tv [untitled] April 15, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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they're able to fully design, manage, and maintain their streets within one department so i think here it's important that mta and dpw work together since we're two separate departments but i think we have a good working relationship through the streets bond and that will continue. also our streets capital group works together. >> i understand they might be merged into one department and we're two and actually more departments than that, but i don't think the happen ns stance of the departmental structure -- i think that could be easily worked around, so i think we should start keeping pace. thank you.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. i am used to saying commissioners and [inaudible] deputy director for policy and programming with the san francisco transportation authority. i thank you for having this hearing today. i'm going to focus on prop k in particular which is the half cent sales tax for transportation in san francisco. however, there are a lot of funding programs that are available to address pedestrian safety, and the challenge is how to balance the various opportunities to address it in a strategic manner. is there enough funding? no. but i think we have an opportunity with the strategy to figure out the ways to address the highest need areas in a strategic way. in the past there hasn't been a clear vision how to put
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together the program of projects so what we're looking for with the five year prioritization programs is moving in the right direction to link transportation investments and the efforts of the pedestrian safety task force with safety goals and prop k is flexible in that regard. it can fund basically all of the transportation infrastructure improvements that you heard discussed today. tomorrow you have continental walks and safe to routes program and next month curb signals and curb ramps. we leverage federal and state grants for all of these projects so it's a very flexible source and for the categories that are programs, so they're not specific projects like the trans bay terminal or central subway. these are traffic calming, pedestrian crossing and upgrades and require a five year
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prioritization program, and they these involve -- they require actually. it's in the voter approved expenditure plan that tray require a methodology for all of the categories and require a five year program of projects and this is for all projects that agencies anticipate requesting funding for over the next five years, and the timing of the release of the strategy is really -- it couldn't be better because we're about to kickoff the process for updating the five year programs at this point, so this is an opportunity for the public to see, for the agencies to coordinate amongst each other, for board members to have insight into what projects are coming down the pipeline, how can we integrate improvements from one project that might draw from other categories to fund
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the project, so prop k is very flexible in that regard. i will also add that prop k is a 30 year program, but one of the things that we can do is we can accelerate the availability of prop k funds from the out years of the program to the near term years of the program, so that if there is the capacity and the prioritizing methodology and a list of projects that agencies are ready to implement in the next five years we can recommend through this five year plan update to accelerate the amount of funding that is available. examples for the folks at home of the types of projects that require five year plans are traffic calming, and pedestrian safety signals, and transportation and land use, which is primarily funding large grants. the schedule for
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updating the five year plans between now and june we will be doing outreach and the agencies will be doing outreach to work amongst each other to prepare the prioritization parameters, and draft list of projects. outreach will be done and a list will be presented to the board in july, and then additional outreach will take place through october where the public has another opportunity to weigh in on what they would like to see funded in their neighborhood for pedestrian safety improvements with approval by the board in december and more information is available at www. sfgtv .org mta. i will note there is expenditure plans and the 10-dollar registration fee and those register in san francisco
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pay annually. about 1.2 million is allocated for pedestrian safety improvements annually so that is another funding source that the authority manages and i do also want to make a plug for www. my street sf. this is a google map application where the public can search for projects in their community, in their specific district, of a type of project. you can search by pedestrian safety projects. it doesn't measure curb ramps or sidewalk repairs because they come to us in a large volume, but it tells you what is under way and you can see how implementation is going and once the five year plan comes in we will up load those so folks can see what is happening in their
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neighborhood. we are working to update san francisco's long range transportation plan and really the capital improvement program that jonathan will talk about now and the five year plans are really the near term implementation of san francisco's long-term strategies for improving pedestrian safety in the city. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am jonathan ruers. i'm last in a line of presenters. i am manager of the capital financial planning and long time at mta and the issues i deal with are the issues that you brought up today. we have good plans and strategies like this and how do we implement them and turn them into built projects? i will talk about the tool that the
