, interrupting my train of thought, and forcinging me to tell him something, he certainly knew, the clerk then can you tell me off mid sentence, taking away my time. it's bad enough that this board of supervisors steals a full minute from each and every citizen who wishes to talk with you.
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3 minutes is the little intent of the law. the practices of the presiding officer and the clerk which violate the law are beyond the pale. you get up every meeting and pledge allegiance to the flag and equal justice and all that, but you basically can't sit in your damn seats and listen to the citizens of this city. you sit there and you play angry birds or you do on your phone or you do anything but listen to the citizens of this city. you ought to be embarrassed. i don't know whether it's arrogance or hubris. but as far as the elected officials, i would be ashamed to let the citizens know how little i thought of what they thought. (applause) >> thank you. next speaker. president chiu and board of supervisors, good afternoon. my name is jane kennedy. i live on greenwich street between -- >> please speak directly into that microphone. i am. oh, you can't hear me? >> we can hear you now. i live on greenwich street
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between hyde and leavenworth and i come to try and engage your interest about completing the undergrounding of utilities. and in that quest, i want to put on the overhead projector a word. >> sfgovtv, thank you. i wouldn't dream of trying to pronounce it, but it is what is coated all of the wood on the telephone pollsand causes a toxic waste when it runs off into the water supply. ~ and i feel telephone polls should go the of the bug i whip. and i know for sure unless that quest to underground utilities in san francisco is completed with prioritizing, there will never be any funding for it. ~ so, i just commend this to you for the future of the city. and thank you for your time. >> thank you for your time. next speaker.
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~ buggy whip my name is eugene gordon, jr. rejoice social cultural revolution taking its mean exchange in diametric materialist i can matter, [speaker not understood] social culture condition applied, radiant in its universe, not a supernatural blessing. we dress to corroborate homosapien need to answer an inability of the state to orient minimal work time, medical health disability recognition, in exchange for healthy basic needs. just written as abbreviated by the measure is sharing with me to production out laws racism
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[speaker not understood], capital [speaker not understood], market speculation, commodity value exchange and manifestations, public ownership of means of production is organized collective labor, constructive evaluation, qualified skilled products, rejoice to labor more than one minimum work time skill is part of the work, refreshes the reflective cooperative community. exchange work with basic needs [speaker not understood] approximately 2 to 4 hours a day for five-day week, with two-day or expanded weekend leisure. longer workday would mean sort of workweek. the exchange for our basic healthy needs. elected representatives [speaker not understood] expression and vote. basic needs of public administration constitution like the healthy right to work, organized labors [speaker not understood]. >> thank you very much.
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next speaker. want to welcome back our former colleague, supervisor chris daly. good afternoon, president and board of supervisors. my name is karen [speaker not understood] and i stand here with seiu, [speaker not understood] representation. we come this afternoon to say special thank you to supervisor cohen for having today at 12:00 noon over 100 people gathered in front of the city hall in recognition of equal pay day and the resolution trying to be put in san francisco making today equal pay day. we are happy today and thank you for the supervisors that participated as well. we are here today. we have a video that we would like to show that features supervisor cohen, president of seiu local 10 21, [speaker not understood] sanchez, and also laura hahn is also featured in this. again, we thank you and ask if item number 21st agenda of your
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meeting today in support of the resolution for equal pay day in san francisco. thank you. can we see the video? [video presentation] >> more than ever men and women have a better day. >> women are leading in business. [speaker not understood]. they are lead intion government. >> women are helping society move forward. too many women are falling behind. >> this is the idea of san francisco. that's why we are recognizing the national league for pay day. >> april 9, how much the woman will have to work to make the average amount the man-made last year. [speaker not understood]. >> that's why we need common sense laws and politics to end discrimination in pay. support paycheck equality. >> support paycheck equality. >> support paycheck equality. >> support paycheck equality. >> [speaker not understood]. ♪
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♪ >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. i'm michael, i'm a member of the park merced coalition, and the community improvement team. i'd like to thank both supervisors for the work they have been doing on this. very, very challenging issue. it's been a pleasure to be involved in participatory democracy. ~ and i would just very briefly like to ask that supervisor kim's new legislation be given a full vetting in hbc and planning before it moves out of committee and onto the full board. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. next speaker. well, today's message comes from john and luke.
