tv [untitled] April 20, 2013 4:14pm-4:44pm PDT
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department is working on. we have several work orders and special funds. 2012-13 it was 147.6. the change is 14.1. and that is primarily due to bonds, hiring staff to accomplish the work that needs to be done. and you can see going through 13-14 what the change is. so, 14-15 is 167.1. the same thing with general fund and gas tax, the bulk of that is mostly cola payments and cop debt service subsidy. that will take you to the next slide that actually shows what that debt service is. the budget increase is due to the revenue growth. in the year 13-14 our proposed
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general fund subsidy is higher than the 12-13 by -- that is 1% less than the baseline of the budget cut. so, in short, we met our target cut that we were at in the budget process. next slide shows how we use our budget. by the various parts of dpw, the -- about 37% of our budget is in capital projects and the next largest is street environmental services which is about 17%. and then we have a few other bureaus, building repair bureau, urban forestry, street mapping and street and sewer repair, those are between 8 and 12%. and then, of course, you can see our administration is 12%. administration does cover many of the department functions,
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both bookkeeping, finance, computer staff and the running of the day to day agency. and [speaker not understood] requirements, we talked about tree maintenance. tree maintenance, as you can see, the initiative is a request for about $700,000 to transfer an additional 3,000 trees. as you heard from supervisor, we currently do not have any funding to transfer any tree that needs any extra work. so, trees that are being transferred are trees ready to go. >> to be clear, the tree maintenance transfer in the program are not in the budget you set forward right now submitted to the mayor's office? >> that's right. that's right. and, so, the other request -- >> excuse me. supervisor breed.
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>> [inaudible]. excuse me. they're not in the budget because of the system that was set up to try and charge residents to maintain their own trees? >> no, it's an initialtive for us to be able to get the fund to be able to provide the service. ~ initiative so, we don't include initiative in the budget. >> okay. is there a way -- and i'll just basically say i know that this -- i don't know how long ago. supervisor wiener brought up the point about how trees are now an option to fund tree maintenance and how it's in some ways the expense is shifted to the homeowners, which i know has been a challenge. it has been the challenge, i think, because one of the experiences i have, our people who may be homeowners who don't necessarily even have the money to maintain and take care of
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their own properties. and in some cases, i think they've been given bills, dpw if possible, is able to come and maintain the tree because of maybe safety hazards or other things. and people are billed, am i correct, for that, and they're taken by surprise with those kinds of things. and i notice that there are a larger number of limbs that are kind of broken and fallen apart all over the city because of wind and other things we experience, a lot of issues, if this program were supported in the way it should be supported, regardless of residents, it could be -- a lot of these things could be prevented. am i correct in saying that? >> yes. ideally, it makes sense for the city to maintain the trees in the right-of-way because then we can set cycles and we can
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perform the maintenance that's required. due to not having enough resources, we now of the 105 street trees that are in the city's right-of-way, over 60,000 are maintained by property owners and the department has got a team of tree inspectors who work with property owners and advise and guide. so, the remaining -- not remaining. the number of trees that the city is looking after that currently belong to property owners also. so, i think to get a level playing field, we should be really pushing those trees to property owners. because what we have in the city now is some blocks are maintained by the city and other blocks are maintained by property owners. and like i said earlier, ideally, it makes sense for the city to maintain everything, but we don't have enough resource he. so, i'll give you an example. the last five days all our
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arborists and a good number of our laborers, due to the high winds, we had over 100 trees down. in a fighting mode. those five days are not being used maintaining the current city stock. so, at one time we were able to get to a tree every 7 years. we are looking leak 10 to 11 years now. as we reduce our resources and have to maintain the trees, the cycles become longer. that means the maintenance becomes more needed and that means the tree could be more of a hazard. so, we're trying to figure this out. a number of supervisors have been working with us. but on the city side is just -- the resources are just not there. >> i'd be interested in knowing -- and i know this isn't in your upcoming proposed budget, but i'd be interested in knowing the level of support necessary in order to be more
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efficient. i realize that there should be property owners who are maintaining their trees because they do have the resources to do so. but there are a lot of other neglected properties for various reasons. and i want to make sure that the city is being responsible, especially because the neighborhood beautification, we're encouraging people to plant trees, but not necessarily communicating to people once these trees are planted what the responsibility of maybe the property owner or the city might be in terms of the increased responsibility. and, so, that's one of the issues. the other issue i know with development, there's a lot of requirement around trees. i know what we're dealing with i in a large part of district 5, a lot of older trees that are creating sewage problems and other things which i experienced personally at the african-american art can culture complex, unaware of the way the roots were growing in the pipes which created a real
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serious flood in our theater. and i know there's, you know, a number of other hazards which impact accessibility throughout our city and there's a whole process, even, to remove a tree for even accessibility purposes. so, i do think that we're continuing to increase our capacities of the number of trees that we plant throughout the city, while not necessarily maintaining and taking care of the existing stock. i'd like to see us continue to move in that direction, but just to really look at a realistic plan of maintaining what exists and dealing with more prevention if at all possible. and what that plan looks like and what that cost looks like long term, we may not be able to necessarily deal with that in the current budget cycle, but it's just something i defnetly am interested in seeing us address. thank you. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you. and i just want to thank supervisor breed for her comments.
