tv [untitled] April 22, 2013 4:14am-4:44am PDT
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captioning testing captioning for san. >> >> and working for the homelessness so pretty much jennifer explained all the things how we're working in the coalition and lisa marie so anyway i have concerns like i want to explain today about the lgbt people, so one of the things that i see working in this 18 years in the coalition
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for me is to learning how to treat people equal as a human being, so they gave me a while to learn it but one of the thingsand gay and lesbian and it's hard to see and living in this era we have to learn to treat people equal with respect, so want to asking everybody to working together to put together all the tools to educate all of the communities anything these
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religion groups and homophobics and i am talking over and over lgbt people, so asking everybody to putting all of this together and stop these attacks. the other thing -- people are attacking seniors who are living in sro hotels, people homeless and living on the streets, people living in the shelters, you know, and enough is enough, so i think today we had the opportunity and i had the opportunity to [inaudible] and organizing together to stop these abuse to all people who is lgbt. thank you so much and i would like to work together and doing these things. >> amen. thank you. thank
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you. next speaker. >> i am james [inaudible]. i'm with senior disability action. that's -- i want to be very brief. it's it's about housing. housing is a critical issue. that's what we're faced with with people getsing evicted. there is a mass exodus of low income working class people in san francisco. it's tragic. we see it everyday. it's accessibility and affordability and if they're not accessibility as they age and develop disabilities they can't use them. it is true some of the things that we see going on in senior disability action. if you're a senior or person with disability in a rent controlled affordable housing and been there for a time you're walking
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with a giant target on your back and it's causing mental anguish of people. you see landlord it's people in the housing and you know this they pull the mickey house games, not cashing the checks, low level harassment and low down thing just to force the people out. that's what is happening. another thing is the senior and disability service provider community which does generally pretty good job but still there's a great need for more cultural awareness sensitivity toward lgbt seniors and people with disabilities especially among seniors. people get older and end up in the mainstream places where a lot of them are forced to go back and not admit they're gay. it's very, very problematic, so one thing i would mention and i don't want to take more time but a recommendation that has come
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up consistently with people that we met with is some kind of mandated e endorsed and required consciousness raising with people that serve seniors and disabilities and senior population is growing and we have to make sure that lgbt seniors are treated right because this is san francisco. it's a shame what is happening. really it's -- you know, anyways it's like i say my heart was left in san francisco and my heart is getting broken in san francisco and if you for fighting for us and all the good work. thank you. >> thank you james. one more speaker and then we will be going to the city departments. hello. >> hello how are you today? i am james windsor. i live in the
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mission district in san francisco. my building has been for sale. it was sold in november. we went through three or four buyers. it was all torture. at one point they were bringing tours over. some 18 year old people came over. and i said "who are you? are you buying the building?" and they said there was a sign that said san francisco home tours and i had tourists coming over. i was expecting gray line any minute and they sold the building and bought by a silicon valley corporation from new york city worth $400 million and they immediately sent us a letter within a week and we're going to ellis act you and everyone in the building was crying. i had been there for 23 years. i am on social
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security and i applied for housing and they had 100 units and 3,000 people applying. this was people in wheel chairs and walkers and 89 years old and i didn't think i had a chance. i have been looking at rents. the cheapest thing i can find that i can afford is either in stockton or eureka and i don't want to be the only gay person for 50 miles. that's one thing, and the other thing i don't know anybody there at all, so i will have to do what i have to do. but the city i believe in 10 years they have to get rid of rent control because it won't be of use anymore and there will be no rentals. people are buying up everything and they're reselling it. the problem is that these huge companies are coming in and there is nothing
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you can do about them. they have the ellis act on their side. it's going to change the character of the city quite a bit. it's not going to be the place where everything started. it's going to be the place where everything didn't happen so i thought i would tell you that. there really isn't much i can do. our hands are tied. your hands are tied, but i will apply for senior housing in oakland perhaps. there is 1,000 people less applying there than here, but i don't know what i am going to do. i really don't. we're just right now in the middle of negotiations. the other tenants -- four other units in the building and they want to do a buy out because they're not protected. they don't have any choice and they're all talking about moving to oakland even though they work in the city, so we're just in the middle much that. i know if they do -- there is a chance if
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they buy everyone out in the building it sends a message to me they're not doing an ellis act, but the idea is that they are going to get me out somehow, so i just wanted to say there is no place to go in san francisco anymore. there really isn't, and i have been here for 42 years. okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. and we have been hearing a lot about this situation. it's not an uncommon one fortunately. it's common right now in san francisco that people are being pushed out. >> there is no senior housing. i think the people in wheel chairs and walkers are in the 80's and 90's will get it before i do and i'm not upset about that but i don't want to go another area and live across the in fact organization for marriage. i just don't. >> yeah. thank you very much. now i would like to invite
