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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2013 2:44am-3:14am PDT

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choice you get more respect when i can walk out the door with another option. in terms of part time madalinas you don't want to add to the off-peak just the peak where it's needed. we also separately feel there is a role for company ramp madalinas. companies want to control their own business. but the reality is that for a ramp madalinas i want tow be able to holiday the dispatch accountable for getting there. so if there's going to be a role the ramp madalinas are the place for it to be and that will serve two purposes at once. almost there.
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direct laefs is quite controversial it has been in the city already. so it was all no, they don't want the m t a to get into the business. they're only providing the madalinas in a different form. but when he went out and asked drivers more than half strongly agree 5 out of 5 that drivers without madalinas should have the choice to lease the madalinas directly. and the trust issues were apparent. they really want that choice. now madalinas holders a third of
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them want the choice too. but there's definite majority rule drivers out there you don't make them do it but to give them that option. now we presented all this report to town hall so it's worthwhile on marketing on the feedback. a lot of folks feel there should be a better dispatch and that would solve the problem. our response is if you can imagine putting in the best dispatch system and we convince everyone that it's going to work. the amount of calls that come in could not be responded p to. the reason that it was
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successive it could be met from the whole vehicle pool you need to have the vehicles first. the reason you have poor dispatch in the city it's not a lack of base from the companies. the reason why you don't have it as an effect it's because if they stuck their heads up they would get too many calls. there was some dispute over oh, people want a better enforcement first but if you clear the streets of all non-taxi
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providers you would have a different situation. some people disputed our data by in the end they say that $675 is not the fixed market price it's 45. our response on the conflict of interest is people know that before they hire us. we talked about direct leasing were we didn't name a price we can provide more guidance on that later but we named the current market price. regardless of this you need more taxis out there.
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we had some good suggestions on how to make companies accountable with taxis. so the package we're offering is to expand taxis to meet customer need. we think you need to defend this market. we commit to the owner driver system again. and we give the drivers another option for the madalinas that increases their positions. >> we can hear from the public. thank you very much. okay. let's hear from the public >> are there members from the public who have not turned in their speaker card please do so now. the first 3 speakers.
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(calling names) >> hello, i'm saying most of my speech is blown out of the water so i'm glad the speaker was offering that. >> please don't make up your minds until you hear the story about the lift and sidecar. i don't know on this call it's
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complicated issue but when this topic comes please don't yield to what director says about multi leaving leasing. >> i'm a - by limiting the hours that those madalinas can be on the street have greatly effected how people can see the transportation. and with a simple madalinas
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owners there is a loyalty to the integrity of the program. in my opinion one of the unforeseen benefits is that this class of drivers produces an environment of teamwork. additionally there has been sefrmentd that local customers have made inquiries about the health of the drivers in san francisco. the idea has received great reviews. to the issuance of madalinas this program has produced the lease amount of - i would strongly encourage the enhancement of this program in the future
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>> (calling names). >> again evening board of directors. i want to thank the doctor on his report. i have a couple of concerns that were brought up on the town hall meeting. the w hotel is on the corner of third and howard. if you're coming down third on a rush hour period it's going to be about 5 tow 7 minutes because when everybody comes to that threshold of montgomery. if you look at june the 14th of that day there was a giant against the houston as atrocities which means south of
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marketing is a mess. so there are other drorgsz be made there. i want to thank the director for trying to get more inspectors to help with the enforcement hopeful that won't be nitpicking with a madalinas on your shoulder. it 50 should be a rent basis on the focus not the 56 driver regulations. i'd also like to thank the city and drivers and companies to really work with the puc. as we fight those very stressful agree testators on the street. i think we need to continue that
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effort to follow the rules in place. (calling names) >> good afternoon. i have been driving a cab with the years with the dream of owning my own madalinas one day first, it was free then it is $250,000. when we will be able to pay for it with illegal cabs taking our business. $50,000 increase is small for the city and this could help pay for medical shiners for our families. i urge you to think about us since we're doing the third most
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dangerous job in the united states. thank you >> (calling names). >> thank you taxi cab workers and also on behalf of the green cab i'd like to thank the staff for by diesel fuel. they're very, very low emissions vehicles. let me say on the issue of efficiency the unit taxi cab workers have been crying in the dessert for many years. that that might have helped bring many of the problems we're
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having. this is really in the making of the regulatory programs. my problem with the issue it's unfortunate it is rendered in large part what has taken place of the confusion of those illegal services that could put out potentially a number of illegal vehicles on the street and from all appearances we're expecting them to be legal listed. under the circumstances i don't know how you can have a number of the cabs. enforcement is not going to mean a thing if those vehicles are legal listed.