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i know i think supervisor avalos and i, we want more and more company on this issue. it is an issue playing out throughout the city. and one thing i'll say is i think the best course would be to resolve this entire issue and not do it piecemeal. i know it will be probably tempting in budget discussion say put a little money here, little money there to try to deal with, with parts of the problem. but this is a pretty deep systemic issue. and ideally we would find a way just to resolve it and stop having this sort of patch work of maintenance which results in some trees being healthy and wonderful and others deteriorating. >> supervisor mar. >> i wanted to thinkthv to the apprenticeship program enhancement request. and it looks like it's 1.7 million and it would help to
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fund this apprenticeship program, which would provide 12 new apprentices and training for 52 apprentices. was that previously funded by federal stimulus dollars? where did the funding come from to initiate it? >> so, most of the stimulus dollars that the department gets, fund pre-apprenticeses. so, most of the individuals you see out on the streets or helping, those are pre-apprentices. the request here is for the apprentices program themselves. we have several apprentices within the department. we have a laborer's apprentice, we have a gardner's apprentice. we are just starting a cement mason apprentice. we have worked with pretty close to working an agreement with the carpenters. we're in conversations with the electrical union. and these apprentice programs, the apprentices are paid but funds that would be actually performing the job. but what comes along with these apprentice program is a lot of
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training. for example, the laborer's apprentice program is a eight week apprentice. [speaker not understood]. that is an additional cost for each individual to go and receive that training. and, so, what we're asking for is -- and that costs the department has not got within its structure so we're always scrambling to figure out how we can pay for those costs. the other -- some of the funding we ask for is for new apprentices, those are specifically to the trades that we can actually put certain [inaudible] to the workforce and support them through the training while they become [speaker not understood]. >> i think it's great that a number of the trades are participating. and are most of them, though, laborers? what's the breakdown just generally? >> right now the bulk of the apprentices, we have about 30
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in the laborer's training program. we have about 10 in the gardner's training program. we are in the process of bringing on sick cement masons. and i think that's what we have. pre-apprentice, we have over 300 people out there. through pre-apprentice and screening them, [speaker not understood] we're asking for this relief because we'll be able to pick up some of the pre-apprentices. ~ six >> and then the last question is for the san francisco residents that are eligible for these, are there specific [speaker not understood] a city-wide program? >> it's a city-wide program. through pre-apprentices, you are selected by how well you perform, how frequent you work, and how ready you are for the program that is opening. >> thank you. >> supervisor breed. >> i just want to add just a few comments about the
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apprenticeship program, especially since many of the kids who i've had challenges in assisting with employment opportunities have fortunately had the opportunity to participate in this program. the challenge comes [speaker not understood] with once the program is completed. what i really appreciate is that the program is more of a long-term program. i think probably the minimum amount of time is six months and the maximum i think is two years. and the difficulty, i know that you may have, is the capacity to transition many of these young people to tangible opportunities. and also, what process is involved and just spending the time to get these young folks prepared to apply for job opportunities. so, i think that we have an opportunity here with this program to take it to the next
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level and having the trades and other labor organizations actively engaged in supporting your department in transitioning some of these young folks to long-term opportunities is definitely something that i'm hoping that you're looking at. and if there is something i can do to be supportive of that, it would be great because once the program ends, then i'm faced with young folks who are coming to me and saying, well, what do i do next? what's the next step? how can i get a job? and i think part of what we want to do is take the skills that they are learning and apply those to real tangible opportunities. and what i'm also hoping for is the ability to prioritize many of these young people for opportunities to actually be full-time employees of the city in some capacity whether dpw or any other department. there are a number of these young folks who actually live in public housing. and the places where we want to
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make sure that they are gainfully employed, which of course we know cuts back on crime and the number of other issues that our communities are faced with. so, i'd like to see us move into a direction of long-term employment investment and how we get there is just really what i'm looking forward to working with you to do. >> thank you. is there anything else? >> just a few more things. some of the challenges that the department or opportunities that we're working on. we talked about the trees. to green our fleet. we are looking seriously on converting quite a good number of our fleet to electric and cng. the cost of gas has been going up quite a bit. it's been fluctuating. it definitely impacts our fleet and the cost of doing business. and, so, we have two proposals to move some of our smaller cars onto electric cars and start looking at alternative
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vehicles. we are also coming to the board to increase some of our fees. our fees mostly around the permitting area, [speaker not understood], development areas. we are not recovering. and that has created a little bit of backlog for us and so we'd like to increase some of those fees. and we have a complete package of what those fees are. they're mostly permit fees, sidewalk, construction, thing of that sort. 320 fueling station, the -- a lot of our trucks [speaker not understood] diesel, b 20 is the trend. they are assembly bills that are now requiring that we upgrade and meet certain types of [speaker not understood] using certain types of fuel. so, we would like to look at an opportunity to convert our station to be able to provide
