tv [untitled] April 24, 2013 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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need to invest in the bicycle modes and when we generate a lot of money we have a better time doing that when we deal with the federal or the state rule book. and we tend to divide this money in this planning exercise, into two different pots, pretty much just to cut to the chase because a lot of the money about 80 percent of the money that we call committed is committed to the specific purposes by law and long standing policy as most of the money that you can see in this slide is main nens of the existing system and 90 percent of this money is going to maintain our existing infrastructure that is filling pot holes and replacing buses on a resonable schedule. we don't thifrpg that we should have a big argument about that every four years and the argument that we have is how much more discretionary money that we can bring to that very vital activity what we call fix it first and because our infrastructure in the bay area
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is frankly not getting any younger. and we need to take care of it if we are going to have the kind of straggy that this plan suggests. and the discretionary income in this plan is where we do tend to have the arguments and that is where we should have the arguments. and i want to spend a minute on where we have wound up on this one and what the board has been asked to consider in july. maybe starting at noon here on the clock hand and going clockwise, you will see that after spending 90 percent of all of the available resources in the region on maintenance, this plan proposes to spend an additional quarter of all of our discretionary revenue on those same activities. and that is because of the importance that we place on these issues and i will say, we could spend this whole pot of discretionary money on maintenance activities and
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still not fill up the tank for shortfalls to maintain our state highway system and local transit system and road networks, i would call this a down payment, and working your way down toward 3:00 there you will see the one bay area grant program that i know quite a few of you staff certainly were very involved in hashing out and that plan, that program, again, is our attempt to match what you the local officials are making to try to grow smarter and grow around transit. this is not a ton of money and we hope to do better next time but i think that it is an indication that we do want to incentivize and reward the jurisdictions that are taking on more of the growth and san francisco and the other two major cities in the region are certainly doing that. as you round 6:00 p.m. there at the bottom you will see a
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couple of regional initiatives to build the next generation of transit capacity through the bay area, quite a bit of that is happening within about two miles of this room right now. and as well as boosting our transit and freeway systems in terms of efficiency and not new capacity but squeezing more capacity out of the existing system. much like your transit effectiveness project with muni and finally we acknowledge that not all good ideas emanate from the region that each individual county in this case the city and county have a lot of local priorities that the money needs to be tailored to and that is better done at the county wide level and here it is done right here in front of this board and so, we leave about 30 percent of this discretionary money for those purposes. when you add it altogether, given that heavy maintenance
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emphasis you will see that 80 percent of all of the money that we will be spending over the next 30 years is to take care of the system that we have built. in one way that can sound frustrating because we have a lot of growth coming in the region and a lot of new prioritis that we would like to take on. but i do believe that this heavy emphasis on maintenance and operation of our existing infrastructure is probably the best thing that we can do to support the stralgy that this plan outlines, i have often said that we have had an infill transportation plan for a long time and waiting for an infill land use policy to go along with it and i think that what the plan bay area does is represents the coming together of those two things. san francisco, as i mentioned earlier has a lot of this action. and in terms of infrastructure investments and none of these projects are small. and many of them top a billion dollars, and they are very important investments that we
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are making the drive is an example and now the procidio parkway is a rehab project and it is a glorified rehab project but what it is really about is having the capacity in that corner that is not susceptible to earthquake and that can get people through when that major event occurs. and the downtown area with the cal tran extension and the transbay transit center and major facilities locate $in san francisco and they are not just yours, they are really regional assets xh is why we think that it is important to invest in them. this plan, i think maybe not for the first time but to this ex-sent, certainly for the first time is focused heavily on performance. and we took every single project proposal over 50 million dollars and subjected it to a benefit cost analysis and we have done several equity analysis of this plan to make sure that the benefits and
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burdens are shared, evenly around the region and at the plan level, the commission and the abag board adopted a series of measure and they were not bashful in doing so they were quite aggressive in many respects and i am pleased to report that in the case of 6 of them as you can see here, we either met, or exceeded the targets. the most prominent is reducing greenhouse gas emissions per capita and we also made progress to an additional five targets where we did not get there and we certainly made a good first effort and we hope to get the red of the way in the next plan and i think a worrying sign is that in the case of four of the targets we not only didn't make it through we did not head in the ride direction we went the wrong way. in the couple of these cases we may have picked the roning metric, i think not having per