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we're pushing more and more vehicles on the streets so i would ask you to hold-off on making any decision like this. i certainly wouldn't make a decision until next year >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. i'm in my 33 year. i've never been on the waiting list i expected it to be temporary but i found that it grow on me and by the time i decided this was what i was going to do for the rest of my life there's thousands on the list. a good many of them are only
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friends and family it was a purely arbitrary list and a way to get a madalinas for free. so all the meetings i want to it make sense that issuing of madalinas should have been based on seniority. and if you stated in the business after a reasonable period of time like you 15, 20, 30 years i ought to get a madalinas. although the single operator permit is a step in the right direction unfortunately, there was a group of 5 of us who were
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passed over i understand i was number 56 and i find out that 5 of us were passed over. so i would like you to address that issue one madalinas owner wanted no part of it perhaps leave the country so if that specific issue could be addressed please. >> (calling names). >> good afternoon. the first issue we have to address is this whole question of dispatch. i mean two minutes it's impossible. the only thing is let us not have any and i illustrations all
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those applications are elitists in the respect that the people who have smart phones, the people who are even going to understand those things are in the tape or medium income brackets. one of the purposes you are sitting here is to serve the whole city. i'm not objecting to any of the apps but you have to preserve the system for the old and also for the people that don't have credit cards. i would estimate that probable 20 or 25 percent of the population of this city does not have a credit card. without a credit card you can't use any of the legal or legally apps so you have to take that
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into c. in the higher report they suggest more part time cabs. the only solution for you if you want to have part time cabs is to continue the single operator program. thank you >> (calling names) and a good afternoon, commissioners. thanks for having had me. and travel is one of the major economical drivers of san francisco. last year the 16.5 million visitors that came to san francisco spent $1.8 million and contributed $800 million to support road maintenance and fire services.
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the city is taking steps to grow the industry like growing moscone. one of the major complaints we receive is the lack of taxi service in san francisco. it would be a shame that we allow something in our control to allow us not to take advantage of all this investment. so for this reasons we're asking you to get them only the streets as soon as possible. (calling names) >> good afternoon directors. i'm the exclusive i'm kevin with the director hotel a san francisco resident and almost a daily yourself of taxi cabs.
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i want to thank the staff for issuing this report and some of the issues that the hotel has. we appreciate the partnership that you've shown specifically for working with our group. taxis are critical to the hotel industry and they're absolutely necessary for our guests so it's important to the hotel group. we do support the recommendation of adding additional taxis. we especially during peak times our folks are giving up on getting a taxi and it's not uncommon to have that happen. our guests is waiting to leave the hotels purely because they spend such time inside and
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outside the hotel. and something that will allow more taxis to allow people to get out and spend and to see the city is important as well. the doctor has helped me to understand and i see what happens and it's something very important. the reports detail more than just educating me and others. again, we fully support the addition of more taxis it will benefit our employees and the residents of san francisco. thank you for your times. >> (calling names) and a good afternoon mr. smooird.
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>> i want to echo the remarks that to add taxis at this time at the issue of the transportation apps has not been decided could add more cabs to the street and minimize drivers chances of making even minute wages in violation of the spirit of san francisco's minimum wage ordinance. i wanted to just - i hope we can have someone the wisdom of a nancy reagan. a nancy reagan who learned from common sense when she said there
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are just sometimes when you just is no. additionally, i want to commencement the late lady in saying the reporting record in this city with two former mayors and the f fta is that you have had centralized gps brought to you a number of times that could improve the transportation and neither those two mayors nor you have done a god damn thing.
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>> (calling names). >> good afternoon. okay first of all, i'd like to thank the doctor about his report and he touched a lot of things in his report but i totally agree with him on one thing. you goose don't know what's going on. and i thank the person from the hotel but he didn't know what kind of corruption in his car. sometimes, we sit a half an hour in front of the hotel and the town caribbean puck up and up people in his hotel. and none of you guys mentioned the corruption at the city
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dispatch. if you go and call a cab company and i go to the airport they will leave the order for 5 minutes. so central dispatch is very, very important. i spoke with town hall and once we dispatch we accepted one car we don't need a lot of companies and one dispatch and one car and this was all the consumer. but if you add 5 thousand cabs and the incrimination is still there it's not going to help. okay. and the reason i say that the click on the phone and at the smart phone and the car is there judge? because two corners there's a town car waiting there.
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so that's why what we need we need a central dispatch and one car. and i have the jurisdiction to enforce that >> next speaker please and (calling names). >> good afternoon. in a few minutes we should have 3. commissioners and ladies and gentlemen of the audience for those who don't know i'm mr. lawrence. i've been a resident in this city for foy years. we'll have a bunch of people saying service service by not one mention about income this is a income and fee driven industry. the hotel wants more cabs but they don't want to pay for them.
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i have a ramp taxiing madalinas and you sucked four and a half thousand dollars from me on fees. that's what this industry is all about it freeze. and i want to find out you have a bunch of apps out there and nothing in your report thrills how many there are by you have 2 thousand extra cabs not in your report. and i see limousines and cab cars picking up people and it's not in your report. your whole management is dysfunctional. who's making the money in this business? it's not the cab driver.
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we don't have medical, dental pensions or employment. at the same time i have an out of control app base that's only going to greer grow it's not going to dissipate. i thank you for your time >> here's 7 companies of the sf weekly. >> good afternoon fellow directors. i went to the town hall meeting last week and i was dishastened we didn't actually get any