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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2013 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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street nearby six entrance and exit freeways. never before i have seen -- that today currently there are increased traffic on each of those major streets that we have from tenth all the way to main street. all of these entrances are freeway and exit traffic are located on these streets. my uncle was hit by a car. he's now invalid. a grandparent was hit on seventh street and howard street and he died. he was hit by a motorcycle. two school children were hit over at that elementary school campus at forsom and seventh street. the campus is on fourth street, fourth and harrison and that is where the filipino education campus for
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k-eight. i am really worried because i almost got hit many times. i live on tenth and folsom and no where even though there is 25-mile speed limit there drivers don't pay attention and also around the school corridor there is a 25-mile speed limit, but i think that should be reduced to 15, and also there's no where -- there's big signage on that corner where seventh folsom street and harrison and in that area and on the middle school campus. i really am concerned that we need -- >> thank you. >> thank you. >> is it on? there it goes. let's see. that was my mother
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so she talked growing up there and i would also like to point out from going there in elementary and also my experiences now it's changed a lot. a lot of people are coming to the city to work and there's a lot of tourism so a lot more car congestion coming in and so in district 6 there's a lot of freeways going in and out, so you see that -- cars are trying to beat the light in the morning and in the afternoons just trying to go home and go to work, and also talking about enforcements and public enforcements there was an incident i think last month. i work at [inaudible] as a youth coordinator and took them to the park and there was a police officer that went inside the park with a motor bike and
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drove around there and i am looking at the signs "no bikes, no skate boards" so why is this allowed? and talking about the trainings how can trainings be used correctly and implemented safely for the community if we're talking about public safety and a vehicle going inside a public space is -- that's not safety, and then also like talking about the designs that are happening in the city too, and i think it's on eighth where the public library is at there have been designs change and implemented, and there was an experience where me and my mom crashed into another car because we didn't know design was e. implemented and education is important and there is no proper funding for this but education on public
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design is really important. thank you. >> thank you. and before we have mr. smith come up i want to call 10 more speaker cards. [calling speaker names] >> chair wiener, supervisors, i am rick smith. my wife and i are residents of district 6. the strategy has much that we're getting excited about and grateful it prioritizes prevention of injury and death and securing the schools. the first is block the
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intersection. supervisor kim represented that well. i will add two parts. my understanding is new york has classified violation to a parking violation and allows the parking enforcement officers to join in and contribute, and the other is discourage muni bus drivers from engaging in this activity. a double length bus is effective at blocking the street way. it would help along mission and market for the drivers to wait for the lights. the second item on the turns mentioned in the report. my request is for explicit inclusion that the city allocate separate time for pedestrians and cars. both for the safety of the pedestrians and the sanity of the cars. i have seen high pedestrian areas where zero cars have been area to make the turns because of pedestrians own
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the crosswalk. a big thanks to the mayor's office for convening the task force and producing the strategy. to the supervisors for your excellent oversight. for your advocacy and the city departments for the execution of the plan. thank you. >> thank you mr. smith. >> [inaudible] supervisors. i was glad today when i heard a senior speak on an issue that is very important to me and that is pedestrian bicycle safety because i walk -- i live in district 6 also on terp their tailor but sometimes i go to upper market and sit near valancia and market where they have a bicycle signal and i am walking around to see where the bicycles signals are which the bicyclists don't use them that they put up there for them, but i am sure if you put one on sixth and market it would be
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utilized and i am glad the commander said today that how to get more enforcement in certain areas so i would have to start calling 311 or non emergency about bicyclists running down pedestrians and we didn't hear anything about that but the money that is spent but when you walk in that area on market and five, ethsixth and seventh and maybe moving the bike street to mission street. okay. since we're going to be doing that why don't we let the bicyclists help out and doing a registration on bicyclists but no we won't do that because the coalition won't let you. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors.
