tv [untitled] April 16, 2013 11:25am-11:55am PDT
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families actually do pick schools one mile outside of their home as their first choice. you have to look at the choices that parents are making. so, in a lot of schools where you see a lower percentage of students living close to the school, they tend to be specialty schools like language immersion programs that may not be a block away from your house. and it's often our lowest performing schools that are primarily students that live very close to their homes. and, so, it's just a huge conversation and there's a lot of -- also, data in term of the impact on student achievements in our schools based on the diversity of those schools. so, i think that transportation is certainly a piece of that, but i think you have to look at the overall universe of what schools are trying to accomplish. >> thank you, supervisor. the other issue that i wanted to point out in recent years -- in recent couple years that happened with the school districts they've slowly [speaker not understood] the school bus as well which also has a lot of impact on the
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transportation -- the children taking the yellow school bus are not going to be the ones walking and biking, but that's probably going to be increased, even more traffic and traffic congestion around the schools because of that. and that's an opportunity for car pooling and school pool. there is another program with the department of environment that we're collaborating with and we're hoping to address that issue. >> so, very quickly, moving on, just some quick lessons learned on how we can improve our program. again, parent caregiver outreach is crucial. we really need to reach the whole family, not just the students. and not just the staff at the school. it's really the parents and caregivers are key. and that regular walking and rolling events are critical in getting more families out there walking and biking. and, so, we want to establish these regular walking school buses and regular bike training either separately or together.
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what we're proposing to do with the cycle [speaker not understood] from mtc, there are a number of changes and a number of things we'd like to keep. first of all, we'd like to expand the program right now. we're working in 15 schools. we'd like to explain that to 40. this is the only source of funding that actually allows -- the only source of grant funding that allows us to go up to high school. so, we're going to propose -- continue working in elementary school, working in three middle schools and two high schools. we want to provide targeted outreach and community organizing skills. so, we are going to hire a team of outreach workers with bilingual capacity in mandatory in spanish and can toe knees and mandarin to reach the diverse needs of the school district. ~ cantones mainly in the southeast sector. we've been meeting with a number of community based organizations. in one school we are proposing to work in if they accept the offer, is thurgood marshall
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high school, for example. for our educational goal, we want to shift away from classroom lessons. the school climate is under stress right now. i don't think that's any secret, and we are taking out time, the teachers' time especially when it comes around to start testing and teaching. so, we want to shift away from classroom lessons and create assemblies and after school lessons for the students. so, that's going to meet our education deliverables. it will be much more applicable for this school environment. this is, again, for the elementary school level. we're talking about the assemblies. assemblies is not appropriate for middle and high. and also in alameda county they have developed an educator's guide for teachers that they can implement curricula themselves. we'd like to get that curricula and give it out to the schools. the teachers, if they so choose to do so, they can implement their own curricula in the classroom. and we want to create bike clubs for middle and high
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school use, teach them how to repair bikes, build bikes and teach them how to ride them safely in the streets. this is an example we'd like to do at thurgood marshall. we have not reached out to that school yet, but that's the proposal we'd like to do. and also connecting walking and biking to transit. so many of those children are actually taking muni already. for the encouragement deliverables, there's a number of things we'd like to keep the same. of course walk to school day and bike to school week. although we're talking about sort of a safe routes to school celebration in the spring. celebrating all the achievements that a school has done over the course of the year. continuing primarily continuing walking, school buses he and biking train. organizing contests and promotional items in the school. we also want to create to your point, supervisor campos, we want to create transportation demand to tailor to each school. so, giving them data on [speaker not understood] school, available to altria
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parents and caregivers in multiple languages that they need, including how many students live within a mile, how many families live within a mile. here's all your walking routes, here's where your crossing guards are placed, here's your muni stop, you can access free muni. here's how you can join school pool. all the options available to that particular school. we'd like to do that for all 40. and then, of course, evaluate our program. and that actually wraps up my presentation. if you have any further questions. >> commissioner yee. >> yeah, um, appreciate your thinking in regards to how you would do this educational piece to [speaker not understood] and assemblies. have you thought about -- you mentioned about for elementary school that maybe the audience could be the parents. have you worked with the school district's parents liaison
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department? >> yes. >> and develop some curriculum around that for them to present to the parents. >> we haven't developed a curriculum, but we have actually developed materials for them to reach out to the parents and caregivers in their actual school community. my understanding, i'm not sure the parents -- parent liaisonses teach classes, but they are the liaison to communicate with the parents. sorry if i'm incorrect. ~ >> they don't necessarily teach classes. they can set up workshops. >> yes, right. >> and i think pta, pto meetings are really critical as well. >> we actually spend a lot of time in the beginning of the school year actually right now with the kind error yen thaition. they have been literally starting in may and the beginning of august, back to school nights. ~ we try to go to as many of those as possible. it is a pretty intensive labor effort in the beginning of the year. >> so, any other questions, colleagues? actually i'm really pleased that income is one of the criteria that you're looking
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at, of income of the families. >> um-hm. >> because i think one of the trends is that the most active ptas will be the ones that know about how to access money and looking at equity as a way of spreading this out so that schools -- >> that's why we created these spreadsheets because what ends up happening is the squeaky wheel gets the grease and those needy schools don't now how to reach out to the city for help. being able to look at the district at least elementary schools. also this year we're going to create the same for middle and high. so we'll be ready. i neglected to mention this grant we're proposing to start in september 2014. so, using next year as prep and getting that middle and high school system set up so that we can look at schools that way as well. >> commissioner campos. >> thank you. if i may just make one point. something that bleach seen with respect to free muni for youth is that it does appear that there's a large number of the younger kids in the school
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system that are not availing themselves of the free muni for youth program, that we have about 23,000 plus youth that have benefited from that, but that's mostly youth. so, trying to get the smaller children, the younger children to -- their families to apply has been sort of an interesting challenge. so, i'm wondering, you know, that's not a question of simply -- i think it's something for us to think about and how we communicate with those parents, those families. >> sure. >> thank you. >> and thank you for the great data and the information and the plan for the future. it looks like it's coming back in june for hopefully approval and i just want to thank mr. hefner from the [speaker not understood] for being here as well. and the coalition that is trying to keep our neighborhoods and kids safe. but thank you so much, everyone. >> thank you. i also want to point out [speaker not understood] and the environment is here and she runs the school program as well. >> great, thank you.
