tv [untitled] April 14, 2013 9:14am-9:44am PDT
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retail that you don't want more formula we re tail on this corridor which is what we are trying to do. >> i think we set it low enough by using the methodology and then we ran it through few scenarios and determined the appropriate percentage based on that >> most applications in this contradict would fall into this and would come back with a disapproval? >> i wouldn't know about most, but again the corner lots that we ran and particularly in the coroner -- of church market because of the safe way so that makes the numbers go up considerably. >> i'm supportive of it. i just want to make sure it's strong enough because the neighbors have been here and we have other retails coming up and there is a sentiment that there
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is too much on market street which i would agree. i don't want to get into a position where formula retailers think they can go in a spot. it's not 20 percent, that you should prove and the commission wouldn't prove it. >> right. the policy does say that we evaluate based on the condition of the criteria and the office does to have recommend approval or disapproval because there are other criteria we look at. >> do you know for example on kings street, i know it was redevelopment before. because i think it would be good to look at other areas in the city. i think king street suffers from too much formula retail. it doesn't have great character. if there is other places in the city where we should adopt kind of a similar cu downtown along
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market street, i think suffers from the same, kind of too much formula retail well don't have that cu for formula retail. >> i think it was a good portion of king street was in the redevelopment area so the controls were different and redevelopment plans apply there. >> commissioner antonini? >> another thing why this is another good example. you have fine grain older structures, a lot of them but we are creating a lot of very large new structures and i don't know if staff has had any interchange with interaction with the developers to find out how many square feet the retail is going to be, whether they are going to be allowed to break these into smaller discrete units or whether they have to be marketed as a large retail
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space because certain spaces make it harder for local firms to be able to fill them because of the fact that there are so many square feet involved. for example, the formula, the pottery barn space. is a really big space. if for some reason they pulled out of will, it would be hard to fill that space would be my guess. it just, that's my only concern. has there been any communication with the projects sponsors or yon i don't remember the exact details of our approvals where we were able to provide retail space into smaller units? >> no. but there are non-residential use site controls which favors smaller
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store fronts in neighborhood conditions. it's probably around 3000 square feet. they can break it up into smaller stores. >> that would be allowed if they can't use the larger space? >> correct. >> rogers? >> thank you commissioners, i would like to add a couple thoughts into this discussion. first as was instead we do have very blunt tools for controlling formula retail. it's either prohibited or it's allowed in some commercial districts such as downtown and markets. while this admittedly is again still a blunt rule, it's providing guidance to community members and developers where they can run the calculation and get a sense
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where this is a spot that is over concentrated or not and make the decision about whether or not to proceed based upon that knowledge. so, we think that that is a big improvement in the specific concentration of this proposal were developed and tested both in this neighborhood, but it also came present a larger report where we are looking at evaluations of that you hear a lot about the arts and innovative neighborhoods and one of the criteria is that they have used at the national level is directs that has less than 20 percent concentration and we started around that rage and in here there were some directs where it allowed more. it seemed about right and that's why we got to this number. >> commissioner moore? >> on that, commissioner hillis said, another tool which we have audio and -- used, and i don't know if it was used in
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the king street area was to hall out on the architects in this building and technically in the market corridor we saw today to make it subdividable because we have this plan that is requiring the back of the house corridors access to elevators and loading docks etc which a plan didn't have and the plans were retro fitted to allow for that and i think the tools are important to study in more detail and the department almost in precondition on the majority of buildings. >> commissioner antonini? >> yes, just to clarify a little bit about this vote on this particular legislation where it's a policy in the policy is one that guides staff obliging them to ask or support disapproval of a project if the threshold is exceeded. but it would not preincluded
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individual commissioners from conceded all the different factors in their vote and we would not be obliged and therefore you are not against it. >> you are required to look at all the policy. >> it's a staff recommendation and staff probability would have some discretion, i think. but the commissioners would ultimately have discretion on their vote. >> staff would not have discretion if it was at or exceeded 20 percent. we would recommend disapproval. >> on that motion to adopt a policy for the market street including from castro to octavia. commissioners antonini, border, moore,
