tv [untitled] April 16, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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and has significant clean up and clarification language and we worked closely with the executive director to come up with those provisions. more specifically the legislation expands the limited live performance permit, llp, to include out door spaces like patios and courtyards and locations that currently cannot obtain this permit and the eagle tavern can't have music and had it for years before they shut down so we're creating a new ability for them and other venues to be able to have music. the legislation also expands llp to include dj's. when we first passed the limited live performance legislation at the board i did try at that time to get dj's
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included. i was unsuccessful and indicated i would do a [inaudible] so that's what we're doing. also it provides increased enforcement power for the commission and staff. for example, the legislation expands the limited suspense period that the director -- executive director can apply for a venue that violates the law from seven days to 15 days to provide more flexibility and enforcement. it also provides the director and the commission the power to require a sound test as a condition of a permit. in addition it provides the director with the ability when a club changes hands into a new place of entertainment permit is required to provide a provide temporary place of entertainment permit to bridge the gap for the business so the business does not have to shut down. these
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are a few examples. there are other provisions in the legislation as well. today i did introduce substitute legislation and one additional amendment to provide the director of public health with more administrative authority to enforce noise violations on corner streets. right now there is not enough flexibility in that enforcement and we're doing that. as i indicated i worked closely with staff to come up with the legislation. we also worked with the police department before introductions of the legislation. the small business commission did vote unanimously to support the legislation. i am happy to get your support and take your questions. >> supervisor i am grateful for a couple these things. one is the temporary permits. as you know the abc provides permits, temporaries when licenses are
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transferring. we all know when business closes escrow it closes before the abc license and we hamstring people for not allowing the new owner to take over. that is -- yay, a great thing and giving our executive director some more power for suspension is really valuable and i personally appreciate those two items as well as the dj's of course, so that's great. i have no questions. i just wanted to tell you they appreciate all of that. anybody else have questions for the supervisor? >> yeah i do. supervisor wiener i have questions about the temporary permits. one of the
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biggest issues is the night issue and new owners bring issues as they try to keep things under control. is there any provision that they have to do community outreach before getting this temporary permit? >> well i will ask the executive director to respond in more detail. i can just tell you that the -- i think the maximum number of days -- was it 60 days? >> 90. >> 90 days. i mean it is a significant problem when a club is sold because of the place of entertainment permit is personal to the operator and doesn't run with the club like a conditional use permit would that going through the process is rather extensive and a club can be forced to shut down, so there's no requirement in the legislation for outreach, but perhaps executive director can
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talk how she envisions that process working. this is intended as a brief bridge. >> okay. >> and of course if the new vendor during that bridge period is behaving irresponsibly the commission and staff can enforce and shut it down if that is warranted. >> okay. >> yeah, i was just wondering -- so that would be our office then? >> yeah. and i think in fact maybe through you at some point if we decide that policy of the commission would be to handle these temporarys in a certain way. the legislation at this point is just authorizing us to create something that doesn't exist right now and how we implement will be up to us so we should consider seriously how much of the outreach and input you want to build into that. >> okay. and i just had one more question about the patios. i know the eagle had sound and
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the lone star lost it in the hand over. will any patio that used to have sound be able to apply for the sound permit? >> this isn't about a grandfathering. it's creating a new or expanding the permit to cover the areas. they still have to go through the process to get the permit and of course with limited live performance can you only do it until 10:00 o'clock at night and there are other limitations on it and it's limited compared to a full permit. one of the goals of the legislation is -- i didn't mention all of the ways we're expanding the authority of the commission, without taking any enforcement away from the police to provide enforcement -- parallel enforcement by the commission. the police will and often be involved but there are