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20 fuel which would meet the state standard [speaker not understood]. we're getting into quite an expense. as you know, in my business, a lot of my fleet is trucks. either street sweepers or trucks that go out to do street repair and other thing. and then, of course, the big project i think before all of us is the better market street project. any kind of work that would happen on market street is not a small task. so, those are some of the challenges ahead of us. i'll keep it short. >> sorry, supervisor breed. >> i just had a quick question about vehicles. are you eligible to apply for any federal funding? i know that the fire and police department have the ability sometimes to receive federal grants for replacement of equipment. >> we are, and we work very closely with the mayor's office
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and with the ta and apply for quite a bit of funding for clean air vehicles. we have been able to receive some funding, but i have 600 pieces of equipment, so -- and so. >> i have a few neighborhoods we can clear out the street cleaning and move fines frequent in some of the neighborhoods -- just kidding. thanks. >> lastly, obviously we have a few bond projects that we're working on. two that i'll highlight today is the road [speaker not understood] bond. that bond was for 248 million. the first sale was for a little over 76 million. we have resurfaced over 150 blocks. we are pretty much on schedule. three projects have been completed, 11 in construction, about 12 -- 2 award and had 12 in design. we've also done over 524
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programs and about 330 in design and 800 plus in planning. street structures for projects have been completed and four are in design. quite a number of streetscape projects are starting to run out -- total of 75 streetscape projects. 24 of them are the largest projects, but the streetscape, there's quite a few. and on traffic signals, there's been almost half of the traffic signals have been replaced and the other half are in design. and then, of course, with ease of bond, the public safety building. tomorrow we'll have a topping ceremony so steel work will be complete. we are moving nicely on schedule, and performing pretty well. that project should be delivered on time and on budget. the trade package -- more than half of the trade packages are up to date. the project is running smoothly.
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awsf ~ awss, water supply system, is upgraded. between peak reservoir and ashbury, as well as jones street tank and station number 1. in addition, we'll be fixing some of the system and then you have the neighborhoods. so, our project is moving along smoothly. and finally, quite a number of fire stations are being upgraded or repaired. some of them have work -- paint jobs or bathroom jobs or roof repairs. and some are going to be rebuilding. so, those are -- in terms of other bonds, general hospital, we're about 50% complete. general hospital, that's moving nicely. many of you know a few weeks ago we finished a crucial turn around and. and work on our north beach library is going along pretty good, too. that concludes my presentation.
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>> thank you, mr. nuru. colleagues, any questions for mr. nuru? supervisor wiener. >> mr. nuru, on the topic of [speaker not understood], one of the -- i think the department of public works in general over a number of years has been really negatively impacted in terms of staffing reductions in some areas over time. and the department i think has been very effective under mr. reiskin's leadership, under your leadership in adapting to those resource challenges and still doing, i think under the circumstances, a pretty exceptional job of doing what it needs to do. but i really, i really think that you need more resources. and two areas where i and my colleagues were able to get some resources to the
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department in our process last year are cleaners -- cleaning crews, i'm not talking about street cleaning, but just general cleaning crews to keep our spaces clean. and also we have gardeners because we have all these miscellaneous rights-of-way that look like park but they're not rec and park property. they're random green patches all over the city that are under dpw's jurisdiction. and if you don't have neighbors that are really taking care of it every day, dpw just doesn't have the resources to be out there all the time and you're more responding to particular problems there. can you just comment on the department's level of staffing and resources with respect to those two areas, cleaning crews and gardening crews? >> so, as you said, many of the medianses in the city and many of the plazas in the city have become, some by default or other way, the department of
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public works' responsibility. so, and many of these plazases in particular, are pretty well used and they need quite a bit of upkeep because of the use that they get. we have never really been staffed to provide that level of service for the plaza in particular and during the economic hard times, we did have -- we lost quite a number of our gardening staff that maintain many of the medians that the city has. we've been able to make up a little bit of it through our programs with volunteers and partnerships with corporations. but as you can see, it's not steady all the time, the extra hands that we get. so, we can't give you certain [speaker not understood] for the amount of space that we are responsible for and what number of bodies we would need, but we
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are -- in those areas, we do struggle. >> i would be interested in getting that data from you in terms of outside of the streets themselves, the other -- what public spaces you're maintaining and what the resources that you have to maintain them so that we can see what that gap is. i'm not saying it's something that can be solved in a year or few years, but structurally, i hope we think long term and strategically and gradually addressing that over time. >> i'd be glad to give that to you. >> thank you. >> colleagues, do we have any more questions at this point in time for mr. nuru? all right, seeing none, mr. nuru, appreciate your time. at this time we'll open it up to public comment. if there are any members of the public that wish to comment on item number 4, please step forward. okay. seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> colleagues, can we take a motion to continue item number 4 to the call of the chair?
