tv [untitled] April 16, 2013 10:25am-10:55am PDT
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[gavel] >> good morning, everyone. the meeting will come to order. this is the tuesday, april 16, 2013 meeting of the plans and programs committee of the san francisco county transportation authority. our clerk is ms. erica cheng. ms. cheng, could you please dot roll call? >> roll call, commissioner breed? commissioner breed absent. commissioner campos? >> present. >> commissioner kim? kim absent. commissioner mar? >> present. >> yee? present. we have a quorum. >> i'd like to thank nona melkonian and jesse larsen for televising us today. we have 8 items on the agenda this morning. could you please call item number 1? item 2. >> right. item number 2, approve the minutes of the march 19, 2013
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meeting. this is an action item. >> seeing no comments, colleagues, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, can we move this forward without objection? >> so moved. >> thank you. [gavel] >> please call the next aye tim, ms. cheng. >> item 3 is citizens advisory committee report. this is a information item. >> thank you. i don't see mr. flanagan here -- oh. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> items 4 and 5 passed unanimously. for the item 6, the cac unanimously adopted a motion
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for support of recommending designated of lead of agencies at its march 27 meeting. the cac was briefed on information about item 7. that concludes my report. >> thank you, mr. flanagan. thank you. so, this is an informational item. let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. ms. cheng, could you please call item number 4? >> item number 4, recommend allocation of $510,526 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the san francisco municipal transportation agency for five requests, and $831,100 in prop k funds to the department of public works for one request, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules and amendment of the relevant 5-year prioritization programs. this is an action item. >> thank you. and we have a
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staff report. >> [inaudible]. this item begins on page 17 of your packet. we have six prop k allocation requests to present to you this morning, page 21 of your packet includes a summary of the request including project phases when expected and actual prop k leveraging. on pages 23 to 24 of your packet you can view a brief project descriptions as well as our recommendations. the sfmta has requested prop k funds for the planning of the pedestrian safety improvement for the [speaker not understood] elementary school. located on prime street between polk and larkin. the [speaker not understood] the trips within the vicinity of the school contributed to [speaker not understood] the highest year of sfmta's priority list of schools needing safety enhancements. specific improvements will be determined through the prop k fund community outreach process. planning is anticipated to be completed june 2014 and the
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conceptual designs will help with design and construction phases [speaker not understood]. the sfmta has also requested prop k funds for safe route to school programs for the authority board in 2011 for bicycle safety and [speaker not understood], sunset elementary and [speaker not understood] middle schools. the projects will include the construction of two [speaker not understood], bicycle lanes on ortega between 20th avenue and the great highway and the upgrade of programs to meet a-d-a standard. on the slide before you, you can actually see a visual of the improvements and the locations. you can also see this map on page 34 of your enclosure. construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of this summer with exception of two curb ramps on 37th, which will be completed as part of the san francisco public utilities commission underground system project. those programs will be
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completed in august 2014. the sfmta has also requested prop k substep for the construction of five two way bicycle greenway facilities along the existing bicycle network. the specific lists of locations can be viewed on the site as well as on page 55 of your enclosure. these greenway facilities will modify signal timing so the bicyclists encounter a series of green lights as they progress down the corridors. locations were designed and selected through a previous [speaker not understood] projects funded by prop k. locations were prioritized that had bike lanes in high numbers of cyclists. sfmta staff plan to conduct before and after study to evaluate effectiveness of these facilities and construction anticipated to begin june 2013 and complete by march 2014. the sfmta has also requested prop k funds to purchase and install 210 bicycle racks. the bike racks will be
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installed based on the request of residents and businesses. sfmta staff will evaluate to make sure there are no clearance issues or utility issues and adjacent property owner's consent to the installation. all racks purchased with this funding will be installed by june 2014. >> so, courtney? >> courtney, yes. >> so, it looks like it's a little over a thousand dollars per parking per bike rack? >> that is correct. >> and does that include the installation as well? >> that's design and installation costs, correct. >> and then for the greenways, could you slow down a little bit for the timing of the light so cyclists can move more efficiently through lights? what are the main areas that those greenway projects will start? >> the timing? >> yes. >> construction is anticipated to begin june 2013. >> from the notes it looks like there's a couple of projects in the richmond.
