tv [untitled] April 24, 2013 5:00am-5:30am PDT
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environmental and consumer groups made sure the settlement that was reached with pg&e was strong, which is good for us because it gives us something real competition and it gives us -- and they'll have to spend more on it and it gives us a rate we can maybe compete with. but explicitly in that agreement is that pg&e has committed that in its program it will build hundreds of megawatts of solar energy in california and hire people doing it. so, people need to be aware that that's part -- this is not a buildoutless pg&e program. and there is real buildout in it. it's statewide instead of local and it's solar instead of integrated. now, as to the presentation today, a couple of quick things. one is that we need to reel back on the buildout question and ask a very fundamental question that we have been asking of staff that we asked in the last hearing, and that is
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advocates, many of which have spent a lot of our lives working on renewable energy and understand it pretty well and have looked at in detail the buildout work that we've been doing over the last two years and local power has been doing, and we do not get why that work was stopped. so, that is the first question. we need to reel back on this and we need staff to explain on paper why did we not continue the process of doing the buildout planning. and that brings me to the presentation that you saw on proposed buildout. the general categories that were on all those graphs and spreadsheets are pretty much the same general categories that have been proposed in the local power plan we've been working on the last couple years with the exception that local power plant has details in it, specific amounts, kilowatt hours and job hours of jobs and specific different
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types of resources that you then plug into their financial calculator and show how it works out in price. and all that work is -- it's the only work we've got in front of us that shows we can actually get lower than pg&e's brown power rate in the second and third year and so on. so, it's very important to understand that that is a much more detailed buildout plan and it's being stopped and now staff is saying oh, we will come up with one. and the plan they put in front of us has no specifics whatsoever. so, it's not ready to go. and we need that stuff to be clearly delineated. when you build them out, the job hours are just 10% of the proposed job hours under the local power plant. and then finally, i would say with regard to the rec mix and all that stuff, at the beginning of this process years ago we did say that we didn't want rec's to be strong in this mix. but keep in mind that on the
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rec's, we're just talking about the 20 megawatt shell program, not the buildout program. so, we need to get to the cheapest rate possible so that we don't scare off -- if we're a penny higher than pg&e, so many people will opt out of the program as commissioner caen rightly pointed out, that we will have less of a customer base for revenue. and it's more a customer's ability, the number of customers that will be able to pay for power in the future that's going to assure good bonding. yes, we need a little bit of reserve at the beginning, but if we come out with a price that's anything higher than pg&e, this program will fail and there won't be a buildout. so, the primary thing we should be focusing on is meeting or beating at least pg&e's green price. thanks a lot. >> thank you, mr. brookes. anyone else, public comment? did you all sign in? okay. will you do that after you complete? identify yourself and the administration you're with. my name is michael [speaker
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not understood], i'm a san francisco resident and i go to san francisco state university. i'm here to say thank you for continuing to take on such an important issue of our time. i understand that clean power for san francisco can be very complicated and i admire your patience and [speaker not understood] for successful program. i would like to ask for the kind of rec's we would be receiving from shell and what this means for the prices that residents will pay. i think this is a important measure to stay competitive with pg&e's green tariff program. i would also like to give a special thanks when you mention the finest green program and find it as soon as possible. i also feel that we need to inform more people about the program. as a cr club intern i'm calling members to let them know about the program and to my surprise, even the cl club members don't know about it. so, i feel like we need to start up a positive information outreach. we can get online and make sure people know about it and make sure they get excited about the program so when it starts they won't mind maybe paybacktion a little more than they have to
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and be committed to the program already. thank you. >> thank you, [speaker not understood]. leave your name with our secretary here so we can have it for the record. >> a good community leader. >> no kidding. welcome. hello, my name is [speaker not understood], i'm with the sierra club and the san francisco resident. i just wanted to reiterate how important it is to keep the rates competitive with pg&e what the people were promised. that's how we're going to get people to stay in the program. i also don't want to lose sight of how important the buildout is, especially having a plan of tangible plan for the buildout with numbers and how many jobs are going to be create and had when things are going to be moving. i think that the transitional reliance on the shell contracts is good terminology, but it doesn't -- really needs to be more concrete in terms of how we're going to transition away from shell. i think that's really important ~. the presentation sort of to me,