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margaret from dph up. >> good morning everybody. i have a presentation with me and i have copies. i don't know if you can get the powerpoint up and i don't know if that is necessary. >> with all the problems we have been having in technology i'm not sure i want to try. >> so i am mar rat and the acting director of housing and urban health and which say section of the health department and i was asked to talk about the housing that we put together for seniors and people with disabilities. what we strife
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for is improve the homeless persons in the health department and reduce the cost of emergency services and central to our approach really is that housing is health care. a few years ago -- well, more than a few years, in 1998 there was a resolution of the health commission acknowledging that we needed to expand services for homeless and for housing in order to prevent illness and further [inaudible] and 2004 is probably as everybody knows the 10 year plan was developed in san francisco in order to end homelessness. that has really influenced the amount of housing we are part of as the health department. we of course don't own housing. we don't develop housing. we are part of collaboration wts mayor's office on housing and
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with affordable housing providers to allow us to pay subsidies and put services into affordable housing units so that the rents are lower, so that homeless people and people with disabilities can live in those units, and also get the support of services that they need in order to maintain the housing there. i don't have a lot of time but i took a look at number of seniors that we house so in our supportive housing program which is called direct access to housing we have 1600 units. at least 26% of the units are set aside for seniors so that earmarked for seniors. you have to be a senior 55 or older to get in. in reality 58% of residents are seniors and we
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have subsidies for people with hiv and we had people earlier testify going that and 41% and 72% of those units -- actually of those vouchers, of the subsidies are used by people over 50. that's probably no surprise but i want to give you those numbers. in our medical resident sobering center 35% of clients are over 55, and i was not able on short notice to find out how many of the people that we serve in the primary care clinic how many are over 55, but since we serve people there in supportive housing it's similar to what i told you about the 58% earlier. so our housing approach with homeless people many of whom are seniors is that we invite homeless people inside
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and strive to non judgmental and improve well being. i have a slide on the different sites that we have and look at how many of the sites are for seniors so besides the 26 of the units set aside for seniors 25% of our buildings are senior sites so that means either people over 55 or 62 -- it depends on the financing background of the buildings, and the future units that we have coming on 32% of the units are set aside for seniors and 67 of the buildings are actually for seniors. so san francisco tries to do a lot for seniors. i realize it's not enough. i know that we in the health department see everyday people on the street including seniors and that is something that we work hard against. in our housing we have very low entrance threshold. we really work on
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active engagement. we have behavioral and mental health services on site and accurately the access and prioritize those with the highest need. our access points are mostly acute and psychiatric hospitals and primary care clinics and long-term care. we help them out out of long-term care and into managed care. we did tracking of the numbers what is the cost and obviously we are a city department and we know what the budget looks like but if you care one month in supportive housing that costs the 73 about $1,500 and. >> >> two days at sg general cost $1,500. one day in the [inaudible] costs that much and
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visits at emergency department cost $1,500. even five days in residential drug treatment and we're obviously supportive of that five days in treatment costs $1,500 and for one minute in supportive housing which has worked well for seniors and people with disabilities. i am here to answer any questions that you may have. on the slide you see the sites that we have and not something i can show today on powerpoint but it's for your enjoyment and show what is we're doing at lagunda honda and get them out of institutionalization and back into the community and many are seniors. >> thank you so much. i just have one quick question and i know you don't keep stats of lgbt but will your department think about that in the future
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and that maybe a recommendation of the committee that departments keep that data to primarily help groups like us to figure out the scope of the problem. >> we track on our applications what people orientation is but a lot of people put down decline to state. at that time they're applying for city programs, applying for housing. there are reasons why they don't think it's a good time in their life to put that down. we are obviously tracking it in order to give you statistics so it's really under reported in terms of people being lgbt so that's partly why i didn't bring the numbers because there are so many caveats. >> we are aware how problematic it is but when the task force was formed and the first thing
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we realized there is no statistics on lgbt folks in housing and nothing out there. and one of the reasons to have the hearing is to gather some information because how do we make recommendations without any information whatsoever? and we can do it anecdotally and we can do it because we know people and there are problems and we heard about the problem thases are principle vant but when making these you need statistics or information to back up your recommendation so it's frustrating process. >> yeah, and we can definitely go back -- the health department does keep statistics and a lot of statistics that would be better than the ones that are relate the directly to housing but there is matching that can be done and numbers can be run. we need some time for that but a certain margin of error we can give you information on that because the health department does keep statistics and people