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mta use for that. it's a new one, our five year capital improvement program and talk how they're irnlt greatd and we talk about integration between the departments and how does it work? how do all of the plans and how do they integrate actually getting these things built? and the last thing we do have a gap and there is cost identified in the strategy and how do we close that gap and what are strategies to consider in doing that? quickly the mta's capital improvement program five year plan is a new thing and we start in 2011 and provide a transparent view to the community and we have so many dollars of resources available and what with we do so people would understand that. it's made up 16 contained program and we have a certain revenue in a five year period,
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let's say $100 million and what can we deliver within the programs. for the purpose of the strategy that includes the pedestrian cip program and traffic calming program and traffic signal program and this is to provide transparent in what we can do and accountability so within the five year window somebody could see what intersections are we taking care of it and what areas of the city you expect improvements to happen. just our current cip is the fiscal year 13 and through 17cip and includes 350 projects with 30 federal and state and local funds and one being proposition k but there are 140 fund types and those are restrictions on time, type of project and program which means different sources have different rules
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and sometimes it's difficult to put a package of funding sourcing together for large projects and we take that into consideration. for the current cip -- our current program is listed here and school program and traffic calming and traffic and signal program and large at 70.6 million and infusion of 25 million from the prop b bond and during this period we're seeing a high use of prop k for delivery and construction projects in the process. >> just so quickly this is all of the dollars available from the pots -- >> the current five year window correct. how does this work and how do these things tie together? a question that people often ask what do the plans mean? how do they fit
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together? how do you get the projects? here you have the mayor's pedestrian safety strategy and you have the transportation plan that is being completed. we have at the mta a 20 year capital plan that looks at all of the needs from whoever that is not financially constrainedded and what people want to see on the streets and how they want the transit system to look and one this is a policy priority and second we make it a policy within the agency that we don't add a capital project unless 95% of the funds are identified for the projected that we promise and it's important. that set to the scoping and who do we do with the dollars. that's the what and why of the projects and the cip talks about the how and when and how many years and fund it? that leads to the 10 year
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capital plan and what we can spend and clifer and our plan short fall so again we know what we can build, what is the short fall, and reef for financially, and it reaches into the five year plan and how use the sales taxes within that period. we have these priorities versus the constraints. people notice in the strategy there is page 17 if i recall and this is what it says so there are three primary areas of projects looking at. core projects and programs, our best practices programs and pilots and looking at the treatments that are most effective along our corridors, piloting those and which work best and implementing those, so overall plus the support. we have $363 million of need. we think perspectively based on very -- i am stress this,
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conservative needs and there are the needs and the constraints. i want to stress again it's based on timing so the constraint is 2021 based on the strategy so if we had another 10 years could we close the gap and come up another couple million dollars? probably but this is again to get the strategy completed within the time frame that we identified. step one close the gap in the programs and those we know are effective and implementing some of the educational programs that we talked about. the short fall, that $10 million short fall is really in the areas of the kind of the plans, education, and outreach because very often the funding sources that we deal
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with at mta you build the project and deal with this. and these programs are limited to us so that is the $10 million gap. step two, fund pilot treatments and identify those most impactful so we're building up how to take care of the short fall. one do the injury corridors, identify innovative treatments and integrate with other projects. again that is a $5 million gap. step three and estimate improvements and we estimated the third part, the permanent capital improvements but again this is a strategy. it's a plan. it's an estimate. we haven't actually gone to the intersections. we haven't done the engineering but that is the goal. that's what we're reaching towards so again we want to implement the high impacts first and then pursue funding by phase and i often tell people so they see the
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total there and we're never going to accomplish that. in reality we want to fund environmental studies, do outreach and fund designs and those things that can be achieved as things tend to snow ball and it's easier to define other projects and fund the gaps so on the advocacy side here are three areas where we know we have short falls. kind first to close the $10 million. first look to project integration opportunities so the streets bond is a good example and look at alternate source for the programs and one thing at mta we're looking at and implement the large transit improvements can we do other improvements
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simultaneously and the best practices and in the capital plan for future sources and develop the data for mtc, to the federal government and state of california as new sources come up and the $200 million and i want to stress this. fund pre-planning and low dollar and makes it easy for people like me why we are ready and have shovel ready projects and something that we can fund. focus on projects to phase over time so i don't want people to get scared with that 273 million-dollar number. remember we want to move it through piecemeal and get it done and projects and treatments are easy for me and you to advocate to get the projects funded. what is the potential? how can we close the gap?