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seems like customer interest and commitment to how many people will stay in the program is going to determine how much buildout we do. but i think that without a plan for the buildout, that really hinders our ability to retain customers. so, it's a really attractive aspect of this program. and it's something that's going to set us apart from pg&e besides the rates. so, i think the buildout is something that people really want in san francisco, but it needs to be more concrete. it needs to start planning for it, it needs to happen now so that when the program rolls out we know how we're going to get away from the shell contracts and how we're going to bring this program to the future. thank you. >> thank you for waiting so long, both of you. any other public comments? all right. public comments and matters will be discussed in executive session, closed session. any public comments on closed
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session items? motion is entertained. >> i'll move to assert. >> move to assert. >> second. >> second. all those in favor signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> all those opposed? motion carries. we'll now proceed to closed session. >> closed session item 17, conference with legal counsel anticipating litigation as plaintiff. item 18, conference with legal counsel existing litigation, pacific gas and electric company versus city and county of san francisco. item 19, conference with legal counsel, existing litigation [speaker not understood] zimmerman versus city and county of san francisco. and item 20, conference with >> all right. we're back. we're back. and we have an announcement following closed session, which is?
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>> motion whether to discuss. >> on item 19, the settlement agreement was approved or the settlement offer was approved. and on all the other matters [inaudible]. >> all right. commissioner moran, i need your motion. >> oh, i would move. >> that you always make. >> to not disclose discussion. >> not disclose discussions during closed session. other than what ms. ambrose just discussed. other new business? [gavel] he a we're adjourned. good morning san franciscans. >> good morning. >> we will not be deterred in
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memory of sandy hook and boston. we are making chicken salad out of chicken bleep. so we are going to start with a great flourish from our san franciscans. [ applause ] >> nicely done. how about a nice hand? >> now because it is 5:11. it's time to remember 1906. we need a moment of silence. a minute of silence begins now. moment of silence. there is our minute of
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the housekeeper. let's hear it for him. [ applause ] . >> in just a few short minutes, 107 years ago, this city was devastated by the earthquake, by the gas fires that followed. there was nothing. there was no internet, there was no cell phones, there was no phones. people gathered. we are gathering here today to honor those who survived, those who perished and those who built this city out of the ashes. so please with me, sing again as we hold up the memorial to our fallen comrades, three of whom are alive today and watching from home. george cluchey, bill dell monte, and billy hook. san
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>> [ applause ] . >> courtesy of city college of san francisco's great culinary department. hot soup. where is our soup? who knows. who knows where the hot soup is. >> right here on polk street. is that where it is? hot soup on gearey. good. first, some words of wisdom from our supervisors. take us to our leaders, please. >> hi, everybody, london breed representing district five and i'm so happy to be here today. we are here doing what san
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franciscans do best. we are improvising. we made what? actually we made soup out of out of lemonade. i want everyone to remember that back then san francisco was pretty dark. i know some remember that. we have an incredible fire department. the fire department and police department are the strongest safety units anywhere and i know in any situation we can get through it because we are san franciscans. my colleague president david chiu.
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>> good morning san franciscans. i can't believe you were here in 1906. i would like to welcome you. we know in 1906 this was ground zero. i want to thank all of you and want to thank our men and women in uniform from our fire department and police department who have sacrificed over the years and been part of our early response system. when the alarm woke me up this morning, i didn't know exactly what was going on and i think that is appropriate because when the earthquake happens there is a great deal of confusion. unlike 1906, we are much better prepared. with that being said, i still have nightmares that at some point in the future we know there is
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a 2 in 3 probability that the great one is going to hit us in a few years . i have a grandmother that is not prepared, i have many family members who are not prepared. thank you for san francisco who is ready for the big one. mayor lee is going to be here shortly and he's going to sign a piece of legislation that supervisor wiener and i worked on to make sure the three story soft story buildings that have people living and working in them get repaired. i want to thank many of you and our officials who worked with us to get that done and with that, let me turn it over to my tallest colleague supervisor scott wiener representing the castro valley
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and great areas. thanks for being here. >> thank you. in this city we know how to get things done. this is one more example. we are going to be ready for the next one and we are going to rebuild from that one as well. i know we are going to be able to get it done and it's great that we do this every year and i want to say how proud i am that we were able to get this soft story legislation done. earthquake preparedness is never easy, it's always controversial, but we did it. thanks, everyone. [ applause ] >> before we bring our mayor up, a quick word from the department of emergency services. a hand for --an.