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looks like they'll greatly improve transit for bicyclists from clement to california. and this seems like some on polk can help districtv 5 and a lot of commuters that come to the richmond to go downtown. i think that's a great project. thank you. >> the sfmta has also requested the funds, prop k funds for planning and design phases of a project to convert standard crosswalks and continental crosswalks. on the slide before you you can see what these continental crosswalks will look like. up to 33 controlled and uncontrolled locations will be identified for this treatment. crosswalks along key high pedestrian [speaker not understood] corridors are being prioritized for these improvements. sfmta anticipates selection and design will be complete bid [speaker not understood]. on page 89 of your enclosure,
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you can view a list at this point for proposed locations. and finally, the department of public works has requested prop k funds for the construction and reconstruction of approximately 95 a-d-a curb compliant ramps and gutter and roadway work. you can view the curb ramp matrix, in other words, how they prioritize these requests on page 104 of your enclosure. and on page 105. this specific allocation request will require [speaker not understood] upon completion and design the department of public works submits to us final list of curb ramp applications and supervisorial districts. design is expected to be completed by june 2013 so that's when we could anticipate to have that list. construction of the entire project is anticipated to be completed by 2014. and i should note that this project does have funds, state
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development transportation development article 3 acts for planning and design. planning and design is covered now as well as construction. and that concludes the requests that we've received. >> thank you, ms. gary, for the great presentation. i did want to say i'm ream really appreciative of the traffic calming. i know supervisors yee and kim are both focused quite a bit on pedestrian safety. i think the crosswalks and other improvements will really make a difference. ~ i also like that we'll have so many more bicycle racks that will increase hopefully the use of bicycling and reduce the vehicle trips in our city. but thank you so much for the great presentation. i see no comments from my colleagues. so, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? mr. patel. good morning, commissioners, my name is neil patel, san francisco bike coalition. i want to offer my support of these prop k allocation requests. in addition to the crosswalk
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improvements and bike lane improvements, as you know, director mar, the bike racks are helpful to bring more san franciscans to our commercial corridors and echo support of greenways. general evidence is seen the greenway has -- bicycling even easier and more attractive option. we slow down everybody for the number of safety benefits. excited about mta's evaluation of the program to get more hard facts as we continue to expand upon this program. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. good morning, commissioners. commissioner mar, my name is jackie sacks, member of the cac. this item was brought before us at our last meeting. one thing that i brought up,
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one point that i brought up at the last meeting you should also consider is that it was with the bike stripings. you have to consider that [speaker not understood], for example, our goal is a good example, between fulton and california. you've got the bike lane, but you also have the bus stops. you also have to -- consideration how the striping is going to interfering with the bus stops because it should not, especially when you have someone like myself or someone in a wheelchair who has to get on or disembark at a bus stop when you've got the green striping here for the bike lane. thank you very much. >> thank you, ms. sacks. anyone else in the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, can we move this forward with a positive recommendation without objection? >> so moved. >> thank you. [gavel] >> thank you. ms. cheng, please call the next item.
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>> item 5, recommend programming $1,175,104 in cycle 3 lifeline transportation program surface transportation program funds to the san francisco municipal transportation agency's eddy and ellis traffic calming improvement project. this is an action item. >> thank you. and colleagues, we have a powerpoint as well in front of us. supervisor kim. >> thank you, commissioner mar. i just want to speak really briefly before the presentation. i just want to really personally thank the staff at the transportation authority and sfmta for working really closely with our office on how we can fully implement this plan. as many of my colleagues may remember, prior to my time on the board, the tenderloin like [speaker not understood] transportation was formulated through back stud any 2006 and was finally approved in 2007. however, since then a lot of the long-term pedestrian improvement streetscaping and traffic calming that was prioritized in this plan were not able to be seen as fully
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implemented over the last couple of years. and i know that there has been some other obstacles, mainly around some of the folks that we had around cpmc and speed at which that might happen. so, since that conversation, since the slow down, you've had some really good conversationsst both with staff and also members of our community and the tenderloin on how we could secure funds to help continue these pedestrian safety efforts and really one of the most dangerous neighborhoods to be a pedestrian. so, really excited. i think that this project is really good candidate for the life line transportation program and will go a long way towards fulfilling the promise of the eddy ellis traffic calming improvement project which is a key part of this plan. and just also want to recognize when director reiskin came into office last year, he really did find a way to make sure we start the two-way efforts. went ahead on mc allister and immediately worked to get things back on track.
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we're still looking forward to build outs and signals on leavenworth and jones and cost-effective sidewalk widening options like [speaker not understood] acknowledging that sidewalk widening can be very expensive here in the city. and, so, just extremely pleased that we are able to use some of our regional dollars to support some local planning efforts and really some of our low-income and most impacted neighborhoods. and, so, yesterday we did -- supervisor yee, wiener and i did hold a hearing on pedestrian safety where we talked a lot about how we needed -- we had a need for our agencies to work together more and communicate more, deliver projects. but i think this is really an instance over the last several months where our office was able to work really closely with a variety of different agencies to hammer out a solution to these funding gaps. so, i just wanted to appreciate that that was able to occur and it really did happen. and i also want to recognize the southeast asian community
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center, asian neighborhood design and tenderloin housing clinics who helped do planning and outreach for this project. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. >> thank you, commissioner, for the introduction. [speaker not understood] with the authority. this item starts on page [speaker not understood] of your packet. and the recommended action is to program the federal transportation funds or stp funds with [speaker not understood] funding source for life line transportation program as shown in attach. ~ attachment 1 on page 33 of your packet. many of you know from the previous action from this program, the life line program supports as supervisor kim mentioned, supports the project that benefited low-income residents as guided by the metropolitan transportation commission. [speaker not understood]. the life line program for the first time [speaker not
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understood] agencies have advocated for the [speaker not understood] funding source that can fund bicycling improvements [speaker not understood]. so, we are really excited this funding source has been added to the mix. and as you can see from the slide, [speaker not understood] fund transit related projects. [speaker not understood] received one application for referral amount of life line funds for construction phase of the eddy and ellis project. [speaker not understood] starting page 35 of your packet and the full application in the enclosure. [speaker not understood] the two way conversion of the one way [speaker not understood] on eddy and ellis which [speaker not understood].
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