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capita standards is a difficult thing to do when you are growing because the cap ta keeps growing, what you want to keep track of is how much per person are you making i am movements by these are areas that we want to focus the greater attention on in the next plan as we make the progress on all of these objectives. in closing we acknowledged that this plan under 375 is a first effort. and we do believe that it is a good start but very much is a plan that we need to build on i think in two significant report respects. not just to take the plan and take a breather. this plan aoe peneds on a lot of active advocacy in sacramento and washington to try to make the progress that we need to make here. >> the most obvious on the land use side is the fact that the same legislature that gave us
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this charge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions through smarter growth is the one that took away the redevelopment authority which might have been the best tool to achieve that and so we are working closely with the senator's office on trying to fashion some kind of a redevelopment and framework and some replacement or series of replacements so that we can get that roughly one billion dollars of investment that was occurring in the bay area flowing again and in transportation we are look forward to the self-health motto to continuing we think that it would be more viable if we had something closer to the majority vote for those ballot measures in stead of two-thirds. even though this city and some of your counter parts around the region have been successful and there are other counties that have not and we think as a matter of fundamental, we ought to have a voting standard that gives us more of a fighting
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chance. and finally we also acknowledged in this plan, that there are, i think pretty important subject areas that we were really only able to scratch the surface of and the one that i will mention in closing is the question of adaptation to climate change, this plan like a like of efforts these days dealing with global warming is trying to mitigate the effects of our own life styles on the planet by reducing the amount of emissions that we make per capita, that is the mitigation part. the fact is though, that there are a lot of emissions already up in the atmosphere and the one that we need to worry about the most is sea level rise, if you look at a map of where it is and these pdas are and a lot of them are in the indunation
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zone. it makes sense for a lot of other reasons and i suppose that we could put a lot of growth on the tops of hills, and that would give us above sea level rise and defeat a lot of other purposes that we are trying to serve here. i will conclude on that point with the time line which shows you where we are headed, and which we hope is a july adoption, i know that several members of this board will be involved in voting on that. either as members of abag or mtc and we will be happy to answer any of your questions today. thank you mr. chairman. >> thank you, very much. commissioner mar? >> thank you, i wanted to thank them for the regional public hearings that have been going on as well. i see from the east bay and other places how much you get beaten up for trying to plan wisely and how to for a more
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sustainable future and to reduce the greenhouse gases as well. dy want to ask, i know that there are different proposals from the right and the left that are brought up from the equity organizations and environmental groups on the left and on the right. tea party to libertarians and others. and i am just wondering if you could comment on the san francisco hearing that and helped it from bcdci and which weiner attended as well was fas fascinating and if you could give us a feedback from counties and i know that marin county is coming up on april 29th. and another one on the 29th. and then may first on may day, alamena county and if you could give us some input and that is coming in from the regional counties. >> supervisor, they do say that beauty is in the eye of beholder and that is the case
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with this plan, using merin as an example. they comprise about 4 percent of our region's population today. and this plan assigns to them about 1 percent of the housing growth in the future. and you would think that we were bringing in a foreign invading army. some counties clearly think that any amount of growth is going to be destructive of the lifestyle they enjoy. and other counties like this one, i think are anxious to take on growth in the right places under the right conditions, and as you know, one of the principle issues that have been raised about growth here as well as the other cities in the region is the question of displacement and the concern that when we do reenvest in some of these areas, where we would like to grow, that we make sure that we have adequate protections and opportunities for the residents who are already there. so, that sort of spans the
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spectrum, and i think that we are going to have a difficult challenge trying to please both of those faction, but i would acknowledge and i think that this was in response to a question that you may have asked at the last meeting that we had. that we have looked at a series of alternatives in the environmental impact report for this plan. and one of them was designed by the business communities and another one by advocates for low income and minority populations and i think that we are able to mix and match to a limited extent in facing a plan, it is not something that we have done in the past but i think that will be the opportunity that we have principlely in june and july to see whether there are some places where we could nip here and tuck there to produce a better plan for the region as a whole.