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let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> this was an informational item. so, we can move to -- commissioner kim. >> thank you. thank you, chair mar. i really hope we can get this presentation at the joint select committee because i think it's really important that our -- the members of our board of education get this information as well. and i think this will be very informative. >> um-hm, we've been in communication with your aide and it may be at the call of the chair or whenever you call us, we'll be there. >> great. thank you so much. >> thank you. ms. cheng, please call the next item. >> item 8, transportation investment and growth strategy development approach. this is an information item. >> thank you. and we have staff presentation. >> good morning, chair mar and committee members. [speaker not understood], i'm a planner. i'll be presenting this item that begins on page 125 of your packet and note that sarah dunn phillips from the planning department is also here and will be speaking during part of the presentation. so, this is an information item
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on something that is called the transportation investment and growth strategies. i'm going to explain just a little bit about what it is, why we're doing it and what our approach is. so, this is a requirement coming coming to us as the congestion management agency for san francisco from the region. it is a requirement that first came out as a part of the regional planning process known as plan bay area and in particular is a part of this 1 bay area funding framework. and the intention at a high level is for us to think about how we can support san francisco's priority development areases through the transportation funding decision making that we do here as authority, both in term of funding capital projects as well as if you hadvtioning planning work to set up capital projects. so, probably useful to give a reminder of what our priority development areas. this is a framework that the region introduced quite a few years ago with the region wish
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tog help get involved in regional issues of urban sprawl and traffic congestion and how can we grow better as a region smarter. and the region, of course, does not have land use authority so they came up with this framework that encouraged local jurisdictions to identify those locationses within their cities that would make the most sense to be the areas to channel growth that are transit oriented. and, so, here in san francisco this map shows our priority development areas, i recall i realize it's a little washed out. attachment 1 in your packet page 128 also has a map. these are the areas that we identified in san francisco first in 2007, approved by the board of supervisors. they've been updated just a little bit here and there since then. generally the parts of the city where our area plans are. generally the eastern part of the city, bart corridor as well as the southwest where the sort of park merced development is. in order to be a priority development area there are
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criteria established by the region in terms of frequency of transit service as well as in terms of having plans to accommodate more growth, in particular more housing. so, through the contact of what priority development are, we're being asked to think about how can we use different funding source he that we have available and we'll be having available soon to support development within those priority development areas. so, in particular there are two funding sources to be thinking about. one is the 1 bay area grant that i know this committee is quite familiar with since it's been a multiple previous committee meetings. the thing we haven't talked quite as much about is the pda planning program. this is a regional funding source that is intended to support planning work within priority development areas both land use planning as well as transportation planning and it's really the planning work that can be used to set up and implementation work. so, we're required to prepare this strategy that thinks about how we can use these funding
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resources to support the pdas. we need to submit something to mtc by may 1st. it will be a draft. and then we'll bring it back to this body to have it approved this summer. >> i think that was one of the reasons to have at least the informational item so we at least get the information and regular reports. >> absolutely. >> [speaker not understood]. >> and we're happy to do that. this is the first time that anyone has asked us to do a strategy quite like this. it's a new requirement. everyone is taking their best stab at something that is to be revisited regularly. so, if we don't get it all right the first time, there is a chance to figure out what we want to do the next time around. >> so, we have two weeks to get this may 1st deadline behind us. >> that's true. so, i won't dwell on this side, [speaker not understood], this is a reminder of what the department requirements of the 1 bay area block grant are. this is where the requirements
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create the strategy comes from and also reminder of where we are in that process. we in san francisco have $38.8 million available in this current cycle of the block grant. there was an initial approval of candidate projects in december and expect to make the final programming recommendation in june. so, now talk a little more about the strategy and what goes into it. [speaker not understood]. the first four i would characterize as a synthesis exercise of things we've done in our different pdas in our planning processes. bringing it all together so we can look at it comprehensively. it will talk about what our growth plans are. in terms of how many housing units and how many jobs are expected in each of san francisco's priority development areas. we'll talk about pda-related transportation needs. in each case there's been some transportation needs analysis, but has been done during the area planning process he so we'll bring that into the document.