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sometimes right now only the police can respond when the police might have more significant things to deal with and [inaudible] in the police department and having that commission, having that possibility -- so for example if someone decides not to get permits at all right now the entertainment commission can do nothing. only the police department can respond. now this legislation will allow the commission to respond which not only relieves the police department of that responsibility, but also it's probably a more productive way in some ways to proceed and the commission can come in and say "you don't have a permit. it's a violation. why don't we talk about how you can get a permit if that's what you want" so i think there can be positive results of that. >> that's the very best part of it. >> i forgot to mention. >> that's the one i love the best. of course we have
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struggled with that since the inception of this commission so that was awesome. >>i think it's really tightens everything up and reading it on behalf -- having a poe for the last 14 years -- >> you're old. >> i'm old. it's a very fair situation. i mean if they're really doing something not in compliance i mean it just takes care of it. i mean there was a lot of questions even when i started about some of this, and i think you answered a lot of it and i think as the industry at least the other club owners that i know of, and i kind of like talk to them and they read it and some read the 15 days -- that's a lot, but of course i told them. one weekend is really just a slap on the wrist. if it's two weekends you take it a little more seriously, so i
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think a lot of people like this. i think now this is something good. >> now we're cooking. >> i mean it tightens everything up. now i don't have any questions. >> so i think commissioner lee and i had both had poe's for a long time and we -- i think the two of us have valued our permits and understood that they were probably the most valuable possessions in our business, more valuable than the sound systems or anything that we had, and we were very i think we both respected those permits a lot, and having people operate without permits and not under the same scrutiny that we had i think -- [inaudible] so this is great. this is totally awesome. anybody else? thank you so much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any public comment on supervisor wiener's
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presentation of his pending legislation? seeing none public comment is closed. thank you very much for coming. okay. next item on the agenda -- >> sorry through the chair. in an attempt to be a little more formal in how we communicate our -- our wish is or our feelings or your feelings if it were to the board of supervisors i would ask that the motion be presented. >> so i would like to entertain a motion that the entertainment commission direct staff to write a letter from the commission to the clerk of the board of supervisors exexpressing support for this ordinance entertainment related permits. >> second. >> so moved. >> so moved. >> second. >> okay. >> aye.
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>> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> commissioner. >> aye. >> thank you very much. >> sorry about that. >> aye. >> item number six police department comments and questions. >> hello commissioners and staff. steve [inaudible] from central station. over the last couple of weeks we have gone out and done enforcement at the night clubs and making sure they're in compliance and notices that we found and a notice at the parlor at one ten a.m.. i was out with vajra that night and we watched how the club was prail operating and they violated the good neighbor policy and noise and blocked the
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sidewalk. security didn't attempt to unblock the sidewalk and a fight was ignored and no attempt to patrol the area that we advised. we spoke to the owner about that and stepping the security up and doing the things they're supposed to be doing. it's in the fisherman's wharf area but across from a hotel and if i am a patron at the hotel i don't want to hear a lot of noise at 1:00 o'clock in the morning. there is always some noise you will get but excessive didn't work. there was a patron assaulted -- and not describe who assaulted him or why. a victim's it r i phone was stolen. there was a -- a
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narrative on this one. the general manager of the bamboo had been worked behind the counter 10 minutes when he saw a couple having an altercation. we saw -- when it was turning physical he came out behind the bar and grabbed the male and said both have to leave the bar and forcibly assisting the male through the door when he was hit by a glass object and left a two-three everyone lanceeration on his head. the suspect was arrested that used either a bottle or a glass and arrested for that assault and the initial person in the fight with the female was arrested for drunk in public. the other incident was at the cond door and this was
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on april 13, aggravated assault at the condor and this is the lady -- one of the dancers. she was working the crowd near the main stage in when the suspect grabbed her. she said he wasn't allowed to do that and the suspect through a glass at her and hit her in the face and the mouth and yelled at him and security escorted him owftd the club. she didn't want police action but she could identify the suspect. they looked over the tapes and be able to identify the suspect visually with the photo. when the glass was thrown it hit the dancer and a wall and another patron behind her and that caused another injury so sfpd is investigating that. the last thing of note is i met with the seller at 685
