tv [untitled] April 20, 2013 7:44am-8:14am PDT
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san francisco parks alliance and we have been working in the park and the beautiful trails and the bike park and i thank you for voting positive on. i think everybody wants to see more activation of mclaren and especially for kids and families. i think that is what everybody is looking for and again i support the event and the road closure because my group is proposing a prose proposal and for it to be cleared and it's challenged by roadways and anything that we can do to address that and activate it on a temporary basis i think is a win-win for everybody. with that said though i respect that everybody is looking after the plants and the animals and the other users. i am hopeful events in the park will support
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the park either voluntarism or donations or something more simple than that and user protocol and enforcing that because when you have big events it's good to address certain issues that are problems with certain groups and i'm a bike rider. i'm want picking on dogs and every user group has issues and with they will leave a copy of our proposal and that we close john shelley drive for the day and use more of john shelley drive and close off the cambridge intransz and thinking forward and bringing these events to the park are a win-win. >> i will leave this. >> tom.
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>> tol murphy with jerry garcia day and ditto to what everyone said. i want to support the dog march and i know they're very organized and it will be a successful event so please support the event. thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. >> as an owner of two dogs i would like to make the motion to approve this item and authorize the million dog walk. >>i will second that. and in our family there are six dogs. i am sure they will all be coming. >> and if supervisor avalos would like to borrow -- have one of my dogs. >> i will throw in my dogs as well. >> moved and second. all in
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>> i need the computer up. we're still in the morning. good morning commissioners. i am here to present the approval of the america's cup event this year at marina green. they're three approvals we're seeking in connection with this. one is to authorize staff to issue permits for the installation of a event village at marina green include load in and load out from june 5 to october 3. the second grant exception to the sound policy to allow amplified sound from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on event days and from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on argue 31 or september 1 and adopt findings
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under the california environmental quality act. i will take you through the event and the layout. the second part overview of the ceqa and eir issues. adam from the mayor's office and economic work force development will under take that and last review the major issues that we have identified and what we're doing on those. starting with an overview. there are three parts of america's cup this year. there is the [inaudible] america's cup challenger series. the purpose of that series is to decide who will be taking on our san francisco winner and it's the competing boats. it's during that time deciding which one merges as the winner. the
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second is exciting new event. it's the red bull america's cup and open to national teams of younger sailors. marina green will be the center for operations for that opposed to much of america's cup this year is actually on the piers. and the last and big item is the america's cup final between the winner of the louis i have ton cup and oracle usa. >> >> for each stage there will be different installations and keep the park open as much as possible and i'm going to take you through those. so looking up at the screen you will see labeled on the far right phase
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one. that will be the louis viton challenger series and i will give that to you in more detail and the trail and in the surrounding parking lot some of the back of office operation. phase two comes in august and phase three which is the far left is only there for the red bull event and involves putting tents and the teams are available to be met and talk to the public so that is only there for a short period of time. this is little marina green we have similar phases. phase one is the installation of bleachers and enable people to
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see the race. the race comes extremely close to the waterfront there and very popular last year, and phase two is the adding of some concessions as more attendance is expected at that time. here is big marina phase one in detail. you will notice along the north part there is a large set of bleachers. those bleachers -- some are open for free to the public especially at the beginning and then they become for sale. there will always be some available at no cost. there are concessions. there's a smaller stage than last year. there's a beer and wine garden. there's all sort of interactive displays. some of this is changing but nothing in a significant way. the larger block items like the
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bleachers are staying the same. here we add phase two so they're adding another section of bleachers and phase three which are the team tents. at the top in the water a way for the red bull boats to berkt and people to come off of the boats on to marina green and similar to last fall when marina green was the headquarters for the whole event. again this is for a two week period in august for the red bull youth event. little marina green in more detail. you can see the phase one bleachers at the top. i want to point out these have been approved by bcdc whose focus is on the public access
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to the waterfront. their approval is required for anything i think 20-30 feet of the waterfront so a lot of this reflects compromise with them as well, and then you can see phase two on the grass are the concessions and more concessions over next to the bleachers. this is little marina green east. they are going to put chalets next to the st. francis and they had the two tents. these are smaller corporate tents available for sale. again more bleachers for the public and concessions when we get to phase two. this is the marina green triangle area. most of the things on there are existing. it's really the bike valet and police barricades and
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bigger since the assessment is more people will ride bikes and low impact to the grass and on the outside you can see they have the back of office, recycling areas and offices and areas for berkt holders which i will go into in a minute. this just lays out the build in and build out dates for the various aspects of the event. with july 24 being the major build in on the asphalt but actually a few things you will down on the peninsula start june 5 and big marine green doesn't start until the 24. i'm going to come back and talk about the issues but i'm going to turn this over to adam who will talk about ceqa. >> thanks dana. good morning.
