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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2013 8:14am-8:44am PDT

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1935. the city is the custodian of the trust and you have a fiduciary responsibility to make sure the trust is adhered to and i think there are various ways as i indicated earlier playing fast and loose with the rules and partly why there is a lawsuit against the city of san francisco -- actually a year ago at this meeting you adopted the new rules and under the agreement and best practice in place for 60 years had kind of been thrown to the side. some window dressing was done at best to have input. one ask i have and the park commission i know you manage hundreds of parks and it's to know all the ins and outs of all of the properties but i request to appoint one commissioner as the expert or point person regarding that
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trust. specifically chapter 435 of the california statute outlines those and in place and i think it's important they're adhered to. i think if someone review that and look at some of the legal issues there is wiggle room to settle that without waiting for california superior court to get it calendared and before a judge and answer remedial questions and how much liberty are they allowed to exert under this and i put work with the board and planning the renovation. i feel there is abusing the volunteers and doing a bait and switch in regards to how this is played out and i ask as a park commission you help to facilitate and not a friction point but allow us to work together. thank you.
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>> thank you. >> [calling speaker names] >> is mitch here? okay. valerie. >> hi. good morning. i am valerie san tory. i'm a 28 year resident of san francisco and volunteer that runs the youth sailing program at the golden gate yacht club. i am here to let you know that we would like you to vote in favor of the permits for the america's cup. this whole activity has raised youth sailing awareness and done a great thing for the public school kids of san francisco. currently i have several teens who compete and i am always looking to sign up more kids. it's tough to get kids involved in sailing but once you get them hooked they bond for life.
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doesn't matter where they come from, what schools they go to. we have kids from lowell, mission, gateway, school of the arts, city art and tech and we're about to put on balboa with full support from the principal which is a first and we're excited. it's outreach and bonding kids together. america's cup offers insight into what the possibilities are for the future. maybe not for every sailor but for some ambitious kids so we're very pleased that you are hopefully supporting this process and will vote in favor of the permits. thank you. >> thank you. >> bruce. >> in general the boaters are in favor of this activity because
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we like to promote boating. we are disappointed there was no outreach to the harbor association. you picked a lot of airkzs and cal hallow and not on the waterfront. it's like you're afraid to talk to us because we filed a lawsuit. we are trying to have a dialogue without the lawyers and open to that to resolve issues. as far as the activity you're going to permit and i recommend that you permit but however you should realize that people are inconvenienced by this and the city of san francisco hopes to gain money and prestige like the exposition and after the earthquake and we agree with that and what if nobody comes and you gave valuable real estate to business people and
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they're going to keep it so there should be checks and balances here. few teams are coming to this event compared to what is projected. we all know that. what happens if you take autopsy of the space and parking here there and everywhere and nobody is there so there is no system to say take down the couple of bleachers that are taking up parking in little marina green and open up the area and you're not using it. you're using those bleachers and these are empty and our fear this is a partially a ghost town and not the vast amount of public that we are anticipating -- we all hope are coming here and benefiting the city of san francisco, so i am highly troubled this was given away with no permit fees at all. if someone doesn't pay for something they don't value it in the same way. if there was a
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fee for the bleachers and not using them they would dismantle them halfway through the program. the whole area is taken up and move our events that we would run right here so we have been very disenfranchised by this situation and i can see when they start set up in june they -- [inaudible] until they take it apart and there is no system to say july 15 half the stuff is not used and let's cut back and i don't see where you have anything in place to monitor that, and deal with that situation. >> [calling speaker names] >> good afternoon. i am
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fernanda and how many at the table there have actually sailed in the bay? one, two, three. great wonderful. well, i represent bads which is bay association of disabled sailors and i openly invite each of you an open ended invitation to sail with us and once you do the experience from that day will expand your definition of recreation because our sailors not only sail but we also participate in national and international regattas and that takes courage and our group of folks at bads are not just your regular folks in a sense. we leave our troubleos the deck and we step on the boat we're on
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unstable ground and it takes courage, so commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, your vote today raises the flag that signals the beginning of [inaudible] charting a course towards a mark. running that mark into reality. along with that we're all fighting the currents of naysayers and negativity and swells of fear and with that we're also towing along a barge with tons of resources and materials to install a landmark at marina green and that is really for the community public and that public is going to be our families, our friends, our neighbors, our domestic neighbors, and our international guests all
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congregating at the marina green which will also be the stage for that regatta, not just for one day nor a week, but an entire season of 55 days of festivities. that's a large amount of coordination, of people moving, concessions and economic factor for the bay. we also must reach out we are the home of defending champions oracle usa with their hard work discipline and training they are out there chriseling their skills with technology but nature seems to rule and we must also think about mr. ellison who invited us in sharing his vision and educating us along with the
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fact that he chose san francisco to be the city and home and host of america's cup. ladies and gentlemen, i urge you to support that this permit be stamp and validated because that takes courage. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> lisa. >> you can use this one if you prefer. >> good afternoon commissioners. i am a member of south beach yacht club and member of bads. i am also on the steering committee and member of sail sf bay so while i'm a big fan of america's cup and supporter i'm a bigger fan of getting butts out on boats and getting the public introduced to sailing,
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introduced to boating, and getting them out there on the water. the village at marina green and i encourage you -- urge you to support these permits will allow the public to linger longer to basically experience more about what the bay area organization such as bads and their veterans' program and the outreach to the youth community, the high school programs that valerie is supporting and so forth. it will allow them a greater opportunity to be introduced to those programs, to talk to people. they will be demonstrations on the marina green. there will be demonstrations on the water with bads and pre-show regatace and outreach of the america's cup and i urge you to get more public and butts out on boats please support the construction of the marina green village. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> is there anyone anyone else who would like to make public comment on this item? seeing none public comment is closed. commissioners. >> entertain a motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and second. all in favor? >> aye. >> thank you. >> we are now on item 11 which is general public comment continued. i have one card. lois paulwhite. okay. i need you to come to the mic. thank you. >> hello. i louis paul white. i am one of the local bay area museum artists and i'm currently doing a map of san francisco. i fund all of my own projects and
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have been doing this for decades so i'm here to show you what i have been doing. i have been including your landmarks of a park. >> do you need a hand? somebody give her assistance. >> the last show was for the san mateo museum and a map. these are my notes. this is where i am so far, and ideally i would like to turn these into posters and give them away and create an app for the world, a free app, and maybe advanced 99-cent app, but basically if you would like to see that. you have city hall right there, the transamericans building. eventually i will
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merge compute graphics with this and merging fine art and computer graphics together and these are the notes of the water color version. i am here to show you what i am doing funding my own projects which i have been dedicating my life to as well as to teaching and other things and i have never applied for a grant before. i am going to finally apply for a grant in the next coming here and i am just here to show you and hope for your endorsement of good word so when i apply for a grant they will know. thanks. >> thank you. >> anyone else that would like to make general public comment that didn't do so earlier? seeing none. we're on to item 12 commissioner matters. >> i don't see any. >> public comment? seeing none
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public comment is closed. item 13 is new business agenda setting. any public comment? seeing none this item is closed. 14 communications. public comment? seeing none public comment is closed. and 15 is adjournment. >> move to adjourn. >> second. >> moved and seconded. all those in favor? >> aye. >> adjourned. thank you one and all.
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