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sutter street during the week and went over the safety and security concerns and talked about what they specifically needed to improve so it's kind of a thing in progress, so right now we have dialogue with them, and i think that about covers it. any questions or comments? >> on the sutter what are they missing? the outside getting rid of people? >> yeah, they have the area in front. to the left there is scaffolding and creating challenges. i talked to the city regarding that and if they have a valid permit. they also have a parking lot across the street and we're doing with that and a hot dog vendor and illegal hot dog vendor and nice to sober up but it creates a nuisance and the drunks come out and linger
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with the hot dog and that exposure with drunks and being loud can either create problems or fights in the area, so we're trying to hit it take cake of a lot of problems as well as the security. we talked about them not blocking the sidewalk. with a small sidewalk we have the issues of the patrons lining up to go into the club but we have the smokers and so we have to keep in mind both situations so talked about different ways and smokers up the street without going so far -- four to five deep so people that want to get through don't have to go into the street to get by. >> so the hot dog vendzors -- i mean we all have them. i mean i have one that shows up every saturday night right underneath the neighbor's house and i chase him down and they keep coming
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back. >> right. i've had a couple of officers that have worked the area. seems to be pretty effective because on saturday night they weren't out there or the night before. we're going to cite them and if you get hit in the pocket book that will stop the behavior and they will move to another spot. >> does the parking lot have lighting? it does. i would like to see an increase in lighting and talk to them about having a security guard there. >> so is the parking lot their parking lot? >> no. it's not but it's right across the street. if people leave the club and parking there a lot of times they're not going up to the crosswalk and go over and crossing the street and dark clothing or drunks driving it's a pedestrian safety concern and when they get to the other side they might be talking to other
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people and we have another party in the parking lot. >> does the parking lot legislation says what commissioner? >> if they have chronic problems there then the sfpd will recommend they have to have security. >> go for it. you have the power. okay. >> the parlor -- is that one of the places that we visited across from the hotel that gave us a hard time? >> it's down -- >> they had the windows open and across from the hotel and they were like "who are you guys?" >> i don't think so. >> that's not them? okay. i wanted to make sure it wasn't the same. >>i have to say once we talked with the owner later in the night after this it seems we were specifically to say what steps need to be taken and he was very receptive toward that. >> okay. anybody else?
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>> thank you. >> thank you. public comment on police questions and comments? seeing none public comment is closed. item number seven hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits. timothy mullins doing business as four deuces hair hair sfpd. >> yeah, 2319 taraval. this has been a bar for years and had live entertainment since 2002 and the applicant would have to have entertainment two-three nights a week, mostly dj's and occasional live music and jazz or classic rock and not past 1:00 a.m.. as far as the police recommendations there was one incident a couple months ago with a highly intoxicated individual and recommends that
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the applicant take corrective action to prevent violence on the premises and not serve highly intoxicated patrons. otherwise they have all the referrals. >> hello. would you like to address the commission on the operation or talk with us. >> pretty straightforward. we went through every inspection. i'm not really trying to open up a night club and i have the neighbors in mind with noise and safety. >> so do you know it's a violation of the abc to serve someone who is intoxicated. >> i didn't own the bar at the time. >> okay. so you're a new owner? >> i am. >> okay. >> so now you know that. you're not supposed to serve people that are drunk. >> i intend to increase some security issues that exist because the current music license is still there, the
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entertainment permit is there with the previous owner and some of the security isn't enough so i'm fixing that. >> okay. and you have a 49 occupancy; right? >> i do. >> okay. commissioners, commissioner perez. >> hello. when you met with the merchant association -- >> i have. >> what was that interaction like? did you make a presentation? what did you communicate with them? >> i just introduced myself to them and listen to their concerns. i didn't get into anything specific at all. >> did you say you planned to do entertainment and hours and what kind of entertainment you will be doing? >> it was gone over. >> so they have a good idea about the noise. >> the noise is self contained