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just one example to give context, we can think about the candlestick hunters point shipyard, pda one of the particular projects identified through that effort is the geneva [speaker not understood]. complete communititionv aspects of pdas, this is just a nod to all of the other thinking that has gone into area planning work in particular area plans there's ideas for additional park space or more schools or grocery stores and things of that nature. the fourth aspect, affordable housing development and preservation policies. this was really to see what is currently on the books in san francisco. this is part of the strategy is a requirement of the region. it's not really directed so much at san francisco as it is to other parts of the region. san francisco is actually pretty unique this that we are just one city within our county and in the region we're considered a city that has very progressive housing policies. it's really directed at other counties that maybe have some
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jurisdictions that don't have anything like inclusionary zoning or specific policies in place. and in cases like that, the region is hoping that congestion management agencies will prioritize funding for cities that have those good policies. and finally, the last aspect of this is our prioritization approach for the two types of funding i mentioned, the 1 bay area block grant which funds capital projects and the pda planning grant that funds the planning work to set up capital projects. so, move to the -- [speaker not understood] talks about that prioritization approach for the block grant. now, there's a current cycle underway. you've seen the criteria for that and they are also an attachment in page 132 of your packet. our thought is this approach had worked well and we'll continue to use it in the next cycle of [speaker not understood]. what will be different in the next cycle it will have benefited from this earlier project development work that can be funded through the pda planning grant.
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so, as i mentioned, [speaker not understood] is our next step to submit something to mtc. we'll bring it back to you later this summer for approval. and now i'm going to turn it over to sarah doness phillips to talk about the pda planning programs [speaker not understood] is the agency that will be administering the plan here in san francisco. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, [speaker not understood]. at the planning department as well as mta. [speaker not understood]. planning is specifically charged with the allocation of our share of the regional pda planning fund. of the 20 million allocation that goes to the counties within the bay area, san francisco has been awarded 2.38 million based on population, population growth share. that's kind of standard across the region. it's -- i think what's
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important to know about this sort is that it is planning. it is not for capital projects, not for construction. so, it's what we do. it's planning work. i think we're an appropriate agency to work with our partners to think about how to allocate it. we're developing a general framework in consultation with all of the agencies who are working within any of these pdas. we're trying to look at the areas where these funds could be used most effectively. so, first and foremost obviously is high impact areas where we're going to see a lot of jobs and housing growth, particularly in the near term where we see concentrations of low-income or high need areas and then the communities's concern is an overlay of that. we're trying to leverage that fund so that it is ~ highly effective, projects that could help where that investment from the pda planning funds could help grow our matching fund. or there might be other planned investments underway or pending. a lot of times we try to plan a new streetscape or transportation improvements along with the repavement
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schedule [speaker not understood], a way of get mooring bang for your buck. and what we really want to be conscious of as well is geographic equity. that sometimes is tough when we're dealing with our pda's, priority development areas. they tend to be concentrated on the eastern side of the city. in that rubric we want to be as equitable across the city as we can. 2.38 million is not a lot of money, but it is for a two-year cycle. at the end of 2014 we should be seeing our next allocation. hopefully we'll learn from this cycle what has been most effective and move forward from there. and i'm available for any questions. >> thank you, [speaker not understood]. colleagues, are there any questions? it would be great if we could have regular reports, maybe every four months, on the progress of 1 bay area grants and also the planning pot as well. let's open this up -- >> i was going to say -- yes. >> i know commissioner campos see this from the mtc level
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with supervisor wiener and as an abag member, a lot of the plan area step has gone forward. it is something to watch how san francisco is very different from the outlying bay areases in terms of planned bay area. and there is a lot of very high suspicion from many residents in other areas of planning in some ways, even though i know that a lot of your work is to try to make our neighborhoods better. and i really appreciate the work that all of you are doing on this. so, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> and this is a really great presentation. i really appreciate this. thank you. ms. cheng, could you please call the next item? >> [speaker not understood], this is an information item. >> so, i would ask my colleagues to think about what other new items you want to have this committee hear. i just wanted to say that i would like our staff to work with the mta to think about
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funding strategies for different traffic calming projects. i think a lot of the pedestrian safety presentations have been great at the committee level at the board of supervisors as well. but i'd like our staff to work with the mta on funding strategies for the central richmond traffic calming project that's been chugging along, maybe a little bit more slowly than many of the residents in many neighborhoods that i work with believe. and also to work with the ta or the mta also to prioritize prop k funds to think about how we can keep moving this important traffic calming project forward. seeing no other comments, let's open this up pour public comment. anyone from the public like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> ms. cheng, is there any other business before us? >> item 10, public comment. >> is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> ms. cheng, is there any other business? >> item 11, adjournment. >> okay, thank you, everyone. meeting adjourned.
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