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so i wanted to briefly walk you through the 1600 page ceqa document for the event so if you will bear with me. just a few highlights as they relate specifically to rec park property at marina green and little marina green. the only sites in those locations and along the yacht road peninsula. it was the primary site in 2012 where the events were but it's a secondary site in 2013 now that the cruise ship terminal is complete. the concerts and the finish line and programming is going to occur at pier 27 and
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29 and we are calling this the ac village -- i get confused and there is the ac park and the village and they will have concessions and gang ways and hospitality, spectator sitting and the use of marina green is subject to your approval here today. just to back up to 2012 this was an image of what marina green would look like in 2013. those plans have evolved and are now more detailed as was shown you and again around the peninsula at little marina green. we have contemplated the locations but made tweaks based on the meetings over the last year, so there are a number of specific
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ceqa provisions for mitigations. i won't go into these in great detail from everything how to anchor along the sea wall without creating damage to noise control, locations of marinas for visiting mariners and detection for pump outs and avoiding grass beds and casting and shielding lights, dock lighting et cetera that have been incorporated into the permit. there are additional mitigation measures in our permits. our lease disposition agreement which is the lease with the port of the use of
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piers and i want to bring a couple of provisions. bcdc has issued the permit and everything that we're asking you to approve today but there are specific provisions at marina green. our office will work on successful kayak launch and timing that with the completion of the yacht harbor renovation and providing sail board storage there and we will meet with them this week to identify a location to store gear and have that recreational acat this -- >> we will make the public
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improvement, the kayak a permanent fixture of the yacht harbor and replacing benches on the sea wall and extending the swale to the east. this is the landscaping between the sea wall and marina green north of the parking that absorbs some of the water runoff and it's extended for our project under the permit and then finally we're working very closely with partners and bcdc for quarters so we don't take over the space and we can still accommodate walkers and joggers and opportunities around the area so they can have enjoyment of the waterfront views and get through the site itself. with that i will turn it back over to ms. ketchum.
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dana and happy to answer any questions you have on ceqa. thanks. >> so i want to talk you through the main issues that we have identified and where we've come out on those issues. the first one is the explain the fees. the city and county of san francisco is a partner and cosponsor of this event and accordingly under the lease disposition agreement that was entered into by the city, approved by the board of supervisors and the mayor there are no facility fees payable. we are entitled to be reimbursed for the restoration cost so the america's cup and authority is required to pay any areas permitted. this would include the highly likely resodding of marina green due to the lack of water and impact of structures
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on the grass and any other cost due to damage. for instance broken irrigation lines or chips out of the sidewalk. we will do a detailed walk through immediately before and after and filming and taking pictures of those. they will reimburse us for gardener time requested for the event so if we pull them off their normal work but park ranger time is not reimbursed and they agreed to cover cost so that is a city cost. the community impact and what those look like. obviously the marina green grass because of the way the structures are being put in we can't turn the
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sprinklers on and there is the line where the spin zone is for the water so we can leave the water on in the western third of marina green so that will leave areas open and access for parking and access for the owners and there is casual recreation. the soccer games that are played will have to be moved for this fall. we have been working closely with them and identified the balboa baseball fields is the ideal place. normally we wouldn't do that but this allows the kids to play and adequate space.