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>> and i know that abag and the new deputy about them getting the estimates verses the state and i was wondering if merium could address that and that is a key point that some of the tea party and other folks are honing in on. >> there was relief in the department of finance population projections of about half of where we are including in the plan, so we are seeing about 2 million, and the department of finance will be some numbers for the region for the numbers indicating that the population is expected to grow only by one million. and we have a series of meetings and conversations and we had a public discussion where we explained what were the different targets under the plan? and under the department of finance projections, the department of finance projections is primarily based
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on a demographic model, where they see the fertility rates and the mortality rates, with the small component of the migration and the jobs and they do not include economic trends and that is what led to this very low number. and yes, there have been several concerns about the numbers being too high and steve indicated that the spectrum was broad and there are people that said that we need to stop the population growth. that is not under our purview. and we have assessed. >> and at the general assembly last week, in concerns about the senior population, booming from the baby boom to the senior boom and you mentioned that two-thirds of the
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potential growth will be senior and i am wondering how abag and the mtc are anticipating the senior boom and how we will address that with jobs as well. >> that is one of the components that really alines with the concept of the priority to have the housing close to transit and jobs and close to services hops and healthcare facility and it remains to be seen what will be s choices and the housing types there is an expansion of the care facilities for the senior population. we think that with this framework, we are creating or providing a framework for
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aaccommodating that will accommodate that growing population. >> i am anticipating that as a baby boomer that will be here as soon and i don't know if avalos is on that cusp but there are two of us on this eleven member board, but thank you. >> i have always wanted to be a baby boomer. >> okay. colleagues any other comments or questions? >> we would like to thank you for your presentation, and thank you for being here, and thank you for your great work on this. this has been, abag for a couple of years and a lot of work and a lot of effort involved both of the agencies bringing this together and still a ways to go but thank you for all of your efforts. >> okay. >> this is an information item. colleagues, so we can go on to our next item. >> public comment? >> public comment on this item. very sorry. >> any member of the public that would like to comment,
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please come forward. >> give me one second. it is a bit slow. >> give him one second there is a bit of a lag. >> will you mind using the other mic? i am having difficult. >> thank you my apologies. >> and 140. and could you reset the time? >> yes. the pot holes and it is just, it is hard to understand where the money is going, and as far as the muni situation, i think that you know, we need to focus in on fixing what we have now, and instead of trying to expand, i think that the subway was a real bad state because i believe that will take away services and in addition to
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that, no doubt it will have an impact on gentrification in china town and that is one way to get rid of the poor people. >> i would imagine that many of the homes are condos that are developed there and would be second homes for the people who are leaving abroad. and that is the wrong type of housing as you know. and with the limited opportunities in san francisco it is important that we stop and try to figure out, that we are not building the housing and we just heard from the report that two-thirds of the growth will be seniors and seniors, and it will be in the able to afford these new condos and i think that we need to now
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look at perhaps, a lower rate, you know, affordable housing where seniors could leave and also, in regards to nursing care that type of thing has to be addressed, hospitals. and our those are things that i know that it is not part of the trend of your committee but as city leaders, you have to have four sight as to what is going to happen in the next 30 years and i think that we have to fix what we have, or fix where we or what is broken now and we know what is broken now, and and to ignore it, i think that it is a major problem. okay? >> is that my time? >> that was your time. >> thank you. for your comments. >> any other member of the public that would like to comment, please come forward and we will close public comment. >> okay. that was an information item. again, thank you for the
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presentations and we will go on to the next items. >> lefb, introduction of new items this san information item. >> colleagues, any new items or issues? >> no we will go on to public comment. >> and public comment is opened. and seeing no p member of the public to come forward we will close public comment and our next item? >> number 12, public comment. >> now we have general public comment and this is for any member of the public to speak to us about any item not on the agenda and we will close public comment. >> and our next item. >> 13, adjournments. >> we are adjourned.