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and it's a matter of not too loud or late. >> which merchant association is this? >> it was a park side -- actually it was a lady that operates it. >> if i could interrupt for just a moment. having worked for supervisor carmen chu for a long time and there is confusion because they changed their name to include neighbors as well as merchants so when you address that group you're actually talking to merchants and neighbors. >> right. >> thank you for that. >> and i wanted to add i went down to the supervisor's office just to check in case there was anything to do outreach to but i was told that she has a great outreach and sent that information on the list, and that was pretty much the only outreach that you could have
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done in that area. >> right. that's all i have. >> so question. so live music and dj's so you're doing all your own programming? are you going to rent the club to people that have dj's that want to use your space? >> no. i didn't plan on renting the club. there a dj they used and jimmy hits and does a good job. keeps the kids happy. there is event on state college and the kids come every thursday. >> and you feel comfortable with one security guard. >> no, i don't. >> so you're going to -- >> two. i want one inside. i was there and the previous owner was running it and you need somebody inside. >> okay. >> if i might also add this is taravaland what is the cross
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street. >> 34th. >> they're in a neighborhood commercial corridor. this has been a bar for a long, long, long time, and just for context i think what you will see is improvements being made here opposed to anything substantially changing in a negative way. this is an improvement. >>i understand. sometimes new owners -- you know, they miss a few steps so i'm bringing things up. i'm not saying -- how to run your business. >> i would like to sleep at night so i like to make sure all my bases are covered. if it's out of control i need to fix it. i have no problem with that at all. >> okay. anybody else? all right. why don't you have a seat. >> thank you. >>i would like to open the floor to public comment on the disiews four deuces 2319 taraval.
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>> hello inspector van cole. >> good evening commissioners. i am representing the police department. officer chan was predisposed so i'm going to speak on behalf of the station so the conditions that we asked for we ask to you recommend. additionally we had one -- i don't know if was addressed a glaring observation that there was a lot of cigarette butts on the ground and there was no signage for no smoking within the ordinance within a certain feet of the actual business, so we asked that would be imposed as well. otherwise we're good with the conditions. >> do we have a list of those conditions in our packet? >> no. all they asked in their
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referral was that they make sure that they don't serve highly intoxicated individuals and prevent violence. that's the only two and in their referral. >> okay. >> thank you. so any other public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. i just wanted to say having a cigarette receptacle outside is important. cigarettes and smoke are toxic and one the butts are toxic so it could be great so we will suggest that. i think it says so in the good neighbor policy anyway and automatically attached as part of the permit as 13 conditions. motion. >>i would like to move to approve this permit with the conditions placed on it by the police. >> we have a motion. do we have a second? >> second. >> we have a motion and a second
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. >> commissioner akers. >> aye. >> commissioner perez. >> aye. >> commissioner hyde. >> aye. >> commissioner lee. >> aye. >> vice president joseph. >> aye. >> good luck to you. you're welcome. okay. item number eight commissioners, questions and comments. commissioner akers anything? >> no. >> commissioner perez. >> yeah today is part two of our photo school holiday. i have a friend outside to take pictures. >> you got to be kidding. you have to tell a girl. what is wrong with you? >>i told jocelyn. i'm sorry not jocelyn, crystal before she left. >> crystal was very pregnant and she left. >>i told her it was going to be
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today. i am not allowed to communicate with you guys. remember? >> who didn't get their picture? >> no. i'm not taking another picture. there is no way. commissioner hyde. >> did we decide on the fourth -- >> off the picture thing. >> yes for the ad hoc. >> oh good. >> for the ad hoc committee. >> so we set a date. >> yeah and i lost it in the shuffle. >> it's set for the date of the next entertainment commission meeting. >> at 345. >> 3:45 p.m. >> okay. so and that is your last meeting? is that it? >> last meeting. >> last ad hoc meeting. >> yes that is the last one and at this meeting we hope to have a template to help with neighborhood outreach so we don't have this confusion and even if it never goes to number
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10 requirement we feel that there definitely should be guidelines set up so people know how to do outreach and what constitutes due diligence in their outreach. >> so when you're done with your meeting and have your summary it can't happen that night but notify the staff and they will adgentize it for the next meeting. >> correct. >> okay great. >> commissioner lee any questions or comments? >> for once i don't. >> new business? without objection we adjourn.
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