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micro-soccer and youth services will be impacted. we can't stop that. it's less convenient for people used to go to marina green. they don't want to go. it's going to be congested anyway and putting them at other sites but there are limits to what we can do. mas coney is used for other activities so that is not available. we are looking at parts of golden gate park where we don't normally permit soccer and move those there too. there are probably close to 100 practices a week at marina green so that is an impact and special ventd vent. we have been moving them to other locations in anticipation of this event either earlier in the year or to alternative sites like the the avon walk for --
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actually the susan komen walk for breast cancer. the access for berkt holders -- last year was a trail run. there are three drop off areas. two sites have golf carts and some are elderly to assist with loading and unloading and moving any materials and there will be two areas dedicated and monitored berkt holder parking. you can see on the map the ada drop off area over by the harbor master's office. there will be one on the other side with the golf carts available and then there are dedicated berth parking on the triangle. it's less than they currently have but we
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pushed hard to maintain -- there is no guarantee of parking and we pushed hard to maintain what we could. there are inconveniences to having an event but we're doing everything possible. on the little marina green side there is ada and berth holder and golf cart available in the parking lot and this is what we did last year and there was plenty of space. we secured parking along marina boulevard. it's not secure. there will be a security guard -- at both sites and only holders are allowed to park there. in terms of the yacht club we -- the america's cup authority had extensive meetings with both yacht clubs. we have a letter from the st. francis indicating they have resolved virtually all of the issues. we're still talking about
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parking for them and creative idea are if for them but they have signed off. another issue that came up in connection with the eir is sale border access so they can't park but where do the sale boards come and one of the things in process they are allowed to place two containers to store boats so they can arrive other than cars. they have responsibility monitoring the use of the containers. actually i have a meeting with them tomorrow. another impact on the community is traffic and congestion. departments in the city have worked the plan and moving the people. last year
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was a good trail since we have america's cup and fleet week on the same day and numerous other events. they are continuing to monitor and improve them. the event is activated five out of seven days a week so not mondays and thursdays. it's not all day. the peak time is from noon to 4:00 p.m.. the amplified sound exception. under commission rules it's limited to four hours a day and must end by darkness. they are requesting permission from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to broadcast. it's intermittent ampliified sound and more announcement base. all of the speakers will face away from the water. we didn't have complaints last year about the america's cup sound. we will continue to monitor it during the event and they are
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requesting permission to have ampliified sound one evening for a music performance until 9:00 p.m.. they're still figuring out who would perform so there are two optional days. september 1 is before laborer day and before the holiday. we're not doing it before a week night and there are conditions in the mmrp that adam said on ampliified sound again, lessening of the noise. there has been a variety of community outreach. obviously first all of the outreach in connection with the eir was done two years ago. they held a meeting on february 28 with the representatives of the marina community association, golden gate valley neighborhood association and other groups. they had a meeting on march 12 which i attended, and seem to
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address concerns raised at that time. they have distributed -- this is my older presentation. they distributed letters back in march and we received one comment which we responded to and the discussions with the st. francis are just about finalized. that is my presentation. actually i want to cover one other thing. there have been comments submitted about the repairs to little marina green that went to the commission and i wanted to explain my understanding what happened there. first marina green is a difficult surface to maintain grass. it is a clay based and landfill base. it doesn't allow water to percolate. in case of heavy rain we do get large poolings of water and once it hits the
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saturation points the water pools at marina green. when the pictures were taken -- i think you all saw. it was after one of the fall's really -- remember we had the large rainfalls and in the middle of the remediation effort so for little marina green we were reimbursed by america's cup amount of money to rehabilitate it. it was severely impacted by fleet week because all of america's cup infrastructure was placed on little marina green. we did two deep ireration and a machine that digs down and put air back into it. this was after one, but not the second. it helps with leveling. they put happy infrastructure on marina green last fall. we have nothing that happy put on anything this
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year. we also did drop soil and seedd and sand and that was done twice as well so it's looking much better. we also kind of looked up and said we have to do a major redo of this whole area and one of the things we're planning for little marina green even though they're setting up on half of it we will resold the entire marina green which will weapon with some of the dips according to the expert they won't ever go away at marina green due to the nature of the surface. >> okay. public comment. [calling speaker names]
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>> [inaudible] i would like to go on record by supporting the move at the park for the rec and park issued the permits. i think it's a great event for san francisco and i am encouraged to see that venue successful to people watching it. [inaudible] sort of interesting that the community outreach to holders -- [inaudible] to people who have a vote and paying rent for space within the marina. it's part of having a party. you can't throw a party and expect the house to be the same before the party started but in all fairness to the trust which is the land and the facility the marina green is governed by
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