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are more inclined to put out in the health care system what their background is and many that we house. >> we will be in touch about that. >>i am sure you will. >> jazzy has a question. >> go ahead stu. >> thank you very much for being here. do you have a waiting list or any kind of a prioritization for the people that you serve? >> yeah. we like to call it a waiting pool opposed to the traditional waiting list that the housing authority might have or affordable housing might have and we do prioritize by need and the need is related to homelessness. it's relate the to mental health and physical health and other disabilities and we have prioritize on that basis. they work in tense but it's well worth it. >> do you have a number? >> yeah. we have currently 600
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people in the pool and 30 units turn over a month. >> thank you very much. >> yeah. i do have a question. my concern is the $1,300 cost to for anyone attending or senior attending sg general. do you know how many of those are covered by medicaid, medi-cal or do you have those numbers or isn't. >> yeah, so the numbers that i was -- the numbers that i was saying really what it costs the city and the health department, so it's the same thing in supportive housing. it costs the city 1500 for a month. it costs the person that lives there 50% of their income which most of the time the average is $320 so the same is true with the numbers i gave you about
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sf general or the indensive care unit and cost the city and not the person using the facility. thank you for asking and clarifying that. >> you're welcome. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you and we will be in touch. we have some other city people. i am wondering if anyone on a time crunch any of the city people? i see the sheriff and brian are. why don't we call brian up and then mr. mirkarimi up. brian can you do five minutes? we have to be done by 12 and we have several more people and i want to get more public comment at the end if we can. >> i am brian basinger and we have been providing wrap around service for the hiv community, a
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significant percentage are lgbt identified. we provide housing counseling. we provide application assistance for affordable housing. we provide tenant rights counseling and landlord mediation, eviction prevention, back rent funds, move in and deposit funds, short term rent subsidies linked to job training, links to care and assistance with unemployment and appeals et cetera. we also have a [inaudible] at uc hastings. our eviction prevention funds in total cost us about 100 per month for the people that we serve. 90% of we remain in contact with over the next 12 months. we lose fewer than 10%
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to follow up and we are able to reach the 90% permanently housed during this period so i think for the investment that we have out comes that we're proud of and i think it shows to the effectiveness of the work that we do. looking at our senior and older adult lgbt folks 19% are lgbt seniors -- >> i'm sorry. can you repeat that number. >> 19% of the people that we serve are lgbt and senior and older adults and 26% of those are literally homeless and that compares to 21% of the title client population so the senior and older adult lgbt folks that we serve are more disproportionately homeless than the general population of the
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people that we serve. we also been seeing a tremendous up tick in the increase displacement activity among older adults that we serve and people that know me i have been doing this for 10 years i have a pretty thick skin and let's get -- i have to move on to the next one. let's do it. let's do it. but i have been effected when i see -- i'm a little heart broken and these people are old and fragile and it looks like all of this ellis act displacement activity -- in the last round we're were hitting the 40 year olds but now i'm seeing 60 and 70 year olds evict friday their apartments. >> >> and it started during the last election cycle certain
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candidates started promoting the condo conversion give away and i backtrack. it was -- it fueled uptake in the speculative evictions and i think it needs to stop and i think the people promoting it need to be held accountable for their actions. one of the things that we do measure at the housing alliance is we measure people's sense of belonging in their neighborhoods and their homes and i think that is -- the way of quantifying a sense of blonning. do people have a right to feel they belong? do people have the right to feel safe in their neighborhoods and their homes? and i think if we can start as a city start measuring what it feels like to exist in different types of housing, different types of programs, i think that will be a nice complement to
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leaders decision making capacities. hud requires the city every five years develop what is erm impediment to housing and they finished this cycle and they have identified these for senior and disabled house holds they think are worthy of this body's review. and especially around access to tenant base rent assistance and san francisco because of the sister average agencies and ard vocating for these and we
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haven't done for this lgbt adult seniors and there are strukts url barriers to accessing -- to providing fair and equitable assistance to help lgbt seniors stay in their homes and i think we need to look how effectively other entities are and emulate their model and especially around the public dialogue where is the crisis in housing and who does it affect? and what is the fair and appropriate way of responding to those needs? so i'm not someone who just likes to complain. i like to complain a lot. it's my nature. but only because it's a prelude to presenting solutions, so one of the things that is absolutely critical as we have to have permanent rental subsidies that allow lgbt seniors to age in place and i would say that's
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among the highest priorities because we need to protect the housing that people already have. there's lots of models for it and i think this requires advocacy. also i am seeing a lot of need for grants to cover common space accessibility modifications. i have several households right now of people who are aging, and they can't -- they're worried about getting up their stairs. i have people with a two bedroom for $700 a month and needs to move because he can't get up the stairs. he has the legal right to modify the public stairs to maintain the accessibility to the unit. however he doesn't have the $5,000, $10,000 it takes to put in that chair lift that actually two people on his floor could use. two lgbt seniors on his floor with permanently affordable housing i
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