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>> thank you, good morning for coming. the entire government and city of san francisco is summed up in one word and we showed it this morning. resilience. we were resilience in 1906 and in 1989 and we will be resilient the next time. we love san francisco. we are ready and prepared. each one of you have to be prepared at home and at work. look at how flexible we were. look at what resilience is all about. thanks for coming. >> [ applause ] . >> san francisco is lucky to have two native born san franciscans from our fire department. welcome joanne. [ applause ]
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>> good morning, everyone. thank you. thanks for coming out. this is a great crowd as we commemorate and celebrate 107. i'm proud to be serving as your fire chief. we have many here that have shown up from the fire department. on behalf of the fire department we are proud of the city and the city's resilience and today is a perfect opportunity to remind everybody the importance and particularly the mayor who truly gets it, the importance of preparedness and helping each other out and knowing everyone's emergency plan and having plans for your family if you are not together and for your pets and we are also grateful to have three of the members of the board of supervisors. i think that maybe a record. thank you. they work hard. president chiu, supervisor wiener and our
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former fire commissioner london breed. a big shout out to the murphy family. [ applause ] we have the murphy family and the morris family. mike morris is going to be retiring after 37 years. he's our chief at the airport. this is what history is about and never forgetting that history and remembering that morning in 1906 to come back and restoring our beautiful city. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you very much, chief. it shows we appreciate more than just irish people this morning. [ applause ] >> i appreciate everybody's patience this morning. the
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device is not dangerous. the bomb squad just forwarded. we'll be opening up market street shortly. you should give yourself a hand this morning. it just shows our resilience. we are not going to be denied our traditions. this is important to remember what happened. our level of preparedness even got better this morning. [ applause ] . i want to echo what the fire chief said. we continue to prepare all the time. we have a mayor who i know it's all about resiliency and getting back to where we were when and if and when it happens. with that, i'm going to give it over to bob to give it over to the big guy. >> all right. the mayor we have today, please welcome mayor ed
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lee. [ applause ] . >> good morning, everyone. i thought when bob said he was going to introduce more irish people he was going to introduce me. i'm so glad you are all here today. i was checking to see if everybody was here. i want to thank you. we are coming together on the 107th anniversary. it's a constant reminder. i'm so glad to be working with everyone, the men and women from our department of safety and even today after we speak, we are signing in legislation that the entire board of supervisors and certainly shows with us this morning evidence that we continue to work hard to make sure our city is safe. soft
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story buildings is next up and we do a top off for the safety buildings for the bonds. we are on it. we are working, we are vigilant. this is the way we honor all of our survivors and the people we remind about the earthquake. thank you again for coming together on this great anniversary. great to see you again, everybody. >> i know emperor norton is hanging around. where is the emperor? please come up and give us a proclamation. [ applause ] >> they are somewhere around here. to remember this commemorative day, earthquake preparedness day. i invite you all to come after the painting
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are all on this. mandatory soft story building ordinance certainly will make our soft story buildings have a backbone that will stand firm against any earthquake shaking and this is what we've learned through many years of study since not only 1906 but 1989 loma prieta and i sign this for not only for the things we have to do, but we have over 200 projects that are under way because the voters know we have to do a lot more preparation and we'll continue doing this. i'm glad the board has hearings. this ordinance also takes care of tenants who feel that maybe the cost might hurt them and we have devised a plan that will assist them that needed some
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economic help. average building will spend about $60-130,000. everybody has been involved to preserve our housing stock. if there is a seismic event because of this ordinance and implementation they will stay in our city and make sure they survive and not be hurt by a soft story building structure. with that, are we ready to sign? all right. let's get it done. >> there we go. [ applause ] . thank you.
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