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>> i know that you have two slides left and i am noting the time and i know many members of the public are waiting to speak and i'm going ask to you rush through the last two slides. >> i can rush. >> this is really important but i appreciate it. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> i'm going to go really quick. so where is our potential? right now we project potential on top of what is on the strategy from 56 to $80 million and there is a proposal in the 10 year plan. we project conservatively what we can do in grants. we can probably do better there. the mta and will have another bond issuance and another opportunity and development impact fees and our transportation sustainability fee has a source dedicated towards improvements and the five steps and how can we do it, closing the gap, promoting
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interdisbraigz and pre-planning and testing the best things and funding projects to phase and looking towards those opportunities. all done. >> thank you. i appreciate that. i just want to acknowledge all the departments that came together to put this robust presentation together. i know this was a lengthy hearing and i want to thank the public for their patience but it's important issue. it really deserves this time and level of detail and attention and as supervisor wiener said it's so many departments and we want to make sure that the coordination and communication is happening and i want to say that the first presentation i was able to attend on the board i think there is significantly more communication and more
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integration of a lot of the plans and concepts and we will be seeing that in the implementation that's happened but continue to happen so i don't want to speak any longer. i would like the public to speak on this item. i had a lot of questions but i wanted to save that for another time when meeting with departments but i will have conclusionary remarks as my colleagues will. through the chair if we open this up through public comment. >> public comment is two minutes and a soft bell when you have third seconds left and a louder bell when the time is up. supervisor kim. >> thank you. i will call up 10 speakers at a time. i acknowledge everyone may not be here but i will call them in the order we received them.
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>> most senior citizens are dependent and use sidewalks to get to transportation and our members go to chinatown to run errands or afternoon walks daily. we often hear stories from members getting into accidents on street intersections and they're too slow and cars will honk at them while they're in the intersection with the signal . [speaking foreign language]
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>> with such a high density of senior housing in district 6 we need longer count downs and with seniors with limited mobility to cross the streets. we must improve the streets so all residents can cross safely and i hope to see more improvements in the future. thank you. >> next speaker. good afternoon. my name is earnteen
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waters rice. i have been preach to muni for years to get offices talking and traffic offices at first, second and third and i might add sixth street now. there are no cop foot parals. there is insufficient lighting. i live downtown which is the most congested area in the city you know. seniors and disabled are very -- at risk. the worse ones are the speeding bikers that i blow my whistle at everyday because they ride on the sidewalk which they're not supposed to, on the embarcadero they have a lane but they don't stop. i try to cross at washington and the embarcadero and it's impossible. they don't stop. i try to cross that street. so we have a lot to do. community districts can help with the funding. we don't have that downtown and david perhaps
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can you help with that and i think i covered it all. >> thank you. >> good afternoon. i am kevin stall and a resident of district 6 and work as a tenant organizer at the sro collaborative and district 6 has some of the most dangerous intersections in the city and i have been hit almost a couple of times in those intersections which i am glad i haven't but there is dense population of children in district 6 so i would like to make sure that the neighborhood safety be prioritized for district 6 so protect the children and their families plus seniors and disabled and anyone and everyone that lives and works and visits this part of the city so no more accidents and fatalities happen in this part of the city. thank you.
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>> thank you mr. stall. >> chinatown reach and improvement project. first i would like to thank this committee for your leadership in promoting pedestrian safety. i think this is one of the most important things for our city. i think that all the programs that were presented today are really promising. i guess my comment is that i want to echo supervisor kim. we would like to see more detail as far as the high priority streets, high priority intersections, and when work is going to be done. we would like to urge city staff from this point on to work closely with neighborhood groups. i think it's essential that we can fine tune at the
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neighborhood level, and also i would like to see that this city would challenge the assumption that we need to accommodate regional traffic, and that we should hold pedestrian safety as a hirer and more important objective than moving regional traffic. thank you. >> thank you mr. chin. >> here, here. i am elizabeth stamp the executive director of walk san francisco and i want to thank all of you, supervisor kim for leading the charge on the hearing and supervisor wiener for co-chairing and president chiu all of you have been committed to pedestrian safety. thank you. we are very excited to working to win an action plan on safety and plan for the city for a long time and the walk to
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workday last friday and thanks to all of you for participating in that. we think it's a strong strategy, e spell the metric of fixing miles a year and raises to the level of new york and chicago and what those cities are doing to make their cities mow walkable. we think it's critical with the strategies to have monitoring and we believe there are on line tracking component that will be released and that is critical for accountability for the program and of course frequent reporting and i hope that you meet with the agencies and hold meetings and what we have fixed? how many bulb outs have we added? much of is about funding and i
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encourage you to provide through the transportation authority and the general fund the funding needed to really make this happen, and also we're excited about the focus on the work that the police department and mta are working together on, and we're concerned that there's still no data how many people were hit last year or how this enforcement is going, so thank you and i hope that we can get also to the zero death goal in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you ms. stamp. >> hi. my name is theresa dolores and i'm a parent that lives in district 6 almost all my life. i have three children and my kids actually went to filipino education center school. i live on folsom
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