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sue vaughn. i am happy to see all the folks on pedestrian safety and thank you supervisor kim for calling this hearing. i don't want to -- muni drivers have gotten a bad rap in the recent areas and i don't want to add to that because they have hard jobs but they have a pattern and it's endemic driving through lights or yellow lights and if articulated like geary and change to red while they're in the intersection. it happens all the time. i think sf mta and the other agencies need to look into this and why it's happening and the first people i would go is the drivers themselves to ask discreetly. why is this happening? maybe they don't have enough time to complete their runs and they need more time. i know part of the program is addressed in the tep because the bus stops are moved from the far intersection
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-- from the near intersection into the far intersection and that will help, but in the meantime i would look into finding out why that happens and it happens all the time and it's very dangerous. in addition when you're looking at the streets south of market i would find out what it takes to change some of those streets into two way streets because that would be traffic calming. one way to two way throughout the city in san francisco -- especially south of market. thank you. >> thank you ms. vaughn. >> hi. my name is vida marie. this is ol ga. [speaking spanish]
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>> so i'm sorry. i'm going to translate for her. so yes she said when i starting to walking in the area and 60th district i am feeling. >> >> insecure because it's dangerous for a person and also the childrens and the people handicapped. it's more when i use the time when i am walking, when i bring my daughter, when everybody is walking in the mornings when there is a lot of traffic. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> [inaudible] and i really, really support any kind of [inaudible] to the people and the safety and i can say
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because i don't live in the city -- displaced many years ago and i live in the bay area but anyway i working right here, and i see in the mornings when i come to work how many times how difficult it is for people to crossing the streets and why? it's because many people who have a drivers license -- i don't know if they know how to drive but always rushing the time back and forth and it's hard and difficult for all childrens, for all families, for people handicapped who is working in the streets and it's dangerous because it's easy -- they can be hit from the cars so i would like to see more attention from the board of supervisors for all the members of the city officials to pay more attention to this issue because we don't want drivers like that driving this kind of
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way. we need safety in the streets in san francisco. anyway thank you so much and have a great day. >> thank you. >> hi. my name is seseala [inaudible]. [speaking spanish] >> i am seseala [inaudible] >> [speaking spanish] >> talked about the street that the drivers don't pay too many attention. >> [speaking spanish] >> she doesn't know what to do go forward or go backwards? >> [speaking spanish] >> and that's why we need more safety in district 6. thank you. >> thank you. >> i am jesus perez and i have family that came here. they had to go pick up their kids from school. i will read one from
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theresa lopez and a resident from here in san francisco in district 6 and she takes her kids early in the morning to school and she sees lots of heavy traffic in the area of the school district so she wanted to inform you board of supervisors to do something about the area. thank you very much. >> thank you mr. perez and i do want to call my last two remaining -- i'm sorry. my last remaining card and that is mark bolton but if you didn't hear your name called or not called feel free to step up and line up behind mr. bolton. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am lori leaderman and i came to speak on item six so i will be sticking around but i wanted to talk about auto and pedestrian safety. i am a alarmed at one of the unintentional consequences in
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greening medians. they're beautiful but they grow. they create barriers to vision. two areas are viz diro when plants are growing and extend into the lane in the median in a number of locations. at intersections this is a hazard for legal left turns and block the on coming traffic. also if a pedestrian is in the middle of the crosswalk they are less visible to the driver and difficult to see the vehicles. another location this is occurring is on kirkham where a strategy to traffic calm and this creates a vision barrier hiding pedestrians from drivers so my request is in planning these median strips please plan ahead and we are focused on costs and there are maintenance cost and less of a focus. keeping this in mind if plants are part of
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pedestrian safety or other improvements maintain them so blind intersections are not the outcome. thank you. >> thank you ms. leaderman. >> good afternoon supervisors. i am mark bolton. i'm a teacher at se carmichael school. i am here to advocate for the kids in san francisco and their importance in this project. i have worked for many -- many years i worked in bay view. we lost a kid when i taught at brent hart and lost a kid at another school where i worked and we haven't lost a kid recently but we had kids hurt and i live in the area and i haven't seen street so dangerous as d6 and around that area and i want to make sure that we give appropriate funding and
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attention to the public safety and d6 and soma and i would like this to be a school where we don't lose a kid. thank you. >> thank you mr. bolton. >> hello my name is lisa and i am with som cam in district 6, the soma neighborhood. our district is the most dangerous in the city to live and work if you're a pedestrian. soma alone has five different freeway entrances and exits and betsy carmichael is the only elementary and middle school in the area and that is located right by the freeway. i would like to thank the leadership of supervisor zane kim and all the key players who contributessed to making pedestrian safety and the strategy plan happen. it is a long awaited plan that is
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urgently needed especially in d6. we want to see real enforcement and we ask the board to make sure the mayor's strategy to prioritize d6 which is soma is part of that, so we would like to enforce the key strategies where they're needed the most, so if the sf mta is going to extend crossing times for pedestrians at 160 places annually we want to know how many of those are going to d6 and when? how are we going to prioritize reengineering streets with traffic calming and pedestrian improvements around arterial schools like the tenderloin elementary and betty carmichael and hard to incorporate and if the sf mta is installing at one eighty four intersections by
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2001. how can we get d6 prioritized? and again it's a great plan but we want to make it prioritizes soma and d6 and we're a neighborhood that is thought of -- [inaudible] instead of neighborhood that deserves to have public safety prioritized. >> thank you. >> i don't know if you called me. i had to step out. gill chrisbol of new district eight. pedestrian safety is always an important issue to new district eight, voters and tax payers. i thank supervisor kim for having this hearing on this issue, but we should also fix our sidewalks where pedestrians walk. bulging sidewalks, broken concrete needs to be fixed so we don't have trip and fall accidents that