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sugaya, wu, president fong, ayes. that motion passes i would like to welcome back everyone for this planning commission hearing. we left on the calendar under formula retail in the upper market ncd proposed planning commission policy that would establish a methodology for determining the concentration of formula retail and set the appropriate level of concentration for formula retail in the upper market neighborhood nct and ncd. preliminary recommendation: adoption a b and c and 2009 -- for that hill in saint luke's campus general plan amendments. >> thank you. good afternoon
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commission. i'm joined by ken rich by the economic and force development. we are here for several months for discussions. these discussion resulted in a new project and term sheet for a revised development agreement both of which will be presented here today. before we get started i have an amendment specifically map one of the area plan. the version of your packet of 7.1 to 1. in today's hearing i'm going to present an overview of what has transpired last year of the overview revised project. i will summarize this action before
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you today. as you know this project was originally heard by this commission almost one year ago as indicated on the slide. your approvals were followed by months of discussion by the board of supervisors as well as negotiations for agreement. last night they denied the -- a revised d. a. including plan approvals for the summer boards recess. to take you back to an overview a development plan project includes 2 buildings. two at saint lukes and went at the cathedral and one at the
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daveey hill campus. at the campus, an acute 20 bed. larger than this previous proposal. the new hospital is existing west to the tower of the existing parking lot. the siting of the new hospital remains in business during construction. the existing hospital will be demolished once the new hospital is constructed. on the west side of van ness between gearey and post, c p and c constructions promotions 674 beds of a hospital. it is worth note that go cathedral hill hospital will accommodate the space for
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additional 330 beds. they will only add those beds if saint luke hospital reaches the range. this is a 3 story shorter and 351 bed fewer than the previous proposal. across the street, c p and c proposes a medical office building. these will be connect by an under ground tunnel. propose construction of a medical office building known as the neuro science institute. this slide summarizes the previous project as the compared revised project. you can see the new cathedral hill hospital reduces the number of beds and quantity of parking. saint luke's hospital is a 120 bedside.
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including the day via campus is 524 beds. at this point i would like to turn it over to ken rich who will provide an overview of the term sheet. >> good afternoon, commissioners, i'm really happy to be back in front of you for the second and hopefully final round of this project. as you know the previous proposed project and development agreement were heard by the land use committee in full board last year and the board members made it clear they were not ready to approve the development and after meetings were held attended by supervisor chiu, campos and ferrel and executives, gerardo own of the bakery mediated
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these sessions and did a fantastic job of keeping us on track. out of these sessions came out a physical project as was described and also to go along with it a new proposal development agreement. the xoidz -- keypoints are on the slide which makes it all beds in the city. a larger percentage than it was previously cpm c obligated to provide a level of charity care and with no financial conditions or projections. last time that was an issue. this time it was resolved and health transportation and affordable housing and pedestrian safety. you see in the agreement, it will be 10 bed general general
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-- acute hospital. the last time around it opened on the same day and now with construction schedules there will be a little bit of a lag. the term sheet will be clear and we have same liquidate damages that will kick in if it opens later. instead of the 80 bed saint luke's hospital. it will have the same required standards of excellence and services. in the same ways as before, cpm c will be object -- obligated within five years to offer the site for the city for the purpose of constructing such facility. like saint luke's the provision of baseline for the poor and under
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served. we think also a better way oh for defining this obligation. instead of using a certain amount and leading to financial performance we have negotiated a set number of patience which cpm c must care for every year. this has defined a number of patients cared for in the last three years and approximately 30,000 patients a year. cpm c is prepared to provide services and does not depend on any external circumstances. you will remember that in the last agreement cpm c was responsible for being the hospital partner for a number of new medi-cal
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beneficiaries. cpm c will provide medical services for people outpatient. it will be beneficiaries for 10 years at least which may come to provide services. like in the last agreement there is a foundation. cpm c will fund this with $9 million approximately. it's already been identified and although there will be additional funds available as well. in the health service system, the agreement includes
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protecting the city's health service system from increases by capping rates for ten years and limits premium increases for 5 persianly -- percent -- annually after that. moving off to health care items onto to affordable housing. the clear sheet includes 2 affordable housing payments. to compensate for 25 units that will be displaced. this is for the planning and codes. this will be paid at the time c p pulls the permit for demolition. and the mayor's office of housing affordable housing fund. the van ness special use district which causes housing to be a large