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the high priest then asked jesus of his disciples and his do trim and jesus said, i spoke openly to the world what i ever taught in the synagogues. and in the temple where the jews always resort. in secret have i said nothing. why ask me? ask them what i said to them. be hold, they know what i said. and then when he had thus spoken, one of the officers that stood by struck jesus and everything jesus says is touche, but this is particularly touche. he says, if i have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil. but if well, why do you smite me? and then he was brought off to pontious pilate. jesus said, are you saying that of yourself or did others tell you of me? he said, to this end was i born and for this cause came i into the world to bear witness to
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the truth. everyone that is of the truth hears my voice. the world has never seen as rough as a preacher of the lord jesus christ. in luke chapter 13 they came to him and said, what pilate, the same one he stood before in chapter 18 of john, had just killed some jews. we're not giving any information about that other than they were killed by pilate. you know what jesus said? he said, do you think they were worse than anybody else because they suffered this? he said you all will likewise perish. he wasn't saying a roman government was going to kill them. he was talking about judgment day. and then he brought out another tragedy about how 18 people died when this tower fell on them and killed them. he said, do you think they were any worse than anybody else because that happened to them? unless you repent, you'll all and believe in me, you'll all likewise perish. think about it.
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>> next speaker, please. good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is rose hillson. i appreciate that the c-e-q-a california environmental quality act procedures community alternative legislation written at the urging of neighborhood groups, environmental groups and preservation advocates has been introduced today. i look forward to reading it and having it heard before both planning and hpc, historic preservation, as requested. hpc meeting date is may 1st. i was not sure if the community alternative legislation will be at land use committee eight days prior on april 22. anyway, i look forward to reading it and for it to be thoroughly vetted so the public is given fair and meaningful opportunity to opine. it is hoped that the full board in future will also support the community legislation that may balance everyone's concerns. thank you very much all for your time.
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>> thank you. next speaker. and if there are any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment, please line up. [singing] ♪ ♪ good night city good night city welcome to chris daly today good night city here comes chris daly coming back today we're going to the lull a by of broadway that's what the civic heights is, it's up your supervisor way hello. ♪ i don't even know your city name, but i think and love you just the same the last time i felt like this i was sewing in city love, falling and ceiling, i never
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felt such love the gov the last time i felt like this was long before i knew to how to keep the city green and blue the last time i felt like this i was falling in city love falling in ceiling i never felt this way in love gov the last time i felt like this is long before i knew a city that's like you ♪ walk my way [speaker not understood] instruments aren't on strike today never knowing my right hand from my glove and city from gov and no contract in this d and contract love
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on my own should i wonder with all the $155,000 a year and all alone and i'm so glad you got a contract city >> thank you. next speaker. supervisors, tom gilberti, [speaker not understood], official greetings to all our new ones. i'm here for noise. that's my priority. i'm the only one in the city that's time has come. it's not on the environmental impact reports. we don't need a thousand people to find out that, you know, its time has come to address that situation. that's number one priority.
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number two priority, two years ago my rent went up 8.9%. last year it went up 9.5%. this year it went up between 10 and 14%. the difference in one rent check this year is $390. we have -- we're asking the city to give up 2000 plus prime rent control apartments and drop those people into the toxic soup of market rate apartment, and a market rate apartment is first and foremost a vehicle for investors to make money. second, after that is a vehicle to make profits and where does the edge start when you go into prove tiering. -- profiteering and topped by 5%.
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what you've got here is say situation that's happening. when we top it off with 5%, we want to keep our community, our city stable. that's the number two priority. number three priority, sc-4, market and dolores, 88 condos, i'm seeing 26 condos. i'm seeing 26 cost of living apartments. i'm seeing 26 lower income units and 10 section 8 people. it looks good. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. hi, i'm edmond [speaker not understood]. happy earth day [speaker not understood]. i'm at the wrong place. >> that's the right microphone. [speaker not understood]. >> if you could speak into the microphone.
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