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hurt everyone. also bicycles chill. pedestrians along with skate boarders are a major problem in new district eight, and i want to talk about the signage that went up at market and guerrero. i have been voicing my concern about this for a long time, so i want to thank supervisor kim for the new signage that was put up there, sore maybe scott wiener but somebody -- definitely my coming here often enough and talking about traffic calming at that intersection is really important, but fixing the sidewalks in front of little hollywood laundromat and the orbit room and hhp would help a lot. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon supervisors. my name is [inaudible]. i'm a resident of district 6 which is the most dangerous area in the city to live and to work for all the pedestrians. as a [inaudible] member our family created soma's safe route to meetings which we identified the most dangerous crosswalk here near betty carmichael and the biggest concern for the family is the safety of the children and families that those schools and go to work. we want to have enforcement that we ask the board to make sure that the
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mayor's strategy is prioritized where it will save lives especially in soma area. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is an gellia [inaudible] and i am with som com. we would like to thank supervisor zane kim and all the of the. >> >> supervisors that made the plan happen. it's urgently needed especially in district 6. we want to see real enforcement and make sure that the mayor's strategy prioritize district 6 which south of market is a part of. the intersection and corridors clearly points to a need to prioritize district 6 and save lives where infrastructure has continued to lag behind population growth. as you know district 6 especially south of market it
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has the highest -- the population growth was in our neighborhood so therefore the need for pedestrian safety really needs to happen. the soma south beach rincon hill and tenderloin neighborhood needs count downs and shorter crossing distances and prioritize the movement of people, and not cars. that means -- [inaudible] for traffic and pedestrians for foot traffic so again this is a great plan and we want to make sure it prioritize this area because entrance of five freeways and it's been really hard if you not only families but even for people like me to cross the street so imagine if you're a senior or people with kids. thank you. >> thank you. >> hi good an afternoon
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supervisors and i am a resident of district 6 which is the most dangerous area in the city to live and work if you are [inaudible] so i would like to thank the leadership of supervisor zane kim and all the players who contributed to make pedestrian safety strategy plan happen. it is a long awaited plan that is urgently needed and we want to ask the board to prioritize district 6 with soma. it's a part of. i live in soma and everyday i experience walking in soma is a dangerous -- around betty carmichael and again this is great plan but we want to make sure it prizize south of market and district 6
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because we continue to be a neighborhood that is part of a [inaudible] instead of a neighborhood that deserves to have public safety prioritized above all else. thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is raymond castillo and [inaudible] inside of market network action network. most of the stuff i was going to say has been said so let me give background of district 6 where i work at. there is a lot of families and working class, a lot of transit, alley way, a lot of families that bring their kids to school, a lot of school students that travel from d6 to a different high school so pedestrian safety is really important to this neighborhood especially like was said. there's about six freeway
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entrances and betty carmichael is close to two-three of them so please prioritize district 6. thank you all for your hard work. jane kim thank you and everybody else that puts in work for the pedestrian safety to make it safer for everybody. please district 6 prioritize it. [inaudible]. thank you. >> thank you mr. castillo. any other members that would like to speak? seeing none mr. chair we can close public comment. >> public comment is closed. [gavel] >> so if there are no closing comments supervisor. >> i was just going -- i think a lot has been said so i don't want to belabor the point. i think this is issue is incredibly important. it's great to hear from all the departments. there's a lot to be said and a lot of work
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happened over the last two years and i want to acknowledge that work and we look forward to see how the implementation process goes and i know we organize a district 6 work group and i know the numbers come out today so we are focusing what is going on in our neighborhood in terms of safety for our residents and others frankly that come and work and play and entertain in district 6 as well, and so i think a lot of that has been heard today on sixth street, on second street, on fourth street and near the highway trails and schools we definitely want to see improvement but this really impacts the entire city and thankful that we have the concern of so many other supervisors. just the last thing i would say one thing i would like to see that doesn't involve a tremendous amount of planey is more of the enforcement work and working with sfpd. i think enforcement
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matters. i know it impacts and changes my behavior as a driver. i am a walker and a driving and the first time i got a ticket it changed my behavior and i don't want that to be the way to go about things and penalize things but sometimes it makes a difference. i don't know if mass public enforcements make a difference but i think it's okay if it's not a plains clothes officer and officers are out there and this is a priority for public safety because i think that sends a signal too and changes the behavior and not just the ticket but the presence of officers working to protect the lives of the workers and residents so i think there is a lot more i could say on the issue but i'm thankful for the work done and working with the departments and coordinate this plan that we have put forward
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which i think is a good one. >> thank you. thank you supervisor kim. if there are no further comments supervisor would you like to file this hearing? >> sure. we can take a motion to file the hearing. >> okay. so the motion to file the hearing. colleagues can we take that without objection? that is the ord. madam clerk can you call two and three. >> items two and three are amending the zoning map and change use classifications and heighten bolt classifications in the upper market commercial district and upper market neighborhood transit district district. >> thank you and i am the author of these two pieces of legislation having to do with zoning and the upper market neighborhood. colleagues this legislation which has been recommended by the planning commission does three things. first it replaces the upper
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market neighborhood commercial district with the upper market neighborhood transit district for the block west of no street to castro street. this change has broad support. i don't think there is opposition to it. second it reestablishes the height control originally envisioned as the market octavia plan and 85 feet along east of church feet and 65 feet west of church street. the heights west were reduced to 50 feet pending a survey that is now completed. this legislation has been thoroughly vetted and the increased height at this proposed location is consistent with the community process. now, the planning commission did recommend 65-foot height for this corner parcel oe