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>> the meeting will come to order. call the roll. >> president torres? >> here. >> commissioner caen? >> here. >> commissioner vietor? >> here. >> commissioner moran? >> here. >> [speaker not understood] is excused and we have a quorum. >> we have a quorum. we shall proceed with approval of the minutes, item number 3. any additions or amendments to the minutes? >> move approval. >> second. >> moved and seconded. is there any public comment on the minutes before we proceed to a vote? all those in favor signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. we have supervisor avalos who wanted to speak before the board meeting. welcome to the commission, supervisor, and chairman of
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lafco, among other titles. how is your incredible father doing? >> he's doing great, thank you. >> fantastic, fantastic. best news i've had all day. >> thank you. well, thank you for a com indicating my schedule to come in and speak to you a little out of order with your agenda. ~ accommodating i want to thank you for the work you do in the puc and your work shepherding the [speaker not understood] program over the past several months and years for some of you. this has been a real critical period for green power s.f. as you know, we have our [speaker not understood] rates that are before you today. i'm hoping that today could be the day that you actually approve the rates, although i'm not sure that's actually going to happen now, but hopefully in the mid may meeting that's possible. >> yes. >> onev that it's a critical time to actually pass those rates so that we can actually continue on with the program
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that needs to get started, was going to be started october. now it looks like it's getting pushed back toward the end of this year, or perhaps beginning of next year and time is of the essence. we believe that the not to exceed votes are going to be essential to get passed before we actually get to the real votes that are going to come into place, the [speaker not understood] energy that is going to come into play, make the program viable and to reach the robust build out all of us want to see happen. so, i want to encourage you to vote as quickly as possible to make sure that we can get on the same page to move forward with that. also, we have -- trying to get a [speaker not understood] to plan together our joint lafco-puc meeting. we've kind of rearranged our schedule for may 9. i hear may 9 may not work for you now, and i'm hoping that we can figure out how to get that day or another day as soon as possible. we want to make sure that we
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can come together to approve -- approve together the votes, and move forward on the robust start and build out of the program. so, hopefully we can get together with that in the middle of may as well. >> i have it on my schedule. >> i have it, too. >> may 9th at 1 o'clock, right? >> i found out yesterday we don't have a quorum and i had to send out an e-mail. >> oh, there isn't a quorum. >> no. >> all right. we have two [speaker not understood] right here. we'll workout the schedule. >> okay. so, we are amenable and we hope that you can work closely with our schedule to make sure it can happen. we want to make sure we can move as quickly as possible. i appreciate your attention. >> thank you very much for all your hard work, supervisor. >> thank you. >> especially on this issue as well as many other issues. we look forward to seeing you soon. >> take care. >> any other public comments on item number 4? there being none, communications, item number 5,
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i think that's pretty self-explanatory. >> chair, i just have one question on the water supply agreement update. >> um-hm. >> we have had -- >> on the minutes, right? >> we have had -- one of the items we've had outstanding for a while is to have discussions with bawsca about potentially changing the rate structure, changing the fixed and variable portion on the rate. and i know that there is some work ongoing and i guess my question is clearly we're not going to have anything for this next rate cycle. and what i am hoping is that we're tracking this so that we will have something for the next rate cycle. so that a year from now we'll have something to look at that would reflect our best work on this. >> anyone like to respond to that? todd?
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>> todd read strong, assistant general manager and cfo. we are thinking about that, commissioner, and we'll be reviewing that as well with mr. jensen and his successor as well, given that he will be retiring soon. we have plenty of time to review it. and also with our recent bawsca prepayment, which is in your packet today as well, that is also in part moved from our perspective to greater fixed cost recovery. so, that was one of the consequences of that structure. and more is to come and we'll review that with mr. jensen in the future as well as his successor. >> okay. and if, if for some reason it looks as though we are not going to be able to come to conclusions on time for the next rate cycle, would you please let us know that? >> we will. >> my expectation is that we will. >> point well taken. thank you. >> thank you. any other comments on communications?
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>> i do. >> yes. >> i wanted to draw the attention to the pipeline, water pipeline assessment. it was very shocking to me to read this. i hope everybody did. and i thank david briggs for putting this together. we certainly see problems. i mean, these pipes are older than i am. so, i know that -- >> they're 29 years old? [laughter] >> amazing. >> so, it really is very eye opening to read and i wasn't aware of. so, i hope everybody did review that. >> thank you, commissioner. any other comments on communications? all right. any public comments on communications? i think we have a special introduction. >> i just wanted to possibly follow-up on the date issue just before we leave that, may 9th, and see if there is an
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opportunity to find a date while we're all here. and one suggestion might be before our next commission meeting because i think that if we are going to proceed with a rate setting conversation, that we should probably have the lafco meeting ideal by before that to get some input if we're not going to take action today. >> we're not going to take action today. >> so possibly that may 14th might be an option. that would be great just to do a quick little survey on dates. i know it's been difficult to find, and i did recognize that the supervisor was here to try and urge us to get a date. >> on may 9th i can do it 2:30, 3 o'clock. i just can't do it at 1 o'clock. [inaudible]. >> it was my understanding that lafco cannot do it after, the meeting has to be done by 2:30. >> okay. >> so, is may 14th a possibility then before our regular puc meeting, we'll just extend that day?
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