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we'll do that without opposition, so moved. [gavel] >> okay, mr. clerk, can you please call item number 2? >> item number 2 -- >> sorry, excuse me, we have item number 1 we didn't get to yet. >> item number 1, hearing to receive an update on the fire department's budget for fiscal year 2013-2014 and fiscal year 2014-2015. >> okay, and we have chief hayes white here. and mark as well, the cfo. >> good afternoon, chair farrell, supervisors. i wanted to briefly review and give an overview of our department's budget as well as highlight a few of the major changes we have going into the next few years. at the conclusion of my presentation, even along the way, i'm happy to answer any questions for you. let me get started. we're going to put our slides up. the first slide gives you a
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high level look at our overall budget. in total our operating budget is approximately $332 million in fiscal year 13-14 of which a little over 300 million is general fund operating budget dollars. this covers the fire department's fire suppression, emergency medical services, specialized units, fire prevention investigation units, our training division, as well as our administration and support services bureaus. the nongeneral fund portion of our budget is made up of the airport and [speaker not understood] which is fully funded in the port of san francisco. as we look the at our overall budget source he, you can see we are funded by two-thirds of our funding. we receive [speaker not understood]. the department is limited in what it can charge for fees, but we do collect on ambulance
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transports as well as fire prevention services and that makes up a portion of our budgetary sources as well. there's two mainstreams of revenue fire prevention and [speaker not understood] prevention. as we look at how the program funding breaks down, the large majority of the budget is for operations which directs fire suppression and emergency medical services provided by the department to the public. this includes the staffing of all of our fire stations as well as our ambulance tier. the department has mandatory daily minimum staffing requirements it must meet for fire suppression. and in addition to that it has a dynamic ambulance model. our ambulance is on the street 10 hour shifts or 12 hour shifts. outside of fire operations the budget covers all administrative and support functions including workers' comp for the department and the department's training division and bureau of fire prevention and investigation.
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as far as our budgeted expenditures go, about 92% of our budget is set aside for salary and benefits of our department members. that leaves only approximately 8% of our budget for all other functions needed to keep the department operational. this would include fire station maintenance and utilities, maintenance and repair as well as fuel for our vehicles, and all administrative functions of the department including workers' compensation costs. so, that's what we're challenged by over a year, that 8% to cover everything else. before we get too far into the next budget cycle, i wanted to give a few updates on the current year. thises was the first year of the mayor's public safety hiring plan and the department welcomed 48 new graduates into the workforce in december of 2012. however, due to our already existing low staffing levels, the department has seen an increased reliance on mandatory overtime especially during the summer months. the department has worked closely with labor and the department of human resources on a few overtime policy
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changes such as modifications to our overtime policies as well as instituting a hard cap on individual overtime. so, this -- while it affect the distribution of overtime, it doesn't change the overall amount of overtime. that can only be done with the addition of personnel which comes at a cost. while appreciative of the mayor's hiring plan, the currently scheduled hiring will not completely resolve the issue given additional retirements over the next few years, but we are making incremental steps forward. >> so, chief hayes can you explain more about mandatory overtime and how that gets implemented and why? >> certainly. so, we do have a voluntary overtime plan for wdo work your day off. after that list of volunteers is exhausted, we then need to move to the mandatory overtime program that we have, and it used to be very -- used very little. it's not something that i'm interested in doing. it's not a good sustainable way to run an organization, but we do mandate if we don't
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