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part of projects being used. agreement includes 30 percent local higher for construction jobs, including 50 percent local higher for new apprentice position and entry level permanent jobs for ten years. that change is hard to notice here. i will note that in the last agreement, this is 45 jobs. this is now 40 percent of new entry level jobs for 10 years and $4 million for cpm c, the other work force provisions remain in the same as the previous agreement. on transportation we have three pot of funds which will depot to the use in improving transportation. this is in lieu of a fee instead of tidf,
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funding for brt facility and parking surcharge to be imposed in the cathedral hill garages. in addition there are new provisions in this term sheet regarding on going monitoring around all of c p mr. in short, cpm c is obligated to work with the city to monitor conditions to the campuses and over all congestion at cathedral hill. if these are found substandard, cpm c will address the conditions. and i will note that one of the measures here we are measuring against is a campus wide reduction goal of reduced single occupancy of 15 percent. lastly, cpm c will use a variety of outreach means at their disposal to encourage
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their employees to purchase a clipper card and will subsidize half of the cost of the card. in addition this cpm c le restrict access to the parking garage. the access will be restrict to only cpm c employees and not others. moving on to street escape and pedestrian safety. cpm c will pay the city for pedestrian walkway. $200,000 to fund a safe passage program and $1.5 million for transit and joining the cathedral hill campus. in addition cpm c will pay $3 million to the city for increased enforcement and traffic safety improvement for
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the campus. the pacific campus will become an outpatient campus after the new hospital is built and california campus maybe taken out of service or may not be. continuing with saint luke's and day via. it's a specified program of i am improvements. instead of money, it's improvements. those list of valued and 3.million for saint luke's. it's the project, not the actual cash. looking at the payment schedule for the funds as you see up on your slide, the agreement also contains a payment schedule for the cash payments as noted on the slide about $7 million is payable as soon as the project is approved by the board and signed by the mayor. the
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remainder of the payments come over a period of 5 years. once the approvals are finally granted which means that any litigation that might occur is settled or dismissed or the period for filing passes or at such a time that cpm c begins construction at cathedral hill. as soon as they get through that litigation period or begin construction at cathedral hill then the $14 million segment comes in. the improvement at saint luke's and daveey and any funds that are payable due to traffic that show too high an amount of congestion that would be at the time of doing those studies. so, the process going
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forward if the commission approves today we'll go to the commission to come back to this commission on may 23rd for approval of the large packet of the development agreement and the other various things. that concludes my presentation. >> the action before the commission today is to initiate the general plan amendment of the revised project. you are not being asked today to take
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action on this. the amendment plans requirement as follows: the map 4 of urban maximum development. the height map is 88 feet for saint luke's campus. this is a proposed maximum height of 145 feet for the portion of the sight where the the hospital tour is located. the second is map 5 of the urban design development. currently both allowed in the accordance with this map by 125 feet for the campus. this would be amended to 229 feet by 285 for the hospital and at the cathedral hill campus there are four general plan amendments. the first is the van ness area plan. the van ness area plan
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objectives and policy for a high density area. second is map 1 of the van ness area plan. the project would amend this map to designate the site for new medical office building for the van ness medical use. from 7.1 to 7.5 to 1. currently the project area is 30 v. the project would amend this map to include a terminance with the hospital side. lastly about five of the urban design elements. this map are 110 to 140 feet and m v sight. this is 385 feet for the hospital
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site and 265 feet for the medical office building site. so the commission can hold a future hearing to consider action on these items. the department recommendation that you adopt the resolution and instruct the planning department to provide notice for a hearing to continue these items on may 23rd. that concludes our presentation an we are both available for questions. >> okay. opening up to public comment. steve nak go, sash a hong and derek. >> thank you. good afternoon. my name is steve nak go, director of cofounder of the
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senior center of japan town. we call it western addition fillmore. i'm here as the executive director of a non-profit community based located in japan town. i'm voicing my support of the california pacific medical center plan. i would like to highlight a point. we have a long history of working closely with providing case management services. patients returning home have received home meal deliver y. we deliver 180 meals a day. formerly we have worked with the transition care specialist are assigned to work with cpm c discharge managers
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to help patients transition to home. kimchi is 42 years old. we are celebrating our anniversary. cpm c is an important part of our community supporting the health needs of our seniors and families. i hope you will support efforts in advance for a serves -- service that is much needed. today i'm speaking at the director